[pid:29130 wwuid:asbod_193203] 193203 page one March 1, 1932 a regular meeting of the board of control was called to order by the president Colin Campbell. The minutes were read and 2 corrections made. Miss Cox and Mr. bond were absent. Mr. Eddie DUYFF suggested that the scholarship pin be made a regular school pin and be awarded by the board of control. He mentioned that these standards were very high to become a member of this club. Motion made that the board of control award the scholarship pins making the pin an all school award. Seconded and carried. Motion made to have an all school mixer the first Friday of the spring quarter in the big gym. President Colin Campbell to select the chairman. Seconded and carried. President Campbell brought before the board that the W.A.A. wanted to send 2 delegates to the American athletic Association which is to be held in Los Angeles this spring. Motion made that president Campbell have power to act as he sees fit after he has interviewed the advisor of the WAA about the girls to go to the convention of the American athletic Association. Seconded and carried. Motion made to table the home booklet report of Mr. dowell's till a later date. Mr. skotheim reported on his meeting with the opposers to the suggested plan that had been drawn up concerning manager sweater awards. He reported that they were much in favor of the plan after the whole thing had been explained to them. The suggested changes in the constitution were discussed and thoroughly gone over by the board. The proposed changes will be found on the following page. Motion made that the proposed changes of the constitution be accepted from the chairman thereof and the changes be presented at the next Sunday assembly to be voted on. Seconded and carried. Motion made that the meeting adjourn. Seconded and carried. Secretary, Ingwald Iverson (correction) pins to start being awarded spring quarter 1932. 193203 page 2. A special meeting of the board of control was called to order by president Colin Campbell. The minutes were read and approved as corrected. Miss Cox and Mr. Ruckmick were absent. President Campbell reported to the board about his interview with the advisor to the WAA concerning the sending of WAA girls to the American athletic Association which is holding a convention in Los Angeles this spring. Motion made that at least $100 be set aside to defray the expenses of sending 2 girls to the convention at Los Angeles, and they are to make an itemized report of the trip and also be able to tell about the trip at some student association assembly. Seconded and carried. Mr. HOPPE was interviewed by the board. He mentioned the drama club had missed many things of value from the store room upstairs, and that something should be done about it. After a discussion it was thought best that the board members look the situation over upstairs and see if something couldn't be done about it. Skotheim reported on manager sweater awards. The report will be found on the following page. Motion made to present the new manager sweater awards system in the next students assembly voted on. Seconded and carried. Mr. dowell's homecoming booklet report was read. Move made to accept Mr. dowell's report on the homecoming booklet. Seconded and carried. President Colin Campbell reported that the VANADIS BRAGI’s wanted $10 from the students Association to pay the royalty of a play that they wish to put on in some students assembly. It was decided to table this matter until some later date. Motion made that the meeting adjourn. Seconded and carried. Secretary, Ing Iverson 193203 page 3 March 2, 1931 board of control subject: manager awards. Additions to article III, Section 3, to read “the fall quarter shall be try out time for all managers. From the tryout 2 junior managers shall be selected to serve the winter, spring, and fall quarter period upon completing a total of 4 quarters of service these managers will be awarded junior manager letters and sweaters. A senior manager will be selected from the junior group at the end of the fall quarter to serve the winter, spring, and fall quarter period upon completing a total of 7 quarters of service he shall be given a senior manager’s letter and sweater. The selection of these managers shall be made by a manager committee composed of 2 coaches, the president of the W club, and the senior manager.” This committee shall deal with special cases which may arise. Additions to article III, Section 4, to read “ the junior managers sweater shall be the same as the Super varsity sweater but with a letter or letters designating for what the sweater was earned. A senior managers sweater shall be of the same style as the varsity sweater without a service stripe but with a W on it.” Recommendation: this system of manager award be presented before the student Association to be voted upon at the earliest possible date. This system of manager award to go in effect fall quarter, 1932. Sivert skotheim, chairman. To take effect fall quarter 1932. 