Associated Students Board Minutes - transcript for (year-month) 1924-11 Page 02_012 (volume 02 page 012) 1924-11-14 - Sixth regular meeting of the Students' Association. Meeting called to order by the president, Daisy Howard. School song sung and a school yell given. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Several announcements mad. Mr. Harry Appleton, editor of the Weekly Messenger, introduced the recently chosen editorial council of the Messenger. The president appointed committees to plan events for Alumni Home Coming Day. By request of the student body the policy of the book store was read. It was asked that an explanation be given of other bookstores that sell books for prices lower than those of the Students' Cooperative Store. Mr. Fisher stated that at the Students Co-op no money is made handling books; in fact Page 02_013 (volume 02 page 013) 1924-11-14 [continued] books are sold at cost when bought at 10% off of list prices. The president, Daisy Howard, asked the student body to authorize the Board of Control to have made a sign welcoming the Home-Coming Alumni. Motion made seconded and carried that the Board of Control be authorized to buy a "Welcome" sign. Meeting adjourned. Secretary, Rose Gray. ##