Associated Students Board Minutes - transcript for (year-month) 1924-07 Page 02_008 (volume 02 page 008) 1924-07-02 - Fifth regular meeting of the Students' Association. Regular meeting called to order by the president, Daisy Howard. School song was sung by members of the Association. A school yell was led by Tiny Claussen. Minutes of the last meeting read by the secretary and approved. Unfinished business called for. Under the head of new business, president called upon the secretary to read the policy of bookstore as outline and recommended by the Board of Control. List of articles to be carried in the book store read. Moved that policy be accepted as read. Motion carried. President appointed committees for this year's Blue Book. President brought up question of another school mixer. CAll from the floor for report of expenses of last mixer in Page 02_009 (volume 02 page 009) 1924-07-02 [continued] the Armory. President Fisher reported that the expenses something like $200 which he thought very reasonable. Miss Long called upon to discuss a prospective lawn party. Motion made that the mixer be a lawn party. Motion carried, unanimously. Mr. Pohoynen made an appeal to the students on behalf of the Messenger advertisers that they read the advertisements in the school paper. (A request from the floor for some arrangement whereby lonely damsels could be assured of company to the lawn party was answered by Miss Holcomb's assurance that the Women's League would take up the matter.) Motion made and carried that Mrs. Davis be instructed to purchase new tennis nets for the tennis courts. Motion made and carried that the holes in the fence around the courts be mended or a new fence provided. Page 02_010 (volume 02 page 010) 1924-07-02 [continued] - President Fisher reported that the building plans under consideration for the year included plans for new courts, making much work on the present court needless expense. The buying and selling of second-hand books discussed. President Fisher to the floor to defend the present system of handling hte books. He stated that the once used renting system had many bad features and was falling into disuse. No other remarks. No action taken. Matter of the student committee on assemblies brought up. Present committee reported not functioning. President Daisy Howard assured the meeting that a committee of three had been appointed by president pro tempore, Mr. Hannah, before she took the chair. She said she would see that the committee started to function immediately. Discussion started from the floor about the habit of many of the students of leaving the Page 02_011 (volume 02 page 011) 1924-07-02 [continued] - assembly before programs were finished. Several expressed the annoyance this occasioned. Meeting discussed means of showin their disapproval of this discourtesy. Moved that all those leaving the assembly before dismissed should be counted absent. Motion unanimously carried. Motion for adjournment. Sec. E. Carruth. ##