1919-09 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for September 1919 Volume 05 - Page 299 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for September 1919 Volume 05 - Page 299 1919-09-05 The Board of Trustees met at the Normal School at 3 p.m. Here were present Trustees Olsen, Smith and W. B. Whitcomb, the resignation of Trustee M. J. Barlow having been accepted by the Governor and Mr. Whitcomb appointed to fill the unexpired term, the appointment being dated August 20, 1919. The President and Secretary were also present. REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD: With the change of membership the reorganization of the Board was taken up and Mr. Whitcomb elected chairman, which position he assumed. REGISTRAR ELECTED: The acceptance of the resignation of J. M. Edson, Secretary to the Board and Registrar having been affirmed, the Board proceeded to fill the vacancy. Two applications were reported on tile for the position; that of Mr. F. L. Olslager and that of Mr. D. W. Freeman. On motion of Mr. olsen, Mr. Olsager was elected to the position of Secretary and Registrar, his salary being fixed at $160.00 per month. It was also stipulated that he furnish an official bond in the sum of $10,000.00. RETIRING REGISTRAR TO RECEIVE SEPTEMBER SALARY: In as much as the retiring Registrar has had no vacation during the school year just closed and as his services are necessarily continuing over a considerable of September, it was voted that he be allowed full salary for the month of September. MISS FLORENCE FRIDENBERGER ELECTED TEACHER: The President reported as a result of the eastern trip from which he has just returned, that he had interviewed in Chicago Miss Florence Friedenberger whom he now recommended for the position of the intermediate grade supervisor. The recommendation was approved and Miss Friendenberger elected at a salary of $100 per month for the year. ADVANCE SERVICES OF TRAINING SCHOOL TEACHERS: The President called attention to the fact that services of training school teachers have begun on Sept. 2, whereas those other members of the faculty begin Sept. 8. He suggested that this fact be not overlooked in computing the 42 weeks of service called for by their contracts. The teachers concerned are, Miss Earhart, Miss Lee, Miss Mildred Moffatt, Miss Crawford, Miss Friedenberger, Miss Tomkins and Mrs. Mayhew. SERVICES OF MISS MOWBRAY TO CONTINUE: The President recommended that the service of Miss Hope Mowbray be continued for the current year at a salary of $140.00 per month, which was approved by the Board. Also that she be given compensation for extra services as Dean during the latter part of the summer of $135.00. RESIGNATION OF MISS SUMNER: The President reported that Miss Abby H. Sumner, instead of accepted re-election to the faculty had preferred to tender resignation, which was accepted by the Board. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for September 1919 Volume 05 - Page 300 1919-09-05 SERVICES OF MISS MARGARET K. ROBERTS DEFERRED: The fact was mentioned by the President, that owing to illness in her family, Miss Margaret Roberts, who has been elected Assistant Superintendent of the training school, desired to be relieved of her engagement till some later date. With the understanding that the President will find a teacher to support her place in the mean time, Miss Robert's wish was acceded [t]. EXTENSION WORK OF MESSRS. KLEMME AND PARISH: The President discussed the prospects of the extension work in which Messrs. Klemme and Parish are engaged, and the uncertainties to future developments. MISS IRENE THOMAS SECRETARY TO THE PRESIDENT: Mrs. Lida J. Snyder, secretary to the President, having been obliged by continued illness to resign her position, upon the suggestion of the President, Miss Irene Thomas, who is now acting secretary to the President, was elected to the position at a salary of $125.00 per month. MISS BUCHHOLZ SECRETARY TO DEAN: Mrs. Maguerite Roth who has been serving as part-time assistant to the Dean of Women, having tendered her resignation to take effect October 1, on recommendation of the President Miss Ruth Buchholz was elected secretary to the Dean of Women at a salary of $80.00 per month. MISS EMMA JORDAN OFFICE SECRETARY: On recommendation of the President Miss Emma Jordan was elected office secretary at a salary of $75 per month. MRS. LANSING'S SALARY ADJUSTED: As recommended by the President, the salary of Mrs. Pearl Lansing, who is to be secretary in the Department of Social Hygiene, was fixed at $80.00 per month. MR. ELWYNN BUGGE, LIBRARY ASSISTANT: As recommended by the President, Mr. Elwyn Bugge was elected to the position of assistant to the Librarian at a salary of $70.00 per month. CATALOGUER TO BE SECURED: The position of cataloguer for the Library being unfilled the President was authorized to engage a suitable person for the position at a salary of $1200.00 per annum. FACULTY STENOGRAPHER TO BE SECURED: The President was authorized to secure an assistant to the Training School Supervisor who also will act as faculty stenographer. REPORT OF PRESIDENT UPON HIS EASTERN TRIP: The President gave to the Board a verbal report on results of the trip to the eastern states upon which he started Aug. 10, returning yesterday. He referred to his meeting with Miss Friedenberg in Chicago, and to his visit to Washington, D. C., where he met the assistant to Dr. Storey, head of the Inter-departmental Social Hygiene Board, with whome he discussed the relations of this WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for September 1919 Volume 05 - Page 301 1919-09-05 school with the work which the government is undertaking. He also departed having an interview with Dr. P. P. Claxton, head of the National Bureau of Education, with whom was discussed among other [tters] a proposed Hawaaian educational survey. OPINION OF ATTORNEY GENERAL: The President presented the written opinion given by the Attorney General's office, upon questions propounded to him by this Board as shown in the minutes of June 3, 1919. The opinion was read and placed on file. He also read a copy of another opinion given by the Attorney General's office in reponse to questions propounded by the State Superintendent referring particularly to credits that should be given students in extension work. Also a further opinion in answer to questions of President Black of the Ellensburg Normal School. IMPROVEMENTS IN PROGRESS: It was reported that the program of improvements to be undertaken during vacation is being carried out. A new 200 Bbl. Oil tank is being installed, the tank having been selected on the merits of the price offered after a number of proposals had been considered. The Reid Boiler Works being the successful bidders at a price of $698.00. New oil burning equipment secured through the Pierson Manufacturers Agency of Seattle, is now installed under three of the school's boilers. The painting of the exterior wood work of the Normal as contracted for by Messrs. Hagen and Hogberg at a cost of approximately $1500.00, is nearly completed. RESOLUTION CONCERNING REGISTRAR: On motion of Trustee Smith the President was commissioned to draft a resolution expressing apperciation of the service rendered by the retiring Registrar. RESOLUTION: The Board of Trustees of the Bellingham State Normal School accept with sincere regret the resignation of Registrar J. M. Edson. During the six years of his official connection with the school, Mr. Edson has proved painstaking and efficient to a high degree. As the appointed agent of the Board he has been uniformly tactful and courteous in his dealings with students, teachers, employees, and the public. He has been an honest and careful custodian of the State funds, using such keenness in expenditures as would be shown in the conduct of private business. His experience as printer and school board member has made him doubly useful in the responsible position he has filled. During his term of office the duties of Registrar have expanded materially and have become very exactingm but he has met, easily and without complaint, every new demand upon his time and energy. He is popular with the faculty and employees, holds the esteem of students, and is respected by Bellingham business men. He has systemmatized his office and leaves it in perfect order. Withal he is a fine, well rounded gentleman, whose services the Board are loath to lose. The best wishes of the School will always go with Mr. Edson. The Board then adjourned. ##