WWU - AS Board of Directors Minutes 193212 page 1. Dec. 5, 1932 The regular meeting of the Board of Control was called to order by Vice-President Bert Gallanger. The minutes were read and approved as read. Dr. Bond reported that Mr. Ford, Manager of the Co-op, would submit a detailed report of the financial condition of the store sometime in the near future. Presumable the first of next quarter. Dr. Bond recommended that action by the Board be postponed until after Jan. 1. A motion was made that the matter of cutting Mr. Ford’s salary be dropped until next quarter when Mr. Ford could be interviewed. Seconded and carried. It was moved that Harrier Rickerson be given a vote of thanks for her work on the Board Banquet. Seconded and carried. A discussion was held concerning the book-store. It was decided that sometime next quarter the Board should go down to the co-op en masse and investigate conditions down there thoroughly and see what could be done to give the students the best service possible. Suitable festivities to celebrate Christmas at the end of the quarter were discussed. It was moved that the Vice-President confer the President of the Associated Students concerning a program and a party to be held a week from the coming Thursday. Seconded and carried. Dr. Bond reported that he has made arrangements to survey the line at Normalstad. Rec hour was fixed for Friday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30 o'clock. It was moved and seconded that next week the dance be two hours long. Seconded and carried. A motion to adjourn was seconded and carried. Emlyn Jones Secretary 193212 page 2 Dec. 12, 1932 The regular meeting of the Board of Control was opened by James Butler. The minutes were read and approved as read. Due to the fact that there are so many tests on Friday, it was decided to hold the Christmas party Thursday afternoon at 4:00 o’clock instead of in the evening as was previously planned. The Homecoming report submitted by Curly Gross was read and discussed. A more itemized report was required before the board could accept it. Applications for Secretary to the board were read. There were two applications for the position, those of Vernon Leatha and Elsie O'Donnell. Vernon Leatha was elected. A letter of resignation from James Stoddard, Editor of the Viking, was read. It was moved and seconded that Mr. Stoddard's resignation be accepted. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Burnet recommending Pat Allen for the position of Editor and urging the Board to elect an editor this meeting was read. A motion was seconded and carried that Mr. Allen be appointed Editor for the Winter Quarter. The new salary plan to go into effect next quarter, was taken up. It was decided to let the plan ride until after the first Board meeting of next quarter and call in the Editor and Business Manager of the Viking to discuss the plan. The nominating convention for the election of Student body officers was fixed for Tuesday, January 10, of next quarter. Miss Cummins discussed the convention with the Board. She submitted plans for the order of business and the ruled of procedure. It was moved and seconded that the blanks for certification of delegated be mailed by the Board to the clubs recognized by the I. C. C. seconded and carried. It was moved and seconded that the Board adopt the ruled of procedure as revised and have them presented to the convention by the delegate from the Board of Control. Carried. A motion was made and seconded that Mr. Gallanger be appointed as the delegate from the Board of control to the nominating convention. Carried. A motion to adjourn was seconded and carried. Emlyn Jones Secretary ##