2008-12 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 1 ----------xxxxx---------- NOTICE OF MEETING Western Washington University Board of Trustees Agenda December 11 12, 2008 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2008 Location: OM 340 Time: 3: 00 p. m. I. CALL TO ORDER 3: 00 - 3: 05 II. SPECIAL REPORT A. Draft Operating Budget Process 3: 05 - 3: 35 Presentation 3: 35 - 4: 15 Discussion III. EXECUTIVE SESSION MAY BE HELD FOR PURPOSES AUTHORIZED IN RCW 42.30.110 4: 15 - 5: 00 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2008 Location: OM 340 Time: 8: 00 a. m. I. CALL TO ORDER, APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8: 00 - 8: 05 ΓÇó Board of Trustees Retreat, September 25 26, 2008 ΓÇó Board of Trustees Meeting, October 2 3, 2008 II. RECOGNITIONS AND INTRODUCTIONS 8: 05 - 8: 15 ΓÇó Francis Halle, Director, Space Admin! stration ΓÇó Steve Vanderstaay, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education III. EXECUTIVE COMMENTS A. Board Chair Report 8: 15 - 8: 30 B. University President 8: 30 - 8: 50 1. Provost Search Report Craig Dunn, Search Committee Chair Western Washington University will become the premier public comprehensive university in the country through engaged excellence. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 2 ----------xxxxx---------- NOTICE OF MEETING 2. Endowment Investment Report George Pierce, VP for Business Financial Affairs Stephanie Bowers, VP for University Advancement 3. Waterfront Development Update Bruce Shepard, President 4. Identity Theft Red Flag Rules Wendy Bohlke, AAG C. Associated Students 8: 50 - 8: 55 Presentation: AS Legislative Agenda D. Faculty Senate 8: 55- 9: 00 Presentation: Bylaw7ΓÇó ConstitutionoftheFaculty Bylaw 7.4 - Academic Coordinating Commission Bylaw 7.7 - Senate Library Committee IV. ACTION ITEMS A. Approval of Faculty Handbook Revisions 9: 00 - 9: 10 B. Consent Items: 9: 10- 9: 15 ΓÇó Approval of Fall Quarter Degrees ΓÇó Approval of Summer Session Fees 2009 ΓÇó Approval of the Amended: o WWU Retirement Plan, WWU 401 ( a) o Supplemental Retirement Plan o WWU Voluntary Investment Program ΓÇó Delegation of Authority to Make Changes to: o WWU Retirement Plan o WWU 401 ( a) Supplemental Retirement Plan o WWU Voluntary Investment Program ΓÇó Delegation of Authority to Lease Property at the Innovation Partnership Zone ΓÇó Delegation of Authority to Award Construction Contract for New Biology Greenhouse ( PW 574) V. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Dash Board Indicators 9: 15 - 9: 30 Presentation: Dennis Murphy, ProvostlVP for Academic Affairs 9: 30 - 9: 40 Discussion Western Washington University will become the premier public comprehensive university in the country through engaged excellence. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 3 ----------xxxxx---------- NOTICE OF MEETING B. Sustainability Update 9: 40 - 9: 50 Presentation: George Pierce, VP for Business Financial Affairs Seth Vidana, Sustainability Coordinator 9: 50 - 10: 00 Discussion C. Performance Agreement Washington State Quality Awards 10: 00 - 10: 10 Presentation: Dennis Murphy, ProvosWP for Academic Affairs 10: 05- 10: 15 Discussion D. Washington Student Lobby 10: 15 - 10: 25 Presentation: Eileen Coughlin, Vice President of Student Affairs Erik Lowe, President, Associated Students 10: 30 - 10: 40 Discussion E. Beta Testing of Electronic Board Books 10: 40 - 10: 50 Demo: John Lawson, Chief Information Officer Liz Sipes, Secretary to the Board of Trustees 10: 50 - 11 : 00 Discussion VI. COMMITIEE REPORTS A. Audit Committee Report 11 : 00 - 11: 10 Presentation: Howard Lincoln, Chair VII. INFORMATION ITEMS 11: 10- 11: 45 Admissions Report Alumni Relations Report Development Report External Affairs Report Quarterly Grant Report Major Capital Projects Status Report Student Right to Know/ Clery Act 2007/ 08 University Financial Statements VIII. MEETING EVALUATION 11 : 45 - 11: 55 IX. ADJOURNMENT 12: 00 p. m. X. DATE FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING: February 12 13, 2009 XI. LUNCH PRESENTATION 12: 15 " Remade 2008," Arunas Oslapas, Engineering Technology 12: 30 Discussion Western Washington University will become the premier public comprehensive university in the country through engaged excellence. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 4 ----------xxxxx---------- Approved February 13, 2009 WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING December 11, 2008 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Phil Sharpe called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University to order at 3: 00 p. m., December 11, 2008 in Old Main 340, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Board of Trustees Hannah Higgins Howard Lincoln Dennis Madsen, Secretary Kevin Raymond Phil Sharpe, Chair John Warner Western Washington University Bruce Shepard, President Wendy Bohlke, Assistant Attorney General Sherry Burkey, Acting Vice President for External Affairs Patricia Woehrlin, Senior Director of Gift Planning, Western Foundation Eileen Coughlin, Vice President for Student Affairs Academic Support Services Matthew Liao- Troth, Faculty Senate President Dennis Murphy, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs George