WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA November 2, 2015 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2015 Location: OM 340 Time: 10:00 a.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 10:00 – 10:05 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION MAY BE HELD TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL, REAL ESTATE AND LEGAL ISSUES AS AUTHORIZED IN RCW 42.30.110. 10:05 – 10:35 3. PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH PROCESS 10:35 – 11:45 Presentation: Sue Sharpe, Chair, Presidential Search Advisory Committee Jan Greenwood, Greenwood-Asher & Associates, Inc. Discussion 4. RESOLUTION 2015-09 CHARGE TO THE PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 11:45 – 12:00 Presentation: Sue Sharpe, Chair, Presidential Search Advisory Committee Discussion 5. ADJOURNMENT 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION Executive Session may be held to discuss personnel, real estate, and legal issues as authorized in RCW 42.30.110. WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ITEM SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO: Members of the Board of Trustees FROM: Sue Sharpe, Chair, Presidential Search Advisory Committee DATE: November 2, 2015 SUBJECT: Presidential Search Process PURPOSE: Discussion Item Purpose of Submittal: Trustee Sue Sharpe, Chair of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee, will update the Board on the status of the presidential search process. WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ITEM SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO: Members of the Board of Trustees FROM: Sue Sharpe, Chair, Presidential Search Advisory Committee DATE: November 2, 2015 SUBJECT: Resolution 2015-09 Charge to the Presidential Search Advisory Committee PURPOSE: Action Item Purpose of Submittal: Presidential Search Advisory Committee (PSAC) Chair Sue Sharpe will officially charge the members of the PSAC. Proposed Motion: Moved, that the Board of Trustees approve Resolution 2015-09 Charge to the Presidential Search Advisory Committee. RESOLUTION 2015-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CHARGE TO PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, President Bruce Shepard has announced his intention to retire from the Presidency of Western Washington University after the conclusion of the 2015-16 academic year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees is responsible for the timely selection and appointment of an individual to replace President Shepard as president of the University; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees, through Resolution 2015-06, appointed Vice Chair Susan Sharpe to serve as Presidential Search Advisory Committee Chair and directed her to develop recommendations to the Board related to the search process, including with respect to the size and composition of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees, through Resolution 2015-08, adopted recommendations and made appointments of trustees to the Presidential Search Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Resolution 2015-08, the Board Chair and the Committee Chair will appoint individuals to serve on the Committee; and WHEREAS, it is the Board’s desire to provide clear direction to the Committee, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Charge to the Presidential Search Advisory Committee attached hereto be and the same hereby is approved. Dated this 2nd day of November, 2015. _____________________________ Karen Lee, Chair ATTEST: __________________ Earl Overstreet, Secretary Board of Trustees Charge to the Presidential Search Advisory Committee Background Selection of the University President is the statutory responsibility of the Board of Trustees (“Board”). In discharging this responsibility, the Board seeks the assistance and advice from the faculty, staff, students, other constituencies and friends of the University. Accordingly, the Board is creating a Presidential Search Advisory Committee (“Committee”). The Committee will be comprised of individuals committed to the advancement of the University, who have been nominated by the leadership of their respective campus governance organizations. The members will bring diverse expertise, perspectives and experiences to the common task of advising the Board in preparation for the Board’s evaluation of candidates for president of the University. Of necessity, the considerable work of the Committee will require evening and weekend meetings. However, those who have served on past Presidential Search Advisory Committees have found it rewarding and manageable. Staffing will be provided and the Committee’s efforts will be supported by Greenwood/Asher & Associates, a professional search consulting firm. Charge The Committee’s initial task is to develop a list of qualifications and characteristics the next president should possess, based on feedback received from the on- and off-campus Western community through open forums and online stakeholder surveys. After receiving the report of the Committee regarding potential presidential qualifications, the Board will adopt criteria to be applied by the Committee in evaluating and interviewing candidates. Within the timeframe established by the Board Chair and Committee Chair, the Committee is to submit to the Board a list of all candidates who meet the minimum qualifications along with the Committee’s unranked recommendation of three to five candidates for the Board to consider inviting for final interviews. For each of the recommended candidates, the Committee is to provide a written statement explaining why he or she is considered to be suited to be president of the University. In carrying out its duties, the Committee is expected to undertake the following activities: • conduct a national search to enable the Board to consider a select group of highly qualified candidates; • advertise the position by appropriate means; • actively recruit candidates from a wide, diverse group of well-qualified individuals, including women, minorities and non-traditional applicants; • maintain records of all nominations and applicants; • screen applications using the criteria established by the Board; • provide appropriate information about the University to the candidates; • keep the candidates apprised of their status in the search; • interview and conduct reference checks on all recommended candidates; • ensure that the process is conducted with integrity, candidate confidentiality, and in compliance with all applicable laws and University policies. The Committee’s role is strictly advisory to the Board. The Committee is not authorized to conduct hearings, take testimony or public comment, or otherwise act on behalf of or exercise any of the powers of the Board. The Committee understands that the Board Chair and the Chair of the Committee are the only persons authorized to engage in public communication concerning the search. The Chair of the Committee is the only person authorized to engage in public communication on behalf of the Committee. Meetings of the Committee are not required to be open to the public and will generally be held privately. The Committee and its members are required to maintain strict confidentiality during and after the search. All members will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement to ensure the integrity of the process. The Board thanks the members in advance for devoting their time and considerable talents to the task of advising the Board concerning the evaluation of candidates for the president of the University. Approved by the Board on the 2nd day of November, 2015. 5. Adjournment