1995-06 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 1 ----------xxxxx---------- AGENDA WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday, June 8, 1995 1: 00 p. m. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OM 340 Discussion of Transportation Management Program 2: 00 p. m. SEPARATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS BUSINESS AND FINANCE COMMITTEE - OM 340 Craig Cole, Grace Yuan and Robert Helsell a) Review of 1995- 97 Operating Budget Appropriations Law ( Subject to Gubernatorial Action) ( see Item 4 d) Business and Financial Affairs) b) Review of 1995- 97 Capital Budget Appropriations Law ( Subject to Gubernatorial Action) ( see Item 4 f) Business and Financial Affairs) ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE - OM 355 Charlotte Chalker, Wayne Ehlers and Mary Swenson a) Curricular Initiatives b) Faculty Senate Handbook Amendments ( see Item 7 Faculty Senate) 3: 15 p. m. RECESS until Friday, June 9 at 8: 00 a. m. 3: 30 p. m. ACADEMIC PRESENTATION LIS Demonstration - wilson Library FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1995 8: 00 a. m. BOARD MEETING RECONVENES OM 340 1. CONSENT ITEMS a) Approval of the Minutes of the April 13, 14 1995, Regular Meeting of the Board ( A) ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 2 ----------xxxxx---------- b) Approval of Spring Quarter Degrees ( A) c) Science Facility III Construction Contract ( A) 2. REMARKS FROM THE PRESIDENT 3. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS a) 1995- 96 Fee Schedule ( A) b) Course Fee Waiver Program ( I) 4. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS a) Transportation Management Program ( TMP) ( A) b) Approval of WWU - WTA Interlocal Agreement ( A) c) Major Capital Projects status Report ( I) d) Review of 1995- 97 Operating Budget Appropriations Law ( Subject to Gubernatorial Action) ( I) e) July 1, 1995 Salary Increase for University Employees ( A) f) 1995- 97 Capital Budget Appropriations Law ( I) and WWU Allocations Plan ( A) ( Subject to Gubernatorial Action) 5. STUDENT AFFAIRS a) Services Activities Fee Level and Distribution ( A) b) ASB Technology Fee Resolution ( A) c) 1994- 95 Athletics Highlights ( I) 6. EXTERNAL AFFAIRS a) Legislative Summary ( I) b) Alumni Activity Report ( I) 7. FACULTY SENATE a) Remarks from the 1995- 96 Faculty Senate President ( I) b) Amendment to the Faculty Handbook, section xv. D Elimination or Merger of a Degree Program, College or Department of Instruction ( A) ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 3 ----------xxxxx---------- c) Amendment to the Faculty Handbook, section I. V Student Evaluation of Faculty ( A) d) Discussion of Survey of Faculty re Conversion to Semester System ( I) 8. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS a) Annual Report ( I) b) Remarks from the 1995- 96 ASB President ( I) 9. BOARD OF TRUSTEES a) Resolution No. 95- 03 Setting August Meeting Dates ( A) 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION 11. RECONVENE ( action may be taken) ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 4 ----------xxxxx---------- 3114 June 8, 9, 1995 MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES JUNE 8, 9, 1995 Thursday, June 8, 1995 Call to Order Vice Chair Charlotte Chalker called the meeting of the Board of Trustees of Wester n Washingto n Univer sity to order at 1: 10 p. m. ATTENDANCE Board of Trustees Charlotte Chalker, Vice Chair Wayne Ehlers Robert Helsell Mary Swenson, Secretary Grace Yuan Western Washington University Wendy Bohlke, Assistant Attorney General Kris Bulcroft, Past- President of the Faculty Senate Stephen Collins, Past- President of Associated Students Eileen Coughlin, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean for Academic Support Services Roland De Lorme, Provost/ Vice President for Academic Affairs Penny Glover, Assistant to President/ Secretary to the Board Karen W. Morse, President George Pierce, Vice President for Business Financial Affairs Discussion of Transportation Management Program Vice President Pierce led a discussion of the Transportation Management Program. He stated that the demand for parking services at Western has increased as enrollment has increased. The Transportation Management Plan ( TMP) is designed to provide a fair and long- range plan to address these concerns. The TMP and associated parking programs must be financially self- supporting. State funding for parking does not fit with the state's goals for use of financial resources. Priority for state funding will continue to go to the academic program and support services. In order to provide a self- supporting system, an adequate capital reserve must be established to maintain basic operations of equipment and staff while providing an ability to improve and expand parking space. Committee Meetinqs At 2: 40 p. m. Vice Chair Chalker announced that the Board would separate into committees until 3: 30 p. m. Library Information System Presentation At 3: 30 p. m. the Board attended a demonstration of the Library Information System. Recess At 4: 45 p. m. the Board recessed until 8: 00 a. m. Friday, June 9, 1995. FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1995 Reconvene Chair Warren Gilbert called the meeting to order at 8: 00 a. m. Attendance All Board members were present. 1. CONSENT ITEMS MOTION Charlotte Chalker moved that the Board of Trustees of Western 6- 1- 95 Washington University approve the following consent items: oApprove the minutes of the April 13,14, 1995, regular meeting of the Board. oApprove, on recommendation of the faculty and subject to the completion of any unmet requirements, the awarding of undergraduate and graduate degrees ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 5 ----------xxxxx---------- 3115 June 8. 9. 1995 to the candidates listed in the files of the Registrar and Graduate Dean, for Spring Quarter, 1995, effective June 10, 1995. oAward a contract to Impero Construction of Bellingham, Washington, for the amount of $ 7,216,680.00 ( base bid plus alternates # 1, # 3B, # 6, # 7, # 10, # llA, # llB, # 12A, # 12B, # 13, # 14, # 16B) for the construction of the Science Facility III - Building. The motion passed unanimously. 2. REMARKS FROM THE PRESIDENT a. Department of Natural Resources Issue President Morse asked the Board to endorse Western Administration's expression of concern about the decision pending before the Department of Natural Resources ( DNR) to develop a Habitat Conservation Plan ( HCP) and that plan's potential impact on the fiduciary duty of DNR to manage the trust lands. Institutions of higher education are direct beneficiaries of the trusts. The proposal under consideration by the Department of Natural Resources to develop a HCP will impact Washington state institutions for the next century. The Board gave its endorsement to gather information regarding the situation. b. Coalition for Educational Opportunity President Morse asked the Board to endorse Western's Administration in gathering information about The Coalition for Educational Opportunity: A Collaborative Force for Higher Education in Washington. The Coalition for Educational Opportunity is a partnership of public and private interests which are engaged in a sustained effort to foster support for effective and accessible higher education in Washington. The Board gave its endorsement to seeking further information about the Coalition. 3. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS a. 1995- 96 Fee Schedule MOTION Wayne Ehlers moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington 6- 2- 95 University, upon the recommendation of the President, approve the 1995- 96 schedule, with proposed changes, for mandatory, student enrollment, and special course fees as shown in Attachment " A." The motion passed unanimously. b. Course Fee Waiver Policy MOTION Wayne Ehlers moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington 6- 3- 95 University, upon the recommendation of the President, approve the Course Fee Waiver Policy as shown in Attachment " B." The motion passed unanimously. 4. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS a. Transportation Management Program MOTION Robert Helsell moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington 6- 4- 95 University, upon the recommendation of the President, approve the Transportation Management Program. The motion passed unanimously. b. WWU/ WTA Interlocal Agreement MOTION Craig Cole moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington 6- 5- 95 University authorize the President, with advice from appropriate campus groups, to approve an Interlocal Agreement with the Whatcom Transportation Authority. See Attachment " C." c. Major Capital Projects Status Resort Science Facility Two - Biology The project is on schedule and the Biology Department is preparing to move into the new building by Fall Quarter 1995. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 6 ----------xxxxx---------- 3116 June 8, 9, 1995 Science Facility Three - Math, Science Technology Education The project is on schedule. Construction will begin during Summer Quarter 1995 with scheduled completion by Fall Quarter 1996. Haggard Hall Renovation The architects have approval to proceed into schematic design. A value engineering workshop to evaluate the schematic design is scheduled this summer. It is planned that a presentation of the completed schematic design will be made at the August Board meeting. d. July 1, 1995 Salary Increase for University Employees MOTION Grace Yuan moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington 6- 6- 95 University delegate to the President the authority to implement the July 1, 1995 salary increases under the gUidelines established within the 1995- 97 operating budget appropriations bill. This action is subject to gubernatorial approval of the appropriations legislation. The motion passed unanimously. e. 1995- 97 Capital Budget MOTION Charlotte Chalker moved that the Board of Trustees of Western 6- 7- 95 Washington University, upon recommendation of the President, accept the 1995- 97 Capital Budget totaling $ 53,784,309, comprised of $ 19,809,504 in reappropriation and $ 33,974,805 in appropriations, and approve the distribution by major categories, subject to gubernatorial action. The motion passed unanimously. 5. STUDENT AFFAIRS a. Service Activities Fee Level and Distribution MOTION Mary Swenson moved that the Board of Trustees of Western 6- 8- 95 Washington University, upon recommendation of the President as proposed by the Services Activities Fee Committee, establish the S A Fee at the maximum level authorized by the legislature and approve distributions of 1995- 96 academic year fees and summer 1995 fees to the constituents as outlined. Full S A Fee Level and Distribution infor. mation is available in the Student Affairs Office. The motion passed unanimously. b. Technology Fee MOTION Craig Cole moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington 6- 9- 95 University, upon recommendation of the President, establish a Technology Fee in the amount of $ 10 per quarter, to be imposed upon students enrolled in six ( 6) or more credits on the main campus each regular academic and summer quarter for an initial period of four ( 4) years, effective until June 30, 1999, with authority delegated to the President to make expenditures through such processes as he or she may establish for the purpose of providing students with access to computer and other forms of technology. The motion passed unanimously. c. 1994- 95 Athletic Highlights Lynda Goodrich, Western's Athletic Director, was named Pacific Northwest Athletic Conference Woman Administrator of the Year. Lynda Goodrich gave the Board a report of the 1994- 95 athletics highlights. 6. EXTERNAL AFFAIRS President Morse reported that during the 1994- 95 academic year the Alumni Association sponsored 32 events designed to reunite Western graduates and former students with each other and the University. The Alumni Association has four new board members and Mr. Mark Hardie will serve as president for the 1995- 96 year. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 7 ----------xxxxx---------- 3117 June 8, 9, 1995 7. FACULTY SENATE a. Elimination or Merger of a Degree Program MOTION Charlotte Chalker moved that the Board of Trustees of Western 6- 10- 95 Washington University, upon recommendation of the President, approve the revisions to section XV. D, " Elimination or Merger of a Degree Program, College or Department of Instruction" ( pg. 24, 1994 Edition of the Faculty Handbook. The motion passed unanimously. Dr. Kris Bulcroft explained that the former policy was ambiguous and lacked specificity regarding the exact nature of the processes by which degree programs, colleges or departments would be closed or merged. The revised policy is a much clearer articulation of the procedures, beginning with the decision to discontinue or merge units through implementation and termination of appointments. In summary, the revised policy on Program Elimination or Merger is a more cogent statement on the procedures and process of elimination or merger of a degree program, college or department of instruction. Each college will develop a policy for elimination or merger of a degree program or department. The Provost will develop a policy for merger and elimination of a college. The ways in which the President, the Provost, the deans, the faculty and the various faculty committees of shared governance provide input in the process are outlined in the policy which can be obtained from the Faculty Senate Office. b. Evaluation of Faculty MOTION Craig Cole moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington 6- 11- 95 University, upon recommendation of the President, approve the revisions to Section I. V., " Evaluation of Faculty," of the Faculty Handbook 1994 edition. Craig Cole asked the record to reflect that the Board would like the Faculty Senate to understand that this provision means that all student evaluations should be included in tenure/ promotion/ merit reviews. The motion passed unanimously. Currently, only about one- third of the courses taught at Western are evaluated by the students enrolled in those courses. The faculty are proposing that most courses be evaluated in the future. One way to help facilitate this increased rate of evaluation is to streamline the current procedures of evaluation. Rather than scheduling through the Institutional Office of Assessment and Testing, faculty will now be responsible for scheduling and conducting their own evaluations. The individual professor will be responsible for the administration of the standardized evaluation. Tenure/ promotion/ merit reviews shall include both peer review and student evaluations. c. Survey of Faculty/ Possible Conversion to Semester Dr. Bulcroft reported that the Academic Coordinating Committee ( ACC) has initiated discussions and looked at other institutions regarding the advantages of converting to a semester system. The Faculty Senate gave the ACC approval to initiate a survey of all faculty and to corne back to the Faculty Senate with a recommendation that would then be brought to the Administration. B. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS Past- ASB President Stephen Collins discussed the success of the year's activities and gave the End- of- Year Report for 1994- 95. 9. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Change August 1995 Meeting Date MOTION Robert Helsell moved that the Board of Trustees of Western 6- 12- 95 Washington University adopt Resolution No. 95- 03 canceling the August 3, 4, 1995, regularly scheduled meeting and scheduling a meeting to occur on August 15, 16, 1995. The motion passed unanimously. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 8 ----------xxxxx---------- 3118 June 8, 9, 1995 Resolution No. 95- 03 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CANCELING THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE BOARD SET FOR AUGUST 3, 4, 1995, AND SETTING A REGULAR MEETING ON AUGUST 15 AND 16, 1995 WHEREAS, the requirements of WAC 516- 04- 010 and the Board of Trustees Rules of Operation require that regular meetings of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University be held on the first Thursday each month a meeting is held unless such date is changed by Board resolution at a meeting regularly scheduled or called for that purpose; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to cancel the meeting scheduled for August 3, 4, 1995, and schedule a regular meeting for August 15, 16, 1995, the first day of which will be a study session; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University hereby cancels the regular meeting scheduled for August 3, 4, 1995, and schedules a regular meeting for August 15, 16, 1995, the first day of which will be a study session. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University at the regular meeting thereof duly held this 9th day of June, 1995. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 11: 15 a. m. Chair Gilbert announced that the Board of Trustees would go into Executive Session for approximately 2 hours to discuss real estate and legal matters. 11. RECONVENED FOR ACTION ITEMS At 1: 15 p. m. the Board reconvened and took the following action. a. Resolution No. 95- 04 MOTION Charlotte Chalker moved that the Board of Trustees of Western 6- 13- 95 Washington University adopt Resolution No. 95- 04 authorizing indemnification. The motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 95- 04 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY AUTHORIZING INDEMNIFICATION WHEREAS, a legal action, as designated below, has been commenced involving this institution of higher education; and WHEREAS, the officers and employees of the institution designated below have requested the Board to authorize their defense under RCW 28. B. 10.842; and WHEREAS, the Board has made a determination that such designated individuals were acting in the performance of their duties and in good faith; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Board of Trustees of Western Washington University hereby specifically finds that the individual designated below acted within the scope of his authority and in good faith with regard to the conduct alleged by the plaintiff to be wrongful, and the Board specifically authorizes his defense and approves his indemnification by the State pursuant to RCW 28B. 10.842. Done in an OPEN MEETING by the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University this 9th day of June, 1995. Title of Action: Paula Ogden v. John C. Miles and Jane Doe Miles, Husband and Wife marital community thereof; and Western Washington University; Whatcom County Superior Court Cause No. 95- 2- 00638- 4. Individual Indemnified: John C. Miles ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 9 ----------xxxxx---------- Resolution No. 95- 03 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CANCELING THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE BOARD SET FOR AUGUST 3, 4, 1995, AND SETTING A REGULAR MEETING ON AUGUST 15 AND 16, 1995 WHEREAS, the requirements of WAC 516- 04- 010 and the Board of Trustees Rules of Operation require that regular meetings of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University be held on the first Thursday each month a meeting is held unless such date is changed by Board resolution at a meeting regularly scheduled or called for that purpose; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to cancel the meeting scheduled for August 3, 4, 1995, and schedule a regular meeting for August 15, 16, 1995, the first day of which will be a study session; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University hereby cancels the regular meeting scheduled for August 3, 4, 1995, and schedules a regular meeting for August 15, 16, 1995, the first day of which will be a study session. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University at the regular meeting thereof duly held this 9th day of June, 1995. SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University and keeper of the records of said Board, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: 1. That the attached Resolution no. 95- 03 is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the Board finally adopted at the regular meeting thereof held on the 9th day of June, 1995, and duly recorded. 2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law, and to the extent required by law due and proper notice of such meeting was given; that a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting and a legally sufficient number of members of the Board of Trustees voted in the proper manner for the adoption of said Resolution; that all other requirements and proceedings incident to the proper adoption of said Resolution have been duly fulfilled, carried out and otherwise observed; and that we are authorized to execute this certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the University this 9th day of June, 1995. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 10 ----------xxxxx---------- RESOLUTION NO. 95- 04 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY AUTHORIZING INDEMNIFICATION WHEREAS, a legal action, as designated below, has been commenced involving this institution of higher education; and WHEREAS, the officers and employees of the institution designated below have requested the Board to authorize their defense under RCW 28. B. 10.842; and WHEREAS, the Board has made a determination that such designated individuals were acting in the performance of their duties and in good faith; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Board of Trustees of Western Washington University hereby specifically finds that the individual designated below acted within the scope of his authority and in good faith with regard to the conduct alleged by the plaintiff to be wrongful, and the Board specifically authorizes his defense and approves his indemnification by the State pursuant to RCW 28B. 10.842. Done in an OPEN MEETING by the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University this 9th day of June, 1995. Title of Action: Paula Ogden v. John C. Miles and Jane Doe Miles, Husband and Wife marital community thereof; and Western Washington University; Whatcom County Superior Court Cause No. 95- 2- 00638- 4. Individual Indemnified: John C. Miles ATTEST: n, Secretary SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University and keeper of the records of said Board, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: 1. That the attached Resolution no. 95- 04 is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the Board finally adopted at the regular meeting thereof held on the 9th day of June, 1995, and duly recorded. 2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law, and to the extent required by law due and proper notice of such meeting was given; that a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting and a legally sufficient number of members of the Board of Trustees voted in the proper manner for the adoption of said Resolution; that all other requirements and proceedings incident to the proper adoption of said Resolution have been duly fulfilled, carried out and otherwise observed; and that we are authorized to execute this certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the University this 9th day of June, 1995. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 11 ----------xxxxx---------- 3119 June 8, 9, 1995 b. Quasi- Judicial Matter MOTION Charlotte Chalker moved that the Board of Trustees of Western 6- 14- 95 Washington University authorize Chair Warren Gilbert to sign on behalf of the Board of Trustees a decision in a quasi- judicial matter forwarded from the Adjudication Committee. The motion passed unanimously. c. Land Acquisition MOTION Mary Swenson moved that the Board of Trustees of Western 6- 15- 95 Washington University, upon the recommendation of the President, authorize the purchase of: ( a) real property located adjacent to and south of Bill McDonald Parkway, Bellingham, Washington, as set forth below, and ( b) preauthorize a planned purchase of a parcel located at 913 25th Street, for which negotiations are still in progress and a final price not yet fixed, subject to final approval of the President. The property is legally described as follows: Parcel One: Lysle's 1st Add, Blk 16 Lot: 1 to 4-- Also Vac S 20 ft Bennett Ave. ABTG Subj to ESMT to City of Bham AF 1005607. Lysle's 1st Add, Blk 17 Lot 1 to 10-- Also Vac S 20 ft Bennett Ave. ABTG Subj to ESMT to Cty of Bellingham, AF 980381- 1005606. Lysle's 1st Add, Blk 17 Lot 16 to 20-- Also Vac N 10 ft Taylor Ave ABTG Lot 16. Parcel Two: Lots 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25, Block 252. Plat of the Fairhaven Land Company's Third Addition, to Fairhaven, Washington, now a part of the consolidated City of Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington, as per the map thereof recorded in Book 2 of Plats, page 62, in the Auditor's office of said county and state. Lot 26, Block 252 of F. L. Co's 3rd Addition, Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington. The motion passed unanimously. d. History Department Assessment Professor George Mariz, Chair, History Department, and Professor Edward Kaplan, History Department, were in attendance after the Board reconvened. Professor Edward Kaplan raised questions to the Board regarding the recent climate assessment of the History department. Chair Gilbert responded, indicating that the President had arranged for the assessment and had informed the Board of the arrangements. Assistant Attorney General Wendy Bohlke commented that because the assessment was related to a complaint pending before the state Human Rights Commission, comment about the complaint was subject to the laws and rules relating to the Human Rights Commission. She indicated that the assessment, as a public record, was subject to disclosure under the state Public Records Disclosure Law. Chair Gilbert thanked Dr. Kaplan for his comments. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1: 25 p. m. ATTEST: ) ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 12 ----------xxxxx---------- -- -- 1995- 96 UNIVERSITY FEES FUND DEPARTMENT COURSE .. MANDATORY STUDENT PEES PEE DESCRIPTION CURRENT PEES 95- 96 PROPOSED PEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 5110 DEGREE APPLICATION BACCALAUREATE DEGREE 20.00 4/ 14/ 95 MASTER'S DEGREE 20.00 4/ 14/ 95 3039 GRADUATE SCHOOL GRADUATE PROG GRADUATE ADMISSIONS APPLICATION FEE 35.00 7/ 1/ 93 - 3068 ADMISSIONS UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS APPLICATION FEE 35.00 7/ 1/ 92 - 1071 SUMMER START ORIENTATION FEE: ONE- DAY/ TWO- DAY PROGRAM 45.00 7/ 1/ 93 - 1073 HEALTH SERVICES HEALTH SERVICES FEE, 6+ CREDITS 40.00 7/ 1/ 93 4011 STUDENT AFFAIRS BUILDING FEE, ALL STUDENTS, 6+ CREDITS 10. OO/ QTR 7/ 1/ 91 ; i gt; ~ ~ ; i gt; (') Fi t gt; 1 Z ~ ~ Page 1 05/ 30/ 95 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 13 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVERSITY FBBS FUND DEPARTMENT COURSE .. STUDENT ENROLLMENT PEE DESCRIPTION FEES CURRENT FEES 95- 96 PROPOSED FEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 20032 CHINA TEACHING PRGM TUITION - IN- STATE 850.00 890.00 7/ 1/ 92 TUITION - OUT- OF- STATE 1,000.00 1050.00 7/ 1/ 92 ESL TEACHER PLACEMENT IN CHINA 450.00 470.00 7/ 1/ 89 TELECOMMUNICATION FEE 50.00 NEW 20046 SUMMER SESSION GRADUATE PER CREDIT FEE 108.00 7/ 1/ 93 REGISTRATION NON- REFUNDABLE IN- STATE / PER STUDENT 50.00 7/ 1/ 91 REGISTRATION NON- REFUNDABLE OUT- OF STATE/ PER STUDENT 100.00 7/ 1/ 93 UNDERGRAD PER CREDIT FEE 68.00 7/ 1/ 93 , 20048 CONTINUING EDUCATION NATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE MARINE EDUCATION CTR 2200.00 NEW LIBRARY SERVICES FEE 2.00 NEW CEU PROCESS FEE PER CLASS FEE 44.00 7/ 1/ 93 CRED- GRADUATE Cred- Graduate Per Credit Fee 127.00 133.00 7/ 1/ 94 - CRED- OPTION PER CREDIT FEE 44.00 7/ 1/ 93 CRED- UNDERGRAD Cred- Undergrad Per Credit 97.00 102.00 7/ 1/ 9~ CREDIT Application Fee - Undergrad 50.00 7/ 1/ 94 CREDIT Application Fee- Grad 100.00 7/ 1/ 94 Page 1 05/ 30/ 95 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 14 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVERSITY FBBS FUND DEPARTMENT COURSE • STUDENT ENROLLMENT FBE DESCRIPTION FEES CURRENT FEES 95- 96 PROPOSED FEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 20050 CTR FOR REG SVS UNDERGRADUATE COURSE/ WORKSHOPS, SPECIAL PRGM 97.00 102.00 7/ 1/'. d GRADUATE COURSE/ WORKSHOPS, SPECIAL PROGRAM 127.00 13] .00 7/ 1/' 1-' 1 CREDIT- OPTION PER CREDIT FEE 44.00 7/ l/' Jj 20051 ELECTRONIC ENG TECH SEATTLE PER CREDIT FEE 75.00 7/ 1/' 12. 20057 INDEPENDENT STUDY CORRESPOND~ NCE/ INDEPENDENT STUDY 56.00 7/ 1/( jfj CONTRACT/ INDEPENDENT STUDY 75.00 7/ 1/' J4 REGISTRATION FEE 15.00 20070 ELECTRONIC ENG TECH KEYPORT PER CREDIT FEE 60.00 7/ 1/ 8' 1 1 2007] SUMMER SESSION WORKSHOPS UNDERGRADUATE 68.00/ CR 7/ 1/ 93 WORKSHOPS GRADUATE 108.00/ CR 7/ 1/ 93 20082 WCE Off Campus Prog GRADUATE COURSE/ OFF CAMPUS PROGRAM 127.00 133.00 7/ 1/ 94 UNDERGRADUATE COURSE/ OFF C~ PUS PROGRAM 97.00 102.00 7/ 1/ 94 APPLICATION FEE- UNDERGRADUATE 50.00 7/ 1/ 94 APPLICATION FEE- GRADUATE 100.00 7/ 1/ 94 LIBRARY SERVICES FEE 2.00 NEW ~ 20- t 1 1ELI STUDENT FEE PER QUARTER 1,450.00 7/ 1/ 92 -\-----===------~--------=---~=========== ~ · L _ 2 fll. I 7/ 1/ 94 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 15 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVERSITY FEES FUND DEPARTMENT COURSE I STUDENT ENROLLMENT FEE DESCRIPTION FEES CURRENT FEES 95- 96 PROPOSED FEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 22041 IELI S A 95.00 7/ 1/ 94 23127 ACADEMIC ADVISING STUDENT REINSTATEMENT APPLICATION FEE 35.00 7/ 1/ 94 Page 3 05/ 30/ 95 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 16 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVBRSITY FBBS PUND DBPARTJIBHT COORSB • SPBCIAL COURSB PBES PBE DESCRIPTION CURRENT PBES 95- 96 PROPOSED PBE CHANGBS LAST DATE CHANGED 20002 ART 130 MATERIALS 10.00 7/ 1/ 91 202; 302/ 402 alb LIFE DRAWING MODEL COST 12.00 7/ 1/ 91 207 MATERIALS 5.00 7/ 1/ 94 210,311 LAB FEE 30.00 7/ 1/ 91 230,331a LAB FEE 40.00 7/ 1/ 94 240 250 260 270 LAB FEE MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS 30.00 15.00 VARIABLE 10.00 7/ 1/ 91 - 7/ 1/: JO - 7/ 1/ 89 - 7/ 1/ 94 280 MATERIALS 5.00 7/ 1/ 91 297 MATERIALS 20.00 NEW 303 LIFE DRAWING MODEL COST 12.00 7/ 1/ 91 312 LAB FEE 30.00 7/ 1/ 91 313b LAB FEE 40.00 7/ 1/ 91 331b, 431a LAB FEE 40.00 7/ 1/') 4 332a, 332b LAB FEE 20.00 7/ 1/')) Page 1 05130/ Ye, ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 17 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UHIWRSITY , •• S POND DBPARTIIBHT COURS. • SPBCIAL COURSB PBBS PBB DBSCRIPTION CURRENT PBBS 95- 96 PROPOSED FBB CHAHGI~ S LAST DATE CHANGED 20002 ART 333a, 333b LAB FEE 25.00 7/ 1 / ' J ! 