Associated Students Board Minutes - transcript for (year-month) 1925-02 Page 02_016 (volume 02 page 016) 1925-02-10 - Eighth meeting of the Students' Association. Meeting called to order by the president, Daisy Howard. Minutes of hte last meeting read and approved. The following proposed amendments to the by-laws read and submitted to the Student Association for ratification: (a) Article III, Section I, The major sports shall be football, baseketball, baseball, track, and tennis; (b) Article III, Section 3, Tennis - winning at least one match during season in collegiate competition; (c) Article III, Section 4, There shall be one sweater awarded for any letter earned in one of the major sports during any school year. There shall be only one sweater awarded each year to any one individual. Motion made that the student body ratify the amendments. Motion carried. Motion made that the Board of Control be authorized by the Student Association to Page 02_017 (volume 02 page 017) 1925-02-10 [continued] appoint a committee to be in charge of recreation hour. Motion carried Motion made and carried that the committee working on the organization of a scholarship society be authorized to consider the point system and leadership. Mr. Fisher expressed his opinion in favor of forming honorary leadership and honorary scholarship societies and outlined their organization. The members of the honorary leadership society shall be chosen as students of merit and shall be elected during their fifth and sixth quarter here. The honorary scholarship society shall be for the purpose of recognizing high scholarship of students. A committe of three faculty members and three students was appointed to draw up constitutions for the societies. Report given by Mr. Fisher of the action the State Legislature has taken in the Normal's building plans. Meeting adjourned. Rose Gray, Secretary ##