1919-07 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for July 1919 Volume 05 - Page 289 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for July 1919 Volume 05 - Page 289 1919-07-08 The Board of Trustees met in their offices at the Normal School at 8 p. m. Present: Trustees Barlow, Olsen and Smith, the President and the Secretary. Minutes of the meeting of March 12, April 10, May 1, June 3, and June 17, were read and approved. PURCHASE OF SITE FOR DORMITORY: Messrs. E. W. Purdy and C. M. Smith, president and secretary of the Bellingham Bay Improvement Company, appeared before the Board for the purpose of discussing the purchase of lands for a site for the proposed new dormitory. The property particularly under consideration was a tract beloning to the company mentioned containing with platted streets about 21 acres adjoining the present Normal grounds on the north-east. The Board also considered the purchase of three lots beloning to Miss Whitaker on High street adjoining the Normal grounds on the north-east and lying in front of the Bellingham Bay Improvement property referred to, Miss Whitaker having made her final proposal to the Board. After values, terms and conditions had been discussed a proposal was made by Trustee Smith and seconded by Trustee Barlow that the Board offer for the B. B. I. tract and the Whittaker three lots the lump sum of $23,500.00, conditioned upon the removal from the Whittaker lots of the smaller houses now located thereon within sixty days leaving only the larger Whittaker residence, and upon the securing of clear title to all the property named with abstracts that will be satisfactory to the State Attorney General. Mr. Purdy speaking for B. B. I. Company, thought they could undertake the necessary dealings with Miss Whittaker for removal of the buildings which were not desired by the Board, and would agree to secure the delivery to the Board of the title to all the land named, for the sum of $23,000.00 on the terms proposed by the Board. WHITTAKER RESIDENCE TO BE RELOCATED: It was the decision of the Board to removed the Whittaker house to a location at the north-eaterly side of the grounds being purchased and to put it in repair for occupancy by the President of the school free of rental charge, this concession being made in lieu of advance salary. REORGINIZATION OF THE BOARD: Trustee Olsen informed the Board that he had received official notification from Governor Hart of his reappointment as a Trustee of the Bellingham State Normal School for a term of six years from June 12, 1919. It was moved by Mr. Barlow and seconded by Mr. Smith that Mr. Olsen be reelected chaiman of the Board, and it was ordered. PURCHASE OF DISINFECTANT: The President reported that the proposal of the West Disinfecting Company, for supplying Wescofoam Disinfectant as presented June 3, had been accepted, after prices had been quoted WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for July 1919 Volume 05 - Page 290 1919-07-08 by several local firms, on disinfectants, none of which were as low as the one accepted. COMPARATIVE FUEL COST: The Registrar reported that the consumption by the [school] heating plant of fuel oil during the period Feb. 1, 1917 to 31, 1918, had been 1,975.41 barrels. The consumption from Feb. 1, 1018 to Jan. 31, 1919 had been 717.48 tons. A number of cords of wood in addition to the coal had also been consumed during this period. At current delivered prices coal $6.90 and fuel oil at $2.15 there would be a saving in favor of oil of $703.48 per annum, without allowing for wood and cost handling coal and wood. The Board decided to resume the use of fuel oil and decided that the necessary preparations be made. WOMAN PHYSCIAN ELECTED: The President recommended that Mrs. Dr. Bertha Hughes was elected for the position of women's physcian in the Inter-departmental Social Hygiene service, at a salary of $1680.00 per annum. The Board approved the recommendation. PHYSICAL TRAINING TEACHER CHOSEN: The President recommended that Miss Maude L. Williams be elected as part time instructor in physical education for women at a salary of $1020.00 per annum. The Board approved this recommendation. PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS ARRANGED FOR: The President proposed that arrengements be made with physicians in various specialties for examinations of stidents, which was approved by the Board. MRS. LANSING TO BE SECRETARY FOR HYGIENE DEPARTMENT: At the suggestion of the President Mrs. Lansing now serving as Recorder, is to be assigned the position of Secretary for the Social Hygiene Department, after September 1. MRS. LAURA SPEARIN LEE ELECTED RECORDER: The President recommended that Mrs. Laura Spearin Lee be elected to the position of Recorder for the year 1919-1920 at a salary of $90 per month, the office of the Recorder to be under supervision of the Registrar. The Board approved the recommendation. MISS MACKINNON'S SALARY: On recommendation of the President, for reasons give, it was ordered that July 1, 1919 be made the date when the salary of Miss Margaret MacKinnon, assistant to the Registrar, is to be advanced to $100.00 per month. LOAN FUND GIFTS: The President reported the receipt from Mr. Chas. Allen of the gift of his fifth thousand dollars to the Girl Students' Aid fund of this school. He also reported the gift from Mrs. Katherine Nolte, a former student, of $20 to the Student Loan Fund. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for July 1919 Volume 05 - Page 291 1919-07-08 IMPROVEMENT PLANNED: It was decided by the Board that steps be taken at once to commence the improvement of the grounds by grading along the north-easterly side and filling in the depression now occupied by the campus pond. Also the improvement of grounds adjacent to Normal Circle. It was also planned to repaint the exterior wood work of the main building with two coats of paint. VACANCIES TO BE FILLED BY PRESIDENT: The President was given authority to fill any vacancy that may occur among teachers or employes during summer school. RESIGNATIONS: Resignations were received from Miss Maude Alice Davis and Miss Aruba Charlton, of the training department, and Mr. L. J. Ericson, of the industrial arts department. The resignations were accepted. STATE FAIR EXHIBIT: The art department of this school having been invited to make an exhibit at the coming state fair at Yakima, the Board authorized Miss Druse, head of the art department, to arrange for such an exhibit and to accompany it, and the sum of $50 was appropriated to meet the expense. MEETING OF BOARDS OF NORMAL TRUSTEES: The President referred to the annual conference of Normal Trustees and suggested that a date for this years meeting be arranged with the Boards of the other normal schools, which was approved. SEGREGATION OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES FEE: The President recommended that the student activities fee of $2 paid by each student for the summer quarter be distributed as follows: lecture course $1.00; general fund 50 cents; Messenger fund 25 cents; nurse and physcian 25 cents. The recommendation was approved. CADET ARRANGEMENTS DISCONTINUED: The President reported that owing to conflicting arrangements having been made by the Everett and Meridian schools this school will be obliged to discontinue its practice teaching arrangements with those schools. BILLS AUDITED AND ALLOWED: Bills were audited and payment approved as represented by the following vouchers: State Vouchers No. 30 to No. 46, Local Vouchers No. 5972 to No. 6020, Revolving Fund Vouchers No. 2309 to No. 2320. The Board then adjourned. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for July 1919 Volume 05 - Page 294 1919-07-26 SUMMER SCHOOL SCHEDULE: Teacher, Weeks of Service for Year, Deducted, Add for Overtime, Remarks. W.A. Jennings, 6, $300; W. F. Parish, 42; Esther Clark, 42; Mrs. Samson, (Irregular); Grace Brower, 10, $250. ##