1895-08 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for August 1895 Volume 01 - Page 005 1895-08-15 and 1895-08-16 Meetings August 15th and 16th 1895 Board met pursuant to call of the chairman with all members and the clerk present also Prof. E.O. Schwagerl of Seattle landscape engineer and A.R. Campbell. The minutes of the meeting of July 29th were read and approved. Prof. E.O. Schwagerl, having completed the work of which he was engaged by the board, read his report relative to the location of the building upon the site accepted and designated by the state, indicating the bounds of such location to be marked by the engineer and also making some special suggestions relative to the Improvement WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for August 1895 Volume 01 - Page 006 1895-08-15 and 1895-08-16 (continued from page 5) of the adjoining grounds and the establishment there if possible a public park. Upon motion of Mr. higginson the report was accepted, with thanks, and orders filed, the acceptance, however, not carrying with it the adoption of the recommendations, professor schwagerl recommending, verbally, that the board first visit to the ground and view the site indicated, after having it staked by the engineer. Mr. higginson reported verbally that he had, as directed, conferred with the engineer, Mr. Campbell, as to the best method to adopt in making the survey for the Contour map, and had agreed with him upon the cross-section system, in accordance with which to Maps had been made - one showing the Contour and elevations of the ground, and the other the location with reference to plaited streets, sewers Etc . The following bills were allowed and ordered certified to the state auditor for payment: Voucher number one: favor of Eli Wilkins $54.90. For expenses of trip to Eastern Washington and Olympia as per order of the board July 12th 1895. Voucher number 2: favor of post-intelligencer Company Seattle $8.50. 43 publications of notice to Architects. Voucher number 3: favor of E.O. Schwagerl, Seattle, $50 . for examination of grounds and location of buildings as per report above referred to. The board then adjourned to meet at the grounds at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday August 16th to examine proposed site. 1895-08-16 August 16th 1845 . . Board met pursuant to adjournment, at the grounds, all members and the clerk present, and also A.R. Campbell, engineer, who had stated staked the proposed location of the building appropriately as indicated by professor schwagerl . After a careful examination of the area included within the stakes and some discussion as to the frontage Mr. Edens moved that the building be located in accordance with the report of Mr. Schwagerl and as staked by the engineer. Mr. higginson WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for August 1895 Volume 01 - Page 007 1895-08-16 [continued from page 6] moved as an amendment that the building be located on the site designated by Mr. Schwagerl, but that the frontage be parallel with High Street, instead of being made to conform to the contour line as recommended. A vote being taken the amendment was lost, Mr. Higginson voting "Aye", Mr. Edens "No" and the chairman "No". A vote was then taken on the original motion, which was carried, Mr. Edens voting "Aye", Mr. Higginson "No" and the chairman "Aye". The clerk was directed to send proper notice of the location to such architects as had expressed a desire to be informed of the selection. No further business being presented, the board adjourned. Record approved Aug. 24, 1895. O.H. Culver, Clerk Eli Wilkin, Chairman. Meetings of Aug. 24 to 29 inclusive. Board met pursuant to call of the chairman at 1:30pm, all members and the clerk present. The minutes of the meeting of Aug. 15 and 16 were read and approved. The chairman then submitted the following resolution which was adopted: WHEREAS On the 21st day of August 1895, O.H. Culver, clerk of this board, was requested and authorized by individual members of this board to go to Seattle and Tacoma and confer with expert builders of established reputations for ability and integrity and see upon what terms their services could be engaged to begin upon such plans and specifications for a Normal School building as may be submitted to them by this board and determine whether said plans and specifications can be carried out within the limits of the appropriation therefor, and WHEREAS, He made said trip as informally directed by individual members of the board, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That the action of said members in the premisis be and the same WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for August 1895 Volume 01 - Page 008 1895-08-24 to 29 inclusive [continued from page 7] is hereby approved and a report from the clerk in said matter is hereby called for." The clerk therefore submitted his report, together with a statement of his expenses, and the same was accepted and ordered filed. The clerk was then directed to telegraph to Mr. Morgan Carkeek, of Seattle, and Mr Geo. B. Evans, of Tacoma, the two gentlemen recommended in his report, and ask them to be here Monday morning, Aug. 26, the compensation ofr their services to be $10 a day and expenses, the aggregate, however, not to exceed $50 for each. The messages were immediately sent. The chairman reported that the use of two desirable rooms on the second floor of the Lighthouse block had been tendered to the board free of charge for the examination and consideration of the various plans for the building which had been submitted, and the offer being accepted the said plans were at once removed to said rooms from the clerk's office, where they had all been received prior to the expiration of the time designated in the "Notice to Architects". Chairs and