1977-07 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 1 ----------xxxxx---------- BOARD OF TRUSTEES WESTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE July 11, 1977 Terrell Education Center Main Auditorium 12425 Meridian Avenue Everett, Washington 3:00 p.m. 1. Business Management Items Action A. 1977-79 Operating Budget B. 1977-79 Capita1 Budget C. Tuition and Fees D. services and Activities Fee Distribution and Housing & Dining Rates E. Appointment of a Treasurer for the College 2. Salaries for Faculty and Exempt Staff 3. Items from the Board 4. Items from the President 5. Personnel Actions Appointments/Reappointments Leaves of Absence Recommendation for Promotion Resignations/Terminations Summer session Appointments Changes in Assignments EXECUTIVE SESSION ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 2 ----------xxxxx---------- 1926 BOARD OF TRUSTEES WESTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE July 11, 1977 The Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College met in special session at 3:00 p.m. in the Main Auditorium of the Terrell Education Center, 12425 Meridian Avenue, Everett, Washington, on July 11, 1977. Present were: Board of Trustees Mr. Ark G. Chin Dr. Robert Fernald Mr. Jerrold Manley Mr. John Whittaker WWSC Personnel Timothy Douglas, Acting Vice President for Student Affairs Donald Cole, Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs Wayne Sparks, Chairman, Administrators Association Donald Sturgill, Controller James L. Talbot, Acting President Robert Thorndike, Chairman, All-College Senate Others Thomas Anderson, Assistant Attorney General BUSINESS MEETING In the absence of Chairman Paul Hanson, the meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Ark Chin. Mr. Chin thanked Mr. Whittaker for inviting the Board to meet in the comfortable auditorium of the Terrell Education Center. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ITEMS A. 1977-79 Operating Budget Mr. Cole reviewed the budgeting process, recalling that approximately a year ago the Board gave preliminary approval to a budget request to be sent to the Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management (OPP&FM). That budget was revised in formula areas as a result of final enrollment projections made by OPP&FM; programs not affected on a formula basis through enrollment remained as originally requested. An executive hearing was held in October, 1976, before then-Governor Evans and his staff, following which the request for both operating and capital budgets were prepared for submittal to the legislature by the Governor. A revised budget was submitted to the legislature by Governor Ray; hearings were held before the House Appropriations Committee and Senate Ways and Means Committee for both operating and capital budgets during the months of February and March. During the period following, many questions from the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Ways and Means Committee were answered, and the Higher Education Committees of both the House and Senate became involved from time to time with particular issues, specifically tuition and fees. The Appropriations Act was passed on June 22, and the Governor signed it into law on June 30, 1977. Mr. Cole commented that the Business and Finance Council, a Council of the All-College Senate, is involved in the process as a budget review committee; its particular role is that of establishing the general priorities. After enrollment levels are determined by OPP&FM and the Governor's office has recommended a formula level, there is very little flexibility in the budget, since about 85% of Western's operating budget is driven by formulas. If there are opportunities to make redeterminations of priorities, the Business and Finance Council again becomes involved. In order to make changes from the program as appropriated, permission must first be obtained from OPP&FM; reports must then be prepared for both the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Ways and Means Committee stating the purpose of the requested change and the proposed use of the funds involved. In response to Mr. Whittaker's questions, Mr. Cole stated that the $ 50,824.000 operating budget contained in the Appropriations Act includes the increase in tuition and fees. The original request ($ 55.8 million) did not include these funds; OPP&FM recalculated that request to include increased local revenue, thus reducing the potential amount for state general funds. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 3 ----------xxxxx---------- 1927 July 11, 1977 Mr. Cole commented that this budget represents an increase of roughly $ 3.1 million or 6.5% over the current level of operations. A separate budget appropriation includes salary adjustments for faculty and exempt staff in the amount of 10% the first year and 5% the following year of the biennium. The faculty salary increase includes a differential amount to bring Western's salaries in line with the other state colleges. Insurance support from the state has been increased from $ 35 to $ 72.50 per month, and a dental plan has been instituted. The formula for Student Services has been increased from 70% to 75%; in other areas the formulas remain virtually the same. Included in the Plant Maintenance and Operation budget is the amount of $ 200,000 for instructional equipment. Because of a significant increase in the category of separately funded research, almost 90%, the Aquatic Studies Program and Canadian-American Studies Program will be funded, in addition to certain