APPROVED October 10, 2014 WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES THURSDAY, August 21, 2014 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Karen Lee called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University to order at 11:20 p.m., Thursday, August 21, 2014 in the Board of Trustees Conference Room, Old Main 340, at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. Board of Trustees Karen Lee, Chair Sue Sharpe, Vice Chair Dick Thompson, Secretary Betti Fujikado Chase Franklin Carly Roberts Ralph Munro Western Washington University Bruce Shepard, President Brent Carbajal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Eileen Coughlin, Senior VP, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services Richard Van Den Hul, Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs Stephanie Bowers, Vice President for University Advancement Steve Swan, Vice President for University Relations and Community Development Spencer Anthony-Cahill, Faculty Senate President Annika Wolters, Associated Students President Lisa Wochos, Assistant Attorney General Sherry Burkey, Associate Vice President for University Relations and Community Development Paul Cocke, Director, University Communications Barbara Sandoval, Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Board of Trustees Elissa Hicks, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION MAY BE HELD TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL, REAL ESTATE AND LEGAL ISSUES AS AUTHORIZED IN RCW 42.30.110. At 11:21 a.m. Chair Lee announced that the Board would convene in Executive Session for approximately thirty minutes to discuss a personnel matter with counsel as authorized in RCW 42.30.110 (1)(g). The Board returned to open meeting at 11:50 a.m. with no action to report, and recessed the meeting for lunch. The Trustees, President Shepard and Vice Presidents enjoyed a casual lunch with presenter David Schumacher, Director, Office of Financial Management, two newly hired administrators Catherine Clark, Dean, College of Science and Engineering, Erika McPhee-Shaw, Director, Shannon Point 1 APPROVED October 10, 2014 Marine Center, and retiring director Don Alper, Center for Canadian-American Studies and Border Policy Research Institute. The board returned from lunch and reconvened the meeting at 1:07 p.m. 3. 2015 – 2017 BUDGET OUTLOOK Chair Lee moved this item forward in the agenda and introduced David Schumacher, Director, Office of Financial Management. Schumacher’s presentation addressed the difficult challenges the Governor’s office faced developing their state budget. He said that there seemed to be an expectation across the state that bad times are behind us and that state revenue is recovering, but he noted that revenue is not yet where it was before the recession. Schumacher said Washington’s economy is rebounding, but at a slower pace than hoped for. He pointed out that state revenue collections are at historically low levels compared to the overall economy and projected revenue growth for the next several fiscal years is relatively flat. Schumacher said that the flat projection creates a challenge for the upcoming 2015-2017 budget because there isn’t enough money for state mandates and new programs like the McCleary Decision. Schumacher was asked whether the 15% reduction exercise that the Governor asked the state Universities to participate in would be reflected in the Governor’s first budget draft. Schumacher said that those numbers would be reflected in that draft as required, but there would also be a proposal with ideas for modest tuition growth and revenue. When asked about how the increase in the student population and increased pressure on both K-12 and higher education facilities would be reflected in the budget, Schumacher explained how the caseload is calculated in regards to the budget forecast. Trustees asked about the funding possibilities for the Carver Academic Building renovation project in the upcoming budget. Schumacher said there is likely capacity for this project in the capital budget noting that the financial market has improved which allows for more borrowing capacity. He added that the Governor is aware of the need for this project. President Shepard said that the six state institutions chose not to participate in the line item budget exercise because they felt it would lead to the loss of faculty and students and asked Schumacher if the lack of full participation would lead to bigger cuts for those not participating. Schumacher said that the Governor’s office would like organizations to show how devastating these cuts would be to make a case for change. He said ultimately those not required by law to participate will do what they feel is best for their organizations. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION 08-01-2014: Trustee Sharpe moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon the recommendation of the President, approve the following minutes:  Board of Trustees Meeting, June 12, 13, 2014 The motion carried. 2 APPROVED October 10, 2014 5. PUBLIC COMMENT As per amended RCW 28B.35.110, time was provided for public comment at the August 21, 2014 regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. There were no requests for public comment. 