1899-04 WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for April 1899WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for April 1899 Volume 01 - Page 067 1899-04-10 Board met pursuant to the call of the chairman at 2:20PM. Present R.C. Higginson, J.J. Edens, Frank C. Teck. Chairman Higginson read a communication from Dr. R.A. Heritage reiterating his qualifications for the principalship for which he was an applicant. Mr. Edens stated that he had received an application for the principalship from a gentleman in New Mexico which he had forgotten. Minutes of the meetings of March 10th, 15th, and 31st were read and approved. The election of a President of the school was then taken up. On the first ballot E.T. Mathes of Lewiston Idaho received 2 votes and Frank J. Browne of Olympia one. Dr. Mathes was declared elected. The chairman reported that he had engaged janitor Warren to remain until May 1st for $20. His action was- WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for April 1899 Volume 01 - Page 068 1899-04-10 approved. On motion of Mr. Edens the election of a janitor was proceeded with. The applications of H. Schroeder, Robert Foster and J.A. McBride were read. On the first ballot J.A. McBride received two votes and Robert Foster one. Mr. McBride was declared elected. His compensation was fixed at $500 per year of twelve months his labors to begin May 1st, 1899. The salary of Dr. E.T. Mathes as president was fixed at $2000 for twelve months. The applications of the unsuccessful applicants for the principlaship for the presidency were ordered returned to them together with their accompanying recommendations and etc. The chairman stated that president Cornwall of the B.B. Imp. Co. had not as yet arrived but was expected daily. He then entered into a detailed explanation of the grading necessary to be done; also stated that the city was making water connections with the building and that there would be a $20 tap fee. Furthermore he called the board's attention to the question of wood for the school stating that it would require 100 cords to supply it for the ensuing school term. The city school board, he said. Had advertised for a like quantity of the kind required for the Normal building and the Harvest tender received was $2.48 per cord. The same bidder he thought could be induced to take a contract for delivery at the Normal building for $2.75 per cord. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for April 1899 Volume 01 - Page 069 1899-04-10 It was carried that the clerk advertise for bids for funishing the State Normal School building with 100 cords of wood, four feet in length, cord wood style, to be cut from live body fir. Fifty (50) cords said wood to be delivered by July 15th and remaining fifty (50) cords by Sept 15, 1899. The bids to be in by May 1st, 1899. The advertisement was ordered inserted in one edition each of the thrice-a-week and weekly Blade and the Daily and Weekly Reveille. The following is the advertisement inserted:. The clerk was instructed to notify Mr. E.T. Mathes of his election as the President of the School and ask him to arrive in this city by May 1st, 1899. Board adjourned to meet Friday, April 14, 1899 at 2PM. Record approved. L.H. Darwin, clerk. R.C. Higginson, chairman. WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for April 1899 Volume 01 - Page 070 1899-04-14 Board met pusuant to adjournment of April 10th. Present R.C. Higginson and J.J. Edens. The bids for heating and ventilating the Normal School building were then laid before the board pursuant to published call. Only two were presented, one from Gardner and Co. of Tacoma Wa, and one from Munro, Blake and Haskell of New Whatcom, WA. Both were accompanied by certified checks to the amount provided in the call. The bid of Gardner and Co. was first opened and was in the sum of $3493. It did not comply with the specifications and their representations, Mr. Fergeson explained the reasons therefor to the board, stating that it was impossible to do so owing to the fact that brick and carpenter work, excavating and other work entirely foreign to the placing of steam head in a building was included in the specifications. Mr. Teck arrived at this time and thereafter participated in the deliberations of the board. The bid of Munro, Blake and Haskell was next opened and agreed to do the entire work as per plans and specifications for $4450. Gardiner and Co. also tendered a supplemental bid after their own plans. Architect Lee was then called on and stated that in his opinion the work not contemplated in Gardner and Co's bid would cost about $710; and that their supplemental bid ought not to be considered. Mr. Edens stated that in his opinion (?) only one bid before the- WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for April 1899 Volume 01 - Page 071 1899-04-14 board - that of Munro, Blake and Haskell - which complied with the call. Mr. Higginson concurred. The secretary was instructed to telephone Mr. Munro, of Monro, Blake and Haskell, and have him appear before the board and state what he allowed in his tender for the brick and carpenter work and plastering. When Mr. Munro appeared he stated in answer to the question that they had allowed $735. Mr. Teck moved and it prevailed unanimously that the bid of Munro, Blake and Haskell be accepted and the contract awarded them. The chairman and clerk were authorized to execute the contract with them. The bid and certified check of Gardner and Co. was ordered returned to them. It was ordered that the successful bidders be required to give a bond in the sum of $2500 for the faithful performance of the work and that a clause be inserted in the contract providing for the forfeiture of $25 per day for every day after August 1st, 1899 during which the work remains incompleted. The discussion of the purchase of shades for the school building brought from the chairman a statement that he had corresponded with Frederick, Nelson and Munro of Seattle and invited them to (?) on placing shades in the building and they had replied that if the sizes were sent them they would be pleased to submit estimates. The chairman was instructed to invite tenders from local dealers. An informal discussion followed- WWU Board of Trustees meeting minutes for April 1899 Volume 01 - Page 072 1899-04-14 on furnishing the building, grading the grounds and the erection of a dormitory after which the board adjourned subject to the call of the chairman. Record approved. L.H. Darwin, clerk. R.C. Higginson, chairman. ##