APPROVED October 9, 2015 WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES THURSDAY, August 20, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Karen Lee called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University to order at 11:20 a.m., Thursday, August 20, 2015 in the Library of the Shannon Point Marine Center in Anacortes, Washington. Board of Trustees Karen Lee, Chair Sue Sharpe, Vice Chair Betti Fujikado Chase Franklin Earl Overstreet Ralph Munro Seth Brickey Western Washington University Bruce Shepard, President Brent Carbajal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Eileen Coughlin, Senior Vice President and VP for Enrollment and Student Services Richard Van Den Hul, Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs Stephanie Bowers, Vice President for University Advancement Steve Swan, Vice President for University Relations and Community Development Belina Seare, Associated Students President Molly Ware, Faculty Senate President Roger Leishman, Assistant Attorney General Paul Cocke, Director, University Communications Barbara Sandoval, Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Board of Trustees Elissa Hicks, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION MAY BE HELD TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL, REAL ESTATE AND LEGAL ISSUES AS AUTHORIZED IN RCW 42.30.110. At 11:21 a.m. Chair Lee announced that the Board would convene in Executive Session for approximately 30 minutes to discuss a personnel matter as authorized in RCW 42.30.110 (1)(g). The Board returned to open meeting at 12:15 p.m. with no action to report and announced a break for lunch for Board members and other meeting attendees. The Board reconvened the meeting at 1:02 p.m. Page 1 APPROVED October 9, 2015 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no changes to the draft minutes as distributed. MOTION 08-01-2015: Trustee Munro moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon the recommendation of the President, approve the following minutes: • Board of Trustees Meeting, June 11 & 12, 2015 • Board of Trustees Special Meeting, June 22, 2015 • Board of Trustees Special Meeting, July 20, 2015 The motion passed. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT As per Amended RCW 28B.35.110, the Board of Trustees provided time for a Public Comment period. No one signed up to testify before the Board. 5. RECOGNITION & INTRODUCTIONS President Shepard introduced Lisa Wochos and thanked her for her years of dedicated service to the university and congratulated her on her recent retirement. Lisa Wochos then thanked everyone for their kind wishes and the great opportunity she had to work with Western. Trustees also thanked her for her service and acknowledged that Resolution 2015-02 Recognizing the Service of Assistant Attorney General Lisa Wochos was passed at the June meeting, but Trustee Lee officially read it into the record. 6. BOARD CHAIR Chair Lee recognized Trustee Ralph Munro and talked about how his experience added so much to the Board over his term. Other trustees also provided praise and gratitude for Munro’s service. Trustee Lee then asked Trustee Overstreet to read Resolution No.2015-03 Recognizing the Service of Trustee Ralph Munro. RESOLUTION NO. 2015 – 03 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF TRUSTEE RALPH MUNRO WHEREAS, on October 1, 2009, Governor Christine Gregoire appointed Ralph Munro of Olympia, Washington, to serve on the Western Washington University Board of Trustees through September 30, 2015; and Page 2 APPROVED October 9, 2015 WHEREAS, RALPH MUNRO a native of numerous western Washington towns and communities, earned his bachelor’s degree in Education and Political Science from Western Washington University in 1966 and was recognized by Western as a Distinguished Alumnus in 1989; and WHEREAS, RALPH MUNRO brought to his appointment as a trustee a long and distinguished record of public service in Washington and the nation, including 21 years of service as Washington’s longest serving Secretary of State, a job to which he was elected by the citizens of Washington five times; and WHEREAS, RALPH MUNRO has brought to his appointment as a trustee a leadership and sponsorship role in the Munro Institute for Civic Education which promotes civic educational training, events and programs for the public and especially social studies and civics educators around the state; and WHEREAS, RALPH MUNRO contributed to the increased stature and future potential of Western Washington University through his service on numerous local, national and international boards and commissions including the Board of Directors of several domestic corporations, such as Prepared Response, Thurston First Bank of Puget Sound, Panorama Retirement Center, The Squaxin Island Tribal Museum and History Link; as well as past president of organizations as Seattle Rotary Club and the National Association of Secretaries of State; and WHEREAS, RALPH MUNRO has shown a true dedication to the public good by participating in public service opportunities such as legislation for disabled resident rights and eliminating architectural barriers in state designs, preserving historic landmarks throughout the state and his work as co-chair of the Washington State Centennial Committee, numerous wildlife protection efforts including the Orca Conservancy and Bald Eagle Preserve on the Skagit River, honoring and assisting military and veteran’s groups, and his work in Africa with the Rotary International Organization with Polio eradication and vaccinations to children, providing access to clean water and building better schools; and WHEREAS, RALPH MUNRO has brought to his appointment as a trustee numerous awards and recognitions