WWU - AS Board of Directors Minutes 1955 September Page 1 September 29, 1955 The Special meeting of September 29, 1955, was called to order by Chairman Roland Sayler. Lois Chudek, Chairman of the Student-Leaders Conference Committee, reported on the conference and read the program of events. Dave Northrup moved that the BOC move into executive session to receive applications for the Homecoming Booklet editor and business manager. The motion was seconded and carried. Applications for the position were read and Mr. Bliss gave recomendations. Dave Northrup moved that the BOC reconvene in regular session. The motion was seconded and carried. Dr. Van Aver moved that Donna Swenson be unamiously voted business manager. Motion seconded and carried. The next item of business was the election of an editor for the Homecoming Booklet. Applications were Helen Montgomery and Stan Lillian. Stan Lillian was elected editor of the Homecoming Booklet by ballot. It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and carried and the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Brewer, Secretary approved Oct. 5