WWU - AS Board of Directors Minutes 1955 May Page 1 May 4, 1955 The regular meeting of the Board of Control was called to order by the president, Ray Cohrs. The following members were present: Dr. Critchfield, Lois Chudsk, Lenko Gazija, Mary Jones, Kay McKenzie, Miss Nelson, Dave Northrup, Rose Marie Oldow, Rey Sundal, Dr. Van Aver, Rodger Williams, Donna Wray, Bruce Hannaford. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Rodger Williams reported from the Student Facilities Committee. The Students Facility fund has a balance of $1800.40. Rodger made several announcements: that the Lakewood property is now ready for use, the juke box will be installed in the Rec Hall, the risers are ready for Student Body use, and that a new system has been devised for distributing poster materials - each candidate will be allowed $1 to use as desired on materials. Bruce Hannaford moved to accept the report from the Student Facilities Committee. The motion was seconded and carried. Donna Wray, chairman of the Elections Committee, announced that seven people had applied for the Board of Control positions. They are: Donald Six, Walt Kauzerlich, Larry Richardson, * John Schmerhorn, Bob Teshera, Barrie Brownell, Richard Walston. * John Schmerhorn is ineligible. Lanko Gazija reported on the Spring Sports dance. An increase of $76.80 was made over the income expected. Dr. Van Avor reported on an item concerning the Lakewood property and all other properties. He stated that the ASB does not have to pay taxes on this property because it is state owned land. Mr. Ross and Mr. Fisher of the Northern Life Insurance Company presented a student insurance proposal to the BOC and three faculty members. Dean MacDonald commented that the insurance plan to be adopted by the ASB should be done on a competetive basis shown by bids from different insurance companies. Rose Marie Oldow moved that a special committee be appointed to draw up plans considering different insurance proposals. The motion was seconded and carried. Bob Teshera presented the proposed budget and gave a general overview of the budget. He stated that at the next meeting the BOC will go over the budget item by item. Ray asked that applications be submitted for summer BOC members within the next two weeks. Discussion was held on the amount of money appropriated for the Pacific Students President's Conference. The amount allotted ($300) is $91.06 short of the cost of the trip. Dave Northrup moved that the BOC appropriate an additional $95 for delegates expenses to the Presidents Conference. The motion was seconded and carried. Ray made two announcements: (1) That Dr. Haggard's annual BOC picnic will be held Thursday, June 2, The awards will be presented at that time, (2) The Evergreen Conference accounts balanced. It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried and the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Esther Gibbons, Secty. ##