including the Association of Washington Businesses C. David Gordon Award for Outstanding Civic Achievement, the Order of Civil Merit awarded by King Juan Carlos of Spain, the Order of Friendship awarded by Boris Yeltsin, former president of the Russian Federation, the League of Women Voters Executive Leadership Award, the Rotary International Board of Directors Service Above Self Award, the Puget Sound Energy Pioneer Award, the Seattle Biomedical Research Institute Advancing Global Health Award, and the World Affairs Council World Citizen Award; and WHEREAS, RALPH MUNRO has demonstrated throughout his service on the Board, wisdom and respect, and has served with commitment and distinction as a trusted member of the Western Washington University Board of Trustees; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that RALPH MUNRO has exemplified what community services means as an engaged citizen, public servant and trustee; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University that RALPH MUNRO be and is hereby honored for outstanding service and dedication to the University and is extended the gratitude and best wishes of the entire University community. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University at its regular meeting on August 20, 2015. Page 3 APPROVED October 9, 2015 MOTION 08-02-2015: Trustee Overstreet moved that the Board of Trustees approve Resolution 2015-03 Recognizing the Service of Trustee Ralph Munro. The motion passed. Trustee Lee welcomed new student Trustee Seth Brickey and asked him to introduce himself. Trustee Brickey said a few words and thanked the trustees for the opportunity to work with adding that he is looking forward to the exciting events of the coming year. RESOLUTION NO. 2015-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY WELCOMING TRUSTEE SETH BRICKEY WHEREAS, on July 1, 2015, Governor Jay Inslee appointed SETH BRICKEY of Juneau, Alaska to serve a one-year term ending on June 30, 2016 on the Western Washington University Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, SETH BRICKEY is a student in good standing at Western Washington University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in political science with a minor in geology; and WHEREAS, SETH BRICKEY brings to his appointment as a trustee dedication to the campus community through his work as a resident advisor and an assistant resident director with Western’s Office of Residence Life; and WHEREAS, SETH BRICKEY brings to his appointment as a trustee passion for his academic success as a member of the national Political Science Honor Society, Pi Sigma Alpha, an All Nations Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Scholar, a recipient of the Western’s Native American Academic and Leadership Scholarship, and a 2012 Marine Science Scholar; and WHEREAS, SETH BRICKEY brings to his appointment as a trustee dedication to his community though his participation with Western’s Campus Christian Fellowship as a student leader, as a program director for Rainbow Glacier Camp, president for the United Youth Courts of Alaska Board of Directors, and as a legislative intern for Alaska state Rep. Beth Kertula; and WHEREAS, SETH BRICKEY was nominated by an Associated Students committee to serve as a student member of the Western Washington University’s Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, SETH BRICKEY has declared his commitment to serve as a member of the Western Washington University Board of Trustees; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University officially extends a warm welcome to SETH BRICKEY as he begins his term on the Board. Page 4 APPROVED October 9, 2015 PASSED AND APPROVED by the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University at its meeting on August 20, 2015. MOTION 08-03-2015: Trustee Sharpe moved that the Board of Trustees approve Resolution 2015-07 Welcoming Student Trustee Seth Brickey. The motion passed. 7. UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT President Shepard thanked Shannon Point for hosting the Board meeting and invited Director Erika McPhee-Shaw to welcome the Board. Director McPhee-Shaw provided a brief explanation of Shannon Point Marine Center and the impact it has on Western and the greater community. President Shepard then concluded his remarks by talking about the unique rhythm of academic life on campus. 8. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS Associated Students (AS) President Belina Seare reported on a recent trip to Las Vegas to attend the National Student Congress with ten other AS students where they discussed issues like sexual violence on campuses and recruitment of students of color to higher education. She said that the AS also recently sent sixteen students to Washington DC and had a meeting with Senator Patty Murray about reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. Seare expressed concern that the Shannon Point Marine Center was not easily accessible to students to attend the Board meeting. She also said that the AS is committed to openness and transparency in the year to come regarding both the internal AS organization and other issues over the next academic year. 9. FACULTY SENATE Faculty Senate President Molly Ware reported that the overarching focus for the coming year will be to broaden and strengthen faculty input, engagement and participation in shared governance at Western. She said that senators want all faculty to have meaningful and substantive ways to participate in creating a culture of success, one where all faculty, students, administration, staff, and other personnel thrive. Ware said that this was identified as a top priority following faculty & student dialogues on inclusive excellence during this past academic year. She said the Senate also wants to work on collaborating with students and updating technology use. 10. CONSENT ITEMS Chair Lee introduced the consent items. There were no questions. MOTION 08-04-2015: Trustee Overstreet moved that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon the recommendation of the president, approve the following consent items: a. Approval of Summer Quarter Degrees b. Consultant Contract for Architectural and Engineering Service for Ridgeway Gamma Renovation, PW695 c. Consultant Contract for Science Building Renovation and Addition - Predesign Page 5 APPROVED October 9, 2015 The motion passed. 