1981-02 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 ----------xxxxx---------- ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 - Page 1 ----------xxxxx---------- AGENDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES' MEETING WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY February 5, 1981, 1:30 p.m. Old Main 340 on Campus 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of December 11, 1980 2. Business and Financial Affairs - Action A. Capital Project i. # 79-2H, Edens Hall South, Selection of Financial Consultant 3. Business and Financial Affairs - Informational A. South Campus Fields Status Report 4. New and Proposed Student Financial Aid Legislation 5. Items from the Board D. Iterns from the President A. 1981-83 Governor's Recommended Budget B. Intercollegiate Athletic Report - Action 7 Professional Leaves - Action 8. Personnel Items - Action 9. Personnel Items - Informational 10. Executive Session ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 - Page 2 ----------xxxxx---------- 2212 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, scheduled to be held January 8, 1981, in Old Main 340, on the Western Washington University campus, was canceled. MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES' MEETING WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY February 5, 1981, 1:30 p.m. Old Main 340, on Campus CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by Chairman Curtis Dalrymple. Attendance Board of Trustees Curtis J. Dalrymple, Chairman Robert L. Fernald, Vice Chairman Jerrold W. Manley, Secretary Gordon Sandison Western Washington University James Albers, Vice Provost for Instruction and Planning Don Cole, Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs James Davis, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences George Mariz, Chairman, Faculty Senate Paul J. Olscamp, President Thomas J. Quinlan, Vice President for Student Affairs Mary Robinson, Vice Provost for Administration Jim Schwartz, Director, Public Information Wayne Sparks, Director, Student Financial Aid Students Greg Sobel, President, Associated Students Board Others Stuart Allen, Assistant Attorney General Beth Barrett, The Bellingham Herald Approzimately 40 others 1. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING - ACTION MOTION 2-1-81 Chairman Curtis J. Dalrymple moved that the Board of Trustees' minutes of the special meeting of December 11, 1980, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 - Page 3 ----------xxxxx---------- 2213 February 5, 1981 2. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS - ACTION A. Capital Project - # 79-2H, Edens Hall South, Selection of Financial Consultant MOTION 2-2-81 On motion by Robert L. Fernald and duly seconded by Gordon Sandison, it was moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University authorizes the administration to enter into a personal services contract with Seattle Northwest Securities for assistance in financial planning and preparation for the sale of revenue bonds to renovate Edens Hall South as a residence hall. The motion carried unanimously. At its October 4, 1979, meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the selection of the firms of Tonkin, Greissinger, Cuykendall, Iles, of Seattle, for development of a feasibility study and cost estimate on the renovation of Edens Hall South as a residential facility. The consultants' study, reported to the Board of Trustees on April 3, 1980, proposed the renovation of the building as a 244-bed residential hall at an estimated cost of $ 4 million. Since that time, Business and Financial Affairs has completed a preliminary analysis of costs income and demand factors related to the project. The administration feels that the project is desirable in all respects with the exception of the current cost of financing a housing revenue bond issue. In order to continue the planning process, it is recommended that a financial consultant be sellected to assist the University in financial planning and preparation for a bond issue. It must be stressed that this is the continuation of the planning process, and no commitment for construction is being requested at this time. A committee comprised of staff and students reviewed written proposals and attended presentations by the three consulting firms, which responded to the University's request for proposals for a financial analysis of the Housing and Dining System. The committee's recommendation of Seattle Northwest Securities is based on the following: 1. success with similar issues for Washington institutions of higher education, including Western's last Housing and Dining bond issue of 1973; 2. a current knowledge of Western's financial environment, which should require less university staff time; 3. headquarters in Seattle for the convenient providing of services; and 4. comparable cost at the time of issue. 3. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS - INFORMATIONAL A. South Campus Fields Status Report Vice Presidents Cole and Quinlan reported on the status of the South Campus Fields Project. Phase I of this project, which included playing fields, new track surface, landscaping and lighting, service and storage buildings, and a bus shelter, totaling approximately $ 1.5 million, was accepted as completed by Dawson Construction Company by motion of the Board of Trustees at the December, 1980, meeting. Acceptance of Phase II of this project was postponed due to an apparent drainage problem with the tennis courts. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 - Page 4 ----------xxxxx---------- 2214 February 5, 1981 Subsequent to that meeting, the project architect and contractor have met and concluded that the standing water on the courts is due to faculty surfacing techniques which resulted in an uneven surface. The courts will be resurfaced. When this situation has been corrected, acceptance of Phase II will be brought before the Board of approval. A fungus problem has developed and has caused a brown discoloration on the newly seeded playing fields. Samples are being studied at the State's soil and grass testing station in Puyallup to correct this problem. The responsibility for correction lies with the contractor, since Western is covered under warranty. 4. NEW AND PROPOSED STUDENT FINANCIAL AID LEGISLATION Wayne Sparks, Director for Student Financial Aid, reported that well over 90 percent of need-based financial aid administered by Western Washington University is provided from federal and state sources. Of the total of $ 4,432,000 in state and federal funds provided to Western students in the 1979-80 academic year, $ 3,852,000, or 87 percent, was in the form of federal student aid. Since the vast majority of student aid at Western is provided through state and federal programs of assistance, decisions made by Congressmen and/or state legislators with regard to student aid programs in terms of eligibility criteria or funding levels critically influence the aid programs at Western. At the Federal level, the passage of the Middle Income Student Assistance Act in 1978 and the Higher Education Amendments of 1980 signaled a commitment on the part of Congress to provide financial assistance to a broader population of students by liberalizing eligibility criteria. With the recent change in administration and a new Republican balance in the U.S. Senate, proposals for retrenching on the commitments made through the Middle Income Student Assistance Act and the Higher Education Amendments of 1980 are now being widely considered, particularly in the area of Guaranteed Student Loans and Basic Educational Opportunity Grants. At the state level, the possibility of increased tuition and fees, and the uncertainties of federal student aid funding make decisions regarding state aid funding especially important. In summary, there many uncertainties with regard to the future of federal and state student aid programs. The decisions to be made by Congress and our state legislature in the next few months will be critical ones in this regard. 5. ITEMS FROM THE BOARD There were n items from the Board. 6. ITEMS FROM THE PRESIDENT A. 1981-83 Governor's Recommended Budget President Olscamp reported that the supplemental budget has been sent back from the House to the Senate and is currently under discussion there. In that supplemental budget, funds totaling $ 1.1 million are included for the completion of Western's South Academic Building. An attempt will be made in the Senate budget to increase that amount to include some of the additional costs requested by Western but were reduced in the House. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 - Page 5 ----------xxxxx---------- 2215 February 5, 1981 The Academic Scholarships Bill, which was passed in the House and Senate but vetoed by Governor Ray in the last Legislative session, is now in the Senate, It passed out of the Senate Higher Education Committee yesterday. The Finance Committe of the Council for Postsecohdary Education, which had been considering a negative recommendation to continue the program of remitting undergraduate tuition and fees for students from British Columbia, decided to recommend that the program be continued subject to negotiations with British Columbia to obtain a more equitable arrangement. According to Council for Postsecondary information, there are more British Columbia students studying in Washington state than the reverse. President Olscamp expressed his appreciation to Senator Goltz, who is working very hard to reach a mutually acceptable arrangement. B. Intercollegiate Athletic Report - Action MOTION 2-3-81 On motion by Jerrold W. Manley and duly seconded