WWU - AS Board of Directors Minutes 195506 Page 1 June 1, 1955 The regular meeting of the Board of Control was called to order by the President Ray Cohrs. The following members were present: Dr. Critchfield, Lois Chudek, Bruce Hannaford, Lenko Gazija, Ed McFate, Kay McKenzie, Miss Nelson, Dave Northrup. Rose Marie Oldow, Roland Sayler, Rey Sundal, Dr. Van Aver, Rodger Williams, Donna Wray. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A letter from Mr. Lappenbusch requesting the Board of Control's approval to lend certain baseball uniforms belonging to the Men's Athletic Department to an Intra-City League was read. Bruce Hannaford moved to grant Mr. Lappenbusch permission to lend baseball uniforms to a city baseball team. The motion was seconded and carried. Discussion was held about a baseball banquet for Western's Conference Championship baseball team. No action was taken by the BOC on this matter. The next item on the agenda was the selection of Board members for Summer Quarter. The following applications were read: Marilyn Tharp, Sally Knapp, Dara Skieens, Kenneth Knutson, Walt Kauzerlich. All the applicants were elected. Ray read a letter from the Homecoming Co-Chairmen regarding a lamp for the Homecoming Activity room. Ed McFate moved that $13 be appropriated from Student Facilities for a lamp for the Acitivities room. The motion was seconded and carried. Discussion was held on the budget. Donna Wray moved to accept Item I of the Collegian Budget. The motion was seconded and carried. Brude Hannaford moved to transfer item Conference under Acct. P to Acct. O - Membership and Dues title in the Men's Athletic Administration budget. The motion was seconded and carried. Lenko Gazija moved to accept the Men's Athletic Budget. The motion was seconded and carried. Discussion was held on the Men's Athletic budget - Baseball. The motion was seconded and carried. Rose Marie Oldow moved to accept Account's A, I, L, of the Men's Athletic's Publicity and Advertising budget. The motion was seconded. Bruce Hannaford moved to amend the motion by adding, Account H. The motion was seconded and carried. The main motion then read: "to accept Account's A, I, L, H, of the Men's Athletic's publicity and advertising budget." The main motion was voted on and defeated. Rey Sundal moved under Account I, to substitute $200 for $376.98 in the Men's Athletic Publicity and Advertising budget. The motion was seconded. Lenko Gazija moved to postpone this matter by referring to the Student Facilities Committee. The motion was seconded, voted on, and defeated. The main motion was voted on, "to substitute $200 for $376.98 in the Men's Athletics, Pub. and Advertising budget." The motion was defeated. Lenko Gazija moved to delete Account's A, I, L, from the Men's Athletics - Publicity-Advertising budget. The motion was seconded and carried. 195506 Page 2 June 1 (cont'd) Ed McFate moved to accept the Men's Athletics -Publicity Advertising Budget. The motion was seconded and carried. Bruce Hannaford moved to insert an Amendment to the Associated Student's Budget, to read as follows: Resolved that the expenditure of appropriated funds, Men's Athletics: Golf, account E anf F, item NAIA; Tennis, account O, item NAIA; Track, account E and F, items NAIA, be contingent upon subsequent approval of the Board of Control, when permission for the expenditure of said funds is requested by the Athletic Department. The motion was seconded and carried. Rey Sundal moved to adopt the 1955-56 Budget as corrected. The motion was seconded and carried. Lenko Gazija moved to appoint Bob Teshera as Chairman of a committee to investigate the possibilites of employing a graduate Business Manager to head the Student Finance Committee. The motion was seconded and carried. Roland Sayler moved to appropriate $30 bonus to the Finance secretary, Virginia Wilkinson. The motion was seconded and carried. A report from the Awards Committee was given. The committee suggested that Pen Sets be awarded Board of Control members instead of pins, and further recommend that the By-Laws be changed tp provide for desk pens to BOC members instead of the customary pins. Bruce Hannaford moved to adopt the report of the Awards Committee. The motion was seconded and carried. Roland Sayler moved to change Article B, Section D. of the By-Laws by deleting the words "official school pin" and inserting the words "desk pen sets." The motion was seconded and carried. It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried and the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Esther Gibbona, Secty. ##