11. APPROVAL OF 2016 SUPPLEMENTAL OPERATING BUDGET REQUEST Vice President Richard Van Den Hul and Linda Teater, Director, Budget Office provided a brief overview of the proposed 2016 Supplemental Operating Budget Request. Van Den Hul said that in preparation for the 2016 legislative session, Western must submit its supplemental operating budget request by early October. He said the budget request includes proposals to expand support for degree completion and student success, and update and improve Western’s IT Data Network and Wireless Capacity. Trustees had questions about what some of the proposals covered and why a technology request was in the operating budget and not the capital. Van Den Hul explained that the technology request was the result of a recent rule change from the Office of Financial Management. There were no further questions. MOTION 08-05-2015: Trustee Brickey moved, that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon the recommendation of the President, approves a $2,374,762 decision package to expand support for Degree Completion and Student Success, and a $2,200,000 decision package to Update and Improve Western’s IT Data Network and Wireless Capacity. The motion passed. 12. APPROVAL OF 2016 SUPPLEMENTAL CAPITAL BUDGET REQUEST Vice President Van Den Hul explained the three proposals included in this year’s capital budget request: 1) DisAbility Resources for Students Area Expansion; 2) Improving Emergency Response through Upgraded Building Access Control; 3) Improving Emergency Response through Upgraded Outdoor Annunciation. He said that all three proposals this year address critically needed projects throughout Western’s campus. Trustees did not have any questions. MOTION 08-06-2015: Trustee Munro moved, that the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University, upon the recommendation of the President, approves a 2016 Supplemental Capital Budget Request for $9,350,000 from State-appropriated funding sources. The motion passed. Chair Lee announced a break at 2:13 pm. The Board returned and reconvened the meeting at 2:40 pm. 13. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPARATION UPDATE Vice President Richard Van Den Hul provided the Trustees with an update on the Campus Active Shooter Exercise and Emergency Drill Preparations. Van Den Hul said that a lot of planning has Page 6 APPROVED October 9, 2015 occurred behind the scenes to prepare campus for any kind of emergency, and now steps are being taken to plan for a campus wide emergency drill sometime in the fall. Trustees had general questions about the process and about how emergency notifications would extend to those that may live off campus or in a nearby neighborhood. Van Den Hul said that they have some processes in place for those kind of alerts. 14. ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR EXPANSION OF ON-CAMPUS STUDENT HOUSING Eileen Coughlin, Senior VP, Vice President of Enrollment & Student Services said that University Residences has been assessing its capacity to meet growing demand, especially with regard to returning upperclassmen, out-of-state and international students. Coughlin added that University Residences has hired a consulting firm to assess in more detail the market for student housing and the associated demand for on-campus housing, including type and number of units and amenities. She said that the Ridgeway location was considered for a new residence hall a number of years ago and is a likely site, with an alternative site just north of Buchanan Towers. Both are within the context of the Campus Master Plan. Both sites have advantages and each will be carefully weighed before a decision is made. Coughlin said that the intent is to plan for a fall 2017 occupancy, which means a tight timeline, so the University would plan on utilizing the design/build process for procurement of design and construction services. She said this method could be utilized to shorten the project schedule, benefit from contractor expertise during design, and provide a single point of responsibility for design and construction. Coughlin said that once the consultant reports their recommendations and all the variables have been decided she would come back to the Board with details and a requested plan of action. Trustees had some questions regarding design build risks and cost distribution for students. Coughlin said that design/build is highly monitored by the state and must go through a rigorous process for approval adding that both the University of Washington and Washington State University have had varying levels of success with design/build. As far as cost distribution for students, Coughlin said the goal is to maintain a solid fiscal position while keeping room and board rates competitive and investing in the infrastructure of our facilities. 