Transcript: Stangroomletter18651013 [Page 1] San Francisco 13th October 1865 My Dearest Mother I don't know how long it has been since I wrote to you and only know that it was since I last heard from you. San Franciscans are only settling down from the excitement of a lively Earthquake which we had last Sunday, by far the worst experienced since the settlement of the coast by Americans. It shook down several brick houses and cracked almost all, more or less. We live in a wooden house and feel quite safe, though the ceiling plaster of my office was transferred almost bodily to the tables and carpet. No one was killed and only a few hurt by falling materials. A few weeks ago, we also had a convulsion in the RailRoad Company which resulted in Mr. Lewis being deposed and my being appointed in his place "Chief Engineer of the Western Pacific RailRoad Company," rather an imposing title, especially to untraveled ears, but not of very much importance here. I think [Page 2] I have done pretty well so far, considering that I had to fight the whole crowd at the beginning. The President and Chief Engr. have both had to leave, and the Contractor has to take his orders from me, and although he hates me as bitterly as any man can hate one whom he has tried to injure and suffered himself from the recoil, I try to get along as pleasantly as possible. The English Company's representatives are expected out here in a few weeks, and if they come I have no idea of what position I shall obtain – if any. If they do not come, I suppose I shall remain in my present position for a while at least. My salary is raised from 300 to 400 per month but my expenses are proportionately increased, [illegible scratched out lines] but it is a comfort to think I have no one to blame for it but myself, and I don't do that much since I have left off "worrying." Charly is well and growing in manliness more than in size. He is naturally delicate though he has the buoyancy and spirits which seldom [Page 3] accompany weakness or ill health. He is beginning to take great interest in his lessons and makes good progress. He is as good a little fellow as I want him to be and I am very happy at being with him so much. I am now able to be in San Francisco two or three times a week. I am and have been well, though I am physically very weak and thin compared to what I was some years ago. I am beginning to get old. I have no doubt it sounds laughable to you to hear me talk so at a little over 33, but that in California is equal to 43 in staid old England at least. I suppose you have paid your visit to Charlotte, seen and gloated over all your grandchildren (but one), and returned home. Although we are not working very fast on the RR, I am kept riding about out the country from one end of the Line to the other, 175 miles, and from both to here so as to have very little time on my hands, which suits me exactly, but it is a good excuse for being an infrequent correspondent. I don’t remember when I wrote (or didn't write) last to Charlotte. Send her my love when you write and also give it to Mat and Lucy. I suppose [Page 4] you are not in any alarm about the Fenians, though I suppose you have some apprehensions about the Cholera; those are about the two only topics of European news now the talk of the Atlantic Cable has died away. There is a prophecy of several years' standing by an old Spaniard that San Francisco is to be "wiped out" tomorrow by an Earthquake, but I do not think it certain to take place on that account. How does Mat like his business so far? I hope it is one that will ensure him steady employment and that he will have sense to see that that in time cannot fail to be profitable. My strong wish to that effect is based on the knowledge that I have not realized it myself at any time until now. I am in a hurry, so goodbye, my Dearest Mother, with best love to Papa. Believe me Your very affectionate son M. L. Stangroom [illegible scratched out portion] God bless you all