193203 page 4. Meeting of the student Association called to order by president Colin Campbell. President Campbell awarded Viking pins to Greta Jensen and lucille Jordan. The meeting was called for the purpose of putting the proposed changes in the constitution and bylaws before the students Association. Each resolution was taken up separately, explained by president Campbell and then discussed. It was moved by Phillip Davis that resolutions number one and 4 be referred to a committee for revisement. It was seconded and carried. It was moved that the students Association reconsider the previous motion. It was seconded and lost. Mr. Skotheim (chairman of the election committee) and assistants took charge of passing, collecting, and counting ballots. It was moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The motion carried. Ingwald Iverson Secretary 193203 page 5. A regular meeting of the board of control was called to order by president Colin Campbell. The minutes were read and approved as corrected. All members were present period miss else o'donnell reported on the board of control banquet. Everything seemed to be coming along fine. Mr. skotheim was appointed chairman of transportation. Miss o'donnell reported on the changes to the constitution. The 2 amendments had been checked over by the English Department and we're ready to be presented. The 2 changes will be voted on in Friday's assembly March 11, 1932. Motion made that the northwest Viking be allowed to send a reporter to the board of control meetings. But, on some special occasions if the board sees fit can refuse this privilege. Seconded and carried. Applications for secretary to the board of control or read, and the applicants were interviewed by the board. Mr. Earl hutchens, miss ione shreve, and ingwald Iverson being the applicants. Mr. ingwald Iverson was elected. Applications for the editor of the N. W. Viking were read, and the applicants were interviewed by the board. Mr. Elden bond and Mr. Roger chapman being the applicants. Mr. Chapman was elected. Miss Burnett the advisor to the N. W. Viking was interviewed by the board concerning the applicants for editor and business manager for the N. W. Viking. it was suggested that the business manager to the N. W. Viking should pledge himself to work in harmony with the editor and adviser of the N. W. Viking, and that there should be a deadline for when ads before the issue of each paper. Motion made that the above suggestion be added to the contract of the business manager of the N. W. Viking. Seconded and carried. Mr. sivert skotheim was appointed chairman for drawing up a contract for the editor of the N. W. Viking. Applications for the business manager of the N. W. Viking were read, and the applicants were interviewed by the board. Mr. Gordon leen and Mr. bob waters being the applicants. Mr. Bob waters was elected. Motion made that the meeting adjourn. Seconded and carried. Secretary, ING Iverson 193203 page 6. A regular meeting of the board of control was called to order by president Colin Campbell. The minutes were read an approved as read. All the members were present period Miss else o'donnell reported on the expenses draw banquet. They report will be found on the next page. Mr. Hollis Stoddard appointed chairman to look the situation and try to make up a plan of which will take care of the athletic pass situation. Ocean made to accept Colin Campbell's resignation of president of the associated students with regrets. Seconded and carried. Suggested that there should be a committee to look into the making up of some sort show report for the business manager of the northwest Viking. miss Burnett advisor of the N. W. Viking and Mr. Chapman editor of the N. W. Viking were interviewed by the board. Rec-hour we on Thursday this week because the quarter ends Friday. Rec-hour will be from 4 o'clock till 5:30. Motion made that the meeting adjourn. Seconded and carried. Secretary, In Iverson last meeting of winter quarter 193203 page 7 Board of control banquet March 12, 1932 Dinner $25.00 Flowers $1.50 Candy (mints) $0.60 Tapers $0.40 Remuneration to waitresses $2.50 Total $30.00 Elsie O’Donnell Chairman 193203 page 8. A regular meeting of the board of control was called to order by vice president Nellie Cox. The minutes were read an approved as corrected. Mr. Ruckmick was absent. Motion made that a committee be appointed to confer with president Fisher concerning the fixing of the scene loft, which Mr. Hoppe brought up at a previous meeting. Seconded and carried. Ocean made that president Cox a .2 members to the nominating convention. Seconded and carried. Orchestra tryouts for rec hour will be held April 8, in the big gym at 4 o'clock. Notices to be posted in the main bulletin board. Motion made that president appoint a committee to take care of the election of the orchestra at tryout time. President to make an announcement in the assembly concerning the election of the orchestra. Seconded and carried. Suggested that the members only orchestra should wear clean clothes while playing for the dances. Suggested that the students be allowed guest tickets for the mixer which is to be held April 1. Motion made that Mr. Ford be given permission to go to the Co op convention which is to be held in Seattle. Seconded and carried. Suggested that letter paper, envelopes, and requisitions changed to associated students. Suggested that president Fisher be notified concerning the changing of the name on the associated students office door. Nominees to speak at the primary election and the results of the official count of the ballots should not be let out. Petitions for faculty advisor to the board of control should be put on the main bulletin board. Motion made that the board of control meet at 4 o'clock sharp and close at 5 o'clock sharp. New pair of chairman of campus day to be selected at the next meeting. Members of the board of control to take a trip to Normalstad to look over the situation up there and see whether it is possible to build a log cabin, and where it should be situated. Motion made that the meeting adjourn. Seconded and carried. Secretary, Ing Iverson ##