15. CAMPAIGN UPDATE Stephanie Bowers, Vice President for University Advancement said that as of July 31, 2015 the campaign stood at $57.6 million. Bowers said that with the end of the campaign within reach they are currently looking at doing a possible campaign wrap up celebration in February. She then shared a story regarding a donor who had pulled their original scholarship endowment after the disbanding of the football program in 2009 and hadn’t had much contact with Western since then. But recently the foundation received word that this person had left an end of life gift to Western that was four times the original endowment. 16. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT Chair Karen Lee reported that with Trustee Thompson’s term ending in September, Trustee Betti Fujikado would be the new chair of the Board Audit Committee. She also announced that she would be the third Board member of the Audit Committee until the governor appoints new trustees. Page 7 APPROVED October 9, 2015 17. GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Board Governance Committee Chair Sue Sharpe said that the committee discussed the current orientation and on-boarding process for new trustees and how to improve Western’s process in order to make their transition easier. 18. INFORMATION ITEMS a. Academic Affairs Report Provost Carbajal provided a written report with information regarding the tenure track faculty members who were hired last year and who will begin teaching at Western during the 2015/16 academic year b. Annual & Quarterly Grant Report Provost Carbajal provided a written report with information concerning grant awards for the period April 1, 2015 – June 30, 2015 and fiscal year 2014/15. c. Admissions and Enrollment Report Vice President Coughlin provided a written report regarding the university’s general enrollment and admissions for the 2015-16 academic year. Trustee Lee had questions about the breakdown for students of color. Coughlin said that she would get those too her as soon as they are available. d. University Advancement Report Vice President Bowers provided a written report on the University’s Alumni Relations and Western Foundation activities. e. Capital Program Report Vice President Van Den Hul provided a written report on the University’s capital projects. f. University Relations and Community Development Report Vice President Swan provided a written report documenting recent activities of University Relations and Community Development. Chair Lee announced a break at 3:35 pm. The Board returned and reconvened the meeting at 3:54 pm. 19. PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH PROCESS Chair Lee welcomed former trustees Philip Sharpe, Jr. and Kevin Raymond and asked them to discuss their roles and lessons learned from the 2007 Presidential Search. Sharpe said that his role in the last search was chair of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee (PSAC) and Raymond said that his role was Board Chair and liaison to the sitting president through the search process. Sharpe said he learned that committee members needed to be able to cooperate, commit the time need, to not have their own personal agenda and to have “soft elbows, big ears, keen minds and chronic laryngitis” in order to effectively listen to the needs of campus. He said that PSAC members must also be able to interpret the feedback into a broader campus wide composite lens to create an inclusive and accurate job description in which to evaluate candidates to make sure that they are going to be the right fit for Western’s future. Raymond said that once the PSAC had handed over the list of candidates, interview feedback and reference checks the PSAC was disbanded and the final decision was made by the full Board of Trustees. Raymond Page 8 APPROVED October 9, 2015 also said that it is important to stay focused on what Western needs and not get distracted by other influences. Trustees discussed the general make-up of the PSAC and the advantages and disadvantages of all the proposed options. They also discussed how best to keep the search open and transparent based on Western values. 20. PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT Trustee Sue Sharpe, Chair of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee (PSAC) said that the recommendations presented to the Board were developed in collaboration with campus faculty, staff and student leaders. Sharpe said that Paul Dunn, Sr. Executive Assistant to the President and Liz Sipes, former Secretary to the Board of Trustees (retired) have been selected to provide staff support to the PSAC during the search process. She also provided an update on the Request for Quotes and Qualifications (RFQQs) for search firms and reported that there were 15 proposals received by the response deadline. Sharpe noted that the proposals will be screened by a committee that will include campus leaders and approximately five firms will be selected for an interview process. Trustee Sharpe then outlined her recommendations for the PSAC (Attachment A) and opened up discussion. There was concern that the committee size is too large to be effective. Sharpe explained that it needed to be that size to effectively address some other issues that outweighed concerns about size. Trustee Lee then asked Trustee Franklin to make the motion to approve Resolution 2015-08. MOTION 08-07-2015: Trustee Franklin moved that the Board of Trustees approve Resolution 2015-08 Adoption of Presidential Search Advisory Committee Chair Recommendations and Appointment of Trustees to Presidential Search Advisory Committee. Trustee Sharpe asked that before the vote to approve the Resolution, that the recommendations be amended. She said that there is continuing discussion about addressing the needs of the campus and student representation on the PSAC. After some discussion it was proposed that the recommendations would be amended in Section 4, to say “The Board Chair and the Committee Chair may also select up to