1957-09 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - September 1957 - Page 1 ----------xxxxx---------- 821 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19, 1957 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, September 19, 1957, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., in Room 112 of the Hain Building. Those present were Don Eldridge, Harshall Forrest, David Sprague, Joseph Pemberton, Mrs. Bernice Hall, and President W. W. Haggard. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held August 15, 1957 were approved. ATTORNEY GENERAL AND REVISION OF POLICY RELATING TO FACULTY SALARY PAYMENTS A letter from the Attorney General's Office, under date of August 21, 1957, indicating that the payment of one-half month's salary to the faculty on September 30 would be improper unless the faculty members had performed one-half month's duty in September, was considered. It was moved by Mr. Sprague and seconded by Mr. Pemberton that one-half month's salary be paid October 15, if in keeping with state regulations. The motion passed. HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY LOAN APPLICATION - CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 3, 1957 Mr. Sprague and President Haggard reported that the outcome of the conference relating to the amended application to the Housing and Home Finance Agency for the loan to erect the Student Union Building, held in the Seattle office of the Housing and Home Finance Agency September J, 1957, indicated that the loan should be approved in Washington, D. C. within five weeks from September 3. The representatives of the College present, including the Chairman of the Student Committee, were unanimous that the Seattle Housing and Home Finance Agency officials were optimistic about the approval of the loan application. BIDS ON CONSTRUCTION OF FACULTY OFFICES OPENED AUGUST 26, 1957 Pursuant to the action of the previous meeting regarding the construction of additional faculty offices before the opening of the fall quarter, Mr. Forrest moved and Mr. Pemberton seconded that the contract with Emil Olsen, whose bid was $ 11,751.00, be approved. The other bids were Anderson and Ursin, $ 15,124.00, and Charles A. Standen, $ 12,392.00. The motion carried. VISIT OF LEGISLATIVE BUDGET COMMITEE OCTOBER 31, 1957 President Haggard reported that the Legislative Budget Committee had scheduled a visit here Thursday, October 31. It was suggested that the Trustees be prepared to give the most of the day, beginning at 9:30 a.m., to the meeting with the Committee. MEMORANDIUM OF STATE DIRECTOR OF BUDGER OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1957 A memorandum, under date of September 9, 1957, from the Director of the Budget, requesting a budget work program for the biennium, Has received. The provision requesting expenditures fifteen percent (15 %) below the amounts appropriated by the Legislature Has given special attention. It was the consensus that the report should be delayed until the fall quarter registration is completed and until the situation in the four other state higher institutions is known. MR. THIRY It was moved by Hr. Forrest and seconded by Mrs. Hall that the contract with Mr. Thiry, as the architect for the Science Building, be signed. The motion carried. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - September 1957 - Page 2 ----------xxxxx---------- 822 PROPOSED SITES FOR SCIENCE BUILDING. Thiry reported on his investigation of sites proposed for the Science Building and recommended the area immediately south of the Library. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Pemberton and seconded by Mrs. Hall that this site be chosen. After further discussion the motion carried. MR. BINDON - SCIENCE BUILDING The bill for $ 2,153.43, submitted by Leonard Bindon, architect, in the previous meeting, for services rendered in connection with the Science Building, was again considered. It was moved by Mr. Pemberton and seconded by Mr. Forrest that Mr. Bindon be requested to itemize the bill. The motion carried. MR. BINDON - STUDENT UNION BUILDING Upon the request authorized in the previous meeting, Mr. Bindon, in a letter under date of August 26, 1957, placed a value of $ 15,520.00 on the services rendered in connection with the planning of the Student Union Building. It was moved by Mr. Forrest and seconded by Mr. Pemberton that Mr. Bindon be requested to submit a detailed explanation of the foregoing value of services and that no more work on the plans be done until the Housing and Home Finance Agency loan application is approved. MATHEMATICS PROJECT President Haggard reported that the proposal from Mr. Sprague that the College conduct a concentrated program in English or history for high school teachers, during the coming summer, had been considered, and that a project in mathematics was preferred. Mr. Sprague expressed approval of the efforts made in behalf of such a project. Reports of meetings of the Curriculum Committee and sub-committees of the faculty are in the files of the President's office. EMPLOYMENT OF ROBERT W. ZASLOW, DEWEY A. SLOUGH, AND ARCHIE BINNS The following faculty employments were approved upon motion of Mrs. Hall and seconded by Mr. Forrest: ROBERT W. ZASLOW, Ph. D., University of California (Serkeley) Assistant Professor of Psychology, Annual Salary, $ 6,100.00 DEWEY A. SLOUGH, Ph. D., University of Indiana (January, 1958) Instructor of Psychology, Annual Salary, $ 5,200.00 ARCHIE BINNS, Author, Part-time visiting Associate Professor of English, Annual Salary, $ 3,500.00 LEASING OF WHIDBEY ISLAND LAND FOR SUMMER CABP The request from school superintendents of the five northwest counties that the College lease state land on Whidbey Island for the establishment of a swmner camp similar to the camp at Silverton, in Snohomish County, was again considered. After discussion of the reasons for and against the proposal, it was agreed that representatives of the schools should be invited to attend the next meeting of the Trustees. BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SCHEDULE It was moved by Mr. Forrest and seconded by Mrs. Hall that Board meetings, beginning in October, should be held the second Thursday evening of the month. The motion carried. ADJOURNMENT DON ELDRIGDE, CHAIRMAN MARSHALL FORREST, SECRETARY ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - September 1957 ----------xxxxx----------