6. BOARD CHAIR Chair Lee said that Resolution No. 2014 - 04 Thanking Trustee Peggy Zoro would be moved to a future meeting when Trustee Zoro would be able to attend. Lee then formally welcomed Trustees Franklin and Roberts to the Board. MOTION 08-02-2014: Trustee Fujikado moved that the Board of Trustees, approve Resolution 2014-05 Welcoming Trustee Chase Franklin. The motion carried. Trustee Franklin said a few words of thanks and noted that he was looking forward to serving on the Board and working with the other trustees. MOTION 08-03-2014: Trustee Munro moved that the Board of Trustees, approve Resolution 2014-06 Welcoming Trustee Carly Roberts. The motion carried. Trustee Roberts said a few words of thanks adding that she was looking forward to serving on the Board and for the learning opportunities ahead. Chair Lee continued with her chair report speaking about her participation on the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) noting that the council participated in the Governor’s budget exercise at their last meeting and decided to take the 15% cut from the State Need Grant. Chair Lee stated that WSAC discussed the need for a stable funding source for students in need so their scholarship dollars and opportunities don’t follow the ebb and flow of the state general fund budget. 7. UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT President Shepard reflected on the excellence of Western and how it is practiced in daily campus life. He outlined a recent day on campus that exemplified Western’s excellence. Shepard said that he is looking forward to the new academic year and all the energy new students and new faculty bring to Western. 8. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS Associated Students President Annika Wolters reported that she attended the United States National Student Association Conference at the University of California Irvine campus and brought back tools to help with some of the AS Board’s current efforts on campus. Wolters noted that recent vigils held on campus for Michael Brown were successful. When asked by Trustees what issues were facing students around the country, Wolters said that discussions at the national conference focused on students of color and diversity issues and sexual assaults on and off campus. 3 APPROVED October 10, 2014 9. FACULTY SENATE Faculty Senate President Spencer Anthony-Cahill introduced himself and outlined some of the overarching themes for the faculty senate for the upcoming academic year including working with Enrollment and Student Services to ensure faculty involvement in enrollment planning and working with Extended Education, via the newly formed Senate Extended Education Committee. He said that the senate will also be working to ensure faculty engagement in addressing details of the “Six Questions” that President Shepard addressed in last year’s convocation speech. Anthony-Cahill said the senate continues to work with the Equal Opportunity Office and the Associated Students Board regarding the classroom environment question on the course evaluations. Chair Lee announced a break at 2:32 p.m. The Board returned and reconvened the meeting at 2:47 p.m. 10. CONSENT ITEMS Chair Lee introduced the consent items. There were no questions or discussion. MOTION 08-04-2014: Trustee Franklin moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon the recommendation of the president, approve the following consent items:  Approval of Summer Quarter Degrees  Delegation of Authority to Award Construction Contract for Multipurpose Field Storage/Locker Room Expansion, PW 685 The motion carried. 11. APPROVAL OF 2015-2017 BIENNIAL OPERATING BUDGET REQUEST Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs Richard Van Den Hul gave a brief outline of the 2015-2017 Biennial Operating Budget request that Western will be submitting to the Governor’s Office of Financial Management (see Attachment A). Van Den Hul said the budget was driven by Western’s mission to serve the people of the State of Washington and to build upon Western’s strengths to address critical needs in the state of Washington. The request also included items critical to maintaining and enhancing Western’s strengths such as compensation for faculty and staff as well as operations and maintenance funding necessary to operate the campus facilities and infrastructure. Van Den Hul said the request was developed through a budget process designed to be open, transparent and bottom up noting that the details of the process for the budget request were shared with the Board in April and June. Trustees expressed appreciation at seeing the ongoing process in order to be informed when it came to making a decision on the final budget. Trustees asked whether the budget request showed the budget reduction that the Governor had asked for and President Shepard said that it would be made acceptable to OFM’s guidelines before submission. Trustees were pleased with the decision packages and felt they would have a real impact on Western and have a good chance of being funded by the legislature. 4 APPROVED October 10, 2014 MOTION 08-05-2014: Trustee Thompson moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon the recommendation of the President, approve the attached 2015-2017 biennial operating budget request of $124,981,999 in state funds, in support of academic, administrative and departmental operations. With concurrence of the Board Chair, the President may make minor adjustments to the approved budget request in response to subsequent instructions from the Office of Financial Management or to advance consistency among the submissions of Washington’s six public baccalaureate institutions. The motion carried. 