two additional members to serve on the Committee”. Sharpe said that the addition of this language would allow the PSAC flexibility to address the student issue and others that may arise before final selections are made. MOTION 08-08-2015: Trustee Sharpe moved that the Board of Trustees amend the memo titled Recommendations Concerning Presidential Search Advisory Committee, by adding under Section 4 the language “The Board Chair and the Committee Chair may also select up to two additional members to serve on the Committee.” The motion to amend was approved. Amendment having been approved, trustees then voted on the motion to approve the Resolution as amended. Page 9 APPROVED October 9, 2015 WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES RESOLUTION 2015-08 ADOPTION OF PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES TO PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, President Bruce Shepard has announced his intention to retire from the Presidency of Western Washington University after the conclusion of the 2015-16 academic year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees is responsible for the timely selection and appointment of an individual to replace President Shepard as president of the University; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees, through Resolution 2015-06, appointed Vice Chair Susan Sharpe to serve as Presidential Search Advisory Committee Chair and directed her to develop recommendations to the Board related to the search process, including with respect to the size and composition of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, Vice Chair Sharpe has made such recommendations in a memorandum to the Board of Trustees dated August 20, 2015 and as amended at the Board of Trustees meeting on August 20, 2015, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Western Washington University as follows: 1. The Board of Trustees hereby adopts the recommendations, including trustee appointments to the Presidential Search Advisory Committee, made by Vice Chair Sharpe in her memorandum to the Board dated August 20, 2015 and entitled “Recommendations Concerning Presidential Search Advisory Committee (Amended).” A copy of Vice Chair Sharpe’s memorandum is attached hereto. 2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board retains all of its rights and duties, and discretion, by law, to appoint the President of the University. MOTION 08-07-2015: Trustee Franklin moved that the Board of Trustees approve, as amended, Resolution 2015-08 Adoption of Presidential Search Advisory Committee Chair Recommendations and Appointment of Trustees to Presidential Search Advisory Committee. The motion passed. 21. DATE FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING: October 8 & 9, 2015 22. The meeting adjourned at 5:19 p.m. Page 10 ATTACHMENT A Approved October 9, 2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Western Washington University Board of Trustees FROM: Sue Sharpe, Presidential Search Advisory Committee Chair DATE: August 20, 2015 RE: Recommendations Concerning Presidential Search Advisory Committee At the July 20, 2015 Special Meeting of the WWU Board of Trustees (“Board”) I was appointed Chair of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee (“Committee”) with the specific charge to return to the board with recommendations on the size, composition and process for nominating members of the Committee. The understanding was that the final appointments will be made by the Committee Chair and Board Chair following Board approval of the recommended process. In its charge the Board also recommended that the search process be conducted in a manner that is generally similar to past presidential searches, and that the presidential search be inclusive and transparent, engaging the University community while maintaining appropriate candidate confidentiality. Given that charge, Board Chair Karen Lee and I consulted leadership of the Faculty Senate, Associated Students, Classified staff, Professional staff and executive administrators to inform the recommendations presented below. 1. Role of Committee - Working in consultation with a search consultant selected by the Committee Chair and Board Chair, the Committee’s role is to assist the Board of Trustees in conducting a search and screen process for the position of President of Western Washington University. The Committee's role is strictly advisory to the Board. The Committee is not authorized to act on behalf of or to exercise any of the powers of the Board. Following selection of the Committee, the Board shall issue a charge to the Committee outlining its specific responsibilities and the Board's expectations with respect to the discharge of those responsibilities. 2. Scope of Search - The Committee is to conduct a national search that offers the Board the opportunity to consider a select group of highly qualified candidates with the qualifications and characteristics set forth in evaluation criteria established by the Board. Those qualifications and characteristics criteria will be based upon input received from faculty, staff, students, alumni and other constituencies and friends of the University. The Board is committed to a presidential search process that fully engages the Western campus community and other stakeholders with numerous and varied opportunities for involvement and participation. 