tables being provided the plans were at once opened and arranged for examination. It was found that twenlve separate and distinct designs had been submitted, in addition to two "alternate" designs for exteriors, the vairous distinguishing marks being as follows: "Classicus," "Norman," "Tides," a sketch of a "Flag," "Trophonious," letter "V," a circle within a triangle, "Light and Air," "Bellingham," "Sehome," "High Street," and "The Holly." The remainder of the afternoon was spent in examination of the various designs, the board adjourning at 6 o'clock until 9 o'clock am, Monday, Aug. 26. Aug. 26, 1895: Board convened in room 17 in the Lighthouse block, pursuant to adjournment, all members present. Mr. Carkeek, to whom reference is made in the preceding minutes, arrived on the morning boat from Seattle, but Mr. Evans was WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for August 1895 Volume 01 - Page 009 1895-08-26 to 29 [continued from page 8] not present, he having telegraphed the clerk Saturday evening that it would be impossible for him to attend for reasons which were set forth in a letter to the clerk received Monday morning and read to the board. Later in the day, after consultation with Mr. Carkeek, the board directed the clerk to endeavor by telegraph to secure the service of Mr. Bigelow, of Tacoma, to assist in making the estimates upon the plans and if unable to get him to wire Mr. A. J. Wells, of Seattle, who had signified to Mr. Carkeek his readiness to assist in the work, if called upon. The clerk did as directed and receiving an answer from Tacoma that Mr. Bigelow could not come wired Mr. Wells in Mr. Carkeek's name to be here Tuesday morning. The board held two sessions during the day -- morning and afternoon, both being occupied solely in the examination of the plans. This work was resumed Tuesday morning, Aug. 27, at the same place, with all members, the clerk and Mr. Carkeek present. The clerk was directed to bring from his office the sealed envelope containing the names of the architects submitting the plans, those marked "V," "[circle within a triangle]," "Light and Air," "Bellingham," "Sehome," "High Street," and "The Holly" having been examined to the satisfaction of the board and rejected. The identity of the architects submitting these several designs having been ascertained the clerck was directed to return those marked "V" to Mr. Moller, Everett; those marked "[circle within a triangle]" to Mr. A.F. Heide, Everett; "Light and Air" to Mr. L.G. Bird, Seattle; "Bellingham," "Sehome," and "High St." to Mr. A. Lee, New Whatcom; and "The Holly," to Mr. Wm Cox, New Whatcom. Later in the day the other envelopes were opened and it was fount that the plans marked "Classicus" had been submitted by Mr. H.M. Black, of Fairhaven; those marked "Normal" by Skillings and Corner, of Seattle; "Flag" by "Chamberlin and Siebrand," Seattle; "Trophonious" by W. Ferris White, Everett; and "Tides" by Seaton and [illegible], Spokane. All of these were held for further examination. Mr. Wells not having arrived either by boat or train Mr. Carkeed wired to him again requesting an answer. No other business WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for August 1895 Volume 01 - Page 010 1895-08-26 to 29 [continued from page 9] was transacted during the day. Mr. Skillings and Mr. Chamberlin, who were both in the city, were called before the board separately and were each permitted to make some changes in their respective designs to conform to ideas suggested by the board, which then adjourned until Wednesday afternoon to give the experts time to make their estimates upon Mr. Black's design and the other architects above mentioned time to make the suggested alterations in their plans. Aug. 28, 1895. Mr. Wells arrived in the morning and went to work with Mr. Carkeek. In the afternoon the board held a short session and listened to explanations from Mr. Black and Mr. White relative to their respective plans, but transacted no official business and adjourned until 8:30 o'clock Thursday morning. Aug. 29, 1895. Board met at 8:30 pursuant to adjournment and continued in session until noon in the consideration of plans and estimates, those of Mr. Skillings and Mr. Chamberlin having been resubmitted with the suggested modifications. Reconvening at 1 o'clock the consideration of the plans and estimates was resumed and the matter in hand was finally disposed of by the adoption of a motion made by Mr. Edens that the plans submitted under the name of "Normal" by Skillings and Corner, of Seattle be accepted, subject to such alterations or modifications as the board may see fit to suggest or direct. The following resolution was then adopted: "WHEREAS Messrs. Eldridge and Cosgrove tendered to this board the free use of two desirable rooms in the Lighthouse block during this examination and consideration of plans for the building from Aug. 24 to 29 inclusive, and this board, to its great convenience had the use of said rooms, therefore BE IT RESOLVED that the thanks of this board WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for August 1895 Volume 01 - Page 011 1895-08-26 to 29 [continued from page 10] be and the same hereby are tendered to Mr. Eldridge and Mr. Cosgrove for this courtesy and manifest desire to give the board every possible assistance in its work." The board further engaged the services of Mr. M. J. Carkeek to see that the plans and specifications as finally adopted shall embody the modifications and details suggested by the board, and that the entire design and plan can be carried out for a sum not to exceed the $36,000 named in the "Notice to Architects," it being understood and agreed with Mr. Carkeek that his compensation for this service shall be $50.00. Record approved Sept. 11, 1895. O.H. Culver, Clerk Eli Wilkin, Chairman. ##