1905_0601 ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Cover ---------- Normal Messenger June 1904 ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page [i] ---------- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BIRNEY GOODHEART Physicians and Surgeons Rooms i, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Red Front Bldg X-RAY WORK A SPECIALTY Office 'Phone Main 2331 Residence 'Phone 3231 A. MACRAE SMITH, M. D. Telephone Red 2371 Office, Red Front Building BEIXINGHAM, WASH, DR. C. O. REED PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PHONES— OFFICE— Residence, Red 2832 Red Front Block. Office, Black 2501 W. D. KIRKPATRICK, M. D. ADDIE F. KIRKPATRICK, M. D. Rooms 16 and 17, Fischer Block 'Phones—Residence, Red 44 —Office, Red 44 Office f 10 to 12 a. m. Telephone, Black 835 Hours I 2 to 5 p. m. Res. Telephone, Black 2231 DR. WILBUR N. HUNT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE: BELUNGHAM. Rooms A and B, Red Front Block WASHINGTON' DR. I. W. POWELL X-RAY WORK A SPECIALTY Rooms 1, 2 and 12 Lighthouse Block BELLINGHAM, WASH. THE BIG 4 « DR. FELLOWS' UNIVERSAL BLOOD PURIFIER JW OR. FELLOWS' CASGARA HEALTH FILLS ^A DR. FELLOWS' OERMAGURA OINTMENT ^mW. DR. FELLOWS' OERMAGURA SOAF ^W The above remedies constitute the famous Big 4 prescriptions of Dr. Eugene Fellows, of Buffalo, N. Y. They are a specific for all skin and blood diseases. Exema, Tforiasis, Itch, Tetter, Ring Worm. The four remedies at one time, price, $1.75. Sold by DECH AM PLAIN GRAHAM O W L . P H A R M A C Y Cor. Dock Holly Sts. Phone Main 2021. Free Delivery ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page [ii] ---------- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY MODERN DENTAL PARLORS DR. O. C. GILBERT, MANAGER -TX 11 T.I~,I, / i°8 West Holly Street Holly Block j lJf)$ D o c k str^t 'Phone Black 1871 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Examinations Free DR. C. A. DARLING DENTIST Rooms 18 and 19 Fischer Block Corner Dock and Holly Streets PHONE BLACK 75 BELLINGHAM, WASH. 'Phone Red 512 Red Front Block DR. E. EMORY ROSS DENTIST MANAGER OF THE CITY DENTAL PARLORS DR. C. J. MINTON SURGEON DENTIST Rooms 9,10 and 12 Bellingham, Wash. Fischer Block DR. T. M. BARLOW DENTIST Rooms 3-4-5-6 Phone Black 2651 Xighthouse Block -Office 'Phone, Red 471 Residence 'Phone Red 694 CHAS. L. HOLT, M. D. Specialties: Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Rooms 1 and 2 Fischer Block STUDENTS Who's better able to take care of your teeth than the Whatcom Dental Parlors DR. CHAS. C. TURNER, MGR. OLOVBR BLOOK ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page [iii] ---------- • FACULTY EDWARD T. MATHES, Ph. D., Principal, His­tory and Pedagogy WASHINGTON WILSON, Psychology and Peda­gogy JOHN T. FORREST, Ph. B., Mathematics FRANCIS W. EPLY, A. B., Physical Sciences Miss HENRIETTA MOORE, Ph. D., English Miss BLANCHE EVANS, English Miss IDA A. BAKER, A. M., Mathematics Miss ADA HOGLE, B. P., Drawing Miss FRANCES HAYES, Reading and Physical Culture ALEXANDER P. ROMINE, A. B., Bilogical Sciences MISS MABEL M. MOORE, Vocal Music EDWARD N. STONE, A. M., Latin and German J. N. BOWMAN, Ph. D., History MISS TALLULAH LECONTE, Physical Training Miss HENRIETTA J. TROMANHAUSER, Ph. B., Supervisor Training School Miss EDNA HORNER, Critic Teacher, Gram­mar Grades Miss CORA BRATTON, Critic Teacher, Inter­mediate Grades Miss CATHERINE MONTGOMERY, Critic Teach­er Primary Grades Miss MABEL ZOE WH.SON, A. B., Librarian ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page [iv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Byron Grocery Co. 5 INCORPORATED ] DAIRY PRODUCTS AND GROCERIES Our grades of Teas and Coffees are the best. Our Green Vegetables are fresh daily. Our Butter, Cheese and E g g s - no better to be found. Our Canned Goods best on the market. Our prices are right and quick delivery. I BYRON GROCERY CO. j 5 Daylight Block 'Phone Main 200 £ 5 Elk Street BELLINGHAM, WASH. \ GEO. E. LUDWIG WATCHMAKER AND MANUFACTURING JEWELER FINE WATCH REPAIRING AGATES CUT AND POLISHED TO ORDER ARTISTIC ENGRAVING JEWELRY MANUFACTURING Bring in your old gold and have in made into new jewelry 1322 Dock Street Bellingham, Wash. VIENNA SftKERY 6flF 120 Holly Street A. MEY DEN BAUER Birthday and Wedding Cakes a Specialty TRY SHERMAN'S 200 page Composition Book at 25 Cents Also, Perforated Tablet at 5 Cents