Pierce, Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs Paula Gilman, Executive Director for University Planning and Budgeting Elizabeth Sipes, Secretary to the Board of Trustees Barbara Stoneberg, Administrative Assistant to the President Chair Sharpe announced that he would need to leave the meeting at 3: 50 p. m. II. SPECIAL REPORTS A. Draft Operating Budget Process Three draft documents were included in the Board of Trustees meeting packets: 1) Principles and Guidelines for Campus Supplemental Budget Reallocations, 2) Campus- Level Supplemental Process for Changing the 2009- 11 Budget, and 3) Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities and Threats, Surveying the Landscape for Budget Planning. President Shepard said that these documents were posted on the website and the campus community has commented directly and through a community forum. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 5 ----------xxxxx---------- Approved February 13, 2009 Shepard presented an overview of the magnitude the budget shortfall could have on Western. He said that the Governor has not released her budget and the legislature has not passed the state budget, but the budget challenge is very clear. An estimated $ 5.7B shortfall in the stateΓÇÖs biennial budget represents 40% of the Flexible portion of the state budget, which includes Higher Education. In preparation for the budget reduction, Western has been reviewing and eliminating lower- enrollment courses for the fall, has put a hard hiring freeze in place, has had discussion with the unions regarding flexibility to adjust positions and move employees, and has targeted possible reductions. Through a campus community forum we have received 150 recommendations from the campus community on how we can reduce expenditures. Shepard said that by doing this process correctly, we will be a stronger and better university in the future. Paula Gilman presented Principles, Guidelines and Process, 2008- 09 and 2009- 11 Budgets. She reviewed the GovernorΓÇÖs proposed State Supplemental Budget reduction and the reduction to Western Washington University. Gilman explained that the 2008- 09 budget reduction is being covered from institutional reserves and by the divisions. Plans for the budget reductions are being currently being formulated by the Provost, Vice President and others in their respective divisions. Gilman explained that with the 2008- 09 GovernorΓÇÖs proposed supplemental budget reduction and a hypothetical additional 20% reduction for the year, WesternΓÇÖs state budget reduction for the 2009- 10 could be $ 18.5M or $ 37M for the 2009- 11 Biennium. A tuition increase could offset some of the reduction. Gilman explained that both our Undergraduate Non- Resident tuition and our Graduation tuition rates are higher than the national average, however WesternΓÇÖs Undergraduate Resident tuition is lower than the national average. Gilman noted that when student tuition is raised, the state always gives a corresponding amount to the HECB to cover the State Need Grant for the lowest income students. Gilman said the Principles and Guidelines for Campus Supplemental Budget Reallocations are for making changes to previously adopted budgets. The 2009- 10 annual budget and the 09- 11 biennial budget, previously approved by the Board of Trustees, need to be modified to reflect the potential budget reductions. Gilman explained the principles, guidelines, and the process for making changes to previously adopted university budgets. Gilman said the Governor releases her budget on December 19, 2008 and at that time the President and Vice Presidents will recommend a targeted budget reduction for WWU. The different planning units on campus will work to produce budget proposals within that set target. The proposals will then be published on the web for the campus community and formal budget hearings are planned for early spring. Drawing upon the feedback from these, the vice presidents and college deans will draft a budget recommendation for the university. This will be posted on the web and additional feedback will be solicited from the campus community. After thorough consideration of all advice, and working with the President, a final budget proposal for the 2009- 2010 will be brought to Trustees for consideration at the June 12, 2009 meeting. The process for formulating the 2010- 2011 budget will begin shortly thereafter. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 6 ----------xxxxx---------- Approved February 13, 2009 It was noted that the units have already set some budget reduction targets and are working on very specific reductions now, e. g. not filling faculty position, some program reduction, and turning the lights off in the gym. In response to a question, President Shepard said at the hearing process, each unit leader will present their proposed reduction and its affect their and other units. They will be asked to present a Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities, and Threats ( SCOT) analysis for their units and how it fits with the universityΓÇÖs mission and strategic plan. It will be a very transparent process and everyone will have the opportunity to be engaged and have input. The Trustees thanked Gilman for her very comprehensive report. II. Executive Session At 4: 15 p. m. Secretary Madsen announced that the Board would go into Executive Session to discuss real estate and pending legal matters authorized under RCW 42.30.110 for approximately 15 minutes. Meeting adjourned at 4: 30 p. m. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 7 ----------xxxxx---------- Approved February 13, 2009 WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING December 12, 2008 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Phil Sharpe called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University to order at 8: 05 a. m., December 12, 2008 in Old Main 340, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Board of Trustees Hannah Higgins Howard Lincoln Dennis Madsen, Secretary Kevin Raymond Phil Sharpe, Chair John Warner Western Washington University Bruce Shepard, President Wendy Bohlke, Assistant Attorney General Sherry Burkey, Acting Vice President for External Affairs Stephanie Bowers, Vice President for University Advancement Eileen Coughlin, Vice President for Student Affairs Academic Support Services Matthew Liao- Troth, Faculty Senate President Erik Lower, Associated Students President Dennis Murphy, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs George Pierce, Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs Paula Gilman, Executive Director for University Planning and Budgeting Buff Schoenfeld, Executive Assistant to the President Elizabeth Sipes, Secretary to the Board of Trustees Barbara Stoneberg, Administrative Assistant to the President APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION 12- 1- 08 Howard Lincoln moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon the recommendation of the President, approve the following: ΓÇó Minutes of the Board of Trustees Retreat, September 25 26, 2008 as modified ΓÇó Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting, October 2 3, 2008 Motion passed unanimously. 1 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 8 ----------xxxxx---------- Approved February 13, 2009 II. RECOGNITION AND INTRODUCTIONS ΓÇó Provost Murphy introduced Francis Halle, Director of Space Administration and Planning. Francis was the Regional Manager of Facilities Development for the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority. He holds a degree in Interior Design from the University of Manitoba School of Architecture. ΓÇó Provost Murphy introduced Steven Vanderstaay, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. Steve is a professor of English and has taught at WWU since 1995. He holds a B. A. and M. A. from the University of Washington and a Ph. D. from the University of Iowa. III. EXECUTIVE COMMENTS A. Board Chair Report Chair Sharpe added to the agenda Resolution # 2008- 13 and Resolution # 2008- 14. Resolution # 2008- 13 A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University To Honor the Accomplishments of Karen W. Morse And Joseph G. Morse WHEREAS: Karen W. Morse served as the President of Western Washington University from 1993- 2008; and WHEREAS, over her 15- year tenure, KarenΓÇÖs dedicated, persistent commitment to the quality of engaged excellence at the university has elevated WWUΓÇÖs reputation as one of the premier public comprehensive universities in the country; and WHEREAS: Joe MorseΓÇÖs enthusiastic support of Karen and of the university, in addition to his own contribution to math and science education and to the Chemistry Department, deserves special recognition for having made a significant difference for Western; and WHEREAS: their continuing involvement in the university and the community will contribute to the prestige, value, and quality of the university into the future; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University that: 1. Karen W. Morse is hereby formally designated ΓÇ£ President EmeritusΓÇ¥ of Western Washington University, with all of the rights, duties, and privileges appertaining thereunto; 2. That Professor Emeritus Joe Morse is hereby designated a ΓÇ£ Lifelong FriendΓÇ¥ of Western Washington University; and 2 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 9 ----------xxxxx---------- Approved February 13, 2009 3. All present and future Presidents, Trustees, and officials and members of the Western Washington University community are called upon to extend every appropriate courtesy, support, hospitality, and honor to the MorseΓÇÖs in furtherance of the spirit and intent of this Resolution and in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the welfare and reputation of the institution. Adopted unanimously this 12th day of December, 2008 at Bellingham, Washington. MOTION 12- 2- 08 John Warner moved that the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the President, adopt Resolution # 2008- 13 to Honor The Accomplishments of Karen W. Morse and Joseph G. Morse. Motion passed unanimously. The Trustees thanked President Emeritus Karen Morse and Joe Morse for their dedication to Western and wished them the best for the future. RESOLUTION NO. 2008- 14 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY AFFIRMING THE DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO THE TRUSTEE LIAISON TO THE WWU FOUNDATION FOR REVIEW OF PRESIDENTIAL EXPENSES WHEREAS, the powers