Associated Students Board Minutes - transcript for (year-month) 1917-10 Page 01_039 (volume 01 page 039) 1917-10-04 - Board of Control Meeting. Meeting called to order by Pres. All present but Mr. Sorneson. Bills allowed- C.C. Baughman 150.00 Waterman Fountain Pen. 125.63 Irving-Pitt Man'f Co. 290.37 Braun-Knecht Herman Co. 8.00 Seattle Paper Co. 50.00 C.A. Griffith Co. 8.98 J.K. Gill Co. 8.98 A.C. McClurg and Co. 8.98 Orville Bremer 4.28 A.J. Barnes 70.00 H. S. Coocker Co. 50.00 U.S. Rubber Co. 44.20 Industrial Dep't Press 7.0 Barnkant (sp?) Bros and Spiudlers (sp?) Messenger Type. Union Printing Co. Mess. 36.50 Normal Book Store 1.90 Motion carried to get rubber stamp for bills passed by Board of Control. Pres. read statement from Book Store. Motion carried to notify Pres. action in O.L. bills since last Board Meeting. Pencil Co. Boston $170 National Bank 800 Total 970 Motion carried to have in Athletic fund- have it in with general but keep separate accounts in our books. Motion carried to give Editors and Manager of Messengers, members Board of Control, two complimentary copies of Messengers. Page 01_040 (volume 01 page 040) 1917-10-11 - Board of Control Meeting. Meeting called to order by Pres. All members present. Bills allowed Western Engraving Co $1.64 Union Print. Building 115.00 ~~~~1917-10-09 - Student Association Meeting Meeting called to order by Pres. S- school song. Candidates for yeel Leader Called to platform c- demonstrated. Messrs Edson, Waske, Tucker. Tucker was elected. Tucker- 205 Edson- 31 Waske- 191 Pres. Made announcement of Student Directory Motion carried to have once. Nominations for student representative candidates- Graham 318 Towne 82 Brotnov 204 Alum 285 Graham and Alum to be candidates. Adjournment Sec'y Frances M. Ireland (Taken by Marie Burclause) 1917-10-04 - following the custom of last year. Mauoger (sp?) send 6 copies to University Training Camp and 6 to Fort Casey. Discussion of Student Directory- get it out by Nov. 1. Motion carried to have Pres. talk to Dr. Nash about having school pay 1/2. Pres. referred matter to Book Store comm. that Mr. Baughman wanted a new desk. Decided to have Board Meeting on Thursday at 3.25. Adjournment Sec'y. Frances M. Ireland Page 01_041 (volume 01 page 041) 1917-10-11 - O.C. Armstrong (Rubber Stams) .35 Industrial Dep't Press. 1.00 Marie Burcham (Mike Miller) 1.00 Motion carried that Miss Nichol's resignation be accepted. Motion carried that school be recommended for paying for one half of directory. Comm. appointed Ireland, Bond and Booman. Discussion of buying shoes for basketball players turned over to Athletic Comm. Questioned Mr. carver to get 7 pairs of $3.25 each if it would satisfy. It was decided to send Xmas bakes to soldiers instead of having Xmas presents. Motion carried to set aside sufficient sum of money to give dinner to former members of school who are at Naval training School in Seattle, to send President Carleton as representative of Student Body. Adjournment Sec'y Frances M. Ireland. 1917-10-18 - Board of Control Meeting Bills allowed E.J. Mathes Book Co. 8.70 Barnhart Bros. Spindler 4.00 Book Store Bills Reliable Transfer Co. A.M. Palmer Co. 59.75 H.T. Norton Co. 14.61 Eaton, Crane and Picke 77.10 Irish Printing Co. 9.60 Michigan State Normal College W.P. Brown 25.72 McMillan Co. 44.64 Normal Bookstore to Mess 14.50 Western Union Tel. Co. 7.70 Wells Fargo and Co. Express. 26.22 Meeting called to order by Pres. All present but Mr. Chuter. Discussion of Book Store having to send books back that Page 01_042 (volume 01 page 042) 1917-10-11 - instructions have ordered. He is now sending back $300 and getting $50 for them. Report from Messenger running short. Mr. Turner says bill has been found. Susky will pay on Nov. 1. Mr. Olsen paid his bill American Theater Manager demands copy of bill. Motion carried to accept Mess. report. Adjournment Sec'y Frances M Ireland 1917-10-25 - Board of Control Meeting. Meeting called to order by Pres. All present but Mr. Chute. Bills allowed Merle Merriett (Naval Banquet) .60 Paul Beaufort (Flashlight) .50 Sarah S. Ormsky (Banquet) 40.00 Cassie C. Cales 54.50 Pres. changed Mess Comm to Mr Sorsenslee, Miss Graham and Mr Bond. Referred bill for 3 pairs of shoes to Athletic Comm. Mess. made report motion carried to accept Mess. Report. Motion carried that Messenger Miss Cales bill be paid. Reading of letter to Trustee of School asking them to pay for one half of the directories. Board approved the following improvement. Letter file, locks on drawers and window seat. Expense $10. Motion carried to have these improvements. Adjournment. Sec'y Frances M. Ireland ##