1895-12 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for December 1895 Volume 01 - Page 021 1895-12-31 Board met to call of the chairman at 11AM. All members, the clerk, architect, superintendent, contractor, and engineer present. The minutes of the meetings of Nov 1 to Nov 14 inclusive were read and approved. The clerk reported the receipt of a letter from the Deputy State Auditor stating that the files of "the Blade" and the "Rivers Publishing Co" for publishing the board's "Notice to Contractors," the former for $4.50 and the latter for $6.20, had each been raised by the State Printing Board to $6.00 and warrants issued accordingly. It appearing that the said State Printing Board has full authority under the law to raise or reduce any bill for advertising to make it conform to the price fixed therefor by statute. The board, while disapproving the entirely unnecessary charge of $2.30 against the Normal School appropriation, directed the clerk to make a proper record thereof and note in red ink the amount of the increase on vouchurs Nos. 15 and 20 covering said bills. The architects submitted to the board a report of the excavation for the buildings, showing the amount due the board according to the time of the contract as follows: "Amount of excavation as shown on drawings to basement floor level and included in contract 1516 yards." Amount of actual excavation as completed by engineer from the cross section of site, 828 yards." "Amount to be allowed the board by the contractor 688 yards at 25 cents a yard $172.00. Signed "Skillings and Corner." WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for December 1895 Volume 01 - Page 022 1895-12-31 There being some questions between the contractor and engineer as the to the amount of excavation allowed and it appearing to the board unnecessary to make a settlement therefor at this meeting it was deemed as an accommodation to the contractor to allow him the full amount of his estimate, less the 20% to be retained by the board under the provisions of the contract. The contractor made a verbal proposition to the board to substitute sandstone for pressed brick and Hills sand brick in the contruction of the building at the same cost to the state, the stone to be from the new quarry on the Fairhaven Land Company's property about one quarter of a mile southeast of the building site, samples of which stone were presented for the examination of the board and the architects. The matter was discussed at considerable length, the architect and superintendent having given a favorable opinion as to the quality of the stone. As the propsed change, if made, would require new drawings of the elevations and exterior details, and if appearing from the statement of the contractor that such a change would be a material benefit to him, although giving the state a building which under ordinary circumstances would cost considerably more than the sum named in the contract, the architect was authorized to make the supplementary drawings necessary to show the board and the contractor the appearance of the building and manner of construction if built of stone, it being understood and agreed by the board, the contractor and architect that the contractor shall personally pay the full cost of said supplementary drawings if not adopted by the board, and if adopted he shall pay the full cost less the amount of this extra allowed him by written order of the architect for making the foundation wall six inches wider than is shown on the drawings if the building id built of brick. On motion of Mr. Edens vouchers were ordered- WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for December 1895 Volume 01 - Page 023 1895-12-31 certified to the state auditor in payment of bills allowed by the board as follows: Voucher Number 21 - favor of William B Davey, $442.16 being 80% of first estimate on building contract. Voucher Number 22 - favor of A. Lee. $14.00 for 3 and 1/2 days service as superintendent. Voucher number 23 - fave of A.C. Campbell $17.00 for engineering work. Voucher Number 24 - favor of O.H. Culver $102.90 for salary as clark and incidential expenses from Oct 1 to Jan 1. The contractors voucher (Number 21) was allowed in accordance with the following "Estimate for Contractor," signed by Skillings Corner and hearing date Jan 1, 1896. "51 (?) of stone work at $2.70." "Amt of excavation, 1340 yards at 25 cents." Amt allowed for drain pipes and sewer work." $137.70 + $335.00 + $80.00 = $552.70. No further business being presented the board adjourned. Record approved Jan 31, 1896. O.H.Culver, clerk. Eli Wilkin, chairman. ##