1963-10 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - October 1963 - Page 1 ----------xxxxx---------- MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES October 10, 1963 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College was held at 5:30 p. m., October 10, 1963, in Room 208 of the Viking Union. Present were Mr. Joseph Pemberton, Mr. Marshall Forrest, Mrs. Bernice Hall, Mr. Stephen Chase, Mr. David Sprague, Dean Harold Chatland, Mr. Harold Goltz, and President James L. Jarrett. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of September 5, 1963, were approved. RESOLUTION OF INTENT REGARDING DONOVAN HALL The following resolution was approved by the Board with Mr. Sprague making the motion and Mr. Forrest seconding: IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED By the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College pursuant to authority granted by RCW 28.81.050(6), (11), and (19), that the property now owned by the college know as "The Donovan Hall Property" located at 1201 Garden Street, in the City of Bellingham, is no longer desirable as a facility for the college. THEREFORE. it is the purpose of this resolution to terminate, as of this date, the public need for such property and to request the Department of Natural Resources, pursuant to RCW 43.30.260 to negotiate either an exchange of such property for more desirable property according to the provisions of RCW 79.08.180 or to merely dispose of such property through its authority in RCW 79.01.004. IT IS UNDERSTOOD that the Department of Natural Resources, by the authority of RCW 43.30.260, will be reimbursed for the services rendered, whether successful or not, and it is further understood that because of the prospective delay involved in achieving the desired objectives that temporary use of the Donovan Hall property will be continued until such time as is required for the eventual sale or exchange of such property. THIS RESOLUTION is conditioned upon the successful achievement of an exchange or sale and if such cannot be effectuated then, the resolution shall, by appropriate board action, be rendered nugatory. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURAL AGREEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AREA BETWEEN OLD MAIN AND HUMANITIES BUILDING Upon a motion by Mr. Sprague and a second by Mrs. Hall, The Board approved a letter of agreement with Mr. George Bartholick calling for preliminary studies and cost estimates for the projected development of the area between Old Main and the Humanities Building including: landscaping a plaza or mall type area, possible use of lower Old Main for faculty offices and classrooms, new south entrance lobby to Old Main and Lecture Hall 1, lighting, building identification and utility tunnel requirements; in addition to this, studies will be made for recommendations concerning new sidewalk and utility tunnel developments on both the west side of Old Main, from Edens Hall to the Humanities Building, and on the north side of the Library from the new plaza to High Street. The final study presentation of this Part One of the letter of agreement shall consist of sketches, drawings in scale, and a written report outlining cost estimates. The fee for this preliminary study, Part One, shall be $500.00. The second part of the letter of agreement will require further Board approval for any additional work to be done. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - October 1963 - Page 2 ----------xxxxx---------- SCHOLARSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS The Board acknowledged with gratitude the following scholarship contributions: Dr, Robert Kaiser $100 Puget Sound Power & Light Company 540 Dr. Donald Keyes 225 Northwest Fuel Company 100 RECOMMENDED PROMOTION OF DR. ELIZABETH HANAGAN President Jarrett recommended that Miss Elizabeth Hanagan, who recently received her doctorate in geology from the University of Illinois, be promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor. Mrs. Hall moved approval of the recommendation; Mr. Forrest seconded the motion; the motion passed. REQUEST FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE - DR. RAYNOND A. YOUNG President Jarrett recommended that the request of Dr. Raymond A. Young, Department of Foreign Languages, that he be granted a leave of absence without pay for the academic year 1964-65 in order to pursue post-doctoral studies at the University of Mexico be approved. Mr. Sprague moved approval of the request; Mrs. Hall seconded the motion; the motion passed. APPOINTMENT OF FACULTY MEMBER Upon recommendation by President Jarrett, Mr. Chase moved approval of the following appointment to the faculty, effective October 2, 1963; Mr. Forrest seconded the motion; the motion passed. Mr. William R. Musgrove, Lecturer in Industrial Education (one year appointment) B.A., University of Washington Base salary: $700.00 per month RESOLUTION CONCERNING PEARL JENKINS'S REQUEST Mr. Forrest reported to the Board that the College has been named co- beneficiary, after the death of the first legatee, to the estate of Miss Pearl Jenkins. He stated that the first legatee, during the period of probate of the estate, will have no income; he requested that the Board take action to approve payment of income to the legatee under the terms of the wil1: Mr. Sprague moved approval of this action; Mr. Chase seconded the motion; the motion passed. ENROLLMENT REPORT The Board heard a report on enrollment for the fall quarter at the college from President Jarrett. APPOINTMENT OF MR. JOE NUSBAUM. BUSINESS MANAGER Upon the recommendation of President Jarrett, Mrs. Hall moved that Mr. Joe Nusbaum be appointed Business Manager of the College; Mr. Forrest seconded the motion; the motion passed. REQUEST FR0M THE BELLINGHAM PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. Goltz reported that the Bellingham Planning Commission has requested that the College participate in the amount of $200 in the comprehensive plan for the city; this would involve detailed neighborhood studies of the college area. Mrs. Hall moved approval of the expenditure of $200 for this purpose; Mr. Chase seconded the motion; the motion passed. ADJOURNMENT JOSEPH PEMBERTON, CHAIRMAN MARSHALL FORREST, SECRETARY ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - October 1963 ----------xxxxx----------