WWU - AS Board of Directors Minutes 1955 April Page 1 April 20th, 1955 The regular meeting of the Board of Control was called to order by the president Ray Cohrs. The following members were present: Dr. Critchfield, Lois Chudek, Lanko Gazija, Mary Jones, Ed McFate, Kay McKenzie, Miss Nelson, Dave Northrup, Rose Marie Oldow, Gordon Pfister, Ray Sundal, Dr. Van Aver, Rodger Williams, Donna Wray. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Rodger Williams reported from the Student Facilites Committee. He stated that the Lakewood property is in the process of being cleared and that the Committee has requested the I.C.C. be encouraged to stimulate interest in the use of Lakewood property. Discussion was held as to where the old juke box would be placed. The cost for repairing the juice box was made $12.50. Ed McFate, chairman of the Co-Op lounge committee, inquired about the appropriation of funds to employ nomore than six dividend checkers to total and check the figures on the receipts turned into the Co-Op for the purpose of determining and distributing dividends. Discussin was held as to the source of payment to these people in previous years. Lenko Gazija moved to appropriate money from the Studetn Facilities funds to pay the people employed to tabulate Co-Op receipt dividents. The motion was seconded and carried. Discussion was held on the employment of a Student Finance Secretary for Summer Quarter. The Student Finance Committee suggested that the by-laws be ammended in Section D, Page 31, forst sentence by adding : "Whose term shall include summer quarter." No further action was taken on this matter. Regarding the proposal for seeting up a Public Relations Committee, technically to be discussed this week accoridng to the minutes of April 13, Dave Northrup moved to postpone discussion of this matter until the next meeting. The motion was seconded and carried. A request was made that the WAFTA delegates that will be on Western's campus for the state meeting on May 14 be invited to attend the Blue Barncles Swim Show and Mixer that evening. Dave Norhtrup moved extend an investigation to the WAFTA delegates to attend the swim show and mixer to be held on May 14. The motion was seconded and carried. A letter was read from Mr. Bliss stating that Bob Pearce cannot coninue as Business Manager of the Collegian, and requested that the Board of Control take action to appoint another at the next BOC meeting. THe next item on the edgenda was the selection of a person to fill the vacancy on the BOC. Applications of the following people were read: Herbert E. Boies, Stan Lilian, Larry Richardson, Bruce Bannaford, John Schmerhorn, Jacquelin Willett, Bob Dunlap. Burce Hannaford was elected on the first ballot. It was suggseted that an invitation be extended to the delegates to the Evergreen Conference Student Association, to attend the mixer and movied to be held at that time. Mary Jones moved that the members of the ECSA be allowed to attend the mixer on Friday, April 29 and the movie Satuday, April 30. The motion was seconded and carried. It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried. Respectfully submitted, Esther Gibbons, Secty. ##