1912-07 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for July 1912WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for July 1912 Volume 04 - Page 095 1912-07-12 Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Bellingham State Normal School held in their room this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Present: Chairman J. J. Edens, Trustee J. J. Donovan, Principal Mathes and the Registrar. The minutes of the meetings of May 7th and June 5th were read and approved. The appended letter from Governor M. E. Hay was read: June 29, 1912. Chairman, Board of Trustees, State Normal School, C/o Prof. E. T. Mathes, Bellingham Washigton. My dear Sir: I am advised that there is some little feeling arising among the boards of our various educational institutions relative to the board of one institution attempting to hire instructors away from some of the other institutions. This is a spirit I do not like, and I trust its practice will be discontinued. If one institution desires an employee of another, it should be taken up through the board of the institution from which the employee is wished to be drawn. I am not criticising any one board, as this instruction goes out to each of the five. Permit me to suggest that it might be well worth while for the five boards to meet together, say once or twice each year, and if this meets with the approval of your board I will try to arrange date and place of meeting. I would be pleased to have you suggest a date upon which this meeting could be held. With kind regards, I am, Very respectfully yours, Governor. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for July 1912 Volume 04 - Page 096 1912-07-12 The Registrar was instructed to send a reply to the governor stating that this school, since its organization, has not directly or indirectly hired an instructor or employee away from any other educational institution of the State of Washington, but that the Board of Trustees is prepared to send a representative to such a meeting as outlined at any time or place named by the governor. The registrar presented the following letter from Miss Almina George: June 6, 1912. Members of the Board of Trustees, State Normal School, Bellingham, Wash. Gentlemen,- I have signed the accompanying contract, but I would like to make the following reservation, that my salary from September 1,1912 to December 1, 1913 shall amount to at least $2200, providing that I teach in the summer school of 1913. This agreement would not extend, naturally, to any time beyond September 1, 1913. I wish to state that I have enjoyed working in this school and wish to thank you all this time for the uniformly courteous treatment and consideration you have always shown me. Should you feel unable to accede to this request, I should be glad to be notified at your earliest convenience. I appreciate the fact that your first consideration must be given to the school as a whole and not to individuals. Very respectfully, Almina George. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for July 1912 Volume 04 - Page 097 1912-07-12 The principal offered the following report and recommendations: State Normal School, Bellingham, Wash., July 12, 1912 To the Board of Trustees: We beg to report that Mrs. Mamie Davenport Engberg has been engaged to take charge of instruction in violin during the school year 1912-'13 upon the following terms: Mrs. Engberg shall receive no salary from the institution but shall have the right to make reasonable tuition charge for lessons given. The institution shall provide a room in which Mrs. Engberg may give lessons and hold orchestra practice, if such orchestra is organized among the students of the school. It is also understood that Mrs. Engberg shall furnish music by her pupils for entertainments in the institution when requested to do so, and shall cooperate with other teachers of the school in making the musical work both efficient and successful. We also beg to report that Mrs. Edna Baylor Shaw has been engaged to teach piano upon the same terms as those outlined for the teacher of violin. We beg further to recommend the election of Mr. Andrew Gebaroff of Winneconne, Wis., as a teacher of manual training for men for the school year 1912-'13, at a salary of $1,260. At a recent meeting of the faculty, it was voted that such departments as care to do so may offer a limited amount of correspondence work. Each department is to make such requirements for the work offered as it may deem necessary, but a uniform fee of $5.00 for each subject taken is recommended. This fee shall include the usual fee for final examination in the WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for July 1912 Volume 04 - Page 098 1912-07-12 subject, and it is recommended that no library fee, or other fees, be charged against students who enroll simply for this work. It is also recommended that this fee be paid by students in advance of assignment of work, and that no part of this fee be refunded. We beg further to report that Miss George has decided that she will decline the offer of a position in the Seattle city school system, upon the condition that her salary in this institution shall be $200 per month, from Sept. 1, 1912 to April 1, 1913, and not less than $2700 per year, under the terms of the new contract, after April 1, 1913. We recommend favorable consideration on this question if the trustees feel that the financial conditions of the institution will admit of such advancement. It will be recalled that last June Miss Wilson was promised an increase in salary for the coming year. Under the old plan of employment, Miss Wilson was entitled to be excused from work in summer school in 1913, but under the new contract she will be required to remain for that summer school in order to draw the full $1,500 promised. If she should not remain for the summer session next year, she would receive less salary than she has received for the present year. It may be added that the librarian is not regularly a member of the faculty and any special contract made with her would not necessarily affect the contracts with the regular teachers. We do not feel that we have any special recommendation to make on this case at this time. Respectfully submitted, Principal. It was ordered that Andrew Cebaroff be elected teacher of manual training for men for the school year 1912-1913 at a salary of $1260.00. The recommendation that correspondence courses by instituted was approved in full. The principal was instructed to interview Miss George and say to her that "the Board has the highest appreciation of her services and would regret exceedingly to see her leave this institution and hope she will not do so, but that under existing circumstances we are unable to pay her more than $190.00 per month until April 1st of next year, at which time full consideration of all the facts in the case will be had and we will endeavor to agree upon a satisfactory salary." The principal was also instructed to say to Miss Wilson that her salary will remain at the figure fixed by the Board, viz., $1500 for the coming year until April 1st when the Board will take up the matter of adjustment. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for July 1912 Volume 04 - Page 100 1912-07-12 It was ordered that the appropriation for summer school be increased from $400.00 to $700.00 and that the appended scale of salaries be paid: J. T. Forrest for six weeks - $65.00. F. W. Epley " " - 90.00. Rose Baxter " " - 180.00. Florence Fox Thatcher " - 80.00. Maude Drake " - 140.00. R. C. Tibbels " - 75.00. Harry Heath " - 25.00. S. E. Carver " - 30.00. It was further ordered that the foregoing salaries be paid from local funds. The principal was authorized to make a trip to Portland at the state's expense to interview applicants for the position of school nurse. The appended bills were audited and payment approved: Union P. B. and S. Co. - $22.75. Morse Hardware Co. - 26.41. A. H. Montgomery - 31.75. Pacific Printers Supply Co. - 15.05. Munro and Haskell - 20.43. Ada Hogle - 42.05. Eilers Music House - 68.00. Earles-Cleary L. and S. Co. - 43.35. J. Wayland Clark, Registrar - 290.30. Whatcom Co. Ry. and Lt. Co. - 27.30. LOCAL FUNDS. A. P. Erickson - 148.80. Whatcom Co. Ry. and Lt. Co. - 13.59. J. E. Flick - 14.75. Pacific Steam Laundry - 8.65. J. T. Forrest - 65.00. F. W. Epley - 90.00. Florence Fox Thatcher - 80.00. Maude Drake - 140.00. R. C. Tibbels - 75.00. Harry Heath - 25.00. S. E. Carver - 20.00. Almina George - 15.43. F. L. Blodgett - 35.00. Ida E. Powell - 3.00. Whatcom Co. Ry. and Lt. Co. - 16.55. Normal Bookstore - 6.45. Munro and Haskell - 51.75. Wilson-Nobles-Barr Co. - 91.35. A. H. Montgomery - 13.50. Whatcom Dairy - 70.75. Sweet Grocery Co. - 105.13. Ford Creamery - 102.20. A. C. McClurg and Co. - 9.50. Bellingham Truck Co. - 31.50. Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co. - 5.80. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Minutes approved. ##