1954-12 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 1954 - Page 1 ----------xxxxx---------- 741 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 15, 1954 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, December 15, 1954, at 5: 30 p. m. at Edens Hall. Those present were Burton A. Kingsbury, Chairman, Harry A. Binzer, and President w. W. Haggard. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. APPROPRIATION REQUESTS FOR 1955- 1957 The appropriation requests for the ensuing biennium, as outlined in an abridged form for the meeting with the Legislature at 6: 30 p. m., to be presented by Mr. Eingsbury, were reviewed. NEW APPROACH TO COLLEGE The brochure presenting a plea to the Legislature to provide a new approach from the city center and Holly Street to the College, by way of Indian and High Streets, estimated to cost $ 241,604.20, was discussed. APPLICATION FOR SUPPLEMENTAL LOAN APPROVED It was reported that on Tuesday, December 14, 1954, the federal Housing and Home Finance Agency in Washington, D. C., had approved the application for the supplemental loan of $ 80,000.00 to erect the Annex to Edens Hall. CONTRACTS WITH BUILDERS OF ANNEX It was reported that Leonard Bindon, architect, would send the contracts with the builders of the j~ nex to Edens Hall at the earliest convenience to be signed by the Trustees. ANNEX TO MENS RESIDENCE HALL The proposal that an annex of frame construction to the Mens Residence Hall be erected was discussed, including the financing through private channels. A letter from Leonard Bindon was read indicating that it could be financed through the federal Housing and Home Finance Agency, but that a period of amortization shorter than that of the loan for the Edens Hall Annex would be required. President Haggard reported that Jack Bates of Seattle, who is interested in financing the Mens hesidence Hall project, would attend the meeting of the T~~ stees on January 20, 1955. PREREGISTRATION FOR WINTER QUARTER 1955 Presiient Haggard reported that the munber of preregistrations for the winter quarter was 1285, an inCrease of 24% over the number of preregistrations at the same date in December, 1953. EDENS HALL DINING ROOM IMPORVEMENTS The installation of acoustical tile on the ceiling of Edens Hall dining room by the Elliott Bay Lumber Company, Seattle, lowest bidder, for $ 1483.00, and the installation of new lighting fixtures to cost $ 421.00, were approved. It was pointed out that the cost of the improvements would be paid from operations. SETTLENENT WITH GILBERT E. TUCKER, CONTRACTOR A letter from Gilbert E. Tucker, under date of December 10, 1954, requesting a final settlement on the contract for the erection of the Auditorium- Music Building be made at once, was read. The correspondence relating to this request is on file in the President's office. It was decided that Harold Lant's claim against the 1ucker Company be reinvestigated before the final settlement. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 1954 - Page 2 ----------xxxxx---------- LEAVE or ABSENCE FOR RUTH WEYTHMAN Ruth Weythman, Chairman of the Women's Physical Education Department, was granted a leave of absence for the winter quarter, 1955. LEAVE OF ABSENCE EXTENDED FOR LAURENCE W. BREWSTER Laurence Brewster, Assistant Professor of Speech, on leave this year, 1954-55, for graduate study at the State University of Iowa, was granted an extension of his leave of absence for next year, 1955-56. EMPLOYMENT OF PATRICIA O'BRIEN Patricia Hieber O'Brien was employed to substitute for Ruth Weythman the ensuing winter quarter, at a monthly salary of $477.77. MEETING OF JOINT BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND PRESIDENTS There was a brief discussion of the meeting of the Joint Board of Trustees and Presidens of the Colleges of Education in Ellensburg of January 15, 1055. COORDINATION OF APPROPRIATION REQUESTS IN EDUCATION President Haggard reported that Mrs. Pearl A. Wanamaker, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, had asked that the President of the State Institutions of Higher Education meet in her office on December 21 to consider coordination in education. PROPERTIES IN FRONT OF EDENS HALL ANNEX Consideration to securing options on the properties in front of the Edens Hall Annex was given. It was thought that an investigation regarding these options should be made. BIENNAL DINNER FOR LEGISLATORS Burton A. Kingsbury, Don Eldridge, Harry Bnzer, President Haggard, and staff members: M.S. Kuder, Fred Knapman, Harvey Gelder, and S.J. Buchanan, participated in the dinner meeting with the Legislators at 6:30 p.m. The Legislators present were Senators E.W. Lennart, Homer Nunamkaer, and Paul Luvera; and Representatives Malcom McBeath , Hal Arnason, Jr. , A.E. Edwards, William A. Fisher, James Ovenall, and Emma Abbott Ridgeway. In addittion to the appropriation requests for the ensuing biennum to the College from the city center and Holly Street, as approved by the State Highway Commission and the City Engineer, were considered. There was considerabke support for the State's provision of two-thirds of the cost and City's provision of one-third of the cost. BILLS WERE AUDITED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS Voucher Check No. 1730-1856 State Voucher Check No. 38707-39196 Local Voucher Check No, 15077-15237 Dormitories Voucher Check No. 15778-15990 Associated Students ADJOURNEMENT Don Eldridge, Secretary Burton A. Kingsbury, Chairman ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 1954 - Page 3 ----------xxxxx---------- MINTUES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 30, 1954 A special meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at noon on Decmeber 30, 1954, at the Leopold Hotel. Those present were Burton A. Kingsbury, Chairman, Harry A. Kinzer, and President W.W. Haggard. FINANCING ANNEX TO EDENS HALL The meeting was called for the purpose of considering the proposal of the First Washington Corporation of Seattle to finance the Annex to Edens Hall, also the Annex to the Mens Residence Hall. Mr. J.J. Harris, President,a dn Jack Bates of the First Washington Corporation were present. ADVANCE OF FUNDS FROM HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY The problem of an advance of funds by the Housing and Home Finance Agency, in the event that the proposal of the First Washington Corporation were accepted, rose. It was decided that Mr. Kingsbury would call Mr. B.R. Durkee, Area Representative of the Housing and Home FInance Agency, to ascertain if an advance of funds could be made under the proposed arrangement of the First Washington Corporation. FINANCE OF ANNEXES AT 3.40% Mr. J.J. Harris, President, stated that the First Washington Coporation would accept the financing of the Annexes to Edens Hall and the Mens Residence Hall at 3.40%. He was asked to submit his proposal in writing for further consideration by the Trustees. It was suggested that the proposal be submitted to Richard Thorgrimson, Attorney, Seattle, bond coursel, upon his return from out of the city to his office. ADJOURNEMENT Don Eldridge, Secretary Burton A. Kingsbury, Chairman ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - December 1954 ----------xxxxx----------