other research projects. Recalling the orientation session in which formulas were reviewed, Mr. Cole said that the Instruction and Library formula approach remains the same, but formulas for plant Maintenance and Operation and the Student Services area have been modified as recommended by the Council for Postsecondary Education. Significant changes to the Instruction and Library formulas were proposed but not enacted, so there will be time for appropriate review and testing. The Bridge Project remains at the same leve1. Mr. Cole noted what appears to be a significant total increase (11.4%) in Program 080, Institutional Support; he explained that the increase of almost 50% in sub-category 083, General Support Services, reflects combined funding of administrative data processing into that one program. Previously this was budgeted in four other programs. Operating fees (from tuition and fees income) can no longer be processed as local revenue; that money will be transferred to the State and returned as an appropriation. Western is budgeted at the level of approximately 9,000 students on an annual average. Should enrollment fall slightly below that level, the full amount of revenue budgeted for operating fees would be received, but if enrollment exceeds the budgeted figure the additional fees would revert to the State. If there were a substantial change upward or downward, there would be a process of negotiating a new level for the second year of the biennium. Western currently has no new academic programs in the Appropriations Act; Dr. Talbot commented that a program in Nursing has gone through Western1s internal * processes and will be submitted to the CPE for approval. A special appropriation was not requested in the current budget. Mr. Cole said that OPP&FM is planning to begin "quarterly lapsing," a process through which any budgeted funds not expended would be returned to the State. This procedure will permit tighter state control of budgeting. Dr. Talbot stated that in the current budget the faculty formula remains at 72%, as it has for two biennia. Full-time equivalent faculty allocations will number 455 for the coming year; any additional positions to be allocated are available only through reallocation. Dr. Fernald questioned whether the Canadian reciprocity provision is expected to have a significant effect at Western. Dr. Talbot felt that there would probably not be a great change at the undergraduate level; at graduate level a larger number would have been expected but the tuition waiver does not apply to graduate students. CPE is mandated to analyze the impact after two years. In response to Mr. Chin's question regarding the new medical plan, Mr. Cole explained that the State Employees Insurance Board (SEIB) has changed carriers from Washington Physicians Service to Blue Cross. The mandatory plan provides for $ 50 deductible per person to a maximum of $ 150 for a family. After the deductible is met, 90% will be paid on the first $ 2,000 of expense, and 100% thereafter to a lifetime maximum of $ 500,000. Mental and nervous conditions are provided for on an out-patient basis, 50% up to a maximum of $ 600 per year; on an in-patient basis, $ 4,000 maximum; rehabilitation benefits - 60 days in-patient, 45 days out-patient. Eye examinations and glasses are excluded from the plan. Blue Cross will coordinate the dental plan which provides 100% coverage on examinations, x-rays, cleaning, and fluoride treatment. Certain services, including fillings, extractions, root canals, and space maintainers will be covered at 50%, with exclusion of orthodontia, dentures, bridges, etc. In addition to providing the medical-dental coverage, the State also provides a $ 5,000 basic group life insurance policy as well as a $ 50 per month minimum long term disability insurance. Optional coverage, to be paid entirely by the employee, is available under group life insurance and group long term disability plans. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 4 ----------xxxxx---------- 1928 July 11, 1977 Mr. Chin commended President Olscamp and his staff for their efforts during the legislative session, which resulted in recognition of inequities in faculty salaries and a subsequent differential increase for Western, appropriation of $ 200,000 for instructional equipment, and increased appropriation for separately funded research. Motion 07-01-77 Mr. Whittaker moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College approves the 1977-79 Operating Budget of $ 50,824,000 by program level as contained in the 1977-79 Appropriations Act. If modifications are proposed which would require changes to program totals, such programs should be submitted to the Board of Trustees at its September, 1977 meeting. Seconded by Dr. Fernald, the motion passed unanimously. B. 1977-79 Capital Budget Mr. Cole commented that this might more accurately be called the 1977-78 capital budget, in view of the decision on the part of the House Appropriations Committee that the major concentration on capital projects should be accomplished in the even years of the session rather than in the first session just concluded. In conference committee discussion, the Senate Ways and Means Committee concurred, with the result that the amount of $ 815,000 was approved for items which required immediate funding: Equipping of Old Main, Phase II, for occupancy in April or May of 1978, and the Auditorium/Music Building, which must be partly equipped for Fall, 1977. Partial funding in the amount of $ 200,000 was granted for minor capital