1903_1101 ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Cover ---------- THE NORMAL MESSENGER November 1903 Monthly Whatcom, Wash. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [2] ---------- 2 TELEPHONES * g OFFICE, MAIN 26 STORE, MAIN 24 * 1 HOUSE HARDWARE CO. | * TMBGy 5 lt;l gt; | Gynasium Supplies, Sporting Goods * J of All Kinds, Building Hardware * m ....... * * 1025 AND 1039 ELK STREET * * WHATCOM * ! GROCERIES! «m — — — — • — — — — — #* w . ^, m * gt; m m g WHEN GOODS OR PRICES ARE g * NOT SATISFACTORY, PLEASE * g RETURN SAME AND MONEY I 5| WILL BE REFUNDED .AAAA* J. * * * * m . * tir * Or * * m m | Byron Grocery Co* | * * m m * J4 WEST HOLLY PHONE MAIN 200 $ m t f * f * f « f « * C f « f « f ^ t f ^ f ^ ( « ( * « £ ( « * * s m ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [3] ---------- The Leader Sells Everything For Woman's Adornment From Bead to Foot There's a beau­tiful assortment of : : : : : Fine Mflliaery, Dress Bats, —and— flats for School and Street Wear Our Suit Department has everything in ready-to-wear a p ­p a r e l . Cloaks,f|Furs, Waists, Skirts, Tailor Made Suits Shoe Department Nobby, toppy styles. Prices low. Pretty effects in e v e n i ng slippers : : : : : : Doing Light Housekeeping? Try our Grocery De­partment. Phone Main 132. All kinds of good canned goods, fresh vegetables and fruits : : : : : : : : The Leader ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [4] ---------- Dr. S. K. R.oss; Mtfr. The City Dental Parlors HIGH-CLASS DENTISTRY Prices Reasonable Phone Red 512 Painless Extracting led Front Block, Corner Holly and Canoe Sts. ELDRIDOE. KLINE VAN WYK OFFICE, PIKE BLOCK TELEPHONE MAIN 147 ...WHATCOM, WASH... \ V / K will sell yon a city lot in any part of this city or ^M Fairhaven, and if yon are short of money we will furnish money to build your house on small monthly payments. We have a good list of farm prop­erty. Call and get prices and terms. Write your fire insurance with Kline Van Wyck, who represent the MTNA, the leading Fire Insurance Company of America. Bellingham Bay Improvement Co. Whatcom, J* J* Washington Original Townsite Proprietors Manufacturing Sites, Business and Residence Property BeUiflgham Bay Improvement Co. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [5] ---------- BlRNEY GOODHEART PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Rooms / , 2, 3, 4 and 5, Red Front Bldg X RAY WORK A SPECIALTY Office 'Phone Main 2281 Residence 'Phone 8281 DR. F. J. GEOGHEGAN DENTIST Rooms 20 and 21, Red Front Block Telephone Red 831 WHATCOM, WASH. DR. WILBUR N. HUNT Physician and Surgeon OFFICE 'Phones—Office, Black 885 Rooms A and B, Red Front Blk —Residence Red 122 A. MACRAE SMITH, M. D. Telephone Red 521 Office, Red Front Building WHATCOM, WASH. FRANK J. VAN KIRK, M. D. Practice Limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT CI.OVER BLOCK WHATCOM, WASH. DR. J. C. MINTON DENTIST Rooms 9,10 12, Fisher Blk Residence Phone Black 685 Cor. Dock and Holly Office Phone Red 268 DR. C. A. DARLING DENTIST Rooms 18 and 19 Fisher Block Corner Dock and Holly Streets PHONB BLACK 275 WHATCOM, WAS Hi Whatcom Dental Parlors DK. R. LTBROOK SHAKKXJH, Manager The Highest Grade Dental Work at Reasonable Prices. Examination Free. PHONE RED 525 CLOVER BLOCK ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [6] ---------- MODERN DENTAL PARLORS DR. O. C. GILBERT, MANAGER tT«ii„ m~.i, S I * W e s t Holly Street Holly Block j l g o 5 j ^ ^ s t r^t PhoneB i a c k 187i ALL WORK GUARANTEED W. D. KIRKPATRICK, M. D. ADDIE F. KIRKPATRICK, M. D. Rooms 16 and 17, Fisher Block 'Phones—Residence, Red 44 —Office, Red 44 Office 'Phone, Red 471 Residence 'Phone Red 694 CHAS. L. HOLT, M. D. Specialties: Diseases of the Eye, Ear Note and Throat Rooms 1 and 2 Fisher Block Office Telephone Main 2061 Residence Telephone Main 8061 W. H. AXTELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours: 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. PIKE BLOCK—Cor. Elk and Holly WHATCOM, WASH Wait to £hre Dear the normal $chwl hyestigate lysle's Normal School Tracts am Lysle's Acre Tracts flll JHjaceit to State Donul $cM BEAUTIFUL Residence Property, situated di­rectly between the growing cities of Pair-haven and Whatcom, and particularly adapt­ed to the needs of those attending the Normal, or to those who wish to board or room Normal stu­dents. This is made so on account of its close proximity to the Normal. THE NORMAL SCHOOL TRACTS contain nearly an acre of ground, and of­fer better inducements to locate near Hie Normal than any other property on Bellingham Bay. Good terms and low interest. AT FIRST HANDS, AND You PAY NO COMMDJSIONS. C A M P B E L L IS Clow«r Block, lt;s? WHateoa*. WMB». ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [7] ---------- — S t a t e — Hormal School WHATCOM + WASHINGTON S beautifully located be­tween the cities of What­com and Fairhaven. These cities have all the modern conveniences; electric cars run within one block of the campus. Corr*tpond«no« Invit*d. Catalog**!