THESE NEVER FAIL YOU Paper Weight—Normal Building—25 Cents SHERMAN'S ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page [3] ---------- THE NORMAL MESSENGER JUNE, 1905 THE EDUCATION OF ANCIENT INDIA AKHOY KUMAR "How lies he there And none so poor to do him reverence." WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, the world's immortal poet has very fittingly put these words into the mouth of Anthony when delivering Caesar's funeral address. This is the true sentiment of a faithful, human heart when it finds its vanquished friend is slighted by those who were once loud in their applause. This is the sentiment which every worthy child of Mother India—the mother of the world's civilization—will express when his motherland is spoken of in an insulting term and tone. There is no denial of truth that she is to-day politically fallen, losing her in­dependence and glory, at the same time it must be admitted without contradicting that fact, that she has still retained some of her noblest traits of character which the nations of the world may well imitate. The fact that India was once great and civilized; that she had regular systems in her social and political instiutions as good as can be seen in any modern civilized country is gradually and daily passing beyond credit. Still it is a fact, nevertheless. She had a system of education for her once proud child­ren though according to some of the modern writers they have been mercilessly called the semi-barbarous people of Ganjetic Valley. Yes, it is a fact that a system of education prevailing in the past was quite different in nature to that of the present as the time and ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page 4 ---------- 4 The Normal Messenger demand of it were quite different. Con­sequently it would not be considered fair play if we judged it by our modern criterion. Notwithstanding the fact some of its phases will appear in no way inferior to the modern improved system if they are put side by side for comparative study. If we are to quote the modern and most reliable authorities who are known to have studied history scientifically we will find t h at the Hindoo civilization has been standing for six or seven thousand years. Civilization which has stood for such a long time cannot fail to awake the interest of the thinking world and cannot be without culture and knowledge. This culture must be based on a system or systems. From the dawn of Hin­doo civilization down to a period five hun­dred years ago there was a sj^stem of educa­tion modified here and there according to the demand of the times, but to the same end always. To understand that we are to pre­pare ourselves so that we may be always conscious not to fall into misjudgement, for we are talking of ancient India, of a time when the dawn of European civilization was far remote in the future. It was the custom with the Hindoos to send over their children at the age of five to a preceptor's house to be trained and edu­cated in almost all useful branches of art and industry so that they might prove worthy citizens of their country. The pupils lived here in their adopted home for twenty years before they returned to their parental shelter as accomplished scholars, physically, morally and spiritually. The life which they led here is called the life of celebacy in the best trans­lation of the sanscript word—Bhomho-chairja. Still it must be admitted that "celibacy" is a poor word for the sanscript word. The pupils in their precepto's protection made no scruple to tell every condition of their body ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page 5 ---------- The Normal Messenger 5 and mind to their preceptor. It always tend­ed to a good result physically and morally. A brief daily routine for the work of the student will show conclusively what the real education means. In the ancient world this routine was put in imperative form. It runs thus:— That the pupils should leave their beds before dawn and wash themselves, plunging into water, put on a washed garment and take breathing exercise, expanding their lungs and with the rising sun say their prayers to eternal omnipresent God, the Creator, the father, the protector and the destroyer (of evil) without beginning or end. That the pupils should not put on dresses used the day before without washing. That they should study after morning