and duties of the Board of Trustees include those specified in Title 28B RCW and all other powers and duties which are necessary or appropriate to carry out the BoardΓÇÖs responsibilities and obligations; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees reserves unto itself the authority to employ the President under such terms and conditions as may be negotiated from time to time through written contract; and WHEREAS, the duties of the President include a responsibility to cultivate and steward private supporters of the University; and WHEREAS, the Chair of Western Washington UniversityΓÇÖs Board of Trustees or his or her designee is responsible for reviewing the expenses of the President; and WHEREAS, the Chair or his or her designee has designated Trustee Madsen as the Board Liaison to Western Washington University Foundation; and WHEREAS, Western Washington University Foundation and Western Washington University previously agreed as follows: ⌠Çéâ WWU Foundation is established to secure and manage private resources for the benefit of the University; and 3 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 10 ----------xxxxx---------- Approved February 13, 2009 ⌠Çéâ WWU Foundation provides financial support for the President to cultivate and steward private supporters of the University; and ⌠Çéâ WWU Foundation will make its books and records available to the Trustees or its designee. Therefore, be it Resolved: The Board Liaison to WWU Foundation is hereby delegated responsibility to review WWU Foundation expenses for development services of WWU President Bruce Shepard on a quarterly basis; and The Board Liaison to the WWU Foundation will report the results of his/ her review to the Board Audit Committee. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University at its regular meeting on December 12, 2008. MOTION 12- 3- 08 Howard Lincoln moved that the Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the President, adopt Resolution 2008- 14 Delegating Authority to the Trustee Liaison to the WWU Foundation for Review of Presidential Expenses. Motion passed unanimously. B. University President Report President Shepard reported that he will formalize the feedback from his listening sessions with faculty and staff in a Mid- Year Report to the campus community and the Board of Trustees in February. Shepard said that preparations are underway for the Fall Commencement Ceremonies on Saturday, December 13, 2008. 1. Provost Search Report Dr. Craig Dunn, Chair of the Provost Search Advisory Committee, reviewed the search timeline and search process. Of the 160 applications received, 8 candidates were interviewed at a neutral- site and three were brought to campus. In keeping with complete transparency of the process, the finalistsΓÇÖ cover letters and resumes, videos of their campus open forum, and a Candidate Interview Feedback form were available on the search website. At the conclusion of the on- campus interviews, President Shepard met with the search committee. Shepard said there was clear consensus on the candidates and he is in conversation with the preferred candidate at this time. Chair Sharpe suggested Dunn write a final report to synthesize the search experience for future search committee chairs. 2. Endowment Investment Report Vice Presidents George Pierce and Stephanie Bowers provided the Board with an overview of the University Endowments and the WWU Foundation Endowments. 4 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 11 ----------xxxxx---------- Approved February 13, 2009 Pierce said that in 2005 an Endowment Investment Committee was formed to review the university endowments every 2- 3 months. Smith- Barney was chosen as the financial manager following an RFP process. Information on endowment growth was included in the Board packets. Bowers said because of the current economic crisis, the endowments are experiencing no growth and are actually losing money. Bowers said the Foundation is strategizing to find ways to continue to support the campus. Bowers will update the Board at the February meeting. 3. Waterfront Development Update President Shepard updated the Board on the current status of the waterfront development. Shepard said that given the universityΓÇÖs vision to become the premier public comprehensive university in the nation, we need to decide what will allow us to advance toward that goal while taking the unique opportunity to be on the waterfront. A campus committee is further clarifying how our presence on the waterfront can benefit the university. Shepard said in planning the waterfront development, we also need to keep our options open for future needs of the university. 