1896-08 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for August 1896WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes fo August 1896 Volume 01 - Page 035 1896-08-01 Board met at 11AM pursuant to call of the chairman, with all members, the clerk, and architect Skillings present. The minutes of the meeting of July 1 were read approved. The clerk reported to the board the receipt of an assignment to Jas M. Corner of all W.P. Skillings interest in the amount yet to be paid the firm of Skillings and Corner for plans and specifications of the Normal School building and supervision of its construction. It was read to the board and ordered file of. Some discussion arose as to the cost of completing the building, the amount paid to the contractor, and the amout yet to be paid upon the contract. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes fo August 1896 Volume 01 - Page 036 1896-08-01 It seemed apparent to the board that some of the estimate previously allowed must have been somewhat larger than the progress of the work warranted and Mr. Skillings admitted that such was evidently the case. He thereupon stated that he would make an approximate estimate of the cost of completing the contract and would make his July estimate accordingly. It was then past 12 o'clock and the board took a recess for lunch. On reconvening, with all members, the clerk and Mr. Skillings present, Mr. Skillings submitted as the eighth monthly estimate, bearing date Aug. 1, 1896, the following: Hon. Board of Trustees, State Normal School, New Whatcom, Washington. On a review of former estimates given the contractor and taking into consideration the contract price for the completion of the building, we are of the opinion that the estimates have been too liberal on the amount of labor and material heretofore placed in the building, and (?) the estimate for the labor and material during the month of July should be placed as follows: Lumber in place $700; Frames 65; Plate iron 40; Stone work 800; Granite 200; Pressed brick 325; Common brick 930; $3060; Respectfully submitted, Skillings and corner, W.P. Skillings. The estimate was approved and on motion of tMr. Edens vouchers were ordered certified to the state auditor for the issuance of warrants in payment of bills allowed as follows: Voucher No. 4(?) Favor of A. Lee, $92 for 23 days service as building superintendent during July. Voucher No. 4(?) Favor of W.B. Davey, $2448.00, being 80% of 8th estimate on building contract. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes fo August 1896 Volume 01 - Page 037 1896-08-01 No further business being conducted the board adjourned. Record approved Sept. 1, 1896. O.H. Culver, clerk. Eli Wilkin, chairman. ##