prayer an hour and a half with undivided attention and read with good articulation. That they should go to their manual work after study. They could choose any work they liked. These are the manual works— to chop wood, draw water, plough the field, graze the cattle, make furniture for pupils use, to attend kitchen, to go out to beg for the maintenance of the school. That they should take their dinner a t noon, after saying a short noon prayer and take an hour's rest before going to study and then study till five. That they should change their dress and wash their body before the vesper and sing a hymn to the Almighty, then when it was dark take their night meal such as fruit, nuts, milk, etc., but not an cooked meal. After an hour's rest following the night meal, study an hour and then think good thoughts for some time before going to bed. Besides this routine work the advanced students were taught how to concentrate their thoughts and to meditate. According to Hindoo conception, without concentration, ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page 6 ---------- 6 The Normal Messenger meditation cannot be possible. By prac­ticing concentration, Hindoo students would get wonderful retentive power. Even now here and there students may be found in Hin-doostan who can repeat a book simply from reading it once. From this one-sided description one might think that there was no arrangement for female education in the whole ancient Hindoo world. But the case was quite contrary. Women were given as much facility to educa­tion as men though under differant organiza­tions. Some of the well reputed Hindoo ladies excelled so much in their knowledge that they dared to challenge the then known most distinguished scholars to debate with them in large public meetings especially con­vened for that purpose. Truth to say before all scholars in India they gave most shame­ful defeats to them. The name of Algebra will ever remain associated with Lulabati, the famous Hindoo lady who first founded the system of Algebra. The Hindoo astron­omy owes its development much to Khana, another distinguished lady. By dint of their knowledge Hindoo ladies rose socially higher than the men. Nowhere in the world were the women given so high a place as in India. From this we can judge that the education of India was once fruitful and it gave to the Hindoos their manhood, because knowledge is power. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page 7 ---------- The Normal Messenger 7 THE CLASS OF 1905 Yakity Yak! Kiak Ki Ive! Yakity Yak! Kiak Ki Ive! Seniors! Seniors! 1905! The class of 1905 as Juniors were noisy— in other words, they let themselves be known, but they evidently began their senior year with the firm resolve to be "quiet." Through­out the entire year they have conducted them­selves with the dignity of Seniors. Early in the spring they gave up their ambition of making their farewell a brilliant affair and de­voted all their energies to raising funds on which to go to the Portland Exposition. How they have succeeded we all know. The members of the class of 1905 are: Gertrude Aldridge, Elsie Anthon, Susie Andrews, Edith Austin, Lillian Burke, Meda Carlson, Stella Carlson, Grace Dickey, Grace Drake, Anna Drummond, Mrs. C. H. Eldridge, Isabel Gibson, Cassie Gifford, Myrl Hays, Katherine Hauts, Edna Hallock, Adelaide Haulsin. Lissa Howlett, Jessie Jameson, Alice Kibbe, Lynus A. Kibbe, Evalyn Kirkpatrick,. Josie Little, Winnie McMullen, Isabelle Mc- Rae, Violet Morgan, Albra Paddock, May Pillman, Harry Raymond, Nellie Ramsey, Charlotte Stewart, Myrtle Williams, Marie Wheeler, Nellie Roberts, Bessie Service, Ople Swank, Birdie Winchell. t ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page 8 ---------- 8 The Normal Messenger THE NORMAL MESSENGER Published Monthly by the Students of THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON EDITORIAL STAFF HELEN WHITNEY, 'o6 Editor-in-Chief ANNA CUTHBERTSON Associate Editor FLORENCE MONTGOMERY, '07 Literary LOTTIE FLEMING, '06 - - ) . T „ a l a EDNA HALLOCK, '05 - - j " " ' i*ocais MARJORY SPRATT, '08, Y. W. C. A. - - - - Alumni ANNIE DRUMMOND, '05, Sirius Sinus NOAH DAVENPORT, '08 Athletics TERMS—FIFTY CENTS A YEAR Address all communications to the Editor-in-chief, Bellingham, Wn. Issued the 15th of every month. All copy must be in the hands o f the editor-in-chief on or before the 