WWU - AS Board of Directors Minutes 1955 May Page 1 May 23, 1955 The regular meeting of the BOC was called to order by the President, Ray Cohrs. The following members were present: Dr. Critchfield, Bruce Hannaford, Lenko Gazija, Mary Jones, Ed McFate, Kay McKenzie, Dave Northrup, Roland Sayler, Ray Sundal, Dr. Van Aver, Rodger Williams, Donna Wray. The reading of the minutes was dispensed with. A request from WRA was read, asking permission to have a concession at the field on Campus Day. Rodger Williams moved that the BOC approved of WRA actions to set up a concession on Campus Day. The motion was seconded and carried. Discussion was held on the awards for BOC members. Bruce Hannaford moved that the ASB appropriate fundsd from Budget Control to award the ASB President with a school blanket. The motion was seconded. Further discussion was held. Dr. Van Aver moved the Chairman appoint a committee to select a suitable and appropriate award for the ASB President. The motion was seconded and carried. The appointed committee is: Bruce Hannaford, Dave Northrup, Kay McKenzie. Discussion was held on the pin awards for the BOC members. Donna Wray moved this matter be referred to the Special committee on awards. The motion was seconded and carried. The selection of BOC Summer Board members was considered. Kay McKenzie moved to postpone selection of Summber BOC members until the spring BOC elections are over. The motion was seconded and defeated. The applications of the following were read: Gail Gustafson, Bob Dunlap, Wil Knutsen, Bob Teshera, Roland Sayler. Those elected were Gail Gustarson, Wil Knutson, Bub Teshera, Roland Sayler. The application of Paul Gillie was read for Summer Editor of the Collegian. Rodger Williams moved to elect Paul Gillie, Editor of the Collegian, for Summer Quarter of 1955. The motion was seconded and carried. Ron CAmfield spoke on the matter of selling the Campus Day edition of the Collegian for 5 cents each. Roland Sayler moved to appropriate the sum of not more than $30 to supplement the cost of the Campus Day edition of the Collegian so as to distribute the edition free to students. The motion was seconded and carried. Bob Teshera reported from the Student Finance Committee on the following items: The Student Finance Committee recomends: 1) The salaries of vice-president and secretary are adequate and need no adjustment. The salary of the finance secretary should be raised to $70 per quarter, preferably on a four quarter basis. 2) The proposed appropriation of the Navigator be adopted as submitted. 3) The proposed appropriations which might appear to be for instructional purposes be arbitated directly with the department heads involved. 4) The appropriation for the President's conference be changed from $300 to $200. The budget was discussed. Bruce Hannaford moved Men's Athletics - Baseball Budget, Account C-5, Miscellaneous Small Equiment, item "Mask" be investiaged by the Student Facilities Committee. The motion was seconded and carried. Bruce Hannaford moved to include in the baseball budget - Men's Athletics - the item baseball- item Misc. Eq C-I shoes - 18 pr. = $180 seconded and carried. Dave Northrup moved to tentatively accept Account's: A, D, J, & M, of the Men's Athletic - Baseball budget. The motion was seconded and carried. Roland Sayler moved to amend Secton D, Article 2, of the ASB By-laws by striking out the words "$40" and inserting the words "$70". The motion was seconded and carried. Lenko Gazija moved to accept Account's A, B, C, D, J, M, N, O or the Basketball Budget. The motion was seconded and carried. May 1955 Page 2 May 23, 1955 cont. Roland Sayler moved the Student Facilities Committee investigate the items of Baseballs, Basketballs and Footballs. The motion was seconded and carried. Donna Wray moved to tentatively accept Account's A, B, C, D, J, M, N, O, of the Men's Athletics - Football Budget. The motion was seconded. Lenko Gazija moved to amend the main motion by deleting Account O. The motion was seconded and carried. The main motion then read "to accept A, B, C, D, H, M, N, of the men's Athletic Football budget." The motion was seconded and carried. Discussion was held on the items reccomended by the Student Finance Committee. Roland Sayler moved to accept Accounts A and E of the Administration Budget, that the Navigator appropriation stay as it is, and the item, President's Conference be changed from $300 to $200. The motion was seconded and carried. It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried and the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Esther Gibbons, Secty. ##