12. APPROVAL OF BOARD GUIDELINES FOR SERVICES & ACTIVITY COMMITTEE AND DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY Senior Vice President and Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services Eileen Coughlin said that the proposed changes were the result of a recent audit which identified needed changes in the Board of Trustees guidelines for compliance with State law for Student Activities fees. Coughlin said that the Board of Trustees Services and Activities Fee Committee Guidelines were updated and address the restriction of the use of S&A Fee dollars for administrative costs unrelated to the program or to fund costs for the core academic functions of the University. She said that the delegation of authority motion addresses the interpretation of the RCW and would provide a delegation of authority from the BOT to the S&A Fee constituent group to allow transfers as long as they are within the original intent of the program presented to the S&A Fee Committee. Coughlin said the Board of Trustees Guidelines for the S&A Committee and the Delegation of Authority were discussed and reviewed by the Board Audit committee at the June meeting. When asked what differences the Board would see, Coughlin said that the Trustees would see more detail on the fees they approve each spring, the delegation of authority, if used, would be brought to the board for their information, and members of the S&A fee committee may come and watch any approvals by the Board of Trustees. Guidelines Motion MOTION 08-06-2014: Trustee Thompson moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon recommendation of the President, approve the Board of Trustees Guidelines for the S&A Committee as proposed in the attached. The motion carried. Delegation of Authority Motion MOTION 08-07-2014: Trustee Thompson moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon recommendation of the President, approve the Board of Trustees Delegation of Authority to the S&A Fee Committee as proposed in the attached. The motion carried. 5 APPROVED October 10, 2014 13. CAMPAIGN UPDATE Stephanie Bowers, Vice President for University Advancement reported that as of July 31st the campaign was at $41.4 million. Bowers gave an example of a recent gift from a donor for the Mongolian Art and History Collection at the library explaining how the donor came to find Western’s exceptional collection and wanted to provide a way for the University to preserve and increase the collection. Bowers also gave a brief overview of the official campaign launch scheduled for Friday, October 24 on campus and November 6th at the Seattle Business Forum. 14. OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT: TRAINING FOR GOVERNING BOARDS Lisa Wochos, Assistant Attorney General said that earlier this year the Washington State Legislature enacted the Open Government Trainings Act to ensure training of public officials, including members of governing boards, and employees in public records, records management, and open public meetings. She said that the new laws represent an effort by the legislature to support the rights of citizens to participate in the democratic process of open public government and limit the violations outlined in the Open Public Meetings Act by providing routine training and broaden awareness. Wochos proceeded with the Open Public Meetings Act training. She also noted that the required Public Records Act training will happen at a future Board meeting. 15. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT Trustee Dick Thompson, Audit Committee Chair, gave a brief summary of the committee’s discussion from the recent committee meeting. He said that the committee decided to postpone their self-evaluation until they had a third trustee member for the committee. Thompson said that an Internal Audit Director has been hired and will start on campus the last week in August and is eager to work on projects that had been postponed in the interim. Trustee Thompson thanked Teresa Hart and Paul Schronen for their efforts in the Internal Audit office during the transition. 16. COMMITTEE ON TRUSTEES REPORT Trustee Sue Sharpe, Committee on Trustees Chair, welcomed Trustee Franklin to the committee and confirmed that the next new trustee to the Board would be appointed to the Audit Committee. She stated that the committee discussed Trustee transitions and how to prepare new Trustees for their roles and responsibilities. 17. INFORMATION ITEMS a. Academic Affairs Report Provost Carbajal provided a written report with an update on the new faculty hired for the 2014-15 academic year. There was a comment from a Trustee saying that they had heard good things about the Western programs at Olympic College Poulsbo and the recent Bellingham Festival of Music, and were pleased they are hearing these good things about Western from people outside of the University. 6 APPROVED October 10, 2014 b. Annual & Quarterly Grant Report Provost Carbajal provided a written report regarding concerning grant awards for the period of April 1, 2014 – June 30, 2014 and fiscal year 2013/14. c. Admissions and Enrollment Report Vice President Coughlin provided a written report regarding the university’s general enrollment and admissions for Fall Quarter 2014. Trustees had questions regarding the reason for the transfer student due date adjustment outlined in the report. Coughlin said the decision was made after discovering Western’s deadline was later than other similar institutions. She said that an earlier deadline would provide admission decisions to transfer students much earlier than in previous years and would have a positive impact on yield. Coughlin said that transfer student confirmations are up 12% this fall and that her division anticipates approximately 1,050 transfer students this fall, compared to 938 last year. d. University Advancement Report Vice President Bowers provided a written report on the university’s Alumni Relations and Western Foundation activities. e. Capital Program Report Vice President Van Den Hul provided a written report on the university’s capital projects. f. University Relations and Community Development Report Vice President Swan provided a written report documenting recent activities of University Relations and Community Development. g. Lunch Introduction Information Biographies for the invited lunch guests were provided for reference purposes. 18. DATE FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING: October 9 & 10, 2014 19. The meeting adjourned at 4:06 p.m. 7