9th of the month. Entered December 21, 1902, at Bellingham, Washington, as second-class matter, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Vol. IV. JUNE, 1905 No. 7 EDITORIALS By the time this number of the Messenger reaches you the Seniors will have returned from their trip to the Portland Exposition and most of you will be enjoying your sum­mer vacation. Perhaps some of you if not all will be disappointed that the annual com­mencement number of the Messenger is not as elaborate nor as extensive this year as formally. The only explanation we wish to offer for the modest appearance of this issue is that it was found impractical to publish the usual extra commencement number this year. We are sorry, but it cannot be helped. This year the Faculty are again holding a summer session of school with Prof. F. W. Eply in charge. Besides teachers from the surrounding towns in attendance there are quite a number of Normal students taking up extra work in order that they may graduate or go on with their regular work next Sep­tember when school again opens. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page 9 ---------- The Normal Messenger 9 At a school election held June 8, Miss Sarah Van Reypen, a member of the class of 1906, -was elected editor-in-chief of the Normal Messenger for the coming year. May she liave every success and the generous support of every member of the school. Those who liave never had the experience little realize what it means to try to keep up a school paper with little help or encouragement from fellow students or from the members of the Faculty. To those who return I would wish to say the success of the Messenger next year depends on you as well as on the editor-in-chief or her staff. The article "Education of Ancient India," was written by Mr. Mazundar, though that is not the name he has signed. THE FACULTY E. T. M.— "A roisy man—right plump to see." W. W.— "What! this man will outtalk us all." J. T. P . - "He braves the world and can defy Its frowns and flatteries." F. W. E . - "Who the important 'little man' that visits here!" H. E. M . - "Her least remark was worth The experience of the wise." B. M. E.— "She gives a side glance and looks down." I. A. B.— "The sweetest lady that ever I looked upon." A. H . - "She was intensely of the feminine type "verging neither to saint nor to the angel." ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page 10 ---------- 10 The Normal Messenger F. S. H.— " Swift of tongue, of noble speech, Learning ever, wise to teach." A. P. R . - "The love of fun in him was something quite peculiar." M. M. M.— "She taketh most delight in music, in­strument and poetry." E. N. S.— "There he is with his eternal puns." J. N. B . - " I t well becomes a young man to be modest." T. L e C - "She is nice and coy." H. J. T . - "A woman whose heart is warmer than her temper and that is never cool." E . H . - " The smallest lady alive! " C. F . B . - "She cannot endure to hear tell of a hus­band." C. M.— " Wise is she—and sweet withal Queen in life's great festival." M. Z. W. " She had an eye that would speak though her tongue were silent." N. C - " Pungent as pepper." A SENIOR "Oh chaste heart! Oh exalted soul! Oh creature full of nobleness." (Pigmies are pigmies still though perched on Alps.) A JUNIOR "You could not light upon a sweeter thing." ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page 11 ---------- The Normal Messenger 11 THIRD YEARS "Don't chatter or tell people all you think." SOPHOMORES " I ( should not urge thy duty past thy weight; I know young bloods long for a time of rest." A FRESHIE " 0 thou bright thing, fresh from the hand of God!" How gentle and how good a child. EDITORS "Thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting." COMMENCEMENT WEEK TRAINING SCHOOL Friday afternoon, June 9, the training school gave its final entertainment in the gym­nasium. The program was given by the grammar and primary departments under Miss Horner and Miss Montgomery. Several weeks before the intermediate depart­ment under Miss Bratton had entertained the rest of the training school, so a t this pro­gram they, together with parents and friends of the children were the guests. After the entertainment the children passed to their respective rooms, received their grade cards and were dismissed for their summer vacation. THE SENIOR PLAY The Senior entertainment