1905_1101 ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Cover ---------- THE NORMAL MESSENGER Bellingham, Washington Monthly November, 1905 ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page [i] ---------- Stat? Normal Srljnnl BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON Second Semester will open January 29, '06 lflEW classes will be organized at the opening 4 * of the Second Semester, including classes in the common branches and first grade sub­jects in addition to the regular subjects of the various courses of study. PROMINENT FEATURES Two good buildings; new dining hall; cat­alogued library; large museum; physical, chem­ical and biological laboratories; stereoptican and dark rooms; gymnasium with dressing rooms and baths; manual training department; large, well-equipped training school; beautiful auditorium. ADMISSION AND EXPENSES Text Books are loaned free. Students may enter at any time. Opportunity is offered to work for board. Library fee is $10—one-half is returnable. Board and room costs from $3.75 to $4-25 per week. EDWARD T. MATHES, PRINCIPAL BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page [ii] ---------- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BlRNEY GOODHEART Physicians and Surgeons Rooms i, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Red Front Bldg X-RAY WORK A SPECIALTY Office 'Phone Main 2231 Residence 'Phone 3231 A. MACRAE SMITH, M. D. Telephone Red 2371 Office, Red Front Building BELUNGHAM, WASH. DR. C. O. REED PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ONES— OFFICE— Residence, Main 2951 Red Front Block Office, Black 2501 W. D. KIRKPATRICK, M. D. ADDIE F. KIRKPATRICK, M. D. Rooms 16, 17 and 18, Fischer Block. Phones—Residence, Black 1462 —Office, Red 44 Office f 10 to 12 a. m. Telephone, Black 835 Hours I 2 to 5 p. m. Res. Telephone, Black 2231 DR. WILBUR N. HUNT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE: BELLINGHAM, Rooms A and B, Red Front Block WASHINGTON Office Hours—9 to 12; 1 to 5; 7 to 8 Office Phone Black 2051 Sundays by Appointment S. J. TORNEY, M. D. Bye, Bar, Nose, Throat Glasses Properly Fitted Office, Rooms 18-19 Red Front Building BELLINQHAM, WASH. Office Hours Phones— 10 to 12 a. m. Office, Main 4 2 to 5 p. m. Residence, Main 3141 F. V. SHUTE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office, Rooms 7 and 8, Fischer Block BELLINQHAM, WASH. DR. W. C. KEYES RED FRONT BUILDING Office Phone Red 832 Residence Phone Red 302 BELLINQHAM, WASHINGTON ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page [iii] ---------- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY MODERN DENTAL PARLORS DR. O. C. GILBERT, MANAGER » „ I I TJWI / i°8 West Holly Street Holly Block | I3Q5 D o c k s t r e e t 'Phone Black 1871 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Examinations Free DR. C. A. DARLING DENTIST Rooms 18 and 19 Fischer Block Corner Dock and Holly Streets PHONE BLACK 75 BELLINGHAM, WASH. DR. J. C. MINTON SURGEON DENTIST Rooms 9, 10 and 12 Office Phone Red 263 Fischer Block Residence Phone Black 1868 DR. T. M. BARLOW DENTIST Rooms 3-4-5-6 Phone Black 2651 l i g h t h o u s e Block Residence Phone Black 2471 Office 'Phone, Red 471 Residence 'Phone Red 694 CHAS. L. HOLT, M. D. Specialties: Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Rooms z and 2 Fischer Block GEO. E. LUDWIG WATCHMAKER AND MANUFACTURING JEWELER FINS WATCH REPAIRING AGATES CUT AND POLISHED TO ORDER ARTISTIC ENGRAVING JEWELRY MANUFACTURING Bring in your old gold and have it made into new jewelry 1322 Dock Street Bellingham, Wash. VIENNA BAKERY 6AF 120 Holly Street A. MEY DEN BAUER Birthday and Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. H. MOCK ~SONS Professional Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers Slade Block, Elk St. Telephones: Main 186, Main 3871, Black 2922 We carry the largest stock of funeral supplies north of Seattle Shipping bodies a specialty ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page [iv] ---------- FACULTY EDWARD T. MATHES, Ph. D., Principal, His­tory and Pedagogy WASHINGTON WILSON, Psychology and Peda­gogy JOHN T. FORREST, Ph. B„ Mathematics FRANCIS W. EPLY, A. B., Physical Sciences Miss M. BELLE SPERRY, A. M., English Miss ELNORA BELLE MILLER, A. B., English Miss IDA A. BAKER, A. M., Mathematics Miss ADA HOGLE, B. P., Drawing Miss FRANCES HAYES, Reading and Physical Culture ALEXANDER P. ROMINE, A. B., Bilogical Sciences Miss MABEL M. MOORE, Vocal Music EDWARD N. STONE, A. M., Latin and German J. N. BOWMAN, Ph. D., History Miss TALLULAH LECONTE, Physical Training H. G. LULL, A. B., (Chicago University,) Supervisor Training School Miss EDNA HORNER, Critic Teacher, Gram­mar Grades Miss NELLD3 A. GRAY, Critic Teacher, 5th and 6th Grades MRS. ADA WILSON SMITH, Pd. B., Critic Teacher, 3d and 4th Grades MISS CATHERINE MONTGOMERY, Critic Teach­er, Primary Grades MISS MABEL ZOE WDLSON, A. B., Librarian ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page [v] ---------- AD VERTISEMENTS Byron Grocery Co. \ ? INCORPORATED ? 