4. Identify Theft Red Flags Rule Wendy Bohlke, Assistant Attorney General, provided an update on the Identify Theft Red Flags Rule. In 2007 the Federal Trade Commission issued a rule intended to reduce the risk of identity theft, effective November 1, 2008. Enforcement has been delayed until May 1, 2009. President Shepard and the universityΓÇÖs Executive Policy Group reviewed and approved an interim policy, POL- U3000.01 Identifying, Detecting and Responding to Identity Theft Red Flags and Notices of Address Discrepancies, effective November 1, 2008 ΓÇô May 1, 2009. In response to a question as to WWUΓÇÖs process for ensuring that personal information is not compromised, John Lawson, Vice Provost for Information Technology/ CIO, said there are multiple layers of security protecting WesternΓÇÖs data. Lawson said that under the direction of the Board Audit Committee, a Request for Quote and Qualifications ( RFQQ) to conduct an IT Security Audit of the university is in process. Western also participated in a vulnerability scan coordinated by the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium ( NWACC). Lawson said that Western is very diligent in complying with all federal regulations in this area. The Data Incident Response Team is also in place to evaluate and respond to any incidences if necessary. C. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS Erik Lowe reported that the Associated Students and the administration are working together on many legislative issues. Sarah Ishmael, Vice President for Legislative and Governmental Affairs, presented the Associated Students Western Washington University State Legislative Agenda for 2009. Discussion followed regarding tuition setting authority and possible increases of tuition, financial aid and state need grants. President Shepard suggested that a future AS legislative agenda could include the Student TrusteeΓÇÖs limited ability to participate in some Board meeting agenda issues. 5 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 12 ----------xxxxx---------- Approved February 13, 2009 D. FACULTY SENATE Matthew Liao- Troth presented the revisions to the Constitution of the Faculty ΓÇô Bylaw 7, and revisions to the Faculty Handbook -- Bylaw 7.4 the Academic Coordinating Commission and, Bylaw 7.7 the Senate Library Committee. IV. ACTION ITEMS a. Approval of Faculty Handbook Revisions. Matthew Liao- Troth reviewed the revised Faculty Handbook. Revisions were made so that the handbook does not conflict with the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the UFWW. Corrections were also made to the out- dated Operating Procedure and College governance documents will not be included in handbook. MOTION 12- 4- 08 Dennis Madsen moved, that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon the recommendation of the President, approve the Faculty Handbook revisions approved by final vote of the Faculty Senate on November 24, 2008 as amended by the provision dealing with Reimbursements and Consulting Policies from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Motion passed unanimously. b. Consent Items MOTION 12- 5- 09 John Warner moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon the recommendation of the President, approve the following consent items: ⌠Çéâ Fall Quarter Degrees ⌠Çéâ Summer Session Fees 2009 ⌠Çéâ The Amended: o WWU Retirement Plan, WWU 401( a) o Supplemental Retirement Plan o WWU Voluntary Investment program ⌠Çéâ Delegation of Authority to Make Changes to o WWU Retirement Plan o WWU 401 ( a) Supplemental Retirement Plan o WWU Voluntary Investment Program ⌠Çéâ Delegation of Authority to Lease property at the Innovation Partnership Zone ⌠Çéâ Delegation of Authority to Award Construction Contract for New Biology Greenhouse ( PW 574) At. 9: 22 a. m. Chair Sharpe announced a 10 minute break. The Board reconvened at 9: 35 a. m. 6 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 13 ----------xxxxx---------- Approved February 13, 2009 V. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Performance Agreement Washington State Quality Awards Provost Murphy presented an update on the status of the Performance Agreement, part of the HECB Master Plan for Higher Education in Washington. WesternΓÇÖs Performance Agreement was submitted to the State in November and subsequent meetings and discussion have taken place on a state- wide level. Murphy said the institutions are waiting for further instruction. Murphy reported that the State is requiring all state agencies to apply for the Washington State Quality Award. A committee representing each sector of the university was appointed to complete WesternΓÇÖs 2008 Washington State Quality Award Assessment Application. A copy of the application was distributed. B. Dash Board Indicators Provost Murphy led a discussion of prospective Dash Board indicators for WWU. Murphy said a lot of data about Western exists, but it needs to be readily available for operational purposes. A list of Key Performance Indicators ( KPIΓÇÖs) including admission rates, student/ faculty ratios, budget information, productivity measures, etc, was distributed. The Board will review and indicate what kinds of data they would like to see on a regular basis. Trustees said they would like to include information on WesternΓÇÖs strengths, challenges, opportunities, and other information that would be useful to them as trustees. C. Sustainability Update Vice President George Pierce and Seth Vidana, Sustainability Coordinator, provided the Board with an overview of the Office of SustainabilityΓÇÖs 2008 Campus Sustainability Report. The report provides a broad overview of sustainability efforts on WesternΓÇÖs campus. It was noted that Western is moving ahead in ΓÇ£ the middle of the packΓÇ¥ in these efforts. Pierce said that because of the current budget crisis, we are working