given June 9, was a decided success in every particular. It was original and was well rendered throughout, showing t h a t it had received careful prepara­tion. The opening number, bytheSubmerino Band was especially good and probably owes i t s great success to the excellent leadership of Miss Isabelle McRae. It is difiicult to com- ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page 12 ---------- 12 The Normal Messenger ment on each number, for they were all good. The printed programs in themselves were well gotten up. The program for the evening was: I. Overture Submerino Band II. Lecture Wild Animals I Have Caught Durnest Thornthumb Settin III. A Musin* Quartette Obituaries (Only one encore prepared for this number.) IV. lecture— The Lewis and Clark Exposition, by America's "Prince of Orators" Alphonzo Hattaive. Illustrated from the life of all nations. V. Solo—Illustrated from life. (Sung with great suc­cess at the Kennel Club Exhibit at Seattle this spring by Benjamin Harrison Shane Raymond.) VI. Twentieth Century Bluebeard—In two acts. I. J. Pingpang Mokhan A Senior 2 Archibald de Smythe Bro. to Charles 3. Charles de Smythe Bro. to Arch. 4. Marie de Smythe Pingpang's wife 5. Anne de Smythe Sister to Marie 6. Madam de Smythe.. . Mother to, 2, 3, 4, 5 VII. Class Song. CHORAL CLUB CONCERT The Choral Club, with Miss Mabel Moore as director, has given three excellent concerts during this school year. The last one, given June 10th, was exceedingly well rendered. Miss Georgie Ellis was accompanist. The program was: 1. Hail Hero Hail Wagner Normal Choral Club. 2. Ninon Tosti Mr. Harry Raymond. 3. O, Holy Night Adam Normal Choral Club. 4. Ave Maria Mascogni Miss Lizzie Smith. 5. (a) Happy and Light From the Bohemian Girl (b) Phantom Chorus Prom La Sonnambula Normal Choral Club. 6. Poet and Peasant Overture Suppe Misses Georgie Ellis and Carrie Lewis. 7. Roses in June German Miss Florence Hughes. 8. The Rosary Moni Miss Frankie Sullivan. 9. Good Night, Farewell Garrett Normal Choral Club. THE BACCALAUREATE SERMON The baccalaureate sermon was delivered ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page 13 ---------- The Normal Messenger 13 Sunday afternoon, June 11, by Rev. James Thompson, pastor of the South End Presby­terian church. The class filed to their places in a group to a march played by Mrs. E. T. Mathes. The sermon was preceded by a solo by Miss Mabel Moore. GRADUATING EXERCISES The commencement week exercises ended Tuesday, June 13, in the auditorium, when the thirty-seven graduates received their diplomas. The address was given by J. J. Donovan of this city. Mr. Donovan is a member of the Board of Trustees and his ad­dress was much appreciated. This was followed by a few appropriate remarks by Dr. Mathes and the presentation of diplomas. During the exercises solos were sung by Miss Frankie Sullivan of the Junior class and Miss Isabelle McRae of the Senior class. Miss Hogle has planned to spend her sum­mer writing a text book on drawing. Most of the contents of the work will be taken from material furnished her by students in their test papers. In order that her book may be well advertised she wishes to put be­fore the public a few of the definitions which the book will contain. gt;N EGYPTIAN ART.— The scarabeus means famine. The beetle means trouble. The winged beetle is part of a warrior. The swelling asp is the bud of the lotuc lower. The winged crow means luck. The circle is a sun god. The zig-zag denotes abundance. The fret is the scroll in the form of a square. •ERSPBCTINE AND COLOR WORK:— Forshortening is convergence of rays of ight to produce near-sightedness. Objects far away are foreshortened. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page 14 ---------- 14 The Normal Messenger The base of a cylinder is an eclipse. The apex of a line is over the base. The level of the eye goes up as you pass away. Foreshortening is using a stronger tint to make things show up, i Accent is loudening a color. A complementary color furnishes a picture. Hue is a modification of the application of color. Shade is a delicate tint of color. Shade is a variety. Drawing makes one understand implicitly. NORMAL GEOGRAHPY:— Library—A place to be seen but not heard* Gymnasium—A modern torture chamber. Work-Room—A secret chamber in the train­ing school where critic teachers and other members of the faculty