1906-11 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for November 1906WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for November 1906 Volume 02 - Page 085 1906-11-10 Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees held this afternoon at 2L30 o'clock in the office of the principal; present: Chairman Edens, J.J. Donovan, Principal Mathes and the clerk. The minutes of the meeting of Oct. 13 were read and approved. Chairman Edens reported the sale of 80 feet of second-hand pipe to the Blake Hardware Co. at 5 cents per foot, or an aggregate of $4.00. The proceeds were ordered deposited in the Incidental Fund. Chairman Edens read a letter from Miss Bertha Mauerman, Box 6, Yelm, Wash., asking for an extension of her note for $30.00, given June 15th, 1906 and due Jan 1st, 1907, interest at 6%, drawn on the Student's Loan fund; for three months. The request was granted and the clerk directed to notify Miss Mauerman of such action. A letter from G.W. Felker regarding the insurance of the boilers was read. Action on insurance was deferred. C.H. Stadelman appeared before the board in defense of his bill of $450.75 for making changes in smoke connections to a boiler in the building and making new steam connections. After his statement, objection to the amount of his bill was withdrawn and the bill was ordered paid. Professors Lull, Romine and Forrest appeared before the board to present the proposition of elevating the State Normal School to the rank of a Normal college. After a full discussion, on motion of Mr. Donovan, it was ordered that Dr. Mathes and Prof Lull secure the catalogues of other Normal colleges in the country as well as copies of the laws of those states in which these colleges are located, to enable them to draft a bill to be presented to the next legislature of this state, elevating this institution to the rank of a Normal college, providing for the elimination of the first two year' course now being followed; providing for an advanced two years' course in lieu thereof, and providing for the conferring of pedagogical degrees. Dr. Mathes presented the report of Mrs. Branchard, matron of the Dining Hall, for the month of October showing total receipts to be $517.70 and total expenses to be $552.96, a deficiency of $35.26. Dr. Mathes reported that Miss Bateman after an attack of scarlet fever would return to her duties as music teacher Nov. 19th. He also called attention to the fact that the biennial report to the governor would have to be prepared at once. He stated that he had appeared before the city council representing 1800 feet of the 2700 feet of the proposed improvement of High street and that the council had rejected the bids before it for the improvement and called for new bids. He also read a list of teachers' absences during the month of October. The matter of dean of women he reported still under advisement. Cheney and Ellensburg Normal school, he reported, followed the practice of the Bellingham State Normal school in making no rebate in WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for November 1906 Volume 02 - Page 086 1906-11-10 library fees on account of non-attendance of pupils during a part of the year. The clerk presented the following: Bellingham, Wash., Nov 8, 1906. Board of Trustees, State Normal School. Bellingham, Wash. Gentlemen: I beg to submit the appended report of the finances of this institution, compiled by Dr. Mathes, principal, and your secretary. At the outset it should be stated that the balances in the funds cannot be exceeded, that they are not interchangeable and that they must carry the institution until the 1st of April, 1907. Maintenance: Appropriation for two years: $70,000; Oct. 15 Amount Drawn: $50,017.28; Amount drawn since Oct. 15 for sundry bills $963.94; October Payroll $3,032.32. Nov. 8 - Vouchered bills in hand; bills not vouchered; supplies engaged, including wood ordered from A.H. Montgomery to cost $612.50; $1,526.74; 55.540.28; Balance: $14.459.72. Museum: Appropriation for two years $500.00; Nov 8: Amount drawn to date $156.25; Balance: $343.75; Science: Appropriation for two years: $2,500.00; Oct, 15 - Amount drawn $2,167.18; Oct. 18 - Amount drawn $28.60; Nov. 8 - Amount to be drawn $45.00; $2,240.78; Balance: $259.32. Campus: Appropriation for two years $2,000.00; Oct 15 - Amount drawn $1,644.00; Balance: $356.00. Improvements and Repairs: Appropriation for two years $5,000; Oct. 15 - amount drawn $5,000.00. Balance. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for November 1906 Volume 02 - Page 087 1906-11-10 Consideration of Maintenance Fund: Balance as shown above: $14,459.72. Payroll on its present basis of $2, 829.82 per month for 5 months will be $14,649.10. Less $80.00 due to ending of contract with Miss Clark, Penmanship teacher $80.00; $14,569.10; Leaving a shortage of practically $110.00; Estimates of fixed charges are as follows: Gas per month $8 for 5 months $40.00; electric light $10 for 5 months $50.00; Telephone per mon. $8 for 5 months $40.00; Water per mon. $40 for 5 months $200.00; Croft's bill per mon $10 for 5 months $50.00; Postage stamps per mon. $5 for 5 months $25.00; Advertising per mon $8 for 5 months $40.00; E.T. Mathes' expense 10 for 5 months $50.00; Incidentals estimated $205.00; D.S. Johnston Co. $100.00; C.H. Stadelman - estimated revised bill: $400.00; 1,200.00; Total estimated shortage $1,310.00. To meet this estimated shortage, Dr. Mathes states that he will be able, legally and instrict justice, to use these amounts from the respective funds as set forth: Science fund $100; Incidental fund $610; Campus fund $100; Library fund $200; Dining hall fund $200; Incidental fund (amount that will shortly be deposited to its credit) $100; $1,310.00. Since the foregoing statement was prepared, your clerk has had a conference with Mr. Montgomery with this result: Mr. Montgomery to receive a warrant for the wood he has already delivered on the last order for 175 cords at $3.50 per cord, amounting to 48 cords at $3.50 - $118.00. He is either to complete the contract during the winter months or to renew it next spring, but in either case he is to receive his pay not later than the 1st of May, 1907, all of which is subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. J. Wayland Clark, clerk. Dr. Mathes reported that the City of Bellingham had been charging the Normal school about $25.00 per month water rental, but had recently attached a meter and the bill for October amounted to $47.68. J.J. Donovan was asked to appeal to the City for a reduction in the bill. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for November 1906 Volume 02 - Page 088 1906-11-10 On motion of Mr. Donovan the following bills were allowed and ordered paid: Maintenance: A.H. Montgomery $168.00; Morse Hardware Co. $9.60; Prentiss Clock Improvement Co. $3.00; Houghton, Mifflin and Co. $27.00; E.W. Stanton $43.44; Hinds, Noble and Eldredge $30.00; Atkinson, Mentzer and Grover $14.00; Silver, Burdett and Co. $45.67; Ginn and Co. $28.28; Lowman and Hanford S. and P. Co. $8.47; Lowman and Hanford S. and P. Co. $41.78; D.S. Johnston Co. $20.00; H.G. Lull $7.20; Incidental fund $160.85; Incidental fund - E.T. Mathes $20.85; $628.14. Science Fund: The Randolph Jones Mfg. Co. $26.50; Milton Bradley Co. $18.50; $45.00. Library fund: A.C. McClurg and Co. $102.54; A.C. McClurg and Co. $102.00; A.C. McClurg and Co. $62.00; A.C. McClurg and Co. $223.74; A.C. McClurg and Co. $1.56; $491.84. Dining Hall Fund: Dining Hall Fund: Scott and Co. $2.50; Bellingham Bay Lumber Co. $50.00; B.B. Furniture Co. $4.00; Sunset Telph. and Telgh. Co. $2.25; $58.75; $1223.73. The board then adjourned. Minutes approved. J. Wayland Clark, secretary. John J. Edens, chairman. ##