* TT—. Offers T h r e e Regular Courses Special course in methods Courses in manual training Review Courses Buildings The school occupies two large and substantial buildings having all modern conveniences Dining Hall The school has erected a new dining hall upon the campus in which are served regular meals and lunches at popular prices. Prominent Features- Catalogued library; large museum; Physical, chemical, biological laboratories; Stereopticon and darkrooms; Gymnasium, dressing rooms, baths; Manual training department; Large training school, well conducted; Large and beautiful auditorium. A d m i s s i o n and E x p e n s e s - Second semester opens February 1,1904 Students enter at any time; Board and room coats £3.50 to |4.00 per week; Self boarding costs $6.00 to $10.00 a month. No tuition; library fee $10—one-half returnable. Text-books are loaned free. Edward T. MatHes Princ ipa I ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [8] ---------- There is nothing to be fonnd in the modern age requiring greater exactness, nicety and cleverness to meet the demands than this art. ft is att rt! *'t As such only the best meets the requirement of the public's needs. The business man finds great­er results are secured when his printing stock is equal to a competitor. In Stacielg tfoer* uxt mattg Fails produced that require continual study and prepara­tion to produce work that equals a metropolitan vogue. Tfce test fnr Ifre Bnsituess TOaw anil thoe latest for tfoe Aorctetg JaWdg is fonno at tiije . . . . i:»»»«»»»» HOLLY PRESS PRINTERS, BINDERS and BlanK Book FolRs ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [9] ---------- FACULTY EDWARD T. MATHES, Ph., D. Pricipal, His­tory and Pedagogy WASHINGTON WILSON, Psychology and Peda­gogy JOHN T. FORREST, Ph. B., Mathematics FRANCIS W. EPLY, A. B., Physical Sciences MISS MITTIE U. MYERS, B. L,., English BLANCHE EVANS, English MISS IDA A. BAKER, A. M., English and Mathematics MISS ADA HOGLE, Drawing Miss FRANCES HAYS, Reading and Physical Culture ALEXANDER P. ROMINE, A. B., Bilogical Sciences Miss MABEL M. MOORE, Vocal Music EDWARD N. STONE, A. M., Latin and German JACOB N. BOWMAN, Ph. D., History Miss KATE GOMPERTY, Physical Training Miss HENRIETTA J. TROMANHAUSER, Ph. B., Supervisor Training School Miss GERTRUDE EARHART, Critic Teacher^ Grammar Grades MiSS CORA BRATTON, Critic Teacher, Inter­mediate Grades Miss CATHERINE MONTGOMERY, Critic Teach­er, Primary Grades Miss MABEL ZOE WILSON, A. B., Librarian PIANOS YOU CAN DEAL WITH US Briggs Piano Company ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [10] ---------- I Peterson Co. I 1 — = = = • — 5 | W ' 1 * For Stylish Up-to-Date Goods # j * in Men's and Boys' Wears. jjj J See Us. W | 124 E. Holly WHATCOM | Try our Fancy Canned Fruit and Vege- : : : : tables. Quality guaranteed : : : : Hans Pearson ...The Grocer... Wholesale and Retail Prices Right Kaufman Bros. Newest Fall Styles in Ladies' Tailored Suits Splendid Millinery Showing f* A D C in all the best and latest W M r w materials. Special val­ues at 25, 36 and 50 cents Sole Agents for the Celebrated Marquese Waists. Americas Best Tailored Waist. Exclusive sale of W. B. and C. B. a la Spirite Corsets. finest Makes of Kid Gloves Maggroni $1.50 grade Mascot $1-25 grade Sovereign.. $100 grade Duchess $2.00 grade ;.AAAA#^^JM^KK*^:~ gt;^KHH'« gt;** lt;;** lt; ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [11] ---------- Normal Messenger November 1903 Into the BritisK Museum Within one square of the great commercial artery of London, yet always within earshot of the dull, ceaseless roar of the business that pulsates from Hyde Park to Blackwell, sits the greatest library of the world and one of the greatest museums. It fronts upon a narrow bookstall street that now and then apes the noises flooding in through the transcept alleys from the great competitor. At 9 o'clock every week day morning of the year—except four— the high, htige iron gates part and swing slowly open to the early readers. The creaking noise of the gates and the hurrying feet over the cobbled court disturb the quiet cooing of the numberless pigeons that take their late break­fast on the walks and steps. Some of the readers stop and make peace by adding a crumb to the frugal meal and then stand watching the pacified ones wind their flight to the frieze above to bask in the sun. The energetic readers hurry at once across the hallway and through the narrow passage into the reading room or into the hall of MMS; some loiter to chat; others examine a curio or two before beginning work. The Mu­seum is the sepulcher of the past—there lies Cleopatra and many of her Ptolemy and Phar­aoh predecessors; a tomb of by-gone days-there hang the robes of an Egyptian princess and the deckings of an American chief. Here in this Walhalla, the common meeting ground of the great and the good, is assembled the sculptured masterpieces of Greece and Rome, the manuscript literature that won the applause ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [12] ---------- of