are discussed by prac­tice teachers. Manual trainining room—A place where students learned and wise revert to old times and babyhood pies. History room—The garden of the Gods foi there dates abound. Oral expression room—A place whence com* the most unearthly sounds. Latin room—Here all who enter abandot hope. Physics room—A place where future Edisoni may try their skill. Critics office—Here practice teachers entei with trembling and return in tears. Music room—Go to Prof. Stone for a de scription of this region. Psychology room—A place where natura gas is generated. Cloak room—A place where umbrellas an lt; rubbers may be left but never found. Auditorium—Where students gather dail; t o receive small sized lectures and sermonettes ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page 15 ---------- The Normal Messenger 15 NORMAL PHYSIOLOGY:— The Brain—A cavity in the child's head which the teacher is expected to fill. Tongue—The teacher's sharpest weapon. Heart—A thing never to be mentioned in polite society. Nerves—Things which do not exist but to which we attribute all our cranky spells. Matrimony—A disease never caught by Normal students. Love—A disease similar to the measles, to which all Normal graduates must be declared immune. When Normal's last final is over And clearing up spell is done, When the teachers have graded our papers And the Seniors have had their fun, We shall rest, and in faith we shall need it. Go home for a month or two Until we come back in September To begin our school work anew. And those who have worked shall be happy; And those who have loafed shall lament For the passing grades that they have not And the hours in idleness spent. And some shall rejoice on that morning And some shall turn sadly away Reluctant to leave the old Normal Where they've spent many bright busy days. Then the halls that now echo our voices Shall be cold and dreary and still; The building shall stand as a lonely Sentinel, there on the hill. M. S., '07. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page [v] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS ENGBERG'S PHARMACY Corner Elk and Holly HEADQUARTERS EASTMAN'S KODAKS lt; PHOTO SUPPLIES PACIFIC BINDERY J. E. IMPEY, Proprietor Magazines and Books Bound and Rebound Call and see our new and up-to-date Bindery WHITE HOUSE B'LD'G, W. HOLLY ST. BELLINQHAM, WASH. Card Boards and Flat Papers The Largest Assortment in Bellingham 1311 Railroad Ave. EDSON IRISH J THE GAGE=D0DS0N CO. jg Sell Standard Goods j | Hart, Schaffner Marx Fine Clothing, Monarch g Shirts, Perrin Dent's Gloves, and High Grades B of Men's Furnishings. Fischer Building Cor. Dock and Holly Sts, Friends of the Normal School can show their appreciation of theinstitution in no better way than by assisting it to maintain an interesting and creditable magazine. That is what the MESSENGER proposes to be. You can help it in three ways. First, by advertising in its columns. Second, by subscribing. Last but not least, by PATRONIZING ITS ADVERTISERS ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page [vi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS PACIFIC STEAM LAUNDRY ESTABLISHED 1889 BUSIEST, BIGGEST, BEST CDNBSS ERHOLM 'Phone Main 126 B. B. Grocery Co. Largest Stock Lowest Prices Fresh Fruits and Vegetables received every morning ST. JOSEPHS HOSPITAL BELLINGHM HEIGHTS RED CROSS PHARMACY D. I. GREEN AND COMPANY PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Phone Main 119 Free Delivery A, G. WICKMAN ...The Tailor... Phone Red 1871 no E. Holly Street BELLINQHAH, WASH. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 June - Page [vii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS ATRETIC GOODS Of AU Kinds NORTHWEST HARDWARE CO. 213 WEST HOLLY STREET LARSON'S LIVERY TRANSFER WOOD AND COAL 13*8-30 Blk St. Phone Main y gt; HANS PEARSON WHOLESALE RETAIL GROCER 1021-1023 ELK ST. Your money back if goods are not satisfactory Telephone Main 3311 H. C. HENRY, Pres. R. R- SPRNCBR, Vice-Pres BANK OF BELLINGHAM (SUCCESSOR TO BANK OF WHATCOM) Interest Paid Oo Term Deposits H. I,. MKRRITT. Mgr. S. A. POST, Cashie . • — • i E. *. Hrih frn. E. 0. Inm, fin-Tru. C K. •cHillla, CatbM THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BELLINGHAM, WASH. Capital $100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $30,00 INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITSPPPPP