1901-01 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for January 1901WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for January 1901 Volume 01 - Page 157 1901-01-01 I have this day certified to the state auditor the payroll of this institiution for the month ending Dec. 31 1900 in the sum of $1108.32 as follows: E.T. Mathes, principal $166.66; J.T. Forrest, teacher $100.00; F.W. Eply, teacher $100.00; Catherine Montgomery, teacher $70.00; Ida Agnes Baker, teacher $65.00; Robb B. Vaile, teacher $50.00; Washington Wilson, teacher $100.00; Millie W. Meyers, teacher $80.00; Frances Hays, teacher $75.00; H.J. Tromanhauser, teacher $90.00; Cora F. Bratton, teacher $65.00; Laurel Harper, teacher $65.00; Hattie Thompson, librarian $40.00; P.W. Pierce, Janitor $41.66; Total $1108.32; L.H. Darwin, clerk. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for January 1901 Volume 01 - Page 158 1901-01-07 (Special) The board met at chairman Neterer's office pursuant to call. Present: chairman Neterer and Trustee Teck and Principal Mathes. In accordance with the direction of the board. Principal Mathes reported that he had arranged to retain Miss Hattie B. Thompson as librarian at a salary of $60.00 per month. It was ordered that the amount of her salary over $40.00 per month towit $20 per month be paid from the library fund special and the action of the chairman in paying this amount from the said fund for the months of November and December 1900 was approved. The chairman was instructed to pay all bills for books, payable out of the library fund (special). When the same were OK'd by the principal. The following resolution of thanks to Co. Alden J. Blethen of Seattle was adopted by a unanimous vote of the board. Whereas Col. Alden J. Blethen, editor of the Seattle Daily Times, upon the request of the chairman and Secretary of this Board, kindly contributed railroad transportation from Portland Oregon to Chicago, Ill. And return for Dr. Mathes the principal of this School, who at the solicitation of the board visited the normal schools of Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin for the purpose of comparing the methods. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for January 1901 Volume 01 - Page 159 1901-01-07 of teaching pursued by Eastern Institutions with this school and also acquiring if possible any information which could be utilized by this school and which would be of benefit and profit to the students in their school work. Therefore be it resolved by the board of trustees of the state normal school at New Whatcom, Washington, that the thanks of the board be and are hereby extended to Col. Alden J. Blethen, and to the Seattle Daily Times for his courtesy and generosity. Be it further resolved, that the clerk of this board be and is hereby directed and instructed to send to Col. Alden J. Blethen, a copy of this resolution. Dated this seventh day of January AD. 1901. These vouchers were ordered certified by the clerk to the chairman to be paid out of the library fund special. Voucher No. 34 - favor E.L. Kellogg and Co. $3.00 for 4 copies of National Education Associations reports @ $0.75 each. Voucher No. 35 - favor Book Supply Co. $104 for books furnished the school library as per attached bill of Nov. 7th 1900. Voucher No. 36 - favor J.K. Gill Co. $1.35 for balance due on freight as per bill of Oct. 15th 1900. Attached. Voucher No. 37 - favor National Educational Association $16.00 for 8 vol. proceedings. N.E.A. from 1893 to 1900 as per attached bill of Nov. 20th 1900. Voucher No. 38 - favor J.N. Selby and Co. $10.30 for books and periodicals furnished the school as per attached bill of Nov. 1st 1900. Voucher No. 39 - favor Times Printing Co. L.H. Darwin agent $6.00 for subscription to the Seattle Daily Times from Oct 1st 1900 to Oct 1st 1901. Voucher No. 40 - favor Seattle Post-Intelligencer $9.00 for subscrition for daily Post-Intelligencer- WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for January 1901 Volume 01 - Page 160 1901-01-07 from Sept 15th, 1900 to Sept 15th 1901. Voucher No. 41 - favor Houghton Mifflin and Co. $1.50 for 1 years subscription to R.A.S. from Jan 1st 1901 to Jan 1st 1902. Voucher No. 42 - favor Herald Pub. Co. $3.00 for 1 years subscrition to Daily Evening Herald from Nov 1st 1900 to Nov 1st 1901. Voucher No. 43 - favor Blade Pub. Co. $5.00 for subscription to thrice-a-week Blade from Oct 1st 1900 to Oct 1st 1901. Voucher No. 44 - favor Reveille Pub Co. $4.00 for subscrition to Daily Reveille from Oct. 1st 1900 to Oct 1st 1901. These vouchers were ordered certified to the state auditor that warrants might issue. Voucher No. 268 - favor B.B. Gas. Co. $19.25 for 1 gas stove furnished the school and the labor and the material used in setting it in place as per bill of Dec. 5th $11.25 to gas bill for November $8.00 Maintenance. Voucher No. 269 - favor L.H. Darwin for expense account as clerk board of trustees for period ending Dec. 5th 1900 as per attached vouchers numbered 1 to . Maintenance. Voucher No. 270 - favor Maynard Merrill and Co. $13.50 for text books furnished the school as per attached bill of Nov. 5th 1900. Library fund. Voucher No. 271 - favor E.R. Croft $8.60 for freight charges prepaid and cartage done for the school as per attached bill of Dec 1st 1900. Library. Voucher No. 272 - favor B.B. Furn. Co. $28.10 for furniture supplied the school as per bill of Dec 1st 1900 covering items purchased Sept 8th-15th 22nd, Oct 12th, Nov 21st. Furniture fund. Voucher No. 273 - favor Whatcom Falls Mill CO. $8.03 for lumber furnished the school as per attached bill. Nov 20th covering items purchased Oct 11-13-17. Furniture fund. Voucher No. 274 - favor J.N. Selby and Co. $34.49 for text books and sundry supplies furnished the school as per statement of Nov. 21st covering items of Oct 19th Nov 14th-19th-20th. Furniture fund. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for January 1901 Volume 01 - Page 161 1901-01-07 Voucher No. 275 - favor Munro, Blake and Haskell for plumbing done and material furnished the school as per Statement of Nov. 1st Carrying items of Sept 19th-Oct 5th. Voucher No. 276 - favor L.H. Darwin $25.00 for services as clerk of board of Trustees from Nov. 15th to Dec. 15th 1900. Maintenance. Voucher No. 277 - favor L.H. Darwin $25.00 for services as clerk board of trustees from Dec. 15 to Jan 13th 1901. Maintenance. Board adjourned. Record approved. L.H. Darwin, clerk. Jere Neterer, chairman. 1901-01-25 (Regular) The board met in the principal's room in the school building at the usual hour. Present Chairman Neterer, trustees Edens and Teck and Principal Mathes. Principal Mathes recommended that elementary certificates be issued these studens which the board ordered: Louise Baker, Pearl Smith, Lina Feckencher, Edith Laura Case, Amma Klockstead, Claire Comstock, Estella Fletcher, Lucile Fobes, Caroline Macintosh. Board adjourned. Record approved. clerk. Jere Neterer, chairman. 1901-01-30 (Special) The board met pursuant to call at chairman Neterer's office: present the chairman, trustees Edens and Teck and Principal Mathes. The resignation of Miss Hallie B. Thompson as librarian was accepted. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for January 1901 Volume 01 - Page 162 1901-01-30 Our motion of trustee Edens Mrs Ada Clothier was employed as temporary Librarian at $40.00 per month the time of service to be terminated at the pleasure of the board. The salaries of the employees of the institution beginning with Jan 16th 1901 and to continue until April 1st 1901, was fixed at the following rate per annum. E.T. Mathes, principal $2250; J.T. Forrest, teacher $1250; F.W. Eply, teacher $1250; Washington Wilson, teacher $1250; H.J. Trromanhauser, teacher $1250; Ida Agnes Baker, teacher $750; Francis Hays, teacher $850; Robb B. Vaile, teacher $600; Catherine Montgomery, teacher $800; Mittie W. Myers, teachers $900; Cora F. Bratton, teacher $750; Laurel Harper, teacher $750; Hallie B. Thompson, librarian $480; P.W. Pierce, Janitor $780; Board adjourned. Record approved. Clerk. Jere Neterer, chairman. ##