1896-05 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for May 1896WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for May 1896 Volume 01 - Page 032 1896-05-01 Board met pursuant to call of chairman at 2:30pm, with all members, the clerk and architect Skillings present. The minutes of the meetings of April 1st and 15th were read and approved. The clerk read a letter from C.W. Beau, state superintendent of public instruction, relative to the appointment of two members of the local board reformal school trustees here to serve as members of the state general board. It appearing to be doubtful if the expenses incident to the attendance of members of this board upon the meeting of the general board could legally be paid from the appropriation now available, the clerk was directed to write to the state auditor and inquire whether he would audit vouchers covering such expenses. In the matter of the dedication of $172.00 from the estimate allowed the contractor April 1st on account of excavation, as shown by the record of Dec. 31, is appearing from the revised figures of the engineer and architect that the credit due the board on that account is only $154.00, and is appearing further that any such deduction cannot properly be made by the board, without the consent of the contractor, from the eighty percent to which he is entitled upon each and every estimate, it was agreed by and between the board and the contractor that the $172.00 deducted April 1st, as above noted, should be updated and that the board should receive a WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for May 1896 Volume 01 - Page 033 1896-05-01 credit of $154.00 to be deducted in the final settlement of the contract. Mr Skillings presented the fifth-monthly estimate in favor of the contractor, which estimate bears date May 1, 1896 and is as follows: Pressed brick work $210.00; (?) brick, 134,000 @ $10.50 1407.00; Stone work 400.00; Asphalt 30.00; Iron work 75.00; Lumber and frames 100.00; $2222.00 (Signed) Skillings and Corner W.P.S. Vouchers were ordered certified to the state auditor for the issuance of warrants in payment of bills allowed by the board as follows: Voucher No. 36 - favor of A. Lee, $63.00, for 15 3/4 days service as building superintendent during April. Voucher No. 37 - favor of Skillings and Corner, $55.55, architects 2/2 to commission on contractor's 5th estimate. Voucher No. 38 - favor of W.B. Davey, $172.00, being the sum erroneously deducted from fourth estimate on account of excavation, as above noted. Voucher No. 39 - favor of W.B. Davey, $1777.60, being 80% of 5th monthly estimate, as above noted. Adjourned. Record approved June 2, 1896. O.H. Culver, clerk. Eli Wilkin, chairman. ##