improvements; Fire and Physical Safety/Handicapped was funded at the requested level of $ 331,000; Utilities and Energy Conservation at $ 150,000, for a total of $ 1,496,000 approved for capital projects. It is understood that the capital budget will be reviewed completely for the legislative session beginning next January; it is anticipated that a capital budget request for the remainder of the current biennium can be brought to the Board in September or October, 1977. In the area of reappropriations for projects not completed within the budget period, Mr. Cole reported that five items were not funded, three of which were small enough that they could be completed. In January a request will be made for reinstatement of the other two, Land Purchase and Planning Funds. No state general funds nor bond issues are involved in this request; all of these items are covered under the Western Capital Projects Account, which comes from either the tuition portion of tuition and fees or the money received from the Normal School Fund, primarily the result of public lands timber sale. In response to Mr. Manley's question whether funding might be received for some of the items not covered by the current budget, Mr. Cole said it is quite possible that Western might benefit from a more intensive review of the capital budget by the legislature. Mr. Chin asked whether the deletion of three items (# 77-4, Planning for Miller Hall and Edens Hall, # 77-5, Planning for Athletic Building, and # 77-10, Pre-planning Funds) is likely to have a separate impact upon the cost of total improvements, to which Mr. Cole responded that each year's delay results in increased inflation costs for these projects which are expected to be completed eventually. He added that some of the preplanning funds could have been used to assist the City of Bellingham in the comprehensive city plan and for some outside assistance, as well as for internal staffing and costs associated with preparation of Western's capital budget request. It is hoped that the January legislative session will provide some preplanning funds. Motion 07-02-77 Mr. Whittaker moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College approves a 1977-79 Capital Budget of $ 1,496,000, as appropriated for: Project # 77-1, Deferred Capital Equipment, Old Main, Phase II, and Auditorium/Music Building - $ 815,000; Project # 77-7, Minor Capital Improvements, Buildings and Grounds -$ 200,000; Project # 77-8, Fire, Physical Safety/Handicapped - $ 331,000; Project # 77-11, Utilities and Energy Conservation -$ 150,000, to be financed through the WWSC capital projects account. Seconded by Dr. Fernald, the motion passed unanimously. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 5 ----------xxxxx---------- 1929 July 11, 1977 C. Tuition and Fees Mr. Cole explained that about 90% of Western's students are full-time; of this number about 90% would be paying fees as undergraduate full-time residents at the rate of $ 507 as of last year. This will increase to $ 591 next year, and to $ 618 the following year. The split between part-time and full-time hours will be increased from 6/7 to 9/10, effective Fall quarter, 1977. All revenue calculations for the operating budget request were based upon this change, with approval of OPP&FM. In the part-time fee structure, funds have now been allocated to the Services and Activities fee components, in support of Housing and Dining, Associated Students Activities, and Departmentally Related Activities (intercollegiate athletics, band, drama, forensics, etc.), providing a higher level of support for these areas at no loss of revenue to the operating budget. This was calculated at the beginning of the budgeting process, and agreed to by OPP&FM. Services and Activities fees for full-time students are to be increased from $ 157.50 to $ 162 per year, on a voluntary basis. Non-resident fees have been increased from $ 1,359 to $ 1,983 per year. Mr. Cole explained the large increase: the cost of instruction (operating cost) is determined for the University of Washington and Washington State University; UW and WSU undergraduate resident students pay 25% of that figure as the operating fee and tuition fee combined; state college students pay 80% of the amount paid by UW and WSU students, and community college students 50% of that amount. Non-resident students, comprising approximately 5% of Western's enrollment, pay 100% of these costs. It was recalled that Services and Activities fees were increased by $ 4 in the fall of 1974, but the last major increase to $ 507 for undergraduate resident students was effective in Fall, 1972. Dr. Talbot commented that all of the state colleges are now charging the same amount per credit hour for part-time students, and off-campus fees are the same as on-campus. Mr. Cole noted that Continuing Education fees would be increased from $ 17 to $ 20 per credit hour the first year and to $ 21 the second year of the biennium. Motion 07-03-77 Mr. Manley moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College approves a 1977-79 tuition and fee schedule as proposed in the "1977-79 Quarterly Tuition and Fee schedule" chart dated June 30, 1977, to become effective fall quarter, 1977. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker, the motion passed unanimously. Motion 07-04-77 Dr. Fernald moved that the Board of Trustees approves the following Continuing Education off-campus fees for 1977-79, to become effective at the beginning of fall quarter 1977 and 1978: 1977-78 1978-79 GENERAL $ 20 per credit hour $ 21 per credit hour GRADUATE DEGREE $ 22 per credit hour $ 23 per credit hour S.E. ASIAN VETERANS $ 15 per credit hour $ 16 per credit hour (Minimum charge: two credit hours.) Seconded by Mr. Manley, the motion passed unanimously. D. Services and Activities Fee Distribution and Housing and Dining Rates Mr. Douglas explained that each year the groups funded through Services and Activities fees meet to determine the final division of locally generated Services and Activities fee moneys. There has been a question in the past about the $ 6 difference between the $ 25 initial Housing and Dining bond resolution and the $ 31 that has been going to Housing and Dining from full-time students recently. In Spring, 1976 it was agreed that the matter should be reviewed and a determination made of division of the $ 6 in question. In Fall, 1976 Vice President McDonald appointed a balanced committee representing each area concerned: the Associated Students president and an Associated Students administrator; a student and a faculty member from Departmentally-Related Activities; a student and an administrator from Housing and Dining. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 6 ----------xxxxx---------- 1930 July 11, 1977 The recommendation of this ad hoc committee was that the $ 6 be allocated equally, $ 2 to Housing and Dining, $ 2 to Associated Students, and $ 2 to Departmentally-Related Activities. That distribution was used in establishing room and board rates recommended earlier this year. A recommendation was included that if there were any increase in Services and Activities fees through a tuition and fees bill, the committee should meet again. Subsequently the committee reviewed the $ 4.50 per year additional money made available through the tuition and fees bill and recommended that the $ 4.50 should be provided to the Housing and Dining system in order to reduce the room and board rate increases for next year. It is recommended that the Services and Activities fee of $ 162 per full-time student be allocated in the amounts of $ 85.50 to Housing and Dining and $ 76.50 to combined Departmentally-Related Acitivities and Associated Students. It is also recommended that Services and Activities fee for part-time students be distributed to the Housing and Dining System in the amount of $ 5 per part-time student, and the balance to the combined Associated Students and Departmentally-Related Activities. Mr. Douglas commented that Departmentally-Related Activities include Music, debate, forensics, men's and women's athletics, intramurals, theatre-dance, and publications (Western Front, Klipsun, Jeopardy). The departmentally-related group has initiated a reserve fund to which they all contribute in order to finance invitation opportunities. Motion 07-05-77 Mr. Whittaker moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College approves the distribution of the Services and Activities fee ($ 162 for full-time students) to the Associated Students and Departmentally-Related Activities in the amount of $ 76.50 and to the Housing and Dining System in the amount of $ 85.50 on an annual basis, and that the Services and Activities fee for part-time students through nine credit hours be distributed to the Housing and Dining system in the amount of $ 5 per part-time student and the balance to the combination of the Associated Students and Departmentally-Related Activities. Seconded by Dr. Fernald, the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Cole stated that in May when the Board of Trustees was asked to approve Housing and Dining rates for Fall, 1977, they were told that if additional Services and Activities fee money were placed in the Housing and Dining area there would be a request for reduction of those rates. As a result of the final determination on the amount of funds to be placed in Housing and Dining, and because the rate of housing occupancy appears to be better than it was last year, it is now possible to reduce the increase contained in the rates established in May from 7.7% to 4.7%. Mr. Cole commented that to his knowledge this is the first time housing and dining rates have been lowered at Western. Mr. Douglas explained that the reduction applies only to housing and dining, not to mobile home or apartment rates. Motion 07-06-77 Mr. Manley moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College amends the room and board rates that were established at the May 1977 Board of Trustees meeting to read as stated on the attachment entitled, "WWSC Housing & Dining System -- Proposed Housing Rates for 1977-78" dated June 30, 1977, with the revised rate structure to be effective fall quarter, 1977. Seconded by Dr. Fernald, the motion passed unanimously. E. Appointment of a Treasurer for the College Assistant Attorney General Anderson stated that the legislature, by passage of House Bill 585, mandated that an institutional treasurer be appointed by each of the four-year colleges. Western has determined that the Vice President for Financial Affairs should serve as Treasurer. Mr. Chin observed that the exclusive advantage of this action is that WWSC will be able to process its payroll locally, thus eliminating the necessity of courier service to Olympia, and providing more efficient control of the payroll procedure. Motion 07-07-77 Dr. Fernald moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College, in accord with House Bill 585 requiring that an institutional treasurer be appointed, adopts Resolution No. 77-8, captioned as follows: ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 7 ----------xxxxx---------- 1931 July 11, 1977 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE REGARDING THE APPOINTMENT OF A TREASURER FOR THE COLLEGE. Seconded by Mr. Manley, the motion passed unanimously. A copy of Resolution No. 77-8 is attached to the official minutes. Salaries for Faculty and Exempt Staff 1. Faculty Salary Adjustments Vice President Talbot explained that the Legislature this year recognized salary inequities among the state institutions of higher education and in the 1977-79 Appropriations Act provided for differential salary increases for the faculty of WWSC. Although this action does not bring salaries at Western to the level of the seven-state survey, it does take care of the state inequities to a large extent. Following are the appropriated differential salary funds for faculty and exempt staff at the senion higher education institutions of the state: 1977-78 1978-79 Western Washington University of Washington Washington State Eastern Washington Central Washington Evergreen 10% 10% 10% 8% 6% 6% 5% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% Vice President Talbot/ stated that not everyone will receive a 10% increase, since the money can be distributed at the discretion of the institution. The procedure at Western is that the Faculty Welfare Committee recommends to the Faculty Council, the Faculty Council recommends to the President, who then presents those recommendations to the Board of Trustees. The administration has concurred with the following recommendations of the Faculty Council: a) A step increment for eligible faculty. Eligible faculty are those not at the top of their respective scales or in overlap scale. (Approximately 85 faculty are ineligible.) b) 0.5% out of the 10% to be set aside for merit. The merit award would be an additional step increment and would be limited to one step. This would provide for 70 merit awards distributed to the colleges according to their FTE. c) The remainder to be used to adjust each step of the schedule by an equal percentage. Vice President Talbot said that, for example, the College of Arts and Sciences (274 faculty members) would receive 44 merit increments; the School of Education (50 faculty members) would receive 8; the Library, 2. Increments are assigned to the individual colleges on a per capita basis. The remainder of the money (about 7.25%) will be used to adjust each step on the schedule on an equal percentage basis. He further explained, in answer to Mr. Whittaker's question, that all individuals eligible under recommendation a) are also eligible for b) and c). With reference to the salary schedule, he noted that overlap steps 9.4, 16.4, and 23.4 were inserted in the schedule to provide for the possibility that individuals on the preceding steps might be recommended for a merit increase. Vice President Talbot commented that it was decided in early discussion with the Faculty Council that final recommendations for merit increases would be made within each of the colleges by its own procedure, the decisions to be made by December 1, 1977. He added that within the past year adjustments have been made to salaries of seven faculty members who did not receive the increments to which they were entitled; this was accomplished through recaptured funds. According to the Board of Trustees Handbook it is not required that the Board take action on faculty salaries, but the Faculty Handbook provides that the President is required to review the recommendations of the Faculty Council and to present his recommendations to the Board of Trustees. The Faculty Salary Schedule was presented for the Board's approval with the understanding that if negotiations with OPP&FM resulted in substantial change, a new schedule would be submitted. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 8 ----------xxxxx---------- BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE Resolution No. 77-8 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE REGARDING THE APPOINTMENT OF A TREASURER FOR THE COLLEGE WHEREAS, Chapter 52, Laws of 1977 (House Bill No. 585), passed by the 45th Regular Legislative Session of the State of Washington directs that: "Each board of state college trustees shall appoint a treasurer who shall be the financial officer of the board and who shall hold office during the pleasure of the board. Each treasurer shall render a true and faithful account of all moneys received and paid out by him, and shall give bond for the faithful performance of the duties of his office in such amount as the trustees require; PROVIDED, That the respective colleges shall pay the fees for any such bonds." and WHEREAS, the Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs is the chief financial officer for Western Washington State College, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College appoint the Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs as the Western Washington State College treasurer. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College at a meeting thereof duly held this 11th day of July, 1977. WESTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE Vice-Chairman, Board of Trustees ATTEST: Secretary, Board of Trustees ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 9 ----------xxxxx---------- CERTIFICATE We, the undersigned, Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College and keeper of the records of said Board, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: 1. That the attached Resolution No. 77-8 is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the Board finally adopted at a meeting thereof held on the 11th day of July, 1977, and is duly recorded. 