Associated Students Board Minutes - transcript for (year-month) 1918-04 Page 01_055 (volume 01 page 055) 1918-04-11 - Meeting called to order by President. Those present Messrs. Booman, Misses Getsman, Schoenberg, McGhee and Mrs. Vermulen. Pres. announced installation of officers on Tues Apr. 23. Motion carried that girls who have played two complete halves in a Kline Cup Series be awarded letters the as same as those awarded the boys. Wilson, Nobles and Barr announcement of Bankruptcy election of a trustee put aside without appointing a representative. Adjournment. Frances M. Ireland, Sec'y. Page 01_056 (volume 01 page 056) 1918-04-18 - Meeting called to order by Pres. all present except Mr. Sorenson and Chute and Miss Getsman. Bills allowed. Mr. Carver (Blaine game) $20.00 Western Engraving .82 Klipsun prizes 1st Story Catherine Fiefield 10.00 2nd Pac(sp?) Miriam Dolman 5.00 Catherine Fielfield 5.00 Jack Lausen 2.50 C.R. Holbrook 2.50 Book Store Richmond Paper Co. 30.71 Wells Fargo and Co. Express 16.01 Union Printing Building 35.48 Frank M. Lamborn 25.00 Seattle Paper Co. 55.65 A.G. Spalding and Bros. 36.80 Great Northern Exp. Co. 2.79 Irish Printing Co. 5.50 Western Union Tel. 1.05 Watermann Fountain Pen. 1.05 Reliable Transfer Co. 6.29 Motion carried to instruct Mr. Carver to buy tennis balls for the Junior, Senior tournament. Marathon plans to be carried out as planned for the previous Saturday. Adjournment. Frances M. Ireland. Sec'y Page 01_057 (volume 01 page 057) 1918-04-25 - First meeting of the new board called to order by Pres. Mr. Tucker. All present. Bills allowed. Morse Hardware Co. $5.79 Ferrier Magnuson Co. 6.55 Bookstore C.C. Boughman (salary) 120.00 A.J. Barnes Pub Co. 7.05 American Paper Co. 2.78 Eaton, Crane and Pike 53.62 Piper and Taft Inc. Surgis and Walton Co. 1.55 Bastisn Bros. Co. 94.50 Cardinell-Vincent Co. 8.00 Motion carried allowing Mr. Tucker to dispose of supplies left from Chuckanut Marathon. Discussion of plans for Annual School Excursion. Motion carried that Mr. Tucker Vermeulen and Mr. Bond appointed. Motion carried that Pres. appoint committee outside of Student Board, but responsible to the Board for program of School Excursion day. Mr. Bond brought up question of disposal of funds left by classes in the Registrar's office for which no disposal is made. Question open. Adjournment.. Mrs. Grace L. Veremulen, Sec'y. ##