2009-02 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - Page 1 ----------xxxxx---------- Western Washington University Board of Trustees Agenda February 12 13, 2009 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2009 Location: OM 340 nme: 3:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER 3:00-3:05 II. SPECIAL REPORT A. Discussion of President's Mid-Year Report- The Strategic Direction for the University 3:05 - 3:10 Presentation: Bruce Shepard, President 3:10-3:45 Discussion B. Update on Budget Scenarios and Budget Process 3:45 - 4:00 Presentation: Paula Gilman, Exec. Director, University Planning Budgeting 4:00 - 4:30 Discussion 111. EXECUTIVE SESSION MAY BE HELD TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL, REAL ESTATE, AND LEGAL ISSUES AS AUTHORIZED IN RCW 42.30.110. 4:30-5:00 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2009 Location: OM 340 Time: 8:30 a.m. I. CALL TO ORDER, APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8:30- 8:35 ΓÇó Board of Trustees Meeting, December 11 12, 2008 11. RECOGNITIONS AND INTRODUCTIONS 8:35- 8:40 ΓÇó Steve Swan, Vice President for University Reilations 1 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - Page 2 ----------xxxxx---------- Ill. EXECUTIVE COMMENTS A. Board Chair Report 8:40-9:00 1. Elimination of Football Program Spokesperson for savewwufootball.com Bruce Shepard, President 2. Revision of BOT Rules of Operation Wendy Bohlke, Legal Counsel, AAG B. University President 9:00-9:15 1. Report on Progress in Implementing Current UFWW Contract Dennis Murphy, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs Bill Lyne, President, UFWW 2. Update on Vice Presidential Searches Bruce Shepard, President 3. Waterfront Development Update Bruce Shepard, President C. Associated Students 9:15-9:25 D. Faculty Senate 9:25-9:35 IV. ACTION ITEMS A. Consent Items: 9:45-9:50 ΓÇó Approval of Winter Quarter Degrees ΓÇó Delegation of Authority to Award Construction Contract for Miller Hall Renovation - Stimulus Phase (PW 465) ΓÇó Approval of Consultant Contract for Design Phase Services for Lincoln Creek Transportation Center (PW 590) 2 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - Page 3 ----------xxxxx---------- V. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Potential Housing and Dining System Bonds Sale for Buchanan Towers Addition 9:50-10:00 Presentation: George Pierce, V.P. for Business Financial Affairs 10:00-10:15 Discussion Susan Musselman, Principal Financial Advisor, Dashen Musselman, Inc. B. Mid-Year Housing Dining Report ΓÇó Report on Ridgeway Flooding 10:15-10:25 Presentation: Eileen Coughlin, V.P. for Student Affairs Academic Support Services George Pierce, V.P. for Business Financial Affairs 10:25 -10:40 Discussion BREAK: 10:40 - 10:50 C. Legislative Update 10:50 - 11 :05 Presentation: Sherry Burkey. Associate Vice President for University Relations 11 :05 - 11 : 15 Discussion VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Audit Committee Report 11:15-11:20 VII. INFORMATION ITEMS 11 :20- 11 :30 Admissions Report Alumni Relations Report Development Report University Relations Report Quarterly Grant Report Major Capital Projects Status Report VIII. MEETING EVALUATION FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS 11 :30 - 11:40 IX. ADJOURNMENT 11:40 X. DATE FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING: April 2 3, 2009 3 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - Page 4 ----------xxxxx---------- XI. LUNCH PRESENTATION 12:00 Lunch 12: 15 "Wringing Cleaner Transportation Fuels from Dirtier Resources: Linking Fundamental and Applied Sciences in the Energy Field," Mark Bussell, Professor, Chemistry, co-presenter John Hayes, Chemistry Undergraduate, Junior year, co-presenter 12:30 Discussion 4 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - Page 5 ----------xxxxx---------- WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES I. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING February 12, 2009 4666 February 12, 2009 Chair Phil Sharpe called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University to order at 3:00 p.m., February 12, 2009 in Old Main 340, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Board of Trustees Hannah Higgins Howard Lincoln (via conference phone) Dennis Madsen, Secretary Phil Sharpe, Chair John Warner Peggy Zorc, Vice Chair Western Washington University Bruce Shepard, President Wendy Bohlke, Assistant Attorney General Sherry Burkey, Associate Vice President for University Relations Stephanie Bowers, Vice President for University Advancement Paul Cocke, Director, University Communications Eileen Coughlin, Vice President for Student Affairs Academic Support Services Erik Lowe, President, Associated Students Dennis Murphy, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs George Pierce, Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs Paula Gilman, Executive Director for University Planning and Budgeting Buff Schoenfeld, Executive Assistant to the President Elizabeth Sipes, Secretary to the Board of Trustees Barbara Stoneberg, Administrative Assistant to the President Steve Swan, Vice President for University