Associated Students Board Minutes - transcript for (year-month) 1922-04 Page 01_137 (volume 01 page 137) 1922-04-03 - Board of Control Meeting. Meeting called to order by President. Messrs Kolstad and Knowlton, tardy. Minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved. Mr. Knowlton was appointed to have ballots printed for the Elections of Student Body Officers for next year. The business of raising Mr Baughman's salary was brought up and discussed. During the cause of our discussion Mr. Heckman gave us the contents of a conference held between Dr. Nash and him in regard to our future policy toward the Book Store and Mr Baughman. The motion was made and carried that the matter of Mr. Baughman's salary be laid on the table for one week and that at the next meeting of the Board Mr. Baughman be requested to submit a written report of the business of the Book Store and a statement of its present condition. The matter of the campaign for the Normal Tulip Queen Candidate was discussed. Mr. Kolstad suggested the following plan: That the $1.00 (one dollar) tickets be ppled at 10cents each and that the person choosing the lucky number of the 10 chances sold be given the ticket. A note of Thanks was received from Mrs. Nash for flower's sent to her by the Student's Association. The following bills were allowed: Floral Exchange 1.50 Philo Literary Society (Debate) 3.40 The Secretary was asked to check up the General Fund Accounts. The motion was made and carried to hold the Annual Marathon to Chuckanut April 15th. The date for the hike to the 80 Acres was set for April 8th providing the weather is good. Miss Collier was appointed as a committee to attend to the miscellaneous details of this hike. Adjournment, Mrs. Edna Anstett, Sec'y. 1922-04-07 - Special Board of Control Meeting A Special Meeting was called to count votes from the election of Board of Control Officers held in Page 01_138 (volume 01 page 138) 1922-04-10 - Board of Control Meeting Meeting called to order by President Mr. Kolstad tardy and Mr. Heckman absent. Minutes of the two previous meetings were read and corrected. A report of the Normal, Sedro Wooley, baseball game of April 1st was read and accepted. The motion was made and carried to allow Mr. Carver $14.45 for miscellaneous athletic expenses and to advance him $25 for expenses for the Normal-Blaine Game of April 15th. The following bills were allowed- Normal Groc. Stamps for Mess 2.00 Art Engraving Co. Messenger work 2.45 Bellingham Herald " " 1.30 1922-04-03 - in Assembly. The following are the nominees- Pres- Sam Ford Archie Thomas Vice Pres.- Helen Goke Law Fowler Stud. Rep- Oliver Ingersoll Helen Hightower Tina Pearson Jeanine Turner Ruell Knowlton Fac. Rep- Mr. Kolstad The result of the election was as follows: Pres.- Archie Thomas V. Prers.- Helen Jake Student. Rep.- Oliver Ingersoll Helen Hightower Tina Pearson Fac. Rep.- Mr. Kolstad Mr. Tiveit requested a sum of $90.00 advanced to him for Campaign Expenses for Tulip Queen. It was moved, seconded and carried to allow Mr. Tiveit $90.00 for all above stated purposes. This amount is to be refunded later. The motion was made and carried that the Resolution made by the Board of Control in regard to order by the Student Association Room, be brought to the attention of the Students thru an announcement in Assembly and if necessary thru poster in the Association Room. Adjournment, Mrs. Edna Amstett, Sec'y Page 01_139 (volume 01 page 139) 1922-04-24 - Board of Control Meeting. Meeting called to order by President. Mrs. Anstett was absent and Mr. Knowlton was tardy. The action of the President in advancing Mr. Carver $25 for Athletic Expenses was sanctioned by the Board. A motion was made and carried 1922-04-10 - Irish Printing Co. Print 4 Issue of Mess. $255.00 Mr. Bristol was allowed his request for an advance of half of his April Salary- $20.00. The hours for signing the Book for the Marathon were set from 6am to 1 pm on the day on which the Marathon will be held. A report of the business of the Book Store from 1917 to 1922 was received and read: also a more detailed report of the business for 1921-1922 was received and read. Discussion. The motion was made and carried to raise Mr. Baughman's salary $25.00 per month (beginning June 1st, 1922) for a period of two years. It was also decided that a new contract should be prepared containing an item of these changes. Adjournment, Mrs. Edna Anstett, Sec'y. 1922-04-17 - Board of Control Meeting. Meeting called to order by the President. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The motion was made and carried that the full amount of the bill for merchandise be paid to the Normal Grocery ($3.10) providing it can be safely kept said merchandise until needed again. The president's action of advancing $5.00 for the Messenger Mailing List was sanctioned. The contract between the Board of Control and Mr. Baughman for the period between June 1, 1922 and May 31, 1924 was read and discussed. The matter of signing this contract was laid on the table until the next meeting. The date for the Board of Control Picnic was set for Saturday, April 29th. Adjournment, Mrs. Edna Anstett, Sec'y. Page 01_140 (volume 01 page 140) 1922-04-24 - to accept Mr. Carver's report of the Ferndale and Blaine Baseball Games. It was moved and seconded that the President arrange for the sending of a floral tribute to Mr. Tallman's funeral. Amendment- that in addition a note of sympathy be sent to Mrs. Tallman and Bertha Tallman. Carried. The motion was made that since objections were raised about Mr. Baughman's contract a special Board Meeting be called after Assembly, Wednesday; that all students pro and con be invited to come to this meeting and express their opinions regarding this matter. Carried. The motion was made and carried to purchase all the rods needed for the Tulip Parade from the athletic Funds. The motion was made and carried to hold the Annual Dinner of the Board of Control at State Park this year. The motion was made and carried that the a secretary be interested to write the invitations to the new Board members for the Annual Dinner. The motion was made and carried to change all expenses of the annual Dinner to the General Fund. Adjournment, Mrs. Edna Anstett, Sec'y 1922-04-26 - Special Meeting. Wed 11:00 AM. April 26,1922. Meeting called to order by President. The motion was made and carried to accept Mr. Carvers report of the Sedro Wooley and Ferndale Baseball Games; and to allow the Transportation bill. Mr. Haeske reported the result of asking the Student Body if there were any objections to the granting of emblems to the yell leader, the Debaters and the members of the Board of Control. No objections were voiced. It was moved and seconded to grant the yell-leader, Mason Hall a latter; the Debators pins, and the members of the Board of Control pins. Carried. Awards to be as follows: Athletic Letters- Mason Hall Gold Bar- W- Pings ("Debate 1922")- Oliver Ingersoll, Pearl Stanghton, Margaret Spaight, Inga Bentson, Norma Rokes, Mason Hall, Helen Allman, Irene Goss. Page 01_141 (volume 01 page 141) 1922-04-26 - Gold Bar-W-Pins "Board of Control, 1922"- Carroll Haske, Mrs. Edna Anstett, Marion Callier, Esther Cook, Ruell Knowlton. It was moved that the retiring Board recommend to the new Board that they take up the matter of the revision of the constitution at an early date. Seconded. Carried unanimously. Moved that in recognition of Wade Bristol's excellent services as Business Manager of the Messenger, this Board recommend to the new Board, that he be paid a bonus of $40.00 at the end of his term, providing his services are up to his present standard. Seconded. Carried. Adjourment. Mrs. Edna Anstett, Sec'y. Page 01_177 (volume 01 page 177) 1922-04-09 - To show in appreciation we gave her a vote of Thanks. It was moved and carried that the President appoint a committee to take charge of queens affairs. The following committee was appointed to take charge of the Marathon. Bob Tunstall Helen Hightower Doris Gould John O'Rourke Francis Clausen Ruth Gill It was moved and carried that the committee be instructed to- 1- Open book from 7:00-5:30 o'clock 2- Serve Coffee from 11:30-1:00 Also to make all provisions necessary. Motion for adjournment. Carried. Adjournment Helen Hightower Sec'y. ##