2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law, and to the extent required by law due and proper notice of such meeting was given; that a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting and a legally sufficient number of members of the Board of Trustees voted in the proper manner for the adoption of said Resolution: that all other requirements and proceedings incident to the proper adoption of said Resolution have been duly fulfilled, carried out and otherwise observed: and that we are authorized to execute this certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the official seal of the College this 11th day of July, 1977. Vice-Chairman, Board of Trustees WESTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE Secretary, Board of Trustees WESTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 10 ----------xxxxx---------- FACULTY SALARY SCHEDULE STEP 1976-77 Proposed 1977-7~* 1.0 10,905 11,696 2.0 11,250 12,066 Instructor 3.0 11,600 12,441 3.1 12,220 13,106 4.0 12,220 13,106 5.0 12,630 13,546 6.0 13,055 14,001 7.0 13,490 14,468 Assistant Professor 8.0 13,935 14,945 9.0 14,395 15,439 9.1 14,865 15,943 9.2 15,350 16,463 9.3 15,825 16,972 9.4 17,502 10.0 15,040 16,130 11.0 15,520 16,645 12.0 16,020 17,181 13.0 16,540 17,739 14.0 17,075 18,313 15.0 17,625 18,903 Associate Professor 16.0 18,200 19,520 16.1 18,610 19,959 16.2 19,215 20,608 16.3 19,835 21,273 16.4 21,959 17.0 18,610 19,959 18.0 19,215 20,608 19.0 19,835 21,273 20.0 20,475 21,959 21.0 21,140 22,673 22.0 21,815 23,397 Professor 23.0 22,510 24,142 23.1 23,220 24,903 23.2 23,935 25,670 23.3 24,660 26,448 23.4 27,231 23.9 30,155 32,341 *Based on + 7.25% adjustment to schedule. Approved by Board of Trustees July 11, 1977 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 11 ----------xxxxx---------- 1932 July 11, 1977 Motion 07-08-77 Mr. Whittaker moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College approves the attached Faculty Salary Schedule, subject to final determination by OPP&FM of the definition of the salary base. Seconded by Mr. Manley, the motion passed unanimously. (Copy is attached to official minutes.) Dr. Thorndike reported much discussion in the Faculty Council about the number of merit increases to be awarded; the resulting 70--considerably less than the administration suggested, and more than some of the faculty wanted--represents about 16% of the faculty. The administration would have preferred approximately 150 awards, with multiple awards to particularly meritorious faculty, because of the extended period during which there had been no merit increases. Dr. Thorndike observed that the most recent merit awards were given in 1969 and 1973, and felt that this recommended action was quite satisfactory to the majority of the faculty, although some faculty members felt that until the salary scale is equal to the seven-state average there should be no consideration of merit. Assistant Attorney General Anderson asked whether an individual, upon promotion to full professorship, automatically receives a significant salary increase. Vice President Talbot responded this was true in all but one instance; promotion is actually a merit process, and that faculty member was given the additional step he would otherwise have received. The increase granted with promotion does not come from the 10% salary funds. Dr. Talbot explained that there are some people who are not on the step schedule; these have been brought in at a negotiated salary level at the time of appointment, and will move to the next appropriate step the following year. Dr. Fernald questioned the time required (until December 1) to determine the merit recommendations; Vice President Talbot said he had originally proposed that the names be submitted in two weeks, but the colleges felt that the process could not begin until fall quarter, and some time would be required to establish procedures and receive applications thus the date of December 1. Motion 07-09-77 Dr. Fernald moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College approve the recommendation that each eligible faculty member as defined in the 1977 Faculty Handbook be awarded a step increment, and that 70 merit awards, to be determined by December 1, 1977, be retroactive to July 1, 1977. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker, the motion passed unanimously. 2. Exempt Staff Salary Adjustments Vice President Talbot informed the Board that the Administrators Association recommends an 8.5% salary increase for exempt staff, with 1.5% for merit awards, further recommending that the salary schedule remain unchanged. Mr. Cole added that there will be no adjustment in the value of the salary ranges and that the merit awards will be determined by the vice presidents of the areas concerned. Approximately 50 people will receive salary adjustments. Motion 7-10-77 Mr. Manley moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington State College approves the continuation of the existing Exempt Staff Salary Schedule which has been in effect since July 1, 1976. Seconded by Dr. Fernald, the motion passed unanimously. For those who are neither on the faculty schedule nor on the exempt staff schedule (the Deans and Vice Presidents), salaries will be determined on merit by the President and Academic Vice President. 