Associated Students Board Minutes - transcript for (year-month) 1925-04 Page 02_022 (volume 02 page 022) 1925-04-17 - Tenth meeting of the Students' Association. Meeting called to order by the president, Don Marquis. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. "W" Board of Control pins were awarded to retiring officers of the Students' Association. Viking book ends made by Mr. Archie Erickson were presented to Mr. Bond. Matter of adopting the Viking book ends as an official emblem of the school was discussed. Moved that a committee be appointed to look into the matter of adopting the book ends as an emblem of the school. Motion carried. Mr. Davis was called on to report the work of the committee on organization of Scholarship and Leadership societies. Motion made and carried Page 02_023 (volume 02 page 023) 1925-04-17 [continued] that the constitution of the Scholarship Society be read as a whole and then voted upon by articles. Moved that Article I be amended to read - The name of the organization shall be Scholarship Society. Motion carried. Articles II and III were adopted as read. Moved that Article IV be amended to read that 1/3 instead of 1/10 of the members shall vote against a person to keep him out of the society. Motion carried. Articles V, VI, and VII adopted as read. Moved that the constitution of hte Scholarship Society be adopted as amended. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Rose Gray, Sec. Students' Assn. ##