by Gordon Sandison, it was moved that the Board of Trustees of Western washingtong university, upon the recommendation of President Olscamp, a proves the dropping of the following intercollegiate sports: men-- baseball, golf, tennis, wrestling; women-- field hockey, tennis. The Board further supports intercollegiate competition for the University in men's football, basketball, track/cross country and crew, and in women's volleyball, track/cross country and basketball. The Board equests that the Services and Activities Fee Split Committee recommend allocation of revenues from Services and Activities Fees to the intercollegiate sports program, including intercollegiate soccer and women's crew, consistent with their responsibilities under Substitute House Bill 1480. The Board requests this review be completed in time for consideration at 1981, meeting of the Board of Trustees. The motion carried unanimously. Speaking for the Associated Students Board, Gret Sobel requested, subsequent to a unanimous vote on a motion by the Associated Students Board at their February 2 meeting, that the Board of Trustees postpone any action on the subject of intercollegiate athletics until their March, 1981, meeting. This would allow time for the Associated Students to review the Inter-collegiate Task Force Report and President Olscamp's position on that report, and also to make a recommendation in line with the intent of Substitute House Bill 1480 which was passed during the last Legislative session. The law mandates that "initial responsibility for proposing program priorities and budget levels for that portion of program budgets that derive from S&A Fees shall reside with an S&A Fee Split Committee, on which students shall hold at least a majority of the voting membership . . " Mr. Sobel acknowledged that the Trustees have the responsibility to make the final decision, but contends that the law clearly states that the initial recommendations are to come from the S&A Fee Split Committee. He believes that the action of the Board of Trustees denied the Associated Students Board an opportunity for input, but also circumvented the legally required S&A Fee split process. The Board of Trustees noted the request for post-ponement but felt that a formal decision must be made at this time to indicate which sports would be kept and which sports would be dropped so that the planning process could begin for their implementation. President Olscamp and Attorney General Stuart Allen both stated that according to Substitute House Bill 1480 and the Governance System of Western Washington University, the administration and the Board acted within the confines of the law. Further investigation will follow to ensure that correct interpretation was made of Western's Governance System and SHB 1480. Subsequent to the Board's 4- 0 approval of Motion 2-3-81, previously delineated, Mr. Sobel announced that in accordance with his interpretation of the University's Governance System, Section 7, and, consequently, with ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 - Page 6 ----------xxxxx---------- Associated Students of Western Washington University Viking Union 227 Bellingham, Washington 98225 ASWWU Board of Directors February 2, 1981 Motion Title: Intercollegiate Athletics I move: "We the Associated Students of Western Washington University respectfully request the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University at their February 5, 1981 meeting to postpone any action on the subject of intercollegiate athletics until their March 5, 1981 meeting. This would allow the Associated Students of Western Washington University to review the Task Force report and President Olscamp's position on that report, and also to make a recommendation in line with the intent of Substitute House Bill 1480 which was passed during the last legislative session. Maker of motion: Robert Jirka Seconded by: Fate Putman Action taken: Approved (10-0-0) ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 - Page 7 ----------xxxxx---------- 2216 February 5, 1981 the authority vested in the Associated Students Board, the Associated Students would terminate football as an intercollegiate activity as of February 5, 1982 (one year following the action of the Board on February 5, 1981). If football were terminated at Western, funds allocated to this sport could be used to upgrade other programs. Assistant Attorney General Stuart Allen will investigate the intent of Section 7 of the Governance System which was adopted by the Board of Trustees and printed in FAST on May 18, 1978, and will ascertain whether this section has been presented today accurately and in the proper context. Dr. Olscamp stated that the Services and Activities Fee Split Committee has every right, not only under SHB 1480 but consistent with the way it has operated through years at Western Washington University, to make what recommendations it deems most appropriate regarding all phases of S&A Fee money allocations. 