3. Criteria for Committee member selection - In Resolution 2015-06 passed July 20, 2015 the Board asked that on campus members of the Committee meet the following general criteria: • committed to the best interests of the University; • respected by colleagues and co-workers; • record of active engagement in University affairs; • good judgment; • ability to maintain strict confidentiality; • demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with others; Amended at the Board of Trustees meeting on August 20, 2015. ATTACHMENT A Approved October 9, 2015 • 4. willing and able to devote the time required for this process (including attending meetings held mainly during evenings and weekends with possible travel to meetings held in remote locations) Size, Composition and Selection of Search Committee • Trustees (3): Susan Sharpe (Committee Chair), Chase Franklin, (Vice Chair) and Earl Overstreet. Board Chair Karen Lee will serve ex-officio as a nonvoting member of the Committee. • Faculty Members (3): The Faculty Senate will be asked to place in nomination the names of eight to ten faculty members who meet the above criteria. • Students (2): The Associated Students will be asked to place in nomination the names of six students, including at least two graduate students, who meet the above criteria. • Professional Staff (1): The Professional Staff Organization will be asked to place in nomination the names of four to five professional staff members who meet the above criteria. • Classified Staff (1): Representatives of the classified staff will be asked to solicit nominees and place in nomination the names of four to five classified staff employees who meet the above criteria. • Academic Administrator (1): The Board Chair and the Committee Chair will select one member of the University’s academic administrative team to serve on the Committee that meets the above criteria. • Community Members (2): The Board Chair and the Committee Chair will select two members of the committee to represent the broader off-campus community of constituents including alumni and friends of Western Washington University consistent with the relevant above criteria. • Board Chair and the Committee Chair may also select up to two additional members to serve on the committee. Nomination invitations will be sent to the nominating bodies no later than September 1, 2015 outlining the specific criteria and process for nominations. Nominations made by the nominating bodies and the final Committee member appointments shall be made reflecting Western’s commitment to diversity in all its forms. Each nomination should be accompanied by a statement from the nominator describing why the nominee is qualified to serve on the committee based on the stated criteria. The letter should be accompanied by a background statement, resume or curriculum vitae of the nominee. The nomination letter may, but need not, be accompanied by a letter from the nominee containing any information which she or he believes may be relevant to the Board Chair and Committee Chair in considering the nomination. All nominations must be submitted to the Chair of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee, Mail Stop 9033 or by email to, by the due date outlined in the nomination invitation. An opportunity for all nominees to meet with the Trustee members of the Search Committee will be scheduled before the final appointments are extended. These meetings will not be mandatory but intended simply as an informal opportunity to get to know one another. The Board Chair and Committee Chair reserve the right to select individuals who have not been nominated to serve on the committee. 5. Composition of Staff: In Resolution 2015-06 The Board Chair and Committee Chair were authorized to select the staff required to support the search. Paul Dunn has been appointed Amended at the Board of Trustees meeting on August 20, 2015. ATTACHMENT A Approved October 9, 2015 Special Assistant to the Presidential Search and Liz Sipes as Search Coordinator to oversee the administration of the search. It is expected that from time to time the Committee Chair or the Search Staff may call upon the services of other members of Western's faculty and staff. 6. Selection of Search Consultant: Consistent with the charge in Resolution 2015-06 a Request for Quotes and Qualifications for the Search Consultant has been published and a final selection will be made by the Committee Chair in consultation with the Board Chair. The Chairs may seek the advice of other campus leadership during the course of the Consultant selection process. 7. Campus and Community Input: The Committee will work with the Search Consultant to develop effective strategies for the Board to benefit from the views of faculty, staff, students, alumni, community members and friends of the University concerning the desired qualifications and characteristics to be sought in the next president. 8. Search Committee Meetings: Meetings of the Committee are not required to be open to the public and should generally be held privately to foster frank discussion and to protect confidentiality. It is expected that Committee meetings will be held on weekends and evenings. Because of the intensive commitment required of staff, faculty and students serving on the Committee, efforts to make reasonable accommodations for the additional demands on their time should be made by their colleagues, supervisors, and professors. 9. Public Communications: The Chair of the Committee is the only person authorized to engage in public communication concerning the search on behalf of the Committee. 10. Confidentiality: The Committee and its members will be required to maintain confidentiality both during and after the search. All members will be required to sign confidentiality agreements as part of the process. 11. Committee Rules & Ethical Code: The Board Chair and Committee Chair in consultation with Committee members and others will develop rules regarding the Committee's operations as they deem advisable. Amended at the Board of Trustees meeting on August 20, 2015.