the Athenians, the carved monoliths that awed the subjects of Persia. The dry atmosphere of the spacious halls and the peculiar silence that reigns everywhere imbues one with a sense of finiteness that strives to break the bond of the present and fly to intimacy with the past. Turning one's glance to the west it meets the fixed, stony gaze of a Roman emporor, who, by this fixedness., seems to invite a closer acquaintance with himself and his fellow Caesars. There at the head of this long line of rulers stands the first of the blood. Com­placency marks the whole appearance, con­fidence in every feature, a mouth to command and a jaw to execute—Caesar. The child Au­gustus beside the bust of his golden days when the weight of the world's rule wrinkled his brow and the songs of Ovid and Horace wrote tenderness on his lips. A few steps beyond and one is in the insolent presence of the fiddle-ing master of Roman tortures. Behind that broad, high brow was engendered the Chris­tian persecutions; those are the eyes that looked pleasantly upon his burning subjects; the great nose that sniffed at the wine from every clime; the protruding, sensous lips that sang songs at the burning of Rome and that gave orders for the martyrdom of Paul—Nero. With pleasure one turns from this terrible Roman to the grandest Greek a few steps away. Old Homer—sitting high on his ped­estal— all tarnished and soiled, except for the restored nose and an ear-lobe, directs his sight-les eyes upward over the victors of the Olym­pian games and sees in his mind's heaven the campaigns of the Trojan war, and opens his lips to tell to the listening viewer the events of that one great day. Through a door a black object in the cen­ter of an adjoining room rouses the curiosity —and curiosity must be satisfied. There on a low stand tilted like a school boy's desk lies the Rosetta stone. At this desk the world Of today learned to spell the words of Egypt, to write in the language of Cleopatra, and to number out the hosts of the Pharaohs. The dark basalt seems blackened by the murky sleeves of this school boy in the learning of his lesson of the past, and even the base seems scratched by the restless feet as the plodding brain, conning ancient lore, seeks to keep pace with the physical energy of the modern today. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [13] ---------- In returning, with another glimpse of this quaint text-book, another glance at the Greek bard, and a passing view of ambitious Caesar and the terrible Nero, one is filled with the spirit of the then, and passes by the statue of Mracus Aurelius, whose Danubian conquests seem now in progress, by the bust of Cleopatra whose sad life ended but yesterday, by the statue of Demosthenes whose crooked mouth is still telling over the Phillips of the day before. Feeling oblivious that the sun is shin­ing and allowing habit to care for thr nonce, one enters the great reading room under the dome one foot larger than that of Saint Pet­er's at Rome, there to draw from the 20,000 reference books or from the 2,000 volumes of catalogues to draw upon the 2,000,000 vol­umes lines in seserve upon forty miles of shelv­ing. J. N. BOWMAN. A Time for THanksgiving The year was 1790, the time near Thanks­giving. The evening was chill and as Mr. Oliver entered the little, low room where his wife and two daughters were preparing the evening meal the mental atmosphere fell per­ceptibly. It was easy to see when things had gone wrong with "father," who a follower of the stern Puritan, kept his temper in "wholesome restraint," but in the doing con­trived to make his immediate surroundings distinctly unpleasant. The simple, almost frugal meal was nearly over when Mr. Oliver spoke. "We will speak no more of John. He is no longer a nephew of mine; and," fixing a stern eye on Elizabeth, "no more a cousin of yours." Again there was silence while Mrs. Oliver waited in gentle impatience and the girls in silent indignation for an explanation. "In all the years I can remember, I have never heard of an Oliver being a thief. It is left for John who goes from ungodly pranks to thievery, to so disgrace the family. Last night after the festival at the Doctor's he stole the huge silver tankard. As I said," he added on rising from the table, "we will say nothing about this matter." Elizabeth said nothing, but quietly busied ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [14] ---------- herself about the evening's work apparently thinking no more of the matter and disregard­ing the furtive glances cast at her by her mother. Mrs. Oliver had fully expected an outburst from Elizabeth, but the girl surprised her by her calm indifference, still there was no telling what might happen. Elizabeth "took after" her father. On the surface all was quiet; Elizabeth starting the next afternoon to carry a jar of preserves to old Mrs. Ed-kins was not unusual, nor was her mother's usual caution to be back in an hour, out of the ordinary. Elizabeth delivered the pre­serves and left with