1 DAIRY PRODUCTS AND GROCERIES \ \ "* \ Our grades of Teas and Coffees J ? are the best. \ \ Our Green Vegetables are fresh \ \ daily. 5 I Our Butter, Cheese and Eggs— 5 \ no better to be found. \ \ Our Canned Goods best on the \ | market. | 5 Our prices are right and quick | 5 delivery. S \ * i I BYRON GROCERY CO. 5 Daylight Block 'Phone Main 200 J # * 5 1207 Elk Street BEIXINGHAM, WASH. ? I 1 NO MORE NOTE BOOKS FOR EVERY CLASS. INSTEAD USE THE Simplex National Note Book NO. 3805 AT 40 CENTS. FOUND AT SHERMAN'S IIO WEST HOLLY STREET HAVE YOUR TEETH ATTENDED TO BY RELIABLE DENTISTS WHO GUARANTEE THEIR WORK WHATCOM DENTAL PARLORS DR. OHAS. O. TURNER, Waff. CLOVER BLOCK ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page [3] ---------- THE NORMAL MESSENGER NOVEMBER, 1905 THE B. S. N. S.-FROM 1891 TO 1905 THE first definite step taken toward the establishment of a state normal school at Bellingham, or rather Whatcom as it was then called, was the introduction by the Hon. Michael Anderson of a bill providing for its establishment. The bill provided simply that the school be located somewhere in Whatcom county and that a commission of three men be appointed to select a suitable location. The land finally selected by the commission, consisting of Gov. John H. McGraw, Geo. E. Atkinson, and W. H. Bateman, was a tract located on the northwesterly side of Sehome hill between the cities of Fairhaven and Whatcom. The donators of this land were the Bellingham Bay Improvement Co., the Fairhaven Land Co., and the heirs of the Lysle estate. Gov. McGraw vetoed the first appropria­tion for the erection of a building. The first money appropriated was $40,000 by the legislature of 1895 for the erection of the original building. The first board of trustees were Major Eli Wilkins of Fairhaven and Hon. R. C. Higginson and Hon. J. J. Edens of Whatcom. A third appropriation, that of 1897, suffered the fate of the first, a veto, and the building was unoccupied for two years. The legislature of 1899 appropriated $33,- 500 for equipment and maintenance of school. With this money the campus was cleared and fenced, sidewalks built, the building furnished, laboratories fitted up, the library opened with one thousand volumes and many other necessary items furnished. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 4 ---------- 4 The Normal Messenger The first faculty was installed in the spring of 1899. There were six members, three of whom, Dr. E. T. Mathes, Mr. John T. Forrest and Mr. F. W. Eply, are still doing good work for the institution. The other members of that first faculty were Miss Jane Connell, Miss Avadana Millet and Miss Sarah Rogers. Circulars of information were distributed throughout the western part of the state and the informal opening exercises were conducted September 6, 1899. The opening address was made by Judge Jere Neterer, president of the board of trustees. Mayor Hardin, of Whatcom, and Mayor Clark, of Fairhaven, also spoke. The enrollment the first day amounted to 160 young people. And it is in­teresting to note that all classes and all courses were included in the daily program made out for the first year's work. At the end of the first month the number of students had increased to 230, necessitating the addi­tion of three more members to the faculty. Miss Ida Baker, Miss Catharine Montgomery and Robert B. Vail were chosen. Of these, Miss Baker and Miss Montgomery still re­main. The first year's graduating class num­bered eight young ladies;.graduates from the elementary course receiving five-year certifi­cates were sixteen in number. During the summer of 1900, the citizens of Bellingham Bay provided funds enough to finish five more rooms and to add three members to the faculty. Miss Tromanhauser succeeded Miss Rogers as supervisor of the training school. The senior class of 1901 contained 29 members, the corps of practice teachers about 50. The legislature of 1901 appropriated $93,800 for the building of an annex and the maintenance of the school for two years. The school year beginning Sep­tember, 1901, found the school with a faculty of fifteen members, a much larger number of ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 5 ---------- The Normal Messenger students, the annex built, the laboratories enlarged, the library improved, the museum arranged, etc. Since then the work of the institution has advanced steadily. Each summer new im­provements in the grounds and equipments have been made. The library at the present time contains 8,000 volumes and the museum 5,000 speci­mens. The building has furnished 72 rooms, which include a large auditorium, 3 laboratories, a well furnished gymnasium, fitted with hot, cold and shower baths and dressing rooms, a society hall, a Y. W. C. A. room, library, museum, office, faculty reception room, pro­fessional library and work room, manual training rooms, lunch hall, recitation rooms, and cloak rooms. The average annual attendance for the first six years was 303. For the past two sum­mers mid-year sessions have