3. Classified Staff Salary Adjustments Vice President Talbot explained that classified staff employees will receive a 10% salary adjustment effective July 1, 1977, the exact amount of adjustment by job classification to be determined by the Higher Education Personnel Board. Percentage increases by job classification could range from 3% to 18%. ITEMS FROM THE PRESIDENT Vice President Talbot said it is anticipated that enrollment for the Fall will be about the same as last year. Admissions are holding up very well, comparing very nearly with last year's figures. Summer enrollment is at approximately the same level as last year, but an accurate report cannot be prepared until all scheduled classes, workshops, etc., have met. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 12 ----------xxxxx---------- 1933 July 11, 1977 In May Western's faculty usage audit was sent to the Legislative Budget Committee; WWSC has been invited to appear before the Committee on July 22. Apparently the Committee staff is satisfied with the report and feels that management techniques for utilizing faculty are reasonable. Vice President Talbot hopes to have additional sections of the Faculty Handbook sent to the Board before the next meeting, with the possible exception of Fairhaven College's part; the general portion of the Handbook was approved at the meeting of June 2. The recommendations of the Long Range Planning Committee will also be presented in August; approval of faculty allocations will be sought. Vice President Talbot commented that the Department of General Studies will seek a change in name to Department of Liberal Studies. Also the present Speech Department asks for recognition of a separation that actually took place many years ago, to Speech Communication and Speech Pathology. The only administrative change resulting would be the appointment of a chairman for the Department of Speech Pathology, since the departments have been operating separately. PERSONNEL ITEMS Vice President Talbot recommended approval of the personnel items as listed. He explained that the promotion of Michael Burnett was not presented earlier because Fairhaven's recommendations of last fall had been returned for review under different evaluation procedures and have just been completed. He noted that the position of Director of Urban Studies will be difficult to fill because of the special kind of dedication and commitment required, also that Western will have a new Affirmative Action Officer with the arrival of Joan Stewart on August 1. Motion 07-11-77 Dr. Fernald moved that the recommended personnel actions be approved; seconded by Mr. Whittaker, the motion passed unanimously. PERSONNEL ITEMS - ACTION Appointments/Reappointments Cody E. Bryan, Assistant Professor of Accounting, academic year 1977-78 (full time) Bachelor of General Education, University of Omaha; M.B.A., University of Puget Sound Base nine months' salary: $ 16,000 Marie D. Eaton, Lecturer in Education, reappointment, academic year 1977-78 (full time) Base nine months' salary: $ 15,225 Sheila L. Fox, Lecturer in Education, academic year 1977-78 (full time) B.A., Western Washington State College (1967); M.Ed., University of Washington Base nine months' salary: $ 12,220 Lyle E. Harris, Assistant Professor of Journalism, reappointment, academic year 1977-78 Base nine months' salary: Step 9.3 Richard L. Kelsey, Assistant Professor of Accounting, academic year, 1977-78 (full time) B.S.B., M.S., University of Minnesota; Doctorate in progress, University of Washington Base nine months' salary: $ 15,500 Philip L. Knowles, Assistant Professor of Sociology, reappointment, academic year 1977-78 (full time) Base nine months' salary: Step 7 Andre K. Lehre, Lecturer in Geology, reappointment, academic year 1977-78 (full time) (Assistant Professor contingent upon completion of the Ph.D.) Base nine months' salary: $ 13,550 Charles A. Ross, Professor of Geology, appointed Chairman of the Department of Geology, effective August 1, 1977 Ajit S. Rupaal, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, appointed Acting Chairman of the Department of Physics & Astronomy, academic year 1977-78 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 13 ----------xxxxx---------- 1934 July 11, 1977 Jocelyn Skinner, Lecturer in Education, reappointment, academic year 1977-78 Base nine months' salary: $ 17,640 Christopher Anne Suczek, Instructor of Geology, academic year 1977-78 (full time) A.B., University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D. expected 1977, Stanford University Base nine months' salary: $ 13,500 Marian J. Tonjes, Lecturer in Education, reappointment, academic year 1977-78 Base nine months' salary: $ 17,926.65 Leaves of Absence A. Carter Broad, Professor of Biology, leave without pay, Fall quarter 1977 (.5 time) and Winter quarter 1978 (.5 time) Gary Clevidence, Associate Professor, Fairhaven College, leave without pay, Winter quarter 1978 only Kenneth D. Freeman, Professor, Fairhaven College, leave without pay, Winter quarter 1978 only Eugene Hogan, Assistant Professor of Political Science, leave without pay, academic year 1977-78 Rand F. Jack, Associate Professor, Fairhaven College, leave without pay, Fall quarter 1977 only C. Douglas Lummis, Assistant Professor, Fairhaven College, leave without pay, Spring quarter 1978, Fall quarter 1978, Winter quarter 1979 Beverly Malmstad, Associate Professor, Fairhaven College, leave without pay, academic year 1977-78 Gerson F. Miller, Professor of Journalism, sick leave continued through Fall quarter 1977 John R. Reay, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, leave without pay, Spring quarter 1978 Meribeth M. Riffey, Associate Professor of Biology, leave without