1948-04 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - April 1948 - Page 1 ----------xxxxx---------- 572 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 21, 1948 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday evening, April 21, 1948, at 7:00 o'clock in the President's office. Those present were Mr. Verne Branigin, Chairman, Mr. Joseph T. Pemberton, Secretary, and President W. W. Haggard. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. CONTACT WITH BEBB AND JONES, ARCHITECTS A letter was read from Chisholm and Eiford, under date of April 8, 1948, expressing appreciation of the excellent architectural services, and prompt decisions of the trustees and staff in matter's pertaining to construction. Data including the cost of $ 1.30 per cubic foot were also submitted. President Haggard was instructed to reply in kind. BRATTON PROPERTY, 431 HIGH STREET A letter under dote of April 14, 1948, wes read from Everett Wheeler, realtor, and negotiator for the College with owners of properties needed for the site of the Auditorium-Music Building. Three copies of the abstract of the Bratton property, 431 High Street, were enclosed with the letter, two of which were sent immediately to the Attorney General. It is anticipated that the apprasial report will be received soon. VACATION OF NORTH END OF TWENTY-FIRST STREET There was discussion of the City Council's delay in vacating the north end of Twenty-First Street, and the request of the City Planning Commission that the College explain more fully its plans for expansion. It was agreed that the College had not desired to withhold explanation of any of its plans from the Commission, but that in the future more attention could be given to such matters.INTERIM COMMITTEE OF LEGISLATURE ON EDUCATION TO VISIT CAMPUS Word was received from the Interim Committee of the Legislature on Education of plans to visit the campus soon after May 7 to discuss needs for the next biennium. President Haggard stated that data were being assembled to submit to the committee. Appreciation of the committee's interest in the welfare of the College was expressed. OPEN HOUSE AT MENS RESIDENCE HALL Announcement was made of Open House at the Mens Residence Hall on May 2 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Formal invitations have been sent out to a selected list of people and an invitation to the general public will be issued through the newspapers. OLD HEATING PLANT BURNED MARCH 29, 1948 All available information regarding the cause of tile fire which burned the old heating plant on the evening of March 29, 1948, was presented. The most reasonable explanation seems to be that the fire was caused by a spark from cutting torches which were being used by the contrectors in the demolition of the building. Since the contractors were covered by insurance, the amount of money necessary for restoring the building in keeping with plans for using it as storage should be forthcoming. The necessity for more storage space then is now availoble on the campus was discussed. It was agreed that another investigation be made of the basement or the Campus Elementary school for storage. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - April 1948 - Page 2 ----------xxxxx---------- 573 LOSS OF LIFE IN CASE OF FIRE IN MAIN BUILDING The danger of loss of life in case of fire in the Main Building during an assembly in the Auditorium was considered. It was suggested that watchmen be stationed in the halls during an assembly. WALLS OF MAIN READING ROOM IN LIBRARY The Art Department was reported as not being favorable to stippling the walls of the Main Reading Room in the Library, as previously specified, as the effect produced by the light colored walls is very desirable. It was decided that the walls should remain as now painted for a time, and that the stippling could be done at a later date if it seemed desirable. PROGRESS REPORT OF INTER-INSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS A meeting of the presidents of the five higher intitutions of education was held in Spokane on April 8 and 9, 1948. President Haggard reported that since no opinion had been received from the Attorney General regarding the authority of the state University and the state College to prepare teachers for the elementary field, and the three colleges of Education to prepare teachers for the secondary field, no agreement was reached in the steps to be taken. A decision was reached, however, that the State University and the State College would recognize that a new base, liberal arts, had been established in the three Colleges of Education. REVISION OF STUDENT LOAN FUND REGULATIONS Revision was approved of Student Loan Fund regulations, as recommended by the Student Loan Fund Committee of the faculty. The new provisions are as follows: (Paragraphs No. 3 and No. 6): 3. The total amount loaned to any student anyone quarter shall not exceed one hundred ($ 100.00) dollars. The maximum that a student may owe to the Student Loan Fund during his freshman year shall be one hundred ($ 100.00) dollars; during his sophomore year shall be one hundred and fifty ($ 150.00) dollars; during his junior year shall be two hundred and fifty ($ 250.00) dollars; and during his senior year shall be three hundred and fifty ($ 350.00) dollars. 6. Every student receiving a loan shall give to the school a promissory note, payable at the Business Office, in a sum equal to the amount of the loan plus pre-charged interest and bearing interest at the specified rete from the date of matmlrity. This note is to be signed by the borrower and a guarantor, not an employee of the College, or in any way connected with the College. The guarantor shall be a property owner, or hold a salaried position at the time the note is taken out, or have an equivalent financial standing. REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS President Haggard was authorized to request Governor Mon C. Wallgren for the release of funds when needed for the Arts and the Auditorium-Music buildings. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - April 1948 - Page 3 ----------xxxxx---------- 574 APPOINTMENTS TO FACULTY SUMMER QUARTER 1948 The following appointments to the faculty for the summer quarter, 1948, were approved: Mary Boppell, M. A. Home Economics $ 500.00 David J. Burrell, M. A. Industrial Arts 900.00 Ruth Daubenspeck, N. A. Speech 900.00 ; Mabel L. Everett, H. A. Special Education 500.00 Dorothy Goodwin, B. A. Student Teaching 500.00 Elsie Grime, M. A. Student Teaching 500.00 : Ethel Kawin, M. A. Education 800.00 Helene Meyers, M. S. Student Teaching 500.00 Gertrude Ramage, M. A. Student Teaching 500.00 Hilda Schwehn, M. S. Physical Education 900.00 Marjorie Seymour, B. A. Art 900.00 500.00 Virginia Voeks, Ph. D. Psychology C. Paine Shangle, M. A. Education 900.00 Margaret Warning, M. A. Home Economics 900.00 BILLS WERE AUDITED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Voucher Checks No. 6097 - 6443 Local Voucher Checks No. 287 - 413 Residence Halls Voucher Checks No. 8349 - 8407 Associated Students Voucher Checks No. 560 - 612 State ADJOURNMENT JOSEPH T. PEMBERTON, SECRETARY VERNE BRANIGIN, CHAIRMAN ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - April 1948 ----------xxxxx----------