1956-10 ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - October 1956 - Page 1 ----------xxxxx---------- 790 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES October 18, 1956 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at noon on Thursday, October 18, 1956, at Edens Hall. Those present were Burton A. Kingsbury, Chairman, Harry A. Binzer, Secretary, Don Eldridge, and President W. W. Haggard. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. STATE AUDITOR'S REPORTS The reports of the fourteenth and fifteenth examinations by the State Auditor were reviewed. It was agreed that most of the recommendations were unrealistic. Mr. Binzer, however, stated that he thought the College could be subject to criticism in connection with the failure to transmit G. I. funds in the past years to the State Treasurer. It was pointed out that no one of the state institutions of higher education had complied with the recommendation made in the report of the tenth examination in 1951, and that the matter was discussed more than once in Joint Board meetings. It was suggested that President Haggard contact Mr. Yoakum, the Chief Examiner, before the reports are given to the press, and that if there should be a newspaper story, interpretation by the College of the reports should be given to the Bellingham Herald. PURCHASE OF HARRIS STREET HOUSING PROJECT A proposal, involving only a small amount of money, to purchase the Harris Street Housing project for married students was received. The purchase was approved. The proposal is in the files of the President's office. RELEASE OF $ 20,000.00 FROM GOVERNOR'S EMERGENCY FUND President Haggard reported that he discussed the release of $ 20,000.00 from the Governor's Emergency Fund, to provide for faculty secretarial assistants, with Mr. E. D. Brabrook, the Director of Budget, and J. B. Gibson of the Governor's office, on Wednesday, October 17, 1956. Both men stated that the money had been earmarked for the College and that the release would be signed by Governor Langlie later. CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST FOR SCIENCE BUILDING INCREASED It was stated that following the submission of the appropriation requests to the Governor, the State Budget office requested, according to a new policy, a more complete breakdown of each capital outlay request, and Mr. Bindon, architect, was asked to provide the data. In the course of the restudy by Mr. Bindon and the Science Department, it was urged that the total appropriation request for the Science Building be changed to $ 2,216,930.00. The recommendation was approved. ENROLIMENT It was reported that the enrollment for the fall quarter, 1956, had reached 2070, and that the enrollment, according to the Long Range Planning Committee of the Faculty would likely reach 2400 in 1957 and 2750 in 1958. FACULTY RESIGNATIONS The resignations of Kathryn Detring, Instructor in Home Economics, to be married in January, 1957, and Lucille Kolind Kvam, Instructor in Physical Education, who was married last summer, were accepted. ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - October 1956 - Page 2 ----------xxxxx---------- 791 EMPLOYMENT OF VIRGINIA GOLDSMITH Virginia Goldsmith, Ed. D., University of Washington, substitute' assistant professor of education last year, 1955-1956, was employed as a potential associate professor of education, beginning September 24, 1956, at a salary of $ 5800.00 a year. GEORGE WITTER, SALARY INCREMENT The salary of George Witter, instructor of mathematics, was increased from $ 4600.00 to $ 4700.00 a year. MEETING OF THE JOINT BOARD OF TRUSTEES There was a brief discussion of the meeting of the Joint Board of Trustees in Seattle on November 9, 1956. The problems: faculty Leaves of absence, and the auditor's reports were suggested for the agenda. BILLS WERE AUDITED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Voucher Checks No. 1482 - 1671 State Voucher Checks No. 47317 - 47841 LocaJ. Voucher Checks No. 18432 - 18683 Dormitories Voucher Checks No. 18357 - 18531 Associated Students ADJOURNMENT HARRY A. BINZER, SECRETARY BURTON A. KINGSBURY, CHAIRMAN ----------xxxxx---------- Board of Trustees Minutes - October 1956 ----------xxxxx----------