WWU - AS Board of Directors Minutes 1951 August Page 1 August 1st, 1951 The meeting was called to order. The minutes were read and approved. A committee report was given on the Co-op loan quesetion. Mr. Gelder moved that the $3,702.27, an amount spent on captial outlan items, and $588.90, an amount spent on inventory items, by the Co-op for the Student Lounge, be creditied against that A.S.B Loan to the co-op to the amount of $5,500, and be tranferred to the Student Lounge fund. Seconded and passed. Larry Wilson moved that 50% per quarter, as of Fall Quarter, 1951, of the Student Facilities and Recreation Fee be applied to the payment of the $4, 291.72 transferred to the Student Lounge Fund from the Co-Op. Seconded and passed. Carol Irwin moved that Mr. Earre be authorized to pay the bill for the refrigerator, floor safe, offic file, and repairs to the coffee maker out of the Student Facilities Fund. Seconded and passed. Bob Sarvis moved that $500 be transferred from the Student Facilites and Recereation Fund to the Student Lounge Fund as opperating capital to offset in part the amount spent for capital outlay from the operating fund. Seconded and passed. A letter was read from Mr. Gelder concerning the problems of book ordering and sales through the Co-op. Mr. Gelder moved that the letter be incorperated in the minutes and that action be tabled until the first meeting of Fall Quarter. Seconded and passed. 1951 August, Page 2 The problem of wax, brroms and so forth for the lounge and Co-op was discussed. Bob Sarvis moved that a committee be appointed to set up reccomendations to be taken to Dr. Haggard as a committee concerning maintainance of the Lounge and Co-op. Seconded and passed. The meeting was adjourned. Respectively submitted, Carol Irwin. Secretary. ##