1922-09 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - September 1922 - Page 1 ----------xxxxx---------- 79 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1922 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the Normal School September 14th, 1922 at 8 o'clock P.M. there being present Trustees W. B. Whitcomb, W. D. Kirkpatrick and Noah Shakespeare, President D. B. Waldo and the Secretary. Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. The President discussed with the Board matters pertaining to Extension work and recommended payment be made from our extension fund to the instructors who had rendered services. Trustee Whitcomb thought it might be best to get an opinion from the Attorney General as to the legality for so doing. The question of taking down the old Edens hall dormitory was discussed but no definite action taken as to what should be done. The Secretary was instructed to write the purchasing Division of the Department of Business Control requesting bids on fuel oil as well as coal for heating the institution. The President submitted his monthly report for the month of August which was duly considered and filed. The following recommendations contained therein were approved by the board. Vacancies in the teaching staff were filled as follows: Name Department Salary Miss Jessie Selton Music $ 2500 Miss Regina Frank Physical Education 1600 Miss Anna Ullin French 1900 Miss Lola . McMeen Training School - 3rd grade 2250 Miss Eleanor Osborn Training School - 6th grade 2400 Mrs. Ruth Axtell Hussey English 2000 Mrs. James Gaul Spanish 60 per mo. Temporary appointments in the fall quarter as follows: Name Department Salary Miss Hazel Breakey Art 16 weeks $ 150 per mo. Miss Margaret Dillon English (12 weeks) 125 per mo. Mrs. Clara Kief Jones Education (Part time) Reader. 60 per mo. Readjustment of salaries as follows: Name Salary 1921-22 Recommended Salary 1922-23 Mr. Sam Carver $ 2100 $ 2400 Mr. Arthur Kolstad 2100 2400 Miss Ruth Buchholz 1440 1500 Mrs. Laura Lee 1440 1500 Miss Mabel Shuey formerly an assistant to the Dean of Women at the university of washington was appointed as social director in Edens hall at a compensation of $ 1800.00 and room and board. the salary to be paid from Edens Hall fund. Miss Helen Beardsley was granted a leave of absence for the year beginning September 1, 1922. The contract with Mrs. ida rowell providing that she be paid $ 100.00 per month terminated August 31, 1922. The board approved the recommendation that it be not renewed as there was no present need for her services. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - September 1922 - Page 2 ----------xxxxx---------- 80 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTENBEH 14, 1922 The board approved audited bills as follows: Local Vouchers No. 1325 to No. 1542 State Vouchers No. 250 to No. 276 Revolving Fund No. 1325 to No. 1642 Trustee Whitcomb stated the city had agreed to pay for one-half the expense of taking care of the drainage of water flowing down the alley from the Dormitory and suggested that we see what the city is to do. An adjournment was then taken. Secretary Chairman ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - September 1922 ----------xxxxx----------