Relations 11. SPECIAL REPORTS A. Discussion of President's Mid-Year Report- The Strategic Direction for the University President Shepard's Mid-Year Report is the result of 90 listening sessions across the campus, the Bellingham community and around the state. Shepard's remarks were shaped by Western's commitment to become the premier public comprehensive university the country. There was brief discussion of some of the 15 initiatives outlined in Shepard's Mid-Year Report. In response to a question, Shepard said that the campus will receive reports on a "as needed basis." The next major report will be the decisions and outcome of the completed budget process. An annual report to the university community is also planned for the future. Shepard said it will take the entire campus community, engaged and working together, to make Western the premier institution in the country. Steve Swan, Vice President for University Relations, noted that there is a level of excitement on campus because people now have an opportunity to contribute, to be a part of the solution and make a difference. Shepard thanked Barbara Stoneberg and Buff Schoenfeld for their hard work on this project. B. Update on Budget Scenarios and Budget Process Paula Gilman, Executive Director of University Planning and Budgeting updated the Board on the budget process and distributed the Timeline for the 2008-09 and 2009-11 Budget Processes. Gilman said the planning units budget reduction proposals, including reduction scenarios, necessary investments or opportunities for new investment, reallocation of existing resources to fund priorities, planning unit SCOT analysis, and ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - Page 6 ----------xxxxx---------- 4667 February 12, 2009 response to unit-relevant cost savings suggestions from the campus community, will be posted to the web on March 10. Gilman said the Planning Units will present their budget proposals on March 18 19. The President, VPs and Deans will meet April 14 through 29 to discuss proposals and recommendations will be posted to the web for public comment on May 11. The final budget recommendations will be posted to the web on May 22. At the June 12 Board of Trustees Meeting, the 2009-11 tuition levels and the 2010-11 Operating Budget Plan will be presented to the Board for approval. The Board will also be presented the 2011-12 Draft budget allocation plan. President Bruce Shepard presented the Board with two budget scenarios based on the Governor's budget. Scenario 1 will result in a $13 Million net cut for Western and Scenario 2 will result in a $24 million net cut. The consequences of these kinds of budget reductions would result in cuts in instruction, loss of class seats, increased class size, and increased time for students to graduate. Shepard said that many jobs will be lost, adversely affecting both the university and Whatcom County. Shepard said they are considering several alternatives under Scenario 2, including admitting tuition-paying students, knowing that classes would not be available to serve many of them; making the university smaller; and through a combination of revenue measures - at the state level, Federal Stimulus dollars, and tuition - bring Scenario 2 back to Scenario 1. In response to a question, Shepard said that WWU is following the Governor's directive and is freezing all employees' compensation and not filling vacant positions. Sherry Burkey, Associate Vice President for University Relations, said that at the state level, there is talk about early retirement plans, increasing employees' contribution towards their health benefits, and delaying state commitments to pension funds. In response to a question regarding reduction in financial aid to students, Burkey said the Governor has proposed reducing the State Need Grant eligibility and eliminating the Washington Scholars Program. Burkey said the state is looking at several different budget reduction scenarios and their impact on higher education. The Presidents of the state regional institutions presented the impact of the proposed budget cuts to the Higher Education Committee in Olympia on February 11. They will be presenting to the Senate Ways and Means Committee on February 16 and to the Education Appropriations Committee on February 17. Erik Lowe, Associated Students President, expressed his concern on trying to cover the budget shortfalls with tuition. The cost of attending university is the number one barrier to access. If tuition is raised, this will have a negative effect on current and future students. Trustee Sharpe noted that access will be affected by all of the budget scenarios. Shepard reported that the leadership of WWU meets at 7:30 a.m. every Thursday for a briefing from Burkey and to discuss the budget issues. Ill. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 4:43 p.m. Chair Sharpe announced that the Board would go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter and pending legal matters authorized under RCW 42.30.110 for approximately 15 minutes. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. A~EST ,!