7. PROFESSIONAL LEAVES - ACTION MOTION 2-4-81 On motion by Robert L. Fernald and duly seconded by Jerrold W. Manley, it was moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University approves the recommended professional leaves for 1981-82, and the partial list of leaves for 1982-83, on the condition that the timing of the leaves is approved by the Dean of the College/School, and contingent upon receipt of signed Professional Leave Repayment Agreement. The motion carried unanimously. Acting under the conditions of the Faculty Handbook, the Professional Leave Committee recommended the following applicants for Professional Leave: Recommendations for Professional Leave 1981-82 Willard Brown, Physics, 3 quarters; development of computer software for teaching content in elementary science; to study at U.C. Berkeley and elsewhere. Michael Burnett, Fairhaven College, 3 quarters; to complete research for a book on Mark Twain. Marjorie Danker, English, 3 quarters; to complete a full-length study of Shakespeare's use of the commonplace. Ione Foss, Art, 3 quarters; to investigate the complex effects of color interaction making for brilliance and richness in painting. Jesse Hiraoka, Human Services, 1 quarter (1981 Spring Quarter); to write a book on the time dimension in American culture, particularly its impact upon ethnic minorities. Rand Jack, Fairhaven College, 1 quarter; a faculty development proposal to apply the work of William G. Perry on "Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years" to the curriculum at Fairhaven College. B. L. Kintz, Psychology, 3 quarters; a faculty development proposal to study the latest procedures and techniques in industrial and organizational psychology. Dr. Kintz will study at Ohio State University and University of Maryland. Ronald Kleinknect, Psychology, 3 quarters; to integrate research on dental fear into the development, refinement and evaluation of a group program for treatment of persons fearful of and avoiding dentistry. Gerald Kraft, Biology, 1 quarter; to study methods of general assessment of the biological quality of an environment, using Spencer Spit as an example. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 - Page 8 ----------xxxxx---------- 2217 February 5, 1981 George Mariz, History, 3 quarters; to complete research on social thinkers and activists in the late 19th and early 20th Century, with particular emphasis on the secularization of social thought. John Miles, Huxley College, 2 quarters; to research and complete a book on humanism and environmental education. Robert Peters, English, 3 quarters; to conduct research at Yale University on the language of Shakespeare. This should result in a companion volume to his Chaucer's Language. David Pevear, Geology, 3 quarters; to study mineralogical and geochemical relationships in clay minerals from the coastal ranges of Oregon and Washington. The year will be spent at the University of Illinois. Walter Robinson, Foreign Language, 3 quarters; a faculty development proposal to increase his proficiency in Swedish and German. Clyde Senger, Biology, 1 quarter; to conduct research on camas, a common bulbous plant found in the meadows of central and western United States. Ronald Taylor, Biology, 3 quarters; to study the botany of certain biogeographic provinces in Australia, and to complete a book dealing with the natural history of the Pacific Northwest. Mary Terey-Smith, Music, 1 quarter; to complete research for a book on The Baroque Opera Orchestra. John Towner, Education, 3 quarters; a professional development proposal to be taken at the University of Washington to extend his competence in research design and statistics, reading and reading resarch, and elementary teaching. Ming-Ho Yu, Huxley Coilege, 2 quarters; to undertake research at Utah State University in the toxicosis of fluoride and on the control of natural toxicants in food. Total Quarters previously awarded 9 Total Quarters recommended for approval 43 Total 52 Total Quarters available for recommendation 57 Recommendations for Professional Leave, 1982-83 Darrell Amundsen, Foreign Languages; 3 Quarters. To write a book on the character and qualities of the ideal physician in early Christian thought, the effect of Christian philanthropy on medical practice and ethics in both secular and early monastic medicine and on the assessment of the long-range effects of Christianity on the development of Western medical ethics. Marjorie Danker, English; 1 Quarter. See 1981-82 project. Sy Schwartz, Education; 3 Quarters. A faculty development leave to attend Harvard Graduate School of Education to broaden his knowledge into the Foundations area. This leave will be conditional on his acceptance to the Harvard Graduate School of Education. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 - Page 9 ----------xxxxx---------- 2218 February 5, 1981 Ming-Ho Yu, Huxley College; 1 Quarter. See 1981-82 project. Total Quarters recommended for approval 8 8. PERSONNEL ITEMS - ACTION MOTION 2-5-81 On motion by Jerrold W. Manley and duly seconded by Robert L. Fernald, it was moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University approves personnel items as recommended for 1980, 1981 and 1982. The motion carried unanimously. Resignation Knowles, Philip, Assistant Professor, Honors Program and Department of Sociology; resignation effective December 31, 1980. New Appointments Moren, Karen D., Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing; tenure-track appointment for academic year 1981-82. B. S. University of Nevada, Reno; M. P. H. Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. 9. PERSONNEL ITEMS - INFORMATIONAL Appointments, Part-Time, On-Campus Allen, Robert D., Lecturer, Department of Art; .1667 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Bultman, Phyllis, Lecturer, Department of English; .166 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Carter, Jackson, Lecturer, Department of Home Economics; .083 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Coleman, Alice, Lecturer, Center for Urban Studies; .0415 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Dale, Carolyn J., Lecturer, Department of Journalism; .3333 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Davidson, Barbara, Instructor, Department of Math/Computer Science; .08333 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Flygare, Karla, Lecturer, Music Department; .1666 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter and Spring Quarters. Fricke, James, Lecturer, Department of Music; .125 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter and Spring Quarters. Harrison, Derrick P., Lecturer, Ethnic Studies; .0833 Academic FTE, 1981 Spring Quarter. Hinz, Ann C., Lecturer, Department of Education; .1667 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 - Page 10 ----------xxxxx---------- 2219 February 5, 1981 Holmberg, Branton, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration; .4166 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Hovde, Jane, Lecturer, Department of Art; .083 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Hunter, Pauline, Lecturer, Department of Home Economics; .0833 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Kaplan, Susan, Instructor, Department of Math/Computer Science; .5833 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Kohl, Paul A., Visiting Professor, Department of History; .0833 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter and Spring Quarters. Ko1omeets, E. V., Visiting Professor, Department of Physics/Astronomy; .250 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Lindholdt, Paul, Lecturer, Department of English; .500 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Mitchell, Patricia, Lecturer; Department of Art (.25 FTE) and Department of Home Economics (.50 FTE), .25 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. McCune, Judith, Lecturer, Department of Home Economics; .083 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Moses, Eugene R., Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, .083 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Moynihan, Michael, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration; .083 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Neill, Will T., Lecturer, Department of Business Administration; .3333 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Nichols, Larry, Lecturer, Department of English; .166 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. O'Brien, Patricia, Guest Lecturer, Department of Physical Education; .083 Academic FTE, 1981 Spring Quarter. Preston, Leon, Lecturer, Center for Urban Studies; .083 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Resick, Thomas J., Lecturer, Department of Business Administration; .083 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Russell, Margaret R., Lecturer, Department of Art; .6667 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Scott, Clara J., Lecturer, Center for Urban Studies; .0415 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Sherwood, Thomas, Lecturer, Department of Art; .0833 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Stewart, J. T., Lecturer, Center for Urban Studies; .1667 Academic FTE, 1981 Spring Quarter. Tanaka, Gail, Lecturer, Center for Urban Studies; .0833 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Vowles, Elizabeth, Lecturer, Department of Home Economics; .083 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 - Page 11 ----------xxxxx---------- 2220 February 5, 1981 