almost curt abruptness. Taking all the "short cuts," she soon arrived at the little village jail and demanded to see her cousin. After some parley her demand was granted, and Elizabeth stood face to face with her cousin who had disgraced the Oliver family, and asked shortly: "John, did you do it?" "Indeed no, Betty," was the firm reply. "Then what made them say so, and how long will you have to stay here?" The young fellow laughed shortly. "They are brilliant, Betty. Some one saw me just after the party with a big bundle and shortly after the tankard was found missing, so of course I stole it. I had a package. It wasn't the tankard; but they wouldn't take my word as an Oliver for my honesty, so here I am and they shall suffer for it." "Indeed they shall," said Betty, warmly, "I'm going right over to Dr. Bennett's and just order them to let you out." John did not see the humor in her angry words and slowly answered. "It would do no good, Betty, they would only laugh. Does your father know thaat you are here?" "No." "Won't you get into trouble when you get home?" "Oh, I shall have a chapter, I suppose. I wish father didn't think I was such a baby. I'm not a baby any longer, am I, John?" "No," he answered, gravely. "Why, let me see, you are almost fifteen, aren't you, Betty?" Betty nodded. "Good bye," she said, "I must hurry." Out of doors Betty's courage almost .failed her. Dr. Bennett was very stern, although ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [15] ---------- she knew that he unbent at times and hex heart beat faster when she thought of the possibility of his refusing to free her cousin. But she had not gone far when, hearing a phaeton approaching, she looked up and saw Dr. Bennett himself. "Why," he cried, "here is little Betty Oli­ver. I was just going to see your cousin." "And I," returned Betty, "was coming to tell you to let him out." The doctor laughed. "Well, John didn't take the tankard." "Of course not," put in Betty, "Last we saw of it, it was on the side­board, and then it disappeared. Alice went home with her aunt and just before she left she sleepily murmured something about the pretty, big dish not being safe. Well, half an hour ago her aunt brought her home and the little shaver went to the clothes-chest and dragged out the tankard. She had hid it, aided by Nellie; for little six-year-old girls they have made a lot of mischief." In a short time both Betty and John were hurrying towards their respective homes. Betty with a trembling heart, in spite of her good news; she had disobeyed her father's command. Her father met her at the gate. "Elizabeth," he said sternly, his whole man­ner showing his displeasure, "I want no ex­planation of your disobedience—not a word. You may learn the twenty-first chapter of Matthew." And Elizabeth, knowing that the news of John's innocence would mitigate her punishment and delight her father above all else, took a peculiar pleasure in implicit obedi­ence. In the house the "parson," who had "dropped" in, was catechising seven-year-old Agatha. He greeted Elizabeth as she entered, and beamed upon her as. she took the Bible from the mantel in the kitchen, Mr. Oliver consulted his wife. "Perhaps," he said, "the lass had best do without her supper." His wife glanced to­ward the other room. "The parson?" she said. Better let a needed punishment slip by than show their lack of parental authority in the case of Betty proving rebellious, as she was very apt to do if so disgraced before the parson. So Betty got her supper. The minister was saying grace. "As the day of Thanksgiving draws near, cause us to ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [16] ---------- be truly thankful." He prayed on, and Eliza­beth with her little brown head devoutly bowed did not hear, for her tumultous heart was fairly singing with repressed joy because her favorite cousin was not disgraced. Which was the more thankful of the two? Between you and me, it wasn't the minister. By 'o8. A Sunset on the Bay Shimmering waters flecked by crested wavelet, On high; a canopy, violet, rose and gold, A burnished gleaming trail across the bay And shadows lengthening into night. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [17] ---------- Che normal messenger Published Monthly By the Students of THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL WHATCOM, WASHINGTON w K m ^ S , :06 } - • BUSINESS MANAGERS. EDITORIAL STAFF . MAY WHXIAMS, '04 Editor-in-Chief MARY ANDREWS. *06, Utopian / T j f - _ _ VIVIAN SO RELLE, '07,Soronian....j Wierary EDNA BOLEY, '07, Aurora i T~-I. I.OTTD3 GRAHAM, '04, Kulshan j i*ocais GRACE ICAS, '06 Y. W. C. A. CARRIE RISEDORPH, '04, Alcott Exchanges GUY DUNNING, '06, Philomathean Athletics SARAH VAN REYPAN, '06, Chilic Alumni TERMS—FIFTY CENTS A YEAR Address all communications to the Editor-in-chief, Whatcom, Wash. Issued the fifteenth of every month. All copy must be in the hands of the editor-in-chief on or before the ninth of the month. Entered December 21, 1902, at Whatcom, Washington, as second-class