Associated Students Board Minutes - transcript for (year-month) 1922-05 Page 01_141 (volume 01 page 141) 1922-05-01 - Board of Control Meeting. Meeting called to order by President. The motion was made and carried to allow Mr. Carver- $4.28 for 2 bats. $4.00 for 1 only starter revolver $1.92 for 150 cartridges $10.20 Total Motion was made and carried that Mr. Baughman be allowed to borrow $1000 provided this does not exceed the limit granted by the board. The question arose concerning a date suitable to members for meeting. No agreement reached. Helen Hightower was elected secretary of the Board of control. Adjournment. Helen A Hightower Sec'y 1922-05-03 - Board of Control Meeting. Special Meeting. Meeting called to order by President. Motions were made and carried to the effect that the following bills be allowed- Mr. Carver. $4.50 2 slugger bats. $4.41 for bills of the Page 01_142 (volume 01 page 142) 1922-05-10 - Board of Control Meeting Meeting called to order by the president. All members present. The minutes were read and corrected to the effect that the two faculty members on the Board of Control should also have keys to room 218. The following bills were allowed. 1. General Fund $5.00 2. Marker Floral Shop $2.00 3. R. H. Leach-Debate pens $26.00 4. Normal Book Store C. cards $.40 5- Edward H. Todd Debate judge $10.56 4. Klipsun- picture $32.94 5- Registrar, Normal $1.80 Total $78.70. Athletic fund 1. Ike Dernburger- Sliding pads 6.40. 2. Klipsun Athletic pictures $97.58 3. Normal Book Store Tennis $6.90 Total 110.93 Page 01_143 (volume 01 page 143) 1922-05-10 - ***Action of president in writing check to N.H. young for $20.45 to Cover debate refund of $14.00+6.45 additional expenses ratified Messenger Bill 218.45 It was requested that bills not already Ok'd be Ok'd as soon as possible. It was moved and carried that Junior and Senior classes be refunded the money which they payed for the girls basketball pictures. Miss Watrouse's request for fourteen small "Ws" for girls athletic emblems was granted. The president was instructed to see Mr. Carver as to the "Ws" from Cheney sent here by mistake. The following committees was appointed to ask Mr. Bever for permission to hold the Normal picnic May 25 at the school's 80 acres. Mr. Kolstad Oliver Ingersoll Helen Hightower A special meeting was called for Friday Noon. Adjournment Helen Hightwoer Sec'y. 1922-05-12 - Special Meeting Board of Control Meeting Meeting called to order by the President. Mr. Carver was allowed $118.40 for University Game, and $.50 was granted for a phone message to the Dormitory for a phone message of Mar. 21 /22. The motion was carried to send a suitable floral offering and a note of sympathy to the Brotnov family. Mr. Ingersoll was put in charge of the Athletic funds. Mr. Kolstad asked for a report of the committee, concerning the School picnic. Several committees were appointed to arrange the affiars of the picnic. They are- Boats Committee- Mr. Kolstad, Albertina Pearson Eats Committee- Mr. Steckman, Albertina Pearson Tools Committee- O. Ingersoll- Mr. Kolstad Page 01_144 (volume 01 page 144) 1922-05-24 - Board of Control Meeting Meeting called to order by the President. Minutes of two previous meetings ~~~~1922-05-12 - Adjournment, Helen Hightower, Sec'y ~~~~1922-05-17 - Board of Control Meeting. Meeting called to order by President. Minutes of previous meeting read, and corrected. Mr. Carver was allowed $45 for Everett game. Following bills were allowed 1. Art Engraving Co, cut for Messenger $2.52 2. Individual Senior girls picture $19.11 Individual Junior "pictures" $19.11 Total: 40.77 $45 $85.77. Wade Bristol's request for three weeks pay (30.00) was granted in advance. Adjournment, Helen Hightower, Sec'y. 1922-05-19 - Board of Control Special Meeting Meeting called to order by the President. Bill allowed. Griggs, Stat. Co. 2 bats. Further plans for the school picnic were made. It was suggested that students be organized and a space cleared for a baseball diamond. Wood gathered, clearing for a lodge started. The following Motion was made that the Students association pay for all transportation across lake, and all arrangements be left to Mr. Kolstad. Carried. Minutes taken by "Tina" Pearson Adjournment Helen Hightower Sec'y Page 01_145 (volume 01 page 145) 1922-05-31 - Board of Control Meeting Meeting called to order by the President. Following bills were allowed. Empire Meat Markes $3.04 Whatcom Co. Dairy Assn. $4.56 Transportation to 80 acres $100 Total $107.60- general fund $9.60 A. Fund Total $$117.20 The secretary was requested to trace the bill owed to the Normal Grocery from the Chucanut Marathon. "Tina" Pearson was appointed President during Mr. Thomas's absence. Mr. Ingersoll- Vice President in place of Helen Goke. It was suggested that each each member of the board, going to be absent should name a person to take his place, while he was absent. Adjournment Helen Hightower- Sec'y 1922-05-24 - were read and approved. A bill of $22.88 owed to Ferrier and Magnuson Co. was allowed. The transportation slips for the school picnic were counted. Mr. Kolstad with the seniors on their picnic, and Mr. Ingersoll were absent. Adjournment Helen Hightower, Sec'y ##