pay, academic year 1977-78 Larry Swift, Associate Professor of Education, leave without pay, September 1, 1977 through August 31, 1978 Promotion Recommendation Michael J. Burnett, Assistant Professor, Fairhaven College, promotion to Associate Professor recommended effective July 1, 1977 Resignations/Terminations Alfred D. Arkley, Assistant Professor of Political Science, resignation, effective September 1, 1977 Eugene K. Garber, Professor of English, resignation, effective end of Spring quarter 1977 Alta J. Hansen, Associate Professor of Physical Education, resignation, effective September 14, 1977 Raymond F. Latta, Professor of Education, resignation, effective end of Spring quarter 1977 Barry Mar, Assistant Professor, Fairhaven College, and Director of the Center for Urban Studies, resignation, effective June 30, 1977 Additional Items - Action John W. Reitz, Lecturer in Human Services, reappointment, academic year 1977-78 (full time) Salary, nine months: $ 14,001 Walter L. Robinson, Professor and Chairman, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, reappointed Chairman of the Department for another four-year term, effective September 1, 1977 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 14 ----------xxxxx---------- 1935 July 11, 1977 Changes in Assignment Brian P. Copenhaver, Associate Professor of General Studies (one-half time, academic year) and Director of Honors Program (one-half time, 12 months basis), change in assignment to Executive Assistant to the Dean, College of Arts and Sciences (one-half time, 12 months basis) and Director of Honors Program (one-half time, 12 months basis) James L. Hildebrand, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science (.75 time) and Chairman, All-College Senate (.25 time), return to full-time assignment in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science upon completion of his term as Senate Chairman Richard C. McAllister, Assistant Professor, College of Business and Economics, cancellation of leave without pay scheduled for Fall quarter 1977 Robert M. Thorndike, Professor of Psychology (full-time), change in assignment to Professor of Psychology (.5 time) and Chairman, All-College Senate (.5 time), academic year 1977-78 PERSONNEL ITEMS - INFORMATION Timothy B. Douglas, Associate Dean of Students, temporary appointment as Acting Vice President for Student Affairs, effective June 20 through July 31, 1977 Jane Mills, Lecturer in Education, reappointment, academic year 1977-78 (.75 FTE) Ronald M. Noborikawa, Financial Aid Counselor, appointed on permanent basis effective July 1, 1977 (twelve months basis) Salary (per month): $ 1,050 Mary R. Robinson, Affirmative Action Officer (51%) and Associate Dean of Students (49%), change in appointment to Associate Dean of Students (full time) effective July 1, 1977 Dean Robinson will become Acting Vice President for Student Affairs, effective August 1, 1977 Wayne M. Sparks, Acting Director of Financial Aid, appointed Director of Financial Aid, effective July 1, 1977 Salary: Step 2, Range 10, Administrative Salary Scale Joan Best Stewart, Affirmative Action Officer, effective August 1, 1977, twelve months basis B.A. in Ed. (1956), M.Ed. (1961), Western Washington State College; and Clark College, Northwestern School of Law, Portland Base twelve months' salary: $ 21,600 J. D., Lewis Saundra L. Taylor, Associate Professor, Director of Counseling Center, to Counseling Center at 1/4 time for 9-week summer session reappointed Robert M. Thorndike, Summer Session 1977 Chairman, All-College Senate, assigned at .25 FTE during Assignments for the coming academic year will begin two weeks prior to beginning of Fall quarter 1977 (September Experience with students in the public Schools) for the following, at .056 FTE: Don W. Brown, Associate Professor of Education Richard Covington, Associate Professor of Education Robert Pinney, Associate Professor of Education John Towner, Associate Professor of Education Stewart VanWingerden, Associate Professor of Education Assistant Attorney General Anderson told of a bequest recently received, a check in the amount of $ 16,525.82, representing one half of the residue of the estate of Priscilla M. Kinsman (Assistant Professor Emeritus of Education) to be used for the use and benefit of needy and deserving students. Earlier received for the historical records of the College were a picture of Miss Kinsman's father's Civil War service record and her grandmother's sampler embroidery, on display in the President's office. Mr. Anderson presented a form which required the signature of the chairman and secretary of the Board of Trustees in order to close out the estate. A formal resolution of acceptance of the bequest will be prepared for the August meeting. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 - Page 15 ----------xxxxx---------- 1936 July 11, 1977 EXECUTIVE SESSION At 5:15 p.m. Mr. Chin announced the meeting of the Board of Trustees would recess into executive session to discuss personnel matters; the meeting was reconvened into regular session at 5:40 p.m. Mr. Chin stated that one item of business required action as a result of the executive session. Motion 07-12-77 Mr. Whittaker moved that the salary of President Olscamp be increased by 10%, bringing it to the level of $ 49,500 annually, effective July 1, 1977. Seconded by Mr. Manley, the motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Ark G. Chin, Vice Chairman Robert L. Fernald, Secretary ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - July 1977 ----------xxxxx----------