matter, under Act of Congress of March 8,1879. VOL V NOVEMBER 1903 NO. JO The "Messenger" wishes every one a happy vacation and a good appetite for the Thanks­giving turkey. One of the signs of a live school is a live interest in something lively. One of the best signs, at the Normal is the enthusiasm with which the boys have taken up athletics so early in the year. The wise tell us the best qualities of man are shown when he is contesting against forces which threaten to overpower him. So some lively contests on the athletic field will develop more patriotism among both the boys and the girls than anything else pos­sibly can. Girls, don't let the boys be the only champions of the W. S. N. S. We are glad to be able to partially outline the Bellingham Bay Lecture course for this winter: Miss Clara Morris, lecture, Jan. 5, 1901. Monteville Flowers, reading, Feb. 7, 1904. Dr. Boyer. lecture, March 21, 1904. The Mozart Concert Company, April 12, 1904. Frau Schumann Heink, contralto, April 21, 1904. The sixth number has not yet been chosen. All the numbers will be given in the Normal Auditorium except the concert given by Frau Schumann-Heink, which will be given in Beck's theater. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [18] ---------- S o c i e t i e s The Kulshans have begun their regular work for this year with all the members of last year together with a number from other years,, among whom are Lillian Burk, Miss Shahan and Miss Roberts. "Once a Kulshan always a Kulshan.'" The Kulshans have also their share of new members, among these new members is a large number of strong workers. It is the desire of this society to bring its work to a higher standard than ever before. What a puckering of foreheads and elong­ated mouth parts you fould have seen if you had looked in at the Alcotts one Friday. A society poet was to be chosen and the decision to be made in favor of the one who produced the best poem. This was no small task, for the room was full of talent and each soul hungered for the position. At the given signal after fifteen minutes' work, pencils were quiet, and papers were collected, read, and judged amid loud applause and great thumping of hearts. We submit two. The first and best was writ­ten by our literary genius, Miss Henderson, The second by one who needs no introduction to the Whatcom public, Minnie Shumway. Oth­ers were highly commended and will be spread on the minutes of the Society for the authors. to gaze blissfully upon at their leisure. The Alcotts. Who are the girls that work? The Alcotts. Who never will a duty shirk ? The Alcotts. But with song and smile the hours beguile Or with mirth sublime or with jingling reyme, The Alcotts, The Alcotts every time. The Utopians are more fortunate than the other societies in having two such excellent critics as Mr. Wilson and Miss Hogle. At their home on Rose street, the seven­teenth, Professor and Mrs. Wilson entertained ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [19] ---------- the "Utopian girls." At eight o'clock the girls began to arrive in twos and threes and from then until after ten lasted a round of merri­ment calculated to bring a cheery smale to every Nestor's face. Ask one of the Utopians if she enjoyed her­self and this will be your answer, "Oh, I had just the best time." MY DOUBLE QUICK POEM. I'm going to write And there'll be a fight, If I don't win. I don't like to write, But I do love to fight, And that's a sin. So, Judges, act wise And give this the prize Or you'll regret That you ever met me Or my fine poetry In this contest. L o c a l s Three new teachers were added to the fac­ulty this year. Miss Hays attended the institute at Seattle during institute week there. Dr. Mathes, Miss Bratton, and Mr. Epley took part in the program at the institute. A former student, Miss Rebecca Ann Fow­ler, was married in Seattle, Oct. 8, 1903 to Mr. Charles Rutherford. One Normal girl went home Friday and returned wearing a diamond ring on her third finger. Explanations are in order. We had a good many pleasant days the last of October, and as a result many parents came up to visit the training school. Among the old students who visited Nor­mal during institute week were Misses Char­lotte Cochel, Blanch Miller, and Florence Hart. Several of our last year Normal students are attending the university this year. They are Misses Biggs, Ethel Hunt, Martha Creu-ger., Messrs. Eason and Jones. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [20] ---------- Mr. Teck and Dr. Minton, members of the board of trustees, visited the Normal Wednes­day morning, Oct. 21, and Mr. Teck gave a very interesting talk at general assembly. Miss Marie Lammon, teacher of physical culture in one of the Tacoma schools also vis­ited the school at chapel hour, during institute week and gave readings from James Whit-com Riley and others. On Monday, Oct. 5, Mr. Harris of the Warde and James theatrical company, visited the Normal, and read to the students scenes from some of Shakespeare's most noted plays, which were very interesting. Miss Blanche M. Evans has been electetd assisant in English. Miss Evans is a graduate of the Tacoma school system and also of Carle-ton, Minesota. She had taught in Tacoma and at Carleton college before coming to the Nor­mal school. Mr. Coventry, pastor of the Congregational church in Whatcom visited the Normal school, Oct. 7. He gave the students a talk on the history of "Sky Pilot," and described the ac­tual places in Canada from which different scenes were taken. A beautiful picture of Francis E. Willard was lately presented to the school by the State W. C. T. U. convention. Dr. Mathes pre­sented it to the students at chapel and we ex­pect soon to have an address on Miss Wil-lard's life by some member of the faculty. Miss Kate Gompertz of Berkeley, Calirofnia, was elected teacher of physical culture. Miss Gompertz is a graduate of the University of California and was an assistant teacher in the Hearst gymnasium in the University of Cali­fornia for two years gefore accepting her work in the Normal school. During institute week several prominent educators visited our school. Among them being Professor Yoder of the State Uni­versity and Mr. Boone of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Boone was formerly president of Michi­gan Normal College. He gave an address which should be helpful to all who heard him. Friday evening Oct. 16, the Seniors gave a formal reception to the faculty, the students, ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [21] ---------- formal reception to the faculty, the students and their friends. The rooms on the upper floor were very tastefully decorated with ma­ple leaves and fish net. Tea and waifers were served and every one had an enjoyable time. On Saturday, October 17, the geol­ogy class went on an excursion to Chuckanut. They went as far as Chuckanut Station on the Great Northern noon train, and walked back in the evening. Among some of the things they did beside observing and ex­amining rocks and soil, was climbing bluffs and walking logs. A great many of last year's students are teaching this fall. Among them are Charlotte Cochel, Marietta; Freida Stark, Blaine; Helen Taylor, Ferndale; Alverna Richendrfer, What­com ; Emily Dodd, Lynden; Amy Linnell, Van Zandt; Nora Smith, Deming; Fay Siyits, Dem-ing; Lulu Simmons, Lawrence; Celia Jacobs, Tyman. The vacancy in the music department was filled by the election of Miss Mabel Moore of Ironwood, Mich. Miss Moore studied mu­sic in Detroit and Boston and has been super­vising music in the public schools of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, and Menominee, Michigan, for the past six years. Miss Moore is an ac­ceptable soloist as well as a successful super­visor of music. On Saturday afternoon, Oct. 17, a most delightful little picnic was enjoyed by the members of the first year class. Boarding the 1130 lake car, they went as far as the What­com Creek Falls where their first stop was made. After visiting all three falls, and ad­miring the beauties of the surrounding scenery, they proceeded to walk to the lake. About an hour was spent at the lake side, disposing of the good things with which they were well provided. A row on the lake ended the af­ternoon's outing, and the crowd returned to town tired but happy. If any one wants to know how to have a good time ask the first years and they can tell you. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [22] ---------- A l u m n i Miss Ethel B. Nelson is teaching in Che-halis. Miss Fleming is teaching in Stanwood, not Everett. At the '04 Senior reception a number of the '03 class was present. Mrs. Anna Leque-Ordal is entertaining a little son in her home. Miss Alice Carmen, '03, has a position as teacher in the schools at Norman. Miss Margaret Schneider, '03, was a visitor at the Normal during institute week. Miss Statira Biggs, '03, has been elected secretary of the Junior Class at the State Uni­versity. Miss Minerva Pettett of Everett was mar­ried recently to Mr. Love, They will reside in Everett. Miss Lillian Miller, '01, was a visitor at the Normal recently. -Miss Miller graduated from the State university last June. Miss Hattie M. Dellinger, '01, is spending the winter in Chicago studying art. During the past summer Miss Dellinger enjoyed a trip to Europe. Miss Belle Williams of the class of '03 has been elected supervisor of music in the Ritz-ville schools in connection with her work as teacher of the sixth grade. Miss Hattie B. Thompson. '00, will spend the coming winter with her sister in Nome, Alas­ka. Since leaving Whatcom, Miss Thompson has been a teacher in the Seattle schools. Miss Allie Muldoon was married Oct. 2d, to Rev. W. A. McCall of Davenport, Wash. Miss Muldoon has been teaching in Seattle and has received a life diploma from the state board of education. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [23] ---------- E x c h a n g e s To our exchanges: May you continue to be as profitable and entertaining throughout the year as your first issue proves you can be. We have enjoyed you all. Come again. We welcome "The Pacific Wave" as the first survival of a summer's sleep to make its appearance and wave a welcome. The Wave —long may she wave! To Lewis S., champion heavyweight: "When you wish a suit, go to Ferndale. There is a first class Taylor there." We recommend to all homesick students the article "College Homesickness" in the Col­lege Independent. Here is where I lose a little ground," said the tramp as he stepped into a bath tub.—Ex. The average girl likes to be told that she is sensitive but she objects to being called "touchy."—Ex.. "There's room at the top," the Senior said, As he placed his hand on the Junior's head.'" Read the second editorial in The Kodak and —go thou and do likewise. Eugene, can't you arrange to have your football team visit Whatcom? The girls would try to make it pleasant for you. The article, "Choose Well Your Reading and Respect Your Speech," in the Normal Record is worthy of notice as is also the group of intelligent looking young men ond women pictured on the fly leaf. Three French boys were studying a volume of Shakespeare in their own tongue, their task being to render it into English. They came to Hamlet's soliloquy, "To be or not to be," and here are their three renderings: "To was or not to am." "To were or is it not." "To should or not to will." We wish to congratulate the elitors of "The Enterprise" on the appearance of their enter­prising little paper. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [24] ---------- J o k e s "Why am I like a camel?" asked one Phil-omathian punster to another. "Because you carry a load," wearily responded his cam-panion. "No. because I get a hump on my­self." What makes Mr. Doran the most popular boy in the Senior class? For information concerning boats and prices thereof, see Miss Evans. Some Normal boy could not see why spoon in German is masculine gender and fork feminine. Truly, our fair laddie has much to learn. I'm glad that Dr. Bowman's desk Has so much room inside, So that when I get beneath it I have so much room to hide. And when I'm underneath it And the boy's club meets in there, Dr. Bowman can never see me When he sits there in his chair. A-L-E. German Teacher—"What is the German word for large? Miss Gross may answer." Why is it the Senior class can never sing the musical scale ? Because Do-ran. Normal girl (passing in front of bashful Normal boy)—"Excuse me." B. N. B.— "You're welcome." Heard in Zoology;—"A grasshopper is like a railroad man—he always eats in a hurry." A little boy in Fairhaven became angry at his mamma. "Mamma," said he, "do you be­lieve in 'solidation?" "Yes, dear," answered mamma. "Well, I don't, mamma; I don't believe in anything you do." When the Seniors leave next June, they will have endeared themselves to us so we may ask them to come back and settle here. Signed: Senior Treasurer. The supervisor of the training school, speaking to a little boy in class: "Little boy, you should never say 'yes,' but *y€S gt; Miss Tro-manhauser.' Little boy, very timidly, "I can't." ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [25] ---------- In the geometry classes the boys must be accurate, but if one of the girls says "quadri­lateral" when she means "parallelogram," Prof. Forrest excuses her on the ground that "girls do not always mean what they say." If some one sits on a pin, what disease has he ? Apindeseatis. Practice Teacher, hurriedly whispering as she sees the supervisor approaching, "Gauzy means thin." Then more loudly, "Use gauzy in a sentence." "My dog is a gauzy one," responded the youngster. eeeeeeessseeeeeee© J. N. Selby O. Co School Supplies Books, Stationery Always Something New, Always Up to Date . . . Phone Red 514 1244 Holly Street ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [26] ---------- Day and Night The rising sun at daybreak Smiled upon the sleeping earth. O'er all reigned peace and silence Neither sound of toil or mirth. But the morning wind was wakened And! among the leaves it stirred, Bringing sleepy notes of welcome From the nest of every bird. The blazing sun at noontide Saw a happy, busy world, For the miller sang right gaily As his great wheel hummed and whirled, And the birds sang in the treetops And the mowers in the field Whistled blithely as the long grass To their sweeping scythes did yield. The setting sun at evening Ere he seeks his night's repose Paints earth and sea and1 sky with crimson, Tints each cloud with gold and rose; Sees the swallow turning homeward Weary with a long day's flight Then he sinks behind the mountain Bidding all the world, "Good Night." The silent, deepening twilight falls on the sea once more As the slowly fading sunset Dies away on yonder shore And the fisher turning homeward Like the swallow to its nest Murmurs as his boat he anchors, "After labor, sweet is rest." The moon upon the mountain Keeps watch o'er the sleeping earth. Over all reigns peace and' silence: Hushed all sounds of toil and mirth But the clock in yonder tower Like a deep-voiced sentinel Seems to say at every hour, "God is with you, all is well." —M. S. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [27] ---------- Headquarters for Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats and : : : : Caps, Shoes and Furnishing Goods : : : : Globe 0otftiiid Company OAN MCCUSH, MANAGER 106 Solly Street •««• Whatcom CITYPROPERTY FARMLANDS Manuf'g Sites Water and Rail Seeing is belieJnng PACIFIC REALTY CO. FABWAVEN, WASH, Cascade Laundry W. H. DAVIS, PROPRIETOR Fifteen years' experience. We solicit a share of your patronage, and guarantee our work to be first-class. TELEPHONE BLACK 3 25 Brock's Bad Cold Breakers The only quick and reliable Cold Cure that is not injurious NO QUININE, NO BROMIDES TRY THEM ONCE fi DeChamplain firaham JHg OWL PHARMACY ^W Cor. OocK a n d H o l l y S i s. It is not only words but the merits of the Goods KNABE, HARDMAN, FISCHER PIANOS ESTEY, MASON HAMLIN ORGANS On B a s y T e r m s A t RAMAKER MUSIC CO. 1249 ELKISTREET PHONE RED 4 81 # ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [28] ---------- PACIFIC STEAM LAUNDRY ESTABLISHED 1889 FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED UDNESS ERHOI.M, Props. 'Phone Main 2281 Elk St. Coal and Wood Yard TRUNKEY S O N , PROPRIETORS Roslyn and Blue Canyon Coal and Dry Fir Wood deliv­ered to any part of the city. PHONE MAIN 2381 WHATCOM FORD'S Stands for the "BEST" in Butter, Sweet Cream and Ice Cream. Phone Red 17a 505|HolIy St. W. Before Buying: Groceries, Telephone Main 2261 Williams, Tatman Provost All Goods Fresh and Up-to-Date You are always welcome to visit our store. We carry just what you need Photo Supplies, Stationery Pyrography Outfits Pictures, Bric-a-Brac Evans' Art Store HOLLY STREET ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [29] ---------- The Cry of tKe Forest I stood by the boisterous ocean Where the forest came down to the shore. I heard1 in the pine trees behind me A sad and disconsolate roar. As if the sturdy old giants, That had stood for the centuries gone Were weeping and wailing in anguish At civilization's' dawn. I could hear the axe of the woodsman, As tree after tree he fell. It seemed that a goddess of vengeance Was working some terrible spell. Till back in the grand old firest I heard a wearisome wail That mingled in sadness and longing With the ocean's answering gale. "Come back! O come back to the forest! Come back! O ye red men of yore, Come, dwell again 'neath the branches, Come, fish on the still rocky shore, Come, hunt again in the thicket For the bear, the elk, and the deer O, tell me the stories and legends Of the days when your fathers were here!" And then in the great old pine trees 'Twas more silent than ever before, But my thoughts were away in the forest, And I longed for the old days once more, The days of the elk and the cougar, The days when the Indian was here, The days when the forest I loved so, Had nothing—no nothing—to fear. Then drive from our wild Western forests, The hand that blights and destroys And bring again to the woodland The life that the red man enjoys. Bring back the elk and the cougar, Drive away him who e'er turns the sod, O! let this land ne'er be for man, But the hallowed spot of God! ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [30] ---------- g g ^ g a a i i i i i i n i THE GAGE-DODSON GO. Sell Standard Goods Hart, Schafiner Marx Fine Clothing, Monarch Shirts, Perrin Dent's Gloves, and High Grades of Men's Furnishings. Fischer Building Cor. Dock and Holly Sts. Try Sherman's 200 page Compost' tion book, at 25 Cents. Also, Pen forated Tablet, at 5 Cents J j These never fail yoti. Paper Weight—Normal Building—25 Cents. SHERMAN'S A. Q. WICKMAN ...The Tailor... Phone Red 1871 310 E. Holly Street WHATCOH, WASH Munro, Blake Haskell We have the largest and most com­plete up-to-date line of cutlery on the Bay. Every piece warranted as represented or money refunded on presentation of returned goods. ; : Monro, Blake $ fiaskell ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [31] ---------- GAS ^ T I J ^ ^ F O R STUDYING AND READING ^3jS IS SOFTER AND EASIER ON ^ P * THE EYES THAN ANY OTHER 2 l t ARTIFICIAL LIGHT. $2.00 PER WRC THOUSAND FEET FOR COOKING NO DIRT. TURN A VALVE AND LIGHT GAS WHEN READY TO COOK. EXPENSE CEASES AS SOON AS THE GAS IS SHUT OFF. $1.75 PER THOUSAND FEET. COKE Cft|9 MAKES A CLEAN, HOT FIRE ^ l * * $4.50 PER TON DELIVERED *8ff0 IN BULK. $5.00 PER TON I DELIVERED IN SACKS Wftatcom Bounty Railway ana Eight Co. telephone main 121 301 lit. fiolly St., Wfcatco* ---------- Normal Messenger - 1903 November - Page [32] ---------- ^ N Clothing, fit and work­manship are the two es­sential features—Stein- Bloch Clothes combine these requisites in the superlative degree, and almost any well-dressed man will tell you that he would as soon have a Stein-Bloch as a custom made suit, and save himself from $5 to $15 on the deal besides. We are sole agents. Suits and Overcoats, $15 to $25. COX-OVERLOCK CO. 211 East Holly St., Hannah Block. WHATCOMPPPPP