1901-10 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for October 1901WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for October 1901 Volume 01 - Page 195 1901-10-28 The board met pursuant to call at the office of the clerk 808 W. Holly Street: present Trustees Edens and White, Principal Mathes and Clerk Darwin. The clerk was ordered- WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for October 1901 Volume 01 - Page 196 1901-10-28 to submit the following petition to the city council in the name and on behalf of the board of trustees: Whereas the public in general have been using the Normal school grounds for a public highway for more than two years, and, whereas the trustees are about to begin improving these grounds, therefore, the trustees respectfully pray that your honorable body take steps to improve High street in front of the Normal campus and thus render it possible for the public to drive past the Normal buildings without using the Normal grounds as a public highway. The following resolution was adopted by the board: Resolved that J.N. Bowman be employed as teacher of history and German in the school at a salary of $800 for ten months work and that Grace S. Burt be employed as teacher of music and physical culture at a salary of $750 for ten months. The matter of finishing certain unfinished rooms behind the auditorium in the Main building was discussed and laid over for thirty days. The principal reported that it would be necessary to excavate a passage way between the new gymnasium building and the hillside which came jam up against it, and the clerk was instructed to secure the services of an engineer to cross section the piece of ground it was proposed to remove and to present to the board an estimate of the cost of the same. These vouchers were ordered certified to the state auditor that warrants might issue: Voucher No. 86 - favor J.N. Seeby and Co. $96.24 for sundry supplies furnished the school during the month of July, August, Sept and October as per attached bills. Maintenance. Voucher No. 87 - favor L.H. Darwin $30.54 for expense account as clerk of the board of trustees for the period ending Oct. 31st as per attached vouchers numbered 1 to 11 as follows. Maintenance. Voucher No. 88 - favor E.T. Mathes $44.45 for expense account as principal of the school period ending Oct 31st as per attached- WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for October 1901 Volume 01 - Page 197 1901-10-28 vouchers numbered 1 to 18 inclusive, as follows: Maintenance. Voucher No. 89 - favor Lipps and Hannah. $80 for 20 cords of wood @ $4.00 per cord, balance on contract of D. Lipp. Maintenance. Voucher No. 90 - favor City of Whatcom, M.C. Latta Treas $76.50 for water rent for Normal building for one-half of Sept-October November and December. Complete @$25.00 per month = $89.25. Less overcharge of $12.75 for one-half of June. Maintenance. Voucher No. 91 - favor Cunningham, Curtiss and Welch. $159.27 for sundry text books furnished the school as per bills of Sept 7th (2) 16th 18th 20th 21st 30th, Oct 4th 23rd less credit memorandum of May 1st 1901 attached and deducted from the bill amounting to $20.00. Maintenance. Voucher No. 92 - favor J.K. Gill Co. $32.34 for text books furnished the school on Oct. 5th and 10th as per attached bills. Maintenance. Voucher No. 93 - favor Montague and McHugh $9.00 50 yards of (?) @ $0.18. Maintenance. Voucher No. 94 - favor Houghton, Mifflin and Co. $19.13 for 30 literary landmarks @ $0.75 less 15% discount. Maintenance. Voucher No. 95 - favor Scott Foesman and Co. $10.58 for 15 Last of Mohicans @ $0.40; 15 House of Seven Gables @ $0.35. Maintenance. Voucher No. 96 - favor Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Co. $10.68 for 8 Wells Plane (?) @ $0.66; 6 C and D. First Latin @ $0.90. Maintenance. Voucher No. 97 - favor J.C. Parker $4.90 for 6 sheets heavy bond @0.15; 2000 writing blanks 7x8 1/2. Maintenance. Voucher No. 98 - favor Expression Co. $29.70 for 33 classics @ $0.90 bills Sept 16th, Oct 21st. Maintenance. Voucher No. 99 - favor Prentess Clock Imp. Co. $65.00 for 1 antique oak boday clock with second and contact; also 1 circuit- WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for October 1901 Volume 01 - Page 198 1901-10-28 five minute program with relay for 26 bells, and automatic cut-out. Laboratory equipment fund. Voucher No. 100 - favor John Taylor and Co. $432.48 for sundry laboratory supplies and equipment furnished as per bills of Aug 10th (2) = $437.88, Aug 19th $1.10, Aug 20th $26.40; Less credit of $35 taken for barometer returned as per attached bills. Laboratory equipment fund. Voucher No. 101 - favor Bullard and Breck $68.65 for one Imperial Lantern, Lamp and fixtures less 10% dis. Laboratory equipment fund. Voucher No. 102 - favor B.B. Imp Co. $17.73 for 777 feet of lumber @ $18 per thousand 2 comb electric bells and 5 hours of labor @ $0.25 per hour. Laboratory equipment fund. Voucher No. 102 - favor Munro, Blake and Haskell $129.93 for sundry hardware supplies furnished during the months of August and September as per attached bills. Laboratory equipment. Voucher No. 104 - favor Sutcliffe and Hill $44.86 for kalsomining and painting Assembly room in old building = $35.61: 1 gal giller $2: 1 gal. hard oil $2: varnishing stage $5.50: furnishing rooms in old building fund. Voucher No. 105 = favor W.J. Baumeister and Co. $152.21 for furnishing all the materials and doing all the carpenter work in the furnishing of the large room on the third floor of the old building, as per contract based on estimate of July 12th 1901. Furnishing rooms in old building fund. Voucher No. 106 - favor Whatcom Falls Mill Co. $190.15 - for lumber and window glass and museum cases furnished the school as per attached bills of Aug. 1st (2) 26th, Sept. 4th, 24th, Oct. 7th. Furniture for Laboratory fund. Voucher No. 107 - Favor O.L. Morgan $183.00 for 61 days labor @ $3.00. Library. Voucher No. 108 - favor Evening Herald $16.00- WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for October 1901 Volume 01 - Page 199 1901-10-28 16 lines local @ $0.05 20 insertions. Maintenance. Voucher No. 109 - favor S.E. Booker $2399.75 for labor and materials furnished in the construction of the Annex to the present building during the month of November as per architects estimate No. 6 as follows: On concrete work $100.00; On stone steps $300.00; On wood work $666.38; On plastering $1100.00; On steam heat and tin work $500.00; Total $2666.38; Less 10% withheld $266.63; $2399.75. Building annex fund. The following vouchers were approved and ordered paid out of the library fund (Special); Voucher No. 76 - favor A.C. McClurg and Co. $328.71 to books furnished the school for the library, as per attached bills of Nov 21 and Dec 25th, 1901. Voucher No. 77 - favor E.L. Kellogg and Co. $1. sub to "Educational Foundations" from Sept 1901 to June 1902 as per attached bill Nov. 28th, 1901. Voucher No. 78 - favor Southwestern State Normal School $37.50; 125 copies of "Chapel Hymnal" @ $0.30 each, as per attached bill Nov. 4th 1901. Voucher No. 79 - favor Southern Educational Association $2 to proceedings of the ninth and tenth annual meetings of the S.E.A. as per attached bill of Dec. 31st 1901. Voucher No. 80 - favor National Educational Association $2 to the proceedings of the Detroit Meeting of the N.E.A. including active membership dues for the year ending June 30th, 1902 as per attached bill of Dec 31st, 1901. Voucher No. 81 - favor Book Supply Co. $50.56 to books furnished the school's- WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for October 1901 Volume 01 - Page 200 1901-10-28 library as per attached bills of Dec. 10th 28th 1901 Jan 3rd 8th 22nd 29th and 31st 1902 = $52.12: Less 3% discount $1.56. Voucher No. 82 - favor Times Printing Co. $25.00 to advertisement inserted in Review issue of that publication of the date of Feb 9th 1902. The board adjourned. Record approved. L.H. Darwin, clerk. L.P. White, chairman. ##