1949-08 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - August 1949 - Page 1 ----------xxxxx---------- 607 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES August 16, 1949 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Tuesday afternoon, August 16, 1949, at 3:00 o'clock in Room 112, Main Building. Those present were Mr. Joseph T. Pemberton, chairman, Mrs. Violet P. Boede, Secretary, and President W. W. Haggard. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WINGS OF ARTS BUILDING Bids were opened today at 2:00 p.m. for the construction of the north and west wings of the Arts Building. Leonard W. Bindon, architect, was present. The bids received were as follows: GENERAL CONTRACT Chisholm & Piford $ 125,500.00 S. S. Mullen 145,538.00 Henrickson Construction Co. 137,700.00 Odegard Construction Co. 128,000.00 MECHANICAL CONTRACT Blythe Plumbing & Heating Co. $ 18,340.00 Heskell Plumbing & Heating Co. 16,375.00 ELECTRICAL CONTRACT Howard E. Mills 11,721.00 Hopper Electric Co. 10,792.00 C. A. Johnson 11,787.00 Hindman's Electric Co. 10,997.00 CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR COMPLECTION OF ARTS BUILDING Following discussion of the bids listed above, contracts were awarded to the lowest bidders: Chisholm & Eiford, Bellingham, generel contract. Alternates 1, 3, and 6, totalling $ 8000.00, were omitted from the generEl contract: quarry tile, $ 3500.00; steel lockers, $ 700.00; and Sheldon benches, $ 3800.00. Contracts for the mechanical and electrical contracts were awarded to the Blythe Plumbing and Heating company, and Howard E. Mills. Mr. Bindon was instructed to prepare the contracts for signatures. BRICKWORK ON AUDITORIUM-MUSIC BUILDING G. F. Tucker, general contractor for the Auditorium-Music Building, submitted a proposal under date of August 15, 1949, for the completion of the general contract and the brickwork on the building, as a change order to the present contract, at a cost of $ 156,914.50. It was decided to accept Mr. Tucker's proposal provided that data supporting the proposal could be secured, and the President was authorized to secure such data. The proposal is on file in the President's office. The President stated that he had asked Lucker and Company if they would repair the roof of the swimming pool on the basis of cost of materials and labor, or 10% and 10%, the cost not to exceed $ 9775.00, and that an affirmative reply was received. Mr. George Sperry, engineer, participated in the discussion of the proposals. It was decided to have Mr. Sperry work out a plan with the western woodworking Company at a cost not to exceed $ 5000.00 or $ 6000.00. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - August 1949 - Page 2 ----------xxxxx---------- 608 STRIP OF LAND OWNED BY PHILIP J. MOREY A letter from Philip J. Morey was received under date of August 15, 1949, suggesting that the College acquire his strip of land adjacent to the new parking area back of the Mens Residence Hall at a price of $ 1031.70. The President reported that Everett Wheeler, former appraiser of real estate for the College, had been asked to appraise the Morey parcel of land. Mention was made of the fact that at present no funds are available for the purchase of land. Mr. Morey's letter is on file in the President's office. President Haggard reported that the enrollment for the summer quarter, 1949, was 1109, an increase of 12% over that of the summer quarter of 1948. Also, the number receiving degrees and certificates this spring end summer was 303, which is 82% higher than that of the spring and summer quarters of 1948. GLENN JORDAN TO SUCCEED GEORGE DACK, HEAD GARDENER The application, including written testimonials, of Glenn Jordan for the position of head gardener to succeed George Dack on his retirement was considered. The President was authorized to ask Mr. Jordan to be ready to begin work on January 2, 1950, the date of the retirement of Mr. Dack. The annual salary for Glenn Jordan is to be $ 2900.00. INSPECTION OF MOLLER ORGAN The President reported that Dr. Frank D'Andrea, Chauncey Griffith, and he went to Portland on August 11 to insfect a Moller organ costing $ 36,000.00 recently installed in the Trinity Episcopal Church there. A proposal by Mr. Eugene Poole, representative of the Moller Company, was submitted. No action was taken as further investigation of organs, including the Aeolian-Skinner organ is to be made. Voucher checks No. 12789 - 13084 Local Voucher checks No. 3404 - 3562 Residence Halls Voucher checks No. 9783 - 9814 Associated Students Voucher checks No. 42 - 56 State ADJOURNMENT VIOLET P. BOEDE, SECRETARY JOSEPH T. PEMBERTON ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - August 1949 - Page 3 ----------xxxxx---------- 608 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF CLERK OF WORK It was decided to terminate the employment of Roy Holman, clerk of the works at the Arts and Auditorium-Music buildings upon completion of the S. S. Mullen Company's contract for the construction of the Arts Building. STROP OF LAND OWNED BY PHILIP J. MOREY A letter from Philip J. Morey was received under date of August 15, 1949, suggesting that the strip of land ownded by him adjacent to the new parking area back of the Mens Residence Hall be acquired for the College at a price of $ 1031.70. The President reported that Everett Wheeler, former appraiser of real estates for the Colleges, had been asked to appraise the Morey parcel of land. Mention was made of the fact that a present no fun or are available for the purchase of land. Mr. Morey's letter is on file in the President's office. ENROLLMENT SUMMER QUARTER 1949 President Haggard reported that the enrollment for the summer quarter, 1949, was 1109, an increase of 12% over that of the summer quarter of 1948. Also, the number receiving degrees and certificates this spring and summer was 303, which is 82% higher than that of the spring and summer quarters of 1948. GLENN JORDAN TO SUCCEED GEORGE DACK, HEAD GARDENER The application, including written testimonials, of Glenn Jordan for the position of head gardener to succeed George Dack on his retirment was considered. The President was authorized to ask Mr. Jordan to be ready to begin work on January 2, 1950, the date of the retirement of Mr. Dack. The annual salary for Glenn Jordan is to be $ 2900.00 INSPECTION OF MOLLER ORGAN The President reported that Dr. Frank D'Andrea, Chauncey Griffith, and he went to Portland on August 11 to inspect a Moller organ costing $ 36,000.00 recently installed in the Trinity Episcopal Church there. A proposal by Mr. Eugene Poole, representative of the Moller Company, was submitted. No action was taken as further investigation of organs, including the Aeolian-Skinner organ, is to be made. BILLS WERE AUDITED AND ALLOWED Voucher Check No. 12789 - 13084 Local Voucher Check No. 3404 - 3562 Residence Halls Voucher Check No. 9783 - 9814 Associated Students Voucher Check No. 42 - 56 State ADJOURNMENT VIOLET P. BOEDE, SECRETARY JOSEPH T. PEMBERTON, CHAIRMAN ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - August 1949 ----------xxxxx----------