been held and regular work offered. The legislature appropriated in 1903, $83,- 000, $9,000 of which was used for the comple­tion of the annex. The appropriation for 1905 was $80,000. The most important recent improvement was the building of the new dining hall. The old dining hall was moved to a site south of the annex and more than doubled in size. It now contains a large public parlor, a private parlor, and three living rooms on the first floor, in addition to the dining room, kitchen, pantry and closets. The second and third floors have been devoted to sleeping rooms, bath rooms and a large trunk room. A fur­nished laundry occupies the basement. Each of the sleeping rooms is provided with steam heat, electric light, table, chairs, bed lounge, pillows, dresser, rug and window shades. Other furnishings are provided by the occu­pants of the rooms. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 6 ---------- 6 The Normal Messenger The boarding department of the dining hall is conducted upon the club plan, and all regu­lar boarders will be given a voice in the man­agement of the club. The lecture courses provided by the Normal have become a feature of the literary life of the school and have been well patronized by the citizens of Bellingham. The cost of the lecture course tickets is nominal. The lecture course includes each year historical, scientific and ethical subjects. The year 1905 has opened very auspiciously for the school. The faculty, originally six in number, are now nineteen. Dr. Mathes has consented to remain with the institution for the number of years for which he was recently re-elected. Mr. H. G. Lull has succeeded Miss Tromanhauser as supervisor of the training school. Miss Sperry, Miss Miller, Miss Gray and Mrs. Smith are also new teachers. In every department the work is being carried on vigorously and thoroughly. The rapid progress of the school may well be considered remarkable, but several condi­tions have combined to make it possible. Among these should be mentioned the need which was felt in the western part of the state for a normal school, and the harmony which has always existed between legislature and trustees, trustees and faculty, faculty and students, and, last but not least, the kindly support given by the people of the state. "06." A POEM The fabled muses are again loose on earth and have been haunting the halls of our "Majestic Normal,"1 as the following eulogis­tic- elegy or elegystic-eulogy would indicate. The author, although not an expert in "feet" and "metre," has the true poetic spirit and is un-erring in his (?) choice of lofty themes. Oh, what is so rare as Dr. Jack ? There are dozens of girls upon his track, ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 7 ---------- The Normal Messenger 7 And his modest cheek turns a dainty red Whenever he hears a woman's tread; For he knows that Cupid with his darts Is searching for tender and manly hearts. So his maiden heart beats high with fear When assembly hour is drawing near. With trembling limbs he mounts the stage, This martyr of the Schlolastic Age! And the kindly curtain shields his face From a hundred women's brazen gaze. Was man e'er known to suffer so? Cans't 'magazine a heavier load of woe Upon a mortal here below ? It may ne'er be sung, and may ne'er be said, The burthen of this kinky head. But when this modest man is dead And all his eulogies are said, I pray thee come and drop a tear Upon his sweet, untimely bier; And read these words— There lieth here one whom the world too rudely pressed, A man with all the charms possessed But his sweet young life was worn away, And his sunny curls turned an early grey, Because the unfeeling world would look At his charming face. So the sweet flower drooped 'neath the scorching Sun And Dr. Jack's short race was run. SIRIUS SOCIETY NOTES AIMS OF OUR SOCIETY As we are beginning a new year and many of us are new to the work of the S. L. S., it is fitting that we discuss briefly the ends to­ward which we, as a unit and as individuals, are working. It should be remembered that first and foremost, we call ourselves a literary society. Let us then be in fact a literary society, our object being to raise literary ideals of our members by teaching apprecia­tion of, and by encouraging the production of literary gems. (?) Do not smile, kind reader, diamond cutting takes time and who will say what talent is to be found within the Sirius Literary Society ? There is hardly one of us but what feels, constantly, an inability to express thought in a clear, concise, logical sequence. Our so- ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 8 ---------- 8 The Normal Messenger ciety, by giving drill in debating, impromptu speaking, etc., tries to help its members to a more complete mastery of their mother tongue. This is a result well worth striving for, for upon our ability to use language de­pends, in a large measure, our growth, peda-gogically speaking. The culture of a nation is measured by the flexibility of its language, that is, by its