Waters, Dorothy, Lecturer, Department of Home Economics; .083 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Wilkins, Carmela, Lecturer, Department of Art; .0833 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Zylstra, John D., Lecturer, Department of Art; .0833 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter Quarter. Appointments, Department Chairperson Hiraoka, Jesse, Director, Human Services and Ethnic Studies; appointed Acting Chairperson for Department of Foreign Languages, 1981-82 Academic Year. Kraft, Gerald, Chairperson, Department of Biology; reappointment as Chairperson for four-year term, effective September 1, 1981. Richardson, Larry, Chairperson, Department of Speech; reappointment as Chairperson for four-year term, effective September 1, 1981. Ross, Charles A., Chairperson, Department of Geology; reappointment as Chairperson for four-year term, effective September 1, 1981. Seilo, Michael, Chairperson, Department of Speech Pathology/Audiology, reappointment as Chairperson for four-year term, effective Sept. 1, 1981. Change of Appointment Auer, David, Instructor, Department of Business Administration; change in appointment to .666 Academic FTE, 1980-81 Academic Year. Cvetkovich, George, Department of Psychology; .3333 Academic FTE, grant funding extended to Winter Quarter, Department to pick up at Spring Quarter, 1980-81 Academic Year. Fitch, Gregory W., Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy; change in appointment to .500 Academic FTE, 1981 Winter and Spring Quarters. Kehl, Donna, Lecturer, Department of Education; change of appointment to .5833 Academic FTE, 1980-81 Academic Year; Laurel, Janet, Lecturer, Center for Urban Studies; .250 Academic FTE, change in appointment adding Winter and Spring Quarters, 1980-81 Academic Year. Maruz, D. Peter, Professor, Department of Sociology; change in appointment to .500 Academic FTE for a grant through NSF for 1980-81 Academic Year. Nyblade, Elizabeth, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; change in appointment, additional .333 Academic FTE, 1980-81 Academic Year. Palmer, Errol G., Lecturer, Center for Urban Studies; .250 Academic FTE, change in appointment adding Spring Quarter, 1980-81 Academic Year. Rieck, Robin, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration; change in appointment from tenure track to non-tenure track beginning 1981 Winter Quarter, 1980-81 Academic Year. Simpson, Carl H., Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology; .8333 Academic FTE, change in appointment adding Winter and Spring Quarters, 1980-81 Academic Year. Sylvester, Barbara, Department of English; .4160 Academic FTE, change in appointment, adding one section during Winter Quarter, 1980-81 Academic Year. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 1981 - Page 12 ----------xxxxx---------- 2221 February 5, 1981 Trimble, Joseph, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Department of Education; change in appointment adding section in Department of Education, 1980-81 Academic Year. Yearby, Jim, Lecturer, Center for Urban Studies; Change in appointment, .3333 Academic FTE, 1980-81 Academic Year. Leave Without Pay Freeman, Kenneth David, Professor, Fairhaven College; leave without pay, 1981 Winter Quarter. Lippman, Marcia Z., Associate professor, Department of Psychology; leave without pay, 1981 Winter Quarter. Richardson, Cynthia, Lecturer, Wilson Library; 1 week ( 1-5 to 9-81) leave without pay, 1981 Winter Quarter. Sick Leave Weiner, Homer A., Professor, Art Department; extend sick leave through Winter Quarter, 1981. Wodzicki, Antoni, Assistant Professor, Department of Geology; returned from sick leave. Other Boucher, Jerry, Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology; collaborating in the cross-cultural area with three members of Department of Psychology, 1981 Winter and Spring Quarters. No stipend. Goldner, Richard, Associate Professor, Music Department; 1980-81 Academic Year. No stipend. Job, Nicole S., Lecturer, Department of Theatre/Dance; resignation of part-time position effective 1981 Winter Quarter, 1980-81 Academic Year. Mitsuru, Katagiri, Research Associate, Fairhaven College; to conduct research concerning the Three Mile Island event. No stipend. Classified Staff Retiree Lavern Larson, Program Manager B with the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, retired from the classified service of Western on Jan. 31, 1981. Mrs. Larson has been employed with Western since October 21, 1965. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 2:55 p.m. Mr. Dalrymple announced that the meeting of the Board would recess into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. The meeting was reconvened into regular session at 3:50 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Curtis J. Dalrymple, Chairman Jerrold W. Manley, Secretary