1919-06 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for June 1919 Volume 05 - Page 284 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for June 1919 Volume 05 - Page 284 1919-06-03 The Board of Trustees met at their offices at the Normal School at 4:30 p.m. Present: Trustees Barlow, Olsen and Smith, the President and Secretary. GROUNDS FOR DORMITORY: The preperation of the grounds probably to be selected for a site for the new dormitory was discussed and Mr. Barlow was authorized to secure the services of a compentent ground architect to suggest a plan of improvement. ELLENSBURG NORMAL ENTERPRISE AT SEATTLE: The President reviewed the discussion and correspondence that has been carried on concerning the project of the Ellensburg Normal School to carry on a summer session at the State University. The covered communications from the presidents of the Ellensburg Normal, the State University, the State College, the Cheney Normal, and the Attorney general some questions for his official opinion as follows: 1). May the Bellingham State Normal School establish a [branch] Normal at any place in Washington outside of Bellingham and use funds already appropriated for the said Bellingham State Normal School in the maintenance of such branch Normal? 2. May the Bellingham State Normal School use the grounds, buildings, and facilities of any other state institution of higher learning of this state, if such Bellingham school is authorized by law to maintain a branch Normal? 3. May the Bellingham Staye Normal School, out of funds appropriated for its support, establish and maintain model school or training departments at points outside of Bellingham; and may the said Bellingham State Normal School teach any or all subject of the regular normal school cirriculum in connection with such model schools or training departments? 4. May the Bellingham State Normal School under the name of doing extension work give complete normal instruction in any city other than Bellingham and have such work count as resident credit in the granting of diplomas or certificates? 5. If the Bellingham State Normal School gives professional instruction in a Summer Normal maintained at some point other than Bellingham, shall such instruction be counted as extension work? COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES SOCIAL HYGIENE BOARD: In response to an application of this school to the United States Inter-departmental Social Hygiene Board, for the cooperation of the Board with this school in the pormotion of instruction in social hygiene and corrective physical development, it was reported by the President that the Government Board had granted the request. He stated that the Board would appropriate $6000.00 for the work to be expended in accordance with a budget which he would suggest, and which will be as follows: WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for June 1919 Volume 05 - Page 285 1919-06-03 Director in Hygiene, for organization work and instruction, $2400.00; Physician, examinations and instruction, $1600.00; Stenographer, record keeping and correspondence, 1200.00; Woman teacher of physical training, 600.00; Total 6,000.00. The project to be supported also by school funds to the following extent: Woman teacher of physical training, $1600.00; Second woman teacher of physical training (part), 420.00; Man teacher of physical training, 1620.00; Woman nurse and physician, 1680.00; Examiners-dental, eye, ear, nose, and throat, 600.00. $6000.000. STUDENTS TO BE ASSISTED BY MR. ALLEN: The President reported that in acceptance of Mr. Chas. Allen's generous offer to furnish financial assistance to high school girl graduates who would thereby be enabled to take a normal school course, he has written to the principals of fifteen different high schools and that to date some twelve or fifteen students have been recommended to him as worthy of Mr. Allen's assistance. DISINFECTANT AND FUEL OIL PROPOSAL: President Nash laid before the Board a proposal of Mr. Irwin J. Lesser, representing the West Disinfecting Company for supplying #1 Wescoform, 1 gross, (for 1500 ft.) at $50.00, and #8 Wescoform, 1 gross, (for 12000 ft.) at $200.00, F.O.B. Seattle. Dr. Nash was authorized to further investigate prices of disinfectants, and make such purchases as he might deem advisable. Mr. Lesser, who also represents the Standard Oil Co., made an offer on behalf of that company to supply the school with fuel oil at $2.15 per barrel delivered. AID FUND LOANS TO MRS. SHOWALTER AND MISS LAMONT: The applications of Mrs. Lillian Showalter and Miss Edith Lamon for Aid Fund loans in addition to the $150.00 they are ordinarily entitled to receive, were presented, and the Registrar was authorized to make to each additional loans not exceding $100.00 in excess of the original $150.00. SUGGESTIONS AS TO A RESIDENCE FOR THE PRESIDENT: The President referred to the desirability of the school owning a residence for its President, and offered several suggestions as to how one might be provided. AMENDMENT OF SALARY SCHEDULE: The President reported that the resignation of a manual training teacher who position it is found will not be necessary to fill, will leave a balance of salary funds which permit of a very advisable revision of the salary schedule adopted May first, with respect to certain positions. Accordingly the President recommended that the schedule adopted be amended. The suggestion was accepted by the Board and the schedule was amended as it now appears. (See insert) WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for June 1919 Volume 05 - Page 286 1919-06-03 The Board then adjourned. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for June 1919 Volume 05 - Page 286 1919-06-03 SALARIES OF TEACHERS AND EMPLOYES Faculty: G. W. Nash, President, $5000; Ida Agnes Baker, B. S., M. A., Nature Study, 2040; Helen Beardsley, B. A., M. L., French and Spanish, 1920; Edna G. Beasley, B. A., M. A., Supervisor Grammar Grades, 1500; Ruth Bell, B. A., Supervisor Lower Grades, 1500; James Bever, B. Ped., B. A., M. A., History and Sociology, 2400; Elias A. Bond, B. A., Mathematics, 2400; Ruth M. Boring, B. A., M. A. Instructor in Art, 1620; S. E. Carver, Instructor in Physical Education, 1620; J. F. Caskey, Business Education (Acting Head), 1800; Aruba Charlton, Ph. B., M. A., Supervisor, Third and Fourth Grades, 1620; Esther Clark, Assistant in Home Economics, 1320; J. V. Coughlin, B. S. Agriculture, 1800; Bertha Crawford, Supervisor Grammar Grades, 1440; Maude E. Drake, Supervisor Everett Cadets (Part salary), 800; Marie Carey Druse, Art, 2100; Gertrude Earhart, B. S., Superintendent of Training School, 2400; Mme. Davenport Engberg, Violin; Ethel Gardner, Piano; Eleanor Gray, B. A., Supervisor Fifth and Sixth Grades, 1680; M. W. Heckmann, B. A., Manual Training, 2220; Albert C. Herre, B. A., M. A., Ph.D., Biology, 2400; Victor H. Hoppe, B. A., Expression; Thomas F. Hunt, B. S., Geography and Training School Science, 1800; L. A. Kibbe, B. S., B. A., M. A., Associate in Education, 2100; Lota M. King, B. A., M.A., Supervisor Meridian Cadets, 800; Mrs. Ina Kirkman, Assistant Geneva School, 100; E. J. Klemme, B. A. M. A., Extension, 2400; Jared M. Knapp, Honorary Assistant in Biology; Arthur Kolstad, B. A., M. A., Assistant in Education, 1620; Nellie Lee, B. S., M. S., Supervisor City Schools, 1680; Gertrude Longley, B. S., Home Economics, 2100; Mrs. May G. Lovegren, Assistant in Business Education, 1080; Laura E. MacDonald, A. B., Supervisor Upper Grades, 1500; Mrs. Zeta Mayhew, Instructor in English, 1560; May Mead, School Nurse (Acting Head), 1680; Irving E. Miller, B. A., M. A., Ph. D., Education, 2880; Vera Moffat, B. A., Physical Education (Acting Head), 1680; Mildred Moffat, Supervisor Primary Grades, 1500; Catherine Montgomery, Assistant Superintendent Lower Grades, 2040; W. F. Parish, B. A., M. A., Extension Lecturer and Supervisor, 2100; H. C. Philippi, B. Ped., M. Ped., Physics and Chemistry, 2220; John Rindal, Assistant in Industrial Arts, 1320; Margaret K. Roberts, B. A., M. A., Assistant Superintendent Upper Grades, 1980; Mrs. Edna Samson, Supervisor City Schools (Part time, if needed); M. Belle Sperry, Ph. B., M. S., English, 2220; Enid Stryker, Assistant in Art, 1080; Abby H. Sumner, Instructor in Expression (10 months), 1500; Mrs. Florence Fox Thatcher, School Music and Voice (Acting Head), 1800; J. W. Thompson, Penmanship (Acting Head, part time), 1200; Helen Tompkins, Sub-Primary Assistant, 1080; Mabel Zoe Wilson, B. A., B. L. S., Librarian, 2220; Exean Woodard, B. A., M. A., Dean of Women, 2100. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for June 1919 Volume 05 - Page 287 1919-06-17 The Board of Trustees met at the office of Trustee Thomas Smith in Mount Vernon at 5:30 p.m. Present: Trustees Barlow, Olsen and Smith, the President and the Secretary. RE-APPOINTMENT OF C. M. OLSEN: Attention was called to the reappointment of Mr. C. M. Olsen as a member of this Board, altho official notification had not yet been received. MR. BARLOW PRESENTS PLAN FOR DORMITORY GROUNDS: Trustee Barlow in pursuance of authorization previously given to him, reported upon investigations which he had made, and recommended with reference to a site to be purchased and prepared for the projected new dormitory as follows: He recommended the purchase of the property adjoining the present Normal grounds on the northeast, now owned by the Bellingham Bay Improvement Co., also the property of Miss Whittaker on High Street adjoining the Normal grounds. He suggested a plan whereby the Whittaker houses might perhaps be removed before purchase of the land. He submitted a plat indicating the particular location which he recommended for the dormitory and also for the proposed new Library building when the time for its reection shall arrive. The plat also showed a system of walks, roadways, parking, etc., harmonizing with and extending that already existing. The purchase of grounds desired for the site for the new dormitory was exhaustively discussed and a proposal to be submitted to owners of the property desired was agreed upon which would involve the expenditure of approximately $18,000.00 if accepted. Trustee Olsen was authorized to ascertain if a certain alternative part of the program proposed could be carried into effect and Trustee Barlow was commissioned to negotiate with the B.B.I. Company with reference to its original proposal in a modified form. NO ELLENSBURG SUMMER SESSION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON: President Nash reported that he had information indicating that the summer session which the Ellensburg Normal School has been proposing to conduct at the University of Washington has been abandoned. ASSISTANCE FOR CENTRALIA SUMMER SCHOOL: The President reported that this school had been solicited to particiapte in the operation of the branch summer school to be conducted by the Ellensburg Normal at Centralia. He stated that in response to this request Miss Keeler of this school had been assigned for work at the Centralia school. He also recommended that $100.00 be appropriated toward payment of the salary of another teacher in service there. The Board approved the action taken and recommended. RESIGNATION OF J. W. THOMPSON: A communication was presented from Mr. John W. Thompson, teacher of penmanship, in which he requested a leave of absence for a year, for the purpose of permitting him to look after certain personal interests. The request was granted by the Board. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for June 1919 Volume 05 - Page 288 1919-06-17 ADDITIONAL TEACHERS: The President reported that he had arranged for the employment of Miss Grace Poorbaugh for service as a training school supervisor at a salary of $1680.00 for the year 1919-20. Also with Miss Georgie Cragg as teacher of penmanship at a salary of $1080.00 for the year 1919-20. VACATION FOR PRESIDENT NASH: President Nash, having expressed a wish to make a visit to Montana the present summer, was granted a two weeks vacation in August, arranged to suit his convenience. RESOLUTIONS ON THE DEATH OF GOVERNOR LISTER. Whereas, in conformity with the immutable program of the Supreme Governor of the universe, the Honorable Ernest Lister, chief executive of our State of Washington, following a prolonged illness, responded on June 14th, to the summons, be it…Resolved, that we here record as expression of personal [a] for the death of our friend Governor Lister, and our keen apperciation of the great loss our state and this school have suffered in the deprivation of the further services of one who hass proved so efficient in his high position - one so honest, discering, diligent. We recall with admiration his energentic patriotism, wise initiative and his ever helpful counsel. We realize that this administration has left a pronounced and lasting impress for [g] upon the intellectual and material progress of our state. We [s] ever hold in reverence and name of Ernest Lister. The Board then adjourned with understanding that Trustees Barlow and Olsen are to meet in a supplementary sesion at the Normal School the following morning for the purpose of auditing bills. 1919-06-18 Pursuant to adjournment Trustees Barlow and Olsen met at the Normal School at 9 a.m. and audited and approved payment of bills as follows: State Vouchers No. 397 to No. 400, " No. 1 to No. 30, Local Vouchers No. 5796 to No. 5972, Revolving Fund Vou, No. 2227 to No. 2309. The Board then adjourned. ##