WWU - AS Board of Directors Minutes 195505 Page 1 May 27, 1955 A special meeting of the Board of Control was held Friday, May 27. The meeting was called to order by the president, Ray Cohrs. The following members were present: Dr. Critchfield, Lois Chudek, Bruce Hannaford, Mary Jones, Kay McKenzie, Rose Marie Oldow, Roland Sayler, Donna Wray. The readig of the minutes was dispensed with. The purpose of the meeting was to consider a request of Mr. Lappenbusch for the appropriation of $720 to send four members of the Track Team to the NAIA Track Meet in Abeline, Texas. Discussion was held. There will be a refund of $35 for each member attending thr meet. Rose Marie Oldow moved that the BOC appropriate $720 to send four track members to Abelene, Texas, ralizing there will be a refund of $140, making a total appropriation of $580. The motion was seconded and carried. It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried and the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Esther Gibbons, Secty. ##