with efforts that donΓÇÖt require a large investment. Some of the older academic buildings have been retrofitted in the electrical lighting area with seed money from grants. Tim Wynn, Director of Facilities Management, said that additional resources are needed to retrofit the heating and ventilation systems of these buildings to see any substantial energy savings. President Shepard also noted that we are considering lowering the heat in the buildings to obtain some budget savings. The Board of Trustees voiced their support for WesternΓÇÖs effort towards offering an interdisciplinary curriculum that will enable each Western student to graduate with a thorough knowledge of sustainability issues facing todayΓÇÖs world. D. Washington Student Lobby Erik Lowe, Associated Students President, presented information regarding the Washington Student Lobby ( WSL) fee. The objectives of the WSL are to represent student interests before the State Legislature and other venues on issues related to accessible, affordable, and high quality education; to inform students about issues of political significance; and to facilitate cooperation and communication among students through the state. Currently students have an opt- in fee system to fund WesternΓÇÖs membership. The AS proposals is to put a referendum to 7 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 14 ----------xxxxx---------- Approved February 13, 2009 student vote that would abolish the current WSL fee and establish in its place a ΓÇ£ Legislative Action Fee.ΓÇ¥ This would allow the AS to have more control over the collection method, the amount of the fee, and flexibility on how it will be spent. E. Beta Testing of Electronic Board Books John Lawson, Vice Provost for Information Technology/ CIO and Liz Sipes, Secretary to the Board of Trustees presented a brief test of the Sharepoint Board of Trustees website. Board packets for the February 12 13, 2008 meeting will be available to the Trustees on this site. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Audit Committee Report Trustee Howard Lincoln, Chair of the Board Audit Committee, reported on the December 11 meeting. The committee: ΓÇó Approved the 2009 meeting schedule; ΓÇó Met with external auditors from KPMG who presented the financial statements for the university and four auxiliaries. No significant deficiencies or material weaknesses were identified in any of the audits; ΓÇó Heard a report from John Lawson, Vice Provost for Information Technology/ CIO and Kathy Wetherell, Assistant Vice President for Business Financial Affairs, on the Federal Trade CommissionΓÇÖs new Red Flag Rules; ΓÇó Heard an update on the on- going audit from the State AuditorΓÇÖs Office. The State Auditors will present their report on the February Audit Committee meeting; ΓÇó Heard an update from the Internal Auditors Office; and ΓÇó Met separately with the Internal Auditor and the President as provided by the Audit CommitteeΓÇÖs Charter. VII. INFORMATION ITEMS A. Admissions and Enrollment Planning Rep Vice President Eileen Coughlin provided a written update on enrollment and admissions. B. Alumni Association Rep Vice President Bowers provided a written report on the activities of the Office of Alumni Relations. The Alumni Association has initiated a three year pilot program to raise revenue through membership. C. Development Rep Vice President Bowers provided a written update on WWU Foundation activities. D. External Affairs Rep Sherry Burkey, Acting Vice President for External Affairs provided a written update on the recent activities of External Affairs. Burkey said that Representative Kelli Linville has been named chair of the Appropriations Committee. 8 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 - Page 15 ----------xxxxx---------- Approved February 13, 2009 9 ts ort ct ity E. Quarterly Report on Grants and Contrac Provost Murphy provided written information concerning grant awards totaling $ 3,952,994 for the period July 1, 2008 ΓÇô September 30, 2008. F. Major Capital Projects Status Rep Vice President Pierce provided a written update on the major capital projects. G. Student Right- to- Know and Clery A Vice President Coughlin provided the Board will information regarding Western Washington UniversityΓÇÖs compliance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. Vice President Pierce distributed a copy of the Annual University Policy Report. H. 2007- 2008 Financial Report for Western Washington Univers Vice President George Pierce provided copies of the UniversityΓÇÖs 2007- 2008 Financial Report and copies of the 2008 Financial Reports for the auxiliaries: Wade King Student Recreation Center, University Residences Housing and Dining System, Parking and Transportation, and Associated Students Bookstore. VIII. MEETING EVALUATION The Trustees said they are pleased with the new meeting format. IX. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 11: 32 a. m. X. DATE FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING: February 12 13, 2009 XI. LUNCH PRESENTATION Dr. Arunas Oslapas, Engineering Technology, presented ΓÇ£ Remade 2008,ΓÇ¥ an annual project conducted by the Junior Industrial Design class. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 2008 ----------xxxxx----------