/ ~ l~L-itl/C Densadiefi:Secretary ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - Page 7 ----------xxxxx---------- I. CALL TO ORDER WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING February 13, 2009 4668 February 13, 2009 Chair Phil Sharpe called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University to order at 8:34 a.m., February 13, 2009 in Old Main 340, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Board of Trustees Hannah Higgins Howard Lincoln (via conference phone) Dennis Madsen, Secretary Kevin Raymond Phil Sharpe, Chair John Warner Peggy Zoro, Vice Chair Western Washington University Bruce Shepard, President Wendy Bohlke, Assistant Attorney General Sherry Burkey, Associate Vice President for External Affairs Stephanie Bowers, Vice President for University Advancement Eileen Coughlin, Vice President for Student Affairs Academic Support Services Paul Cocke, Director, University Communications Matthew Liao-Troth, Faculty Senate President Erik Lowe, Associated Students President Dennis Murphy, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs George Pierce, Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs Paula Gilman, Executive Director for University Planning and Budgeting Sue Guenter-Schlesinger, Vice Provost for Equal Opportunity Elizabeth Sipes, Secretary to the Board of Trustees Barbara Stoneberg, Administrative Assistant to the President Steve Swan, Vice President for University Relations APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION 2-1-09 Peggy Zoro moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon the recommendation of the President, approve the following: ΓÇó Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting, December 11 12, 2008 Motion passed unanimously. II. RECOGNITION AND INTRODUCTIONS President Shepard introduced Steve Swan, Vice President for University Relations. Steve will be responsible for the University's overall external relations, marketing and communications. The position will also include "presidential initiatives" such as the waterfront development project, and enhancing the transparency and effectiveness of University decision-making. Steve comes from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Ill. EXECUTIVE COMMENTS A. Board Chair Report At 8:40 a.m. Trustee Howard Lincoln was connected to the meeting via conference phone. Chair Sharpe announced that to accommodate Trustee Lincoln's schedule, the Audit Committee Report and Legislative Updates will be moved up on the agenda. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - Page 8 ----------xxxxx---------- 1. Elimination of Football Program 4669 February 13, 2009 Jason Stiles and Mark Wolken, of "savewwufootball.com." presented to the Board their ideas for saving WWU football. Their ideas included a short term plan for fund raising, including marketing and sponsorship, and a long term plan that includes increasing financial support and a long term endowment fund. At this time, they have received pledges of over $600,000 and have taken legal steps to collect on those pledges. Stiles said this is an opportunity for the entire Athletic program, with football being a model. They asked the Board to consider their plan to reinstate the WWU football program. President Shepard updated the Board on the status of the football players and coaches. Many of the coaches have already accepted other positions, the players have transferred to other schools or have committed to transfer, are in the process of being recruited, or have decided to stay at Western. Shepard said that the university is committed to following an established transparent budget process. The process for major program reductions or program eliminations was used for football. The decision to eliminate football has put the Athletic Department in a financial position where they are able to sustain other athletic programs within their allocated budget. Because of the current budget climate, the Athletic Department, as is the entire university, is planning for a possible additional 5% - 10% budget reduction. The Trustees support President Shepard's decision to eliminate the football program. The decision was based on facts and data, which made it clear that it is impossible to maintain the program at WWU. It was noted that in the current economic climate, eliminating the football program may be only the first of some very difficult budget reduction decisions. The institution needs to preserve what is essential to fulfill its mission and commitment to the State. The Board thanked Stiles and Wolken for their efforts and work on this issue. 2. Revision of BOT Rules of Operation Wendy Bohlke, Legal Counsel, reported that the BOT Rules of Operation, last amended in 2004, and are in need of further amendments and reformatting. Bohlke reviewed some of the items that need to be considered. Trustee Hannah Higgins was appointed to a committee to review the rules. A short report will be made at the April meeting. The final recommendations will be brought before the Board for approval at the June meeting. 8. University President 1. Report on Progress in Implementing Current UFWW Contract Bill Lyne, President of UFWW, reported that the implementation of the UFWW contract has gone very smoothly and the contract is working well. Working relationships with university administration is excellent. Lyne thanked Matthew Liao-Troth, Faculty Senate President, in revising the Faculty Handbook to be in compliance with the contract. Lyne thanked the Faculty Bargaining Team and the University Bargaining Team for their work towards the successful implementation of the contract. Trustee Raymond thanked Bill Lyne for his leadership as President of UFWW. 2. Vice Presidential Searches Two Vice Presidential searches are currently underway - Vice President for Business Financial Affairs and ProvosWice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Brian Burton updated the Board on the VPBFA search. Thirty-five applications were received and three finalists have completed their on-campus interviews. The search committee is receiving feedback from the campus community and will sharing the results with President Shepard. Shepard reported that the Provost Search Advisory Committee has resumed the search for ProvosWice President for Academic Affairs. An additional 20 applications have been received, and the committee is reviewing these as well as reconsidering the strong applicant pool. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - Page 9 ----------xxxxx---------- 3. Waterfront Development Update 4670 February 13, 2009 Shepard reported that the university is refining its thinking as to what Western's presence ought to be on the waterfront. A character study is underway, engaging students and allowing a learning opportunity for them. Conversations are also being held with the legislators regarding land acquisitions on the waterfront. Shepard said there is interest in remodeling the Canada House, which is not on our capital projects priority list. However, if money is available from Olympia which does not require matching university funds, or it does not diminish funds from other priority projects, we would be interested in the remodel project. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Legislative Update Sherry Burkey, Assistant Vice President for University Relations, distributed the 2009 Legislative Session WWU Bill Tracking - List A and List B. Burkey said approximately 2,000 bills have been introduced to the legislature. The "A" list bills are those that willl have the most impact on Western. Burkey said Bill 5460 freezes the use of state funds for personal services contracts, travel, salary increases and equipment purchases. The bill is intended to send a message to the public that state government is starting to save money. This is step one of the budget process. Burkey said the second step in the budget process is the passing of the supplemental budget, after the March revenue forecast. By April 26, the legislature should pass a 2009 -11 state operating budget. Burkey reported that Tuesday, February 17 is Higher Education Day in Olympia. V. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Audit Committee Report Peggy Zorc reported on the February 12, 2009 Board Audit Committee Meeting. The committee: ΓÇó Heard the results of the State Auditor's Accountability and Legal Federal compliance review of the university. Two issues were identified and management will provide the Audit Committee their action plans for addressing these issues. ΓÇó Heard a progress report on the implementation of the Federal Trade Commission's Red Flag Rules for preventing identity theft. ΓÇó Heard an update on the RFQQ for obtaining an Information Technology Security Audit from outside an consultant. At 10:00 a.m. Trustee Lincoln disconnected from the conference call. Chair Sharpe announced a break. The meeting reconvened at 10: 15 a.m. VI. EXECUTIVE COMMENTS (continued) A. Associated Students Erik Lowe, Associated Students President, updated the Board on the recent activities of the Associated Students. Lowe reported that most of their attention has been spent on legislative and budget issues. He reported on the changes to the AS scholarships and the Ethic Student Center Scholarships. The AS Project Leadership workshop was held last week. Lowe reported that the WSL fee will be changed to a legislative fee controlled by AS. Feedback he has received indicates that the fee will remain at $2.00. 8. Faculty Senate Matthew Liao-Troth, Faculty Senate President, reported that the Senate is working on revising the Constitution and the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate. They are working on the policies and procedures for faculty evaluation of the president and senior administrators. Liao-Troth said the ?enate is also working on the current budget crisis. He noted that Western's faculty is more informed and more engaged in the budget crisis than any of the other five state institutions. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - Page 10 ----------xxxxx---------- VII. ACTION ITEMS A. Consent Items 4671 February 13, 2009 MOTION 2-2-09 Kevin Raymond moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon the recommendation of the President, approve the following consent items: ΓÇó Winter Quarter Degrees ΓÇó Delegation of Authority to Award Construction Contract for Miller Hall Renovation - Stimulus Phase (PW 465) ΓÇó Approval of Consultant Contract for Design Phase Services for Lincoln Creek Transportation Center (PW 590) Motion passed unanimously. VIII. DISCUSSION ITEMS (continued) A. Potential Housing and Dining System Bonds Sale for Buchanan Towers Addition George Pierce, Vice President for Business Financial Affairs introduced Susan Musselman of Dashen Musselman, Inc. A copy of the presentation, "Current Economic Conditions: Impacts on the University- Revenue, Financing and Investments" was included in the Board packets. Musselman explained that in the current Municipal Bond Market, interest rates are still reasonable for 30 year financing. If the project goes forward, Musselman will return to the April Board of Trustees meeting with specific information on the project and financing details. Documentation would be completed for approval by the Board at the June Board meeting. In response to a question, Eileen Coughlin, Vice President for Student Affairs and Academic Support Services, said the university is still studying as to whether this project is economically viable and the right thing to do for the institution. Coughlin said that more specific information will be available to the Board at the next meeting. B. Mid- Year Housing Dining Report The February 2009 Mid-Year Housing and Dining Report was included in the Board packets. The report highlights the University Residences effort to improve diversity, leadership, and sustainability. Pierce reported on the Ridgeway Gamma Flooding. The damage to the building has been repaired and the students have moved back into the building. The incidence is being investigated and full report will be shared with President Shepard. IX. INFORMATION ITEMS A. Admissions and Enrollment Planning Report Vice President Eileen Coughlin provided a written update on enrollment and admissions. Coughlin said there are a lot of changes due to the economic situation, but trends indicate continued high interest in applications. B. Alumni Association Report Vice President Bowers provided a written report on the activities of the Office of Alumni Relations. The first of a series of newsletters has been sent to all alums, and the individual colleges will be sending customized newsletters to their alumni. C. Development Report Vice President Bowers provided a written update on WWU Foundation activities. Bowers said the Western Foundation Board is working on a campaign plan. The DC event was successful and 75 people with connections to Western attended. Trustee Madsen distributed information on the April 13, 2009 Seattle Business Forum. D. University Relations Report ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - Page 11 ----------xxxxx---------- 4672 February 13, 2009 Steve Swan, Vice President for University Relations provided a written update on the recent activities of External Affairs. Swan said the focus has been on relationship building and establishing connections with city, port, and federal people. We are also in the initial phase of a branding exercise for Western. E. Quarterly Report on Grants and Contracts Provost Murphy provided written information concerning grant awards for the period October 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008. Murphy reported that WWU and St. Joseph Hospital are jointly applying for grants for the new community health initiative. Western's Department of Philosophy has been invited to apply for a Templeton grant of approximately $6M. Murphy said that Western offers a high level of grant accounting support to the faculty through the Research Sponsored Programs Office. F. Major Capital Projects Status Report Vice President Pierce provided a written update on the major capital projects. Pierce said that the Lincoln Creek Transportation Center project is rated fairly high on the federal and state stimulus requests. We have request $2M for the storm water facility and $8M to complete the full project. This public facility has been funded primarily through federal grant dollars and support has been provided by the Research Sponsored Programs Office. Miller Hall is moving ahead. Building occupants are being relocated so work can begin on the renovation. Pierce noted that some parking spaces will also be lost during construction. X. MEETING EVALUATION FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS The Trustees said they are pleased with the new Thursday/Friday meeting format. Discussions are more qualitative. The new format also works well for the Associated Students and Faculty Senate. Future agenda topics will include Pipeline items and Western's annual and biennial operating budgets. XI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 11 :30 a.m. XII. DATE FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING: April 2 3, 2009 XIII. LUNCH PRESENTATION Professor Mark Bussell, Chemistry, and undergraduate student John Hayes, presented "Wringing Cleaner Transportation Fuels from Dirtier Resources: Linking Fundamental and Applied Sciences in the Energy Field." ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - February 2009 ----------xxxxx----------