341a, 341b LAB FEE 50.00 7/ 1/'. 11 342a, J42b LAB FEES 50.00 7/ 1/' J1 350 ] 61 MATERIALS MATERIALS 15.00 VARIABLE 7/ 1/ 90 - 7/ 1/ B'. I ] 62 MATERIALS 20.00 NEW 367 ] 71 MATERIALS MATERIALS VARIABLE 10.00 7/ 1/ 8'! - 7/ 1/': J4 378 MATERIALS VARIABLE 7/ 1/ 89 379 ] 80 ] 81 ] 82 397 MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS VARIABLE 5.00 5.00 2.00 20.00 7/ 1/ 8,:! 7/ 1/ 90 7/ 1/ 91 7/ 1/ 8' l NEW 411a 411b LAB LAB FEES FEE 40.00 40.00 7/ 1/' ll 7/ 1/'! 1 Pi JO/ 9S ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 18 ----------xxxxx---------- Page 3 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 19 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVERSITY ' IUS PUND D. PARTIOHT COURS. • SPECIAL COURSE PEES PRE DESCRIPTION CURRENT PBBS 95- 96 PROPOSED FEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 20003 THEATRE/ DANCE 101 INTRO TO THEATRE 8.00 VARIABLE ' 7/ 1/ ' H 201 INTRO CINEMA 201 12.00 7/ 1/ ' J j - VARIOUS DANCE MOVEMENT 135- 9,235- 8,241,242,2976H 10.00 VARIABLE 7/ 1/' 14 - 20005 HUXLEY 474,476,483 FIELD TRIPS 200.00 7/ 1/' 14 - 20006 fAIRHAVEN COLLEGE 275,375 AUDIO STIJDIO 50.00 7/ 1/ '; U 275H RECORDING ARTS I 50.00 7/ 1/' JJ - 375H RECORDING ARTS II 50.00 7/ 1/ 9j - 20009 GEOLOGY LAB MANUAL PUBLICATIONS 5.00 7/ 1/ 91 - 101- 012,414 TRAVEL FEE 20.00 VARIABLE 7/ 1/' JJ - ~ 0010 GEOLOGY 410a, 410b, OTHER FIELD TRIP COST 600.00 VARIABLE 7/ 1/ 92 - : 0013 JOURNALISM J305 LAB FEE 20.00 7/ 1/ 94 - 0014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 102a CONDITIONING 10.00 7/ 1/ fJ,) - 102b AEROBIC DANCE 10.00 7/ 1/ 8') - 103 JOGGING 10.00 7/ 1/ fJ'J - 108 WEIGHT TRAINING 10.00 7/ 1/ 8,) 112 BEGIN SWIMMING 10.00 7/ 1 / H ' J P / 30/ ' J', ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 20 ----------xxxxx---------- - - 1995- 96 UNIV1lRSITY FEES PUND DEPARTMKNT COURSE I SPECIAL COURSE FBBS PEE DESCRIPTION CURRENT PEES 95- 96 PROPOSED FEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 20014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 113 INTERMEDIATE SWIMMING 10.00 7/ l/ 8':: 1 - - 114 ADVANCED SWIMMING 10.00 7/ 1/ 8': 1 - - 116 ADV LIFESAVING 10.00 7/ 1/ 8': 1 - 120 SOCIAL DANCE 10.00 7/ 1/ 8'. 1 - 122 FOLK/ SQ. DANCE 10.00 7/ 1/ 8' 1 - - 123 SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE 10.00 1/ 1/ 89 132 BEGIN BADMNT 10.00 7/ 1/ 8Y - 133 - INTERMEDIATE BADMNT 10.00 7/ 1/ 8 ' J - 136 BEGIN TENNIS 10.00 7/ 1/ 8Y - 137 - INTERMEDIATE TENNIS 10.00 7/ 1/ 89 - 139 RAQUETBALL 10.00 7/ 1/ Hi - 142 BASKETBALL 10.00 7/ 1/ 8:) - 144 - SOCCER 10.00 7/ 1/ 8':: 1 - 145 - VOLLEYBALL 10.00 7/ 1! b'. l - 148 - LACROSSE 10.00 7/ 1/ 8Y 150 ARCHERY 10.00 7/ 1/ H': i r- ========================================================== 1 Page 5 n', nn I'LL ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 21 ----------xxxxx---------- -- 1995- 96 UNIVKRSITY ' lIl1S POND DIPARTNKHT COURSI • SPICIAL COORSI PIIS PII DISCRIPTIOH CURRENT PIIS 95- 96 PROPOSED PBB CHANGIS LAST DATE CHANGED 20014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 151 - 154 - 167 - GYMNASTICS GOLF BICYCLING 10.00 10.00 10.00 7/ 1/ H'I 7/ 1/ 8') 7/ 1/ 8'} - 168 KARATE 10.00 7/ 1/ H'} - - 197 BEGINNING HANDBALL 10.00 7/ 1/ 8': 1 - 197a INTERMEDIATE SCOTISH COUNTRY DANCING 10.00 NEW 0015 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 157 BEGIN SKIING 150.00 7/ 1/': 11 - 158 INTERMEDIATE SKIING 150.00 7/ 1/' J1 - 159 ADVANCED SKIING 150.00 7/ 1/': 11 - 0016 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 160 SAILING/ CANOEING 35.00 7/ 1/ 90 - 161 WINDSURFING 35.00 7/ 1/ 90 - 163 SAILING INSTRUCTOR TRAINING 35.00 7/ 1/ 90 - 164 KAYAKING 35.00 7/ 1/': 10 - 165 INTERMEDIATE SAILING/ BEGINNING RACING 35.00 - 166A ADVANCED SAILING RACING 35.00 7/ 1/'} J - 166b SAILBOAT RACING INSTRUCTOR 35.00 7/ 1/,} j 1 P ' 30/':!' gt; ; 7/ 1/ 93 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 22 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVIlRSITY FBllS PUND DEPARTMBHT COURSE • SPECIAL COURSE PEES PEE DESCRIPTION CURRENT PEES 95- 96 PROPOSED PEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 20016 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 166c WINDSURFING INSTRUCTOR TRAINING 35.00 7/ l/' Jj 197 BEGINNING KEEL BOAT SAILING 100.00 7/ 1/ Y4 20017 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 304 MATERIALS/ ATH INJURIES- TRAINING VARIABLE 7/ 1/') 1 20019 ART- VICOED 272 COpy PREPARATION PASTE UP 10.00 7/ 1/ 94 314 BOOK STRUCIfURES VARIABLE 7/ 1/ LJ1 315a, b PUBLICATIONS PRODUCTION VARIABLE 7/ 1/ 91 372 IMAGING REPRODUCTIONS I 40.00 7/ 1/ 94 373 IMAGING REPRODUCTIONS II 30.00 7/ 1/ 92 374 PUBLICATION DESIGN 10.00 7/ 1/ 94 375 DESIGN PRODUCTION 25.00 7/ 1 / 92 377 SCREEN PRINTING REPRODUCTIONS 20.00 7/ 1/ 93 472 ADVANCED GRAPHIC DESIGN 10.00 7/ 1/ 91 477 PORTFOLIO AND SENIOR PROJECT 20.00 7/ 1/ 93 : 0020 TECHNOLOGY 220 MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY 15.00 7/ 1/' 14 221 WELDING 35.00 7/ 1/': J4 222 FOUNDRY FORMING 15.00 7/ 1/ 94 Page 7 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 23 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVBRSITY F~~ S POND DBPAR1' IIBNT COUJlSB • SPBCIAL COURSB FBIS FBB DBSCRIPTION CURRENT FBBS 95- 96 PROPOSED FBB CHANGBS LAST DATE CHANGED 0020 TECHNOLOGY 325 IND. METAL 15.00 " / 1 / ' H 326 FLUID POWER 10.00 NEW 420 INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS 10.00 7/ 1/ 91 421 COMPUTER INTEGR. MFG. 10.00 7/ 1/ 8' 1 424 MFGR INPLANT 15.00 7/ 1/ 94 425 MACHINE DESIGN 15.00 NEW 0021 TECHNOLOGY 429 280 IND. SroDY POWER MECHANICS VARIABLE 16.00 7/ 1/ 94 7/ 1/' 11 281 POWER TRANSM 16.00 7/ 1/ 91 380 381 382 400 418 449 484 ADV PWR MECH ADV PWR TRAN AUTO ELEC IND. STUDY IND. SroDY IND. SroDY VEHICLE DESIGN 16.00 16.00 15.00 VARIABLE VARIABLE VARIABLE 10.00 7/ 1/ 91 7/ 1/ 91 7/ 1/ 89 7/ 1/ 89 7/ 1/ 8' 1 7/ 1/ 8' 1 7/ 1/ 8,} p 30/ 9" ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 24 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVIlRSITY FEES FOND DEPARTMENT COURSE • SPECIAL COURSE FEES FBB DBSCRIPTION CURRENT FEES 95- 96 PROPOSED FEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 20021 TECHNOLOGY 486 ADV VEHICLE DESIGN 10.00 7/ 1/' H) 20022 TECHNOLOGY 489 231 RESEARCH PWR MECH GENERAL WOODS 16.00 15.00 7/ 1/ 91 7/ 1/ 87 - 331 ADV WOODS 15.00 7/ 1/ 87 - 439 IND. STUDY 20023 TECHNOLOGY 110 ENG. GRAPH 1 111 ENG. GRAPH 2 309 DESCRIP GEON 310 312 313 323 ! 0024 TECHNOLOGY 223 320 322 TECH ILLUSTRATION ADV DRAFT CAD ARCH CONCEPT ADV CAD APPL MACH. MTL PROD­ADV METAL PR NUMERICAL CONTROL VARIABLE 7/ 1/ 94 5.00 7/ 1/ 8'} 5.00 7/ 1/ BLj 5.00 7/ 1/ 87 5.00 7/ 1/ 87 5.00 7/ 1/ 81 5.00 7/ 1/ 8' 1 5.00 7/ 1/ 87 20.00 7/ 1/ 94 20.00 7/ 1/'! 4 20.00 7/ 1 / Y4 335 TOOLS/ PLASTIC VARIABLE 7/ 1/') U Page 9 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 25 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVERSITY ' 1l1lS POND DIPARTNJDiT CO'DRBS • SPBCIAL COQRSI rBBS PII OISCRIPTIOIl CURRENT rlls 95 - 96 PROPOSED PEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 20024 TECHNOLOGY 417A ADVANCED CNC 20.00 NEW 20025 TECHNOLOGY 333,333a POLYMER TECHNOLOGY VARIABLE 7/ 1/~ Cj 334 REFS PLASTIC VARIABLE 7/ 1/ 8,) 336 PLASTIC PRODUCTION/ DESIGN VARIABLE 7/ 1/ 8,) 337 433 434 IND FINISH ENGINEERING POLYMERS REINFORCED PLASTICS VARIABLE VARIABLE VARIABLE 7/ 1/ 8~ - 7/ 1/' d': J - 7/ 1/' d~ 435 INJECTION MOLD VARIABLE 7/ 1/ 8~ 436 POLYMER COMPOUNDING VARIABLE 7/ l/ ti Cj 437 ADV TOPICS IN APPL POLYMER ENG VARIABLE 7/ 1/': JlJ 438 RESEARCH PLASTICS VARIABLE 7/ 1/ 8' 3 : 0026 ART- PHOTOGRAPHY 290 GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHY 20.00 7/ 1/ 94 390 ADV PHOTO 20.00 7/ 1/ 94 391 COLOR PHOTO 20.00 7/ 1/' H 490 ADV PHOTO WORKSHOP 20.00 NEW 0027 TECHNOLOGY 214 SOPH IND DSGN I 25.00 7/ 1/') J ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 26 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVBRSITY FIlIlS FOND 20027 DBPARTMBNT TECHNOLOGY COURSE 215 • HIST OF SPECIAL COQRSE FBES FBB DESCRIPTION IND DSGN CURRENT FBBS 5.00 95- 96 PROPOSED PEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 7/ 1/ 87 216 SOPH IND DSGN II 25.00 7/ 1/ 8') 311 314a 314b PERSPjRENDER JNR. IND DESIGN JNR. IND DESIGN 1 2 10.00 25.00 25.00 7/ 1/ 87 7/ 1/ 8,) 7/)/ 8,} 314c JNR. IND DESIGN 3 25.00 7/ 1/ 8'} 411 414a PERSPECTIVE RENDERING SNR. IND bESIGN 1 II 10.00 25.00 7/ 1/' n 7/ 1/ 8': J ~ 0028 0029 0030 ) 031 TECHNOLOGY FOREIGN STUDIES FOREIGN STUDIES FOREIGN STUDIES 414b 414c 212 213 493 SNR. IND DESIGN 2 SNR IND DESIGN 3 INTRO TO TECHNOLOGY FOR EDUCATORS DESIGN DEVELOPMENT TEACHING I A I. S. E. P. COURSE FEES ASIAN EXCHANGE PROGRAM COURSE FEES MEXICO COURSE FEES 25.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 7/ 1/ 89 7/ 1/ 89 7/ 1/ 89 7/ 1/' 11 7/ 1/ 93 7/ 1/ 93 7/ 1/ lJ J 7/ 1/ 9" Page 11 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 27 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNI~ RSITY ' BBS POND DBPARTllBHT COURSB • SPECIAL COURSE PBBS PEB DESCRIPTION CURRBNT PBBS 95- 96 PROPOSED FEB CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED ~ 0033 FOREIGN STUDIES FOREIGN PROGRAMS OFF8RED VARIABLE 7/ 1/ 13/ ! D034 MONGOLIA PROGRAM MONGOLIAN LANGUAGE PROGRAM VARIABLE C/ / 1/ e / ~ 0035 FOREIGN STUDIES AMBRICAN HERITAGE COURSE FE8S 150.00 7/ 1/ lJL : 0036 FOREIGN STUDIES FOREIGN STUDIES PASSES/ ID CARD COURSE 2.00 7/ 1/ 92 ' 0037 FOREIGN STUDIES GREECE PROGRAM COURSE FEES 150.00 7/ 1/ 92 - 0038 FOREIGN STUDIES C. l. E. E. COURSE FEES 150.00 7/ 1/ 92 0045 FOREIGN STUDIES INCOMING STUDENT- PER QTR 125.00 7/ 1/ 94 OUTGOING STUDENT- PER QTR 150.00 7/ 1/ 94 0056 FOREIGN STUDIES CO- SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMS PER STUDENT 150.00 7/ 1/' J2 0059 FAIRHAVEN COLLEGE 101 FOUNDATIONS SEMINAR 10.00 7/ 1/ 91 202 HUMANITIES THE EXPRESSIVE ARTS I 10.00 7/ 1/ 91 204 SOCIETY THE INDIVIDUAL I 10.00 7/ 1/ 91 206 SCIENCE AND OUR PLACE ON THE PLANET I 10.00 7/ 1/ 9- 3 210C D RACE IN/ TO FILM 2.00 NEW 215 SEXUAL MINORITIES 8.00 7/ 1/')} 217 HISTORIAN AS DETECTIVE 5.00 7/ 1/':) 1 Pc 30/')': gt; ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 28 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVERSITY FBBS FUND DEPARTMBNT COURSE • SPECIAL COURSE FEES FEE DESCRIPTION CURRENT FEES 95- 96 PROPOSED FEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 20059 FAIRHAVEN COLLEGE 221 COLLEGE WRITING 10.00 7/ 1/,] l - 222 IMAGINATIVE WRITING 10.00 7/ 1/,:! 1 - 225 EXPLORING THE DICTIONARY 4.00 7/ 1/ 91 - 226 FILM SOCIETY 3.00 7/ 1/ 91 - 232 COMPUTERS . 6.00 7/ 1/' J[ - 233 ORGANIC GARDENING 10.00 7/ l/' JJ - 234 THE LANGUAGE OF MATHEMATICS 6.00 5.00 7/ 1/,)] - 235 QUANT ANALYT THINKING 5.00 NEW - 242 THE ART OF PLAY 10.00 7/ 1/' H - 243 AWARENESS THROUGH THE BODY 5.00 7/ 1/ 91 - 252 EXPERIMENTAL DRAWING 15.00 7/ 1/ 91 - 258 OPERA STUDY 5.00 7/ 1/':! 1 - 301 TRANSFER SEMINAR 10.00 7/ 1/ 91 - 302 HUMANITIES THE EXPRESSIVE ARTS II 10.00 7/ 1/': 11 - 303 INTERDISCIPLINARY CONCENTRATION SEMINAR 5.00 7/ 1/') 1 304 SOCIETY THE INDIVIDUAL II 10.00 7/ 1/ 91 lC==============================~====--~===========--- ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 29 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVllRSITY ' llllS POND DBPAR' 1' KBHT COURSS • SpeCIAL COORSI ' IBS PBB. DESCRIPTION CURRENT PBES 95 - 96 PROPOSED FBB CHANGBS LAST DATE CHANGED 20059 FAIRHAVEN COLLEGE 306 SCIENCE OUR PLACE ON THE PLANET II 10.00 7/ 1/ ' j 1 31OW ASIAN WOMEN IN AMERICA 3.00 NEW 312 PACIFIC RIM STUDIES 10.00 7/ 1/~ 1 313 THIRD WORLD WOMEN 10.00 7/ 1/' 11 314 TELEVISION MEDIA 10.00 2.00 7/ 1/' 13 315 WORK 10.00 "// l/' jj 316 U. S. IN CENTRAL AMERICA 10.00 2.00 7/ 1/') j 317 SEXUAL MINORITY SUBCULTURE 8.00 7/ 1/~ j 318 MANAGERS AND ELITES 10.00 5.00 7/ 1/ 33 319 VIETNAM ERA 10.00 2.00 7/ 1/ 93 320B NARRATIVE VOICE 5.00 NEW 321 COMMUNICATION AND GENDER 5.00 7/ 1/ 9j 322 IMAGINED WORLDS .. 10.00 7/ 1/ Yl 323 IMAGINATIVE WRITING II 10.00 7/ 1/': JI 324 SHAKESPEARE'S WORLD 10.00 NEW 325 MYTH MYTHOLOGY 5.00 7/ l/' Jj Pc nO/' J' gt; - l ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 30 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVERSITY FIlIlS PUND DBPARTllBNT COURSB • SPECIAL COURSE PIIS FEE DESCRIPTION CURRENT FEES 95- 96 PROPOSED FEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 10.00 5.00 7/ 1/ LJJ 20059 FAIRHAVEN COLLEGE 326 STUDIES IN FILM 327 PERSPECTIVES IN FICTION 10.00 7/ 1/': 13 328 20TH CENTURY POLITICAL THEATRE 20.00 5.00 7/ 1/': JJ 329 LITERARY COUNTERPARTS 5.00 NEW 331 PATTERNS IN NATURE 4.00 7/ 1/' 13 332 CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS 6.00 7/ 1/' j3 333 FEMINIST SCIENCE 8.00 5.00 7/ 1/ 91 334 REGIONAL ECOLOGIES 6.00 7/ 1/') 3 335 ALTERNATIVE FUTURES 8.00 NEW 341 AWARENESS THRU BODY II 8.00 NEW 342 PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT 2.00 NEW 343 DEATH AND DYING 10.00 7/ 1/') J 344 ADULT DEVELOPMENT IN WOMEN 10.00 7/ 1/') 3 345 MORAL DEVELOPMENT 10.00 NEW 347 PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN 10.00 7/ 1/') J 348 MEN AND IDENTITY 5.00 7/ 1/' 11 l- =============================~============~--~==;:-- ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 31 ----------xxxxx---------- -- -- 1995- 96 UNIVBRSITY ' BllS PUND DBPARTIIBHT COURSB • SPBCIAL COURSB PBBS PBB DESCRIPTION CURRENT FEES 95- 96 PROPOSED PEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 5.00 NEW 20059 FAIRHAVEN COLLEGE 350X PERFORMANCE ART 352 DOING THEATRE 10.00 7/ 1/' 3J - 353 NEW WORLD THEATRE 20.00 7/ 1/' 33 - 355 SELF PORTRAIT 3D 15.00 15.75 7/ 1/': H 356 DREAMS, IMAGINATION CREATIVITY 5.00 '/ / 1 / ' 3 1 357 HISTORY CONTEMP NATIVE AMER ART 10.00 10.25 "/ / 1 / ' 3 ) 358 ART IN THE ENVIRONMENT 10.00 10.25 ' 1/ 1/' 3) 361 HISTORY OF SEXUALITY 5.00 NEW 375A- C INTEGRATIVE SEMINARS 10.00 NEW 403 ADVANCED SEMINAR . 10.00 7/ 1/ 91 411 POLITICAL ECONOMY THE STATUS OF WOMEN 10.00 7/ 1/ 9) 413 CURERS, CLIENTS AND CULTURE 10.00 7/ 1/' 33 417 NEW WORLD ORDER 2.00 NEW 41B FEMINIST THOUGHT 5.00 7/ 1/') j 421 WINTER, WRITING DOSTOEVSKY 5.00 7/ 1/' Jl - 422 TOLSTOY! 5.00 7/ 1/' 31 Fd 3U/':!') ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 32 ----------xxxxx---------- -- 1995- 96 UNIVBRSIIT FBIlS PUND DBPARTMBNT COURSE • SPBCIAL COURSB PEES PBg DBSCRIPTION CURRENT PEES 95- 96 PROPOSED PEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 7.00 2.00 7/ 1/' Jl 20059 FAIRHAVEN COLLEGE 423 ADV FILM AND SOCIETY - 424 SHAKESPEARE'S WORLD 10.00 71l/ YJ - 425 ADVANCED WRITING WORKSHOP 10.00 7/ 1/ 91 - 426 CHEKOV 5.00 NEW - 433 FRONTIERS · 10.00 NEW - 441 RELATIONAL SELF 10.00 7/ 1/ Y:! - 442 DEPRESSION EATING DISORDERS IN WOMEN 10.00 7/ 1/ Y3 - 443 MODERN THOUGHT 10.00 NEW - 444 HIGHER EDUCATION POWER 10.00 7/ 1/' 33 - 445 AGGRESSION IN WOMEN 15.00 NEW - 451 CREATIVITY NATIVE AMER ART 10.00 7/ 1/ 93 - 452 SHAMANISM 5.00 7/ 1/':! l - 453 POSTMODERN PERSPECTIVE IN CONTEMPORARY ART 10.00 7/ li':! l - 455 THE MYTH OF PRIMITIVISM 15.00 NEW - 497A HISTORY OF THE FUTURE 20.00 7/ 1/' 13 20071 ANTHOLOPOLOGY 312 SUMMER FIELD TRIP FEE 150.00 7/ 1/ 94 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 33 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVllRSITY ' lIS PUND DEPARTMBHT COORS. • SPECIAL COORSI PIIS PEE DESCRIPTION CURRENT PEES 95- 96 PROPOSED FEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 20072 TECHNOLOGY 271 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS I 15.00 7/ 1/ '! lt; 1 273 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS 15.00 7/ 1/,) 4 372 ETEC 372 15.00 7/ 1/': 14 373 DIGITAL SYSTEMS 15.00 7/ 1/' H 379 ACTIVE CIRCUITS 15.00 7/ 1/ 94 405 COMMUNICATioNS CIRCUITS 15.00 7/ 1/' H 0083 1001 TECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY 457 471 474 ETEC BIOL 101 101 AlITOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEMS PROJECT DEFINITION MICROCOMPUTER- BASED DESIGN LAB FEE BIOL 101 15.00 VARIABLE VARIABLE 15.00 5.00 7/ 1/' J4 7/ 1/ 92 7/ 1/ 92 7/ 1/ 9 \ NEW VARIOUS BIOL 201, 202, 203 10.00 NEW VARIOUS 322,324,326,346,348- 9,402- 4,406- 7,424,445 15.00 NEW 002 CHEMISTRY VARIOUS 305 CH 101 BIOL/ CHEM MATERIALS LAB 474,475 10.00 25.00 10.00 NEW 7/ 1/ tn 7/ 1/': 14 p-, , '] 0/' 10, ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 34 ----------xxxxx---------- 1995- 96 UNIVERSITY ' BBS FUND DEPARTMENT COURSE • SPECIAL COURSE PEES PEE DESCRIPTION CURRENT PEES 95- 96 PROPOSED FEE CHANGES LAST DATE CHANGED 21002 CHEMISTRY CH VARIOUS LAB- CH 115,121- 3,251,308,371,434,454 15.00 4/ 14/ 9" gt; CH VARIOUS LAB- CH 333,354,355,464,465,474 25.00 4/ 14/ 95 22043 PHYSICS/ ASTRONOMY PHY 114,115,116 LAB MATERIALS/ WCC STUDENT INSTRUCTION ONLY 100.00 7/ 1/ 91 23009 MUSIC 499 MUSIC RECITAL FEE 30.00 7/ 1/ 93 Page 19 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 35 ----------xxxxx---------- ATTACHMENT " B" Updated: 12 May 1995 page 1 of 3 ~ · . · li~ ii~'. · .:!~\ ­~..-. JIfl~~~~ : PREFACE I The committee's charge was to determine the feasibility of providing relief for students in financial need through a fee waiver process specifically targeting course fees. During Fiscal Year 1996, students receiving financial aid, through the Student Financial Aid Office, will be awarded $ 235 per quarter designated to address costs for supplies and materials. It is understood that a portion of this award would be spent for course fee costs. The committee therefore views the committee charge as an opportunity to provide supplemental support for students in need specific to the course fee category. The course fees considered here represent a group of fees charged to students for supplies, materials, manuals, field trips and printed materials required in the presentation of the course. These fees are tied to a specific course identification and provide revenue to offset the direct cost incurred by the self- supporting budgets. The committee sought counsel and advice from many constituencies across campus including personnel in the Controller's Office, Budget Office, Student Fiscal Services Office, Registrar's Office and various budget authorities. The committee's recommendation is that a course fee waiver award policy is feasible given the following process: : ij"' J?; r,'?~ dJ. · lf: f~-; r J-' J~ f~\~ l~; -: The committee's summary recommendation is as follows: 1. Academic- year value of fees waived will be 5% of projected gross revenue. 2. Source of funds for the waivers will come from the Provost's Office. 3. Course fee definition excludes P. E. 100 courses. 4. Awards will be decided by the Student Financial Resources Office based on defined criteria for eligibility and demonstrated need. 5. Awards will be issued as a form of student financial aid at $ 25 per award versus the waiver of aspecific course fee. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 36 ----------xxxxx---------- page 2 of3 The following review provides additional information about the primary parts of the policy recommendation. ~ Fl! e Waiver vs. Student Aid I A fee waiver is normally applicable to a specific fee or is fee specific. This recommendation, as it is applied, appears as a form of student aid. The $ 25 award will be reflected as a credit on the student's account and will be included in their financial aid listing as a " course fee waiver award". fourse Fee Definiti01 Course fees include fees which are tied to a specific course identification. The committee recommends inclusion of this broad spectrum of cost reimbursement fees identified in this definition to include supplies, materials, manuals, field trips and printed materials. The committee recommends exclusion of P. E. 100 Activity courses which are often viewed as expensive elective courses not required in any curriculum. l~ alue of Fee Waivers I The maximum, aggregate, academic- year value of fees waived will be 5% of the projected gross revenue for that year. This percentage guideline is in line with legislative intent as defined in RCW 288.15.740 which limits fee waivers to a maximum dollar level equal to 5% of projected gross revenue. [ pource of Waiver Funds Budget Impact I Course fees represent the source of funds to recover out- of- pocket costs incurred in making the course available. The state funded operating budget allocations have been insufficient to meet the cost of offering some courses. In order to meet these costs, the course fee was instituted to defray these unfunded course costs. Without a central source of funding for the fee waiver, self- supporting budgets would experience lost revenue which would cause budgets to experience a short- fall equal to the number of students receiving awards. In an attempt to maintain solvency, ensuing years would bring requests for fee increases to offset the cost of anticipated or guesstimated fee waivers. Students not receiving fee waivers would incur the financial burden of increased course fees which would go to fund waivers. In order to prevent this scenario, a central source of funding becomes a necessity. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 37 ----------xxxxx---------- page 3of3 . Award Process The Student Financial Resources Office is the most knowledgeable and qualified to decide on awards based on that office's comprehensive understanding of individual need and sources available to meet need. The criteria for awarding course fee waivers is as follows: 1. Students must demonstrate financial need as determined by Student Financial Resources. 2. Students must document that their combined course fees for the quarter total at least $ 50. 3. If students meet the above criteria, they are eligible for a $ 25 course fee waiver for the quarter. The Student Financial Resources Office is committed to awarding the waivers in a fair and equitable manner. The awards may require disproportionate funding for each quarter but in aggregate will not exceed the equivalent of 5% of projected gross revenue for that academic year. The Student Financial Resources Office will notify the Office of Student Fiscal Services concerning those students receiving the course fee waiver for the quarter. This communication link is currently established and fits existing procedures. The student will not be provided a check for $ 25 but will be given a credit on their account which will show as a " course fee waiver award" of $ 25. A new fund and corresponding budget code will be created to house the fl, Jnds provided by the Provost's Office equal to 5% of projected gross revenue. This visibility will provide the opportunity to monitor the financial activity to insure that results conform to plan. The Provost Office will annually convene a committee to conduct a review of the award activity, evaluate the process and recommend changes to policy as required. · · mi-:'..•~... .., ..... ': Mi.::'',;' rl' :. · ~' I'II('~ · ".,. . .[.\'-' 1 gt;.. i. I.~ -, .. .. . I'(-.~ _ -"'~_...:.:_ . ' __ ' gt;, •__ ~,_~ __ .~'. _ The aggregate projected revenue for the course fee budgets, exclUding P. E. 100 courses, is approximately $ 120,000 for Fiscal 1996. The maximum dollar level offees waived is therefore 5% of $ 120,000 or $ 6,000 for the Fiscal 1996 academic- year. The policy provides for a $ 25 waiver of course fees which translates into 240 individual course fee waiver awards during the Fiscal 1996 academic year. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 38 ----------xxxxx---------- ATTACHMENT " c" INTER- LOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WWUIWTA THIS. INTER- LOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT, MADE AND ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WHATCOM TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, both Western Washington University and the Whatcom Transportation Authority desire to continue to cooperate in identifying ways to improve transit service to Western Washington University; and WHEREAS, both Western Washington University and the Whatcom Transportation Authority desire to lay the groundwork for future agreements that will enhance transit service to Western Washington University; and WHEREAS, both Western Washington University and the Whatcom Transportation Authority desire to cooperate in the development and operation of a nine- month Pilot Program providing dedicated transit service to Western Washington University; and WHEREAS, public agencies such as Western Washington University and the Whatcom Transportation Authority are authorized under the provisions of RCW Chapter 39.34 to enter into agreements with one another for joint or cooperative action; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, through its delegation of authority by resolution to President Morse on June 9, 1995, and Board of Directors of Whatcom Transportation Authority do hereby mutually agree as follows: 1. WTA will provide the following service under the Pilot Program: a. Operate an off- campus, as well as an on- campus, bus transit system for any nwnber of days that fits WWU's needs, other than those holidays which WTA observes. Operate a transit bus up to ten hours per day ( 7: 30 a. m. to 5: 30 p. m.), but not I b. to exceed 1,695 total vehicle hours, WHA~ TM COUNTY Vol: 449 h9Eo: 1257 ADDI OR'S NOTE: Fi Ie No: 9506:::=: C1244 Co pletc ~ ota. ry " ' tted/ I I ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 39 ----------xxxxx---------- c. Operate a transit bus service with specific routing as WWU deems appropriate ( giveri adequate road geometries). The routing options will have only one destination, Western Washington University, with no connection to the Bellingham Transit Center. Should changes to the routing or scheduling be desired by WWU during the 9- month period, the WTA will receive thirty ( 30) days notice before implementing any such change. Changes may be made sooner by mutual agreement. WWU agrees that the WTA is unable to impose any restrictions on who may ride any WTA route. d. The service provided WWU will be independent of any fare box revenue from WWU users. WWU intends to operate this service without fares. e. Provide a thirty- five foot ( 35') bus and a driver from WTA's fleet for this service, with a seating capacity of forty- four ( 44) persons, and a total capacity of seventy to seventy- five ( 70- 75) persons when standees are included. It is understood that this bus will not be wheelchair accessible, however, access to WTA's existing para- transit buses will be provided on an as- needed basis, in accordance with WTA request procedures and eligibility policies. f. Implement the program as early as September 5, 1995. WTA will provide driver training, drug testing of drivers in accordance with WTA policy, dispatch, general public ride line informatio~ vehicle maintenance and cleaning, accident investigation response, two- way radios, back- up drivers, additional buses as needed, and share with WWU in marketing efforts. g. Each party shall indemnify and hold harmless the other party, its officers, employees, and agents from all claims, suits, and/ or negligent actions arising from any of its acts or omissions under the terms of the agreement h. Provide shelters for those locations along, the transit route where surveys indicate hoardings of twenty- five ( 25) persons per day, subject to needed approvals ( e. g., easements), and providing that WTA can be reasonably assured that routing will remain in existence for an extended period of time, and contingent upon approval by the property owner and the City of Bellingham. I. If desired by the University, WTA will have the bus painted in distinctive colors or design, at WWU cost and specifications. J. The bus WTA will use for this transit service will be available to transport a minimum of one- hundred- forty ( 140) people per hour, from 21st Street and Bill McDonald Parkway to central campus. Vol: 449 P- 39l?: 1 258 Fi Ie No: 95';: 163~:) 244 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 40 ----------xxxxx---------- k. If the average ridership per hour, averaged over a typical day for any given month, does not meet a minimum average of tv. · enty · five ( 25) passengers, WTA will work with WWU to either: ( a) change the routing. ( b) rearrange service to fit different time frames ( daily, monthly or quarterly), or ( c) cancel service completely, with thirty ( 30) days written notice. I. Provide monthly ridership data throughout the Pilot Program, along with public comments received by WTA regarding aspects of the service. In addition, an on- board survey will be done by WTA to detennine which transportation modes students, faculty and staff would be using if they were not using the bus transit system. WTA also will undertake one boarding and alighting survey to detennine ridership by time- of- day and by bus stop. WTA will pay the costs of these surveys. m. Unless prohibited in WTA advertising policies, authorize WWU to place advertising or public announcements of its choice inside the WWU bus, along with WTA advertising, promotional and infonnational materials. n. When adverse weather occursJWTA and WWU may explore additional service needs and adjust schedules and service levels accordingly, subject to vehicle and staffmg availability. 2. Western Washington University int~ nds to participate as fonows under the Pilot Program: a. Pay WTA up to one- hundred · thousand dollars ($ 100,000.00) during the nine · month period commencing as early as September 5, 1995, subject to approval by the University's governance. A fixed price of $ 58.97 per vehicle hour will be paid, to the WTA, based on invoices submitted by the WTA to WWU. Payment will be made monthly, based on the previous months usage, to Accounts Receivable, WTA, 2011 Young Street, Bellingham WA 98225. b. Work with WTA staff on defining possible routing options which would serve neighborhoods adjacent to campus. These routes will serve areas with high concentrations of students, faculty and staff who currently drive. c. Pay for labor costs of installation of additional bus stop signs and posts, as needed, along the transit bus route. WTA will pay for those additional bus stop signs and posts. d. This Inter- Local Cooperative Agreement contains the entire agreement between WWU and WTA and shall not be modified in any manner except by an instrument in writing executed by both parties. '~(! l: 449 F'age: 1 259 Fi Ie No: 9506: 3(: 1244 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 - Page 41 ----------xxxxx---------- ----.-.-".~" EXEcmED this ~ iI. day of r-, 1995, for Western Washington University: ~? J:: r- of. lJ~ President Approved as to fonn only: WHATCOM COlJNTY BELLI NGHAM, WA e6130/ 95 2: e3 PM REQUEST OF: WESTE~~ W Shirle~ Forslof, AUDITOR BY: PT, DEPUTY S10.90 AGREE , EXECUTED dJltJ~ day of ~ ". 1995; for Whateom Transportation Authority: By, _ __ ---... I Martin Minkoff .. General Manager RicHard J. Langal)~ v _ Counsel to the WTA Vol: 449 Page: 1 260 Fi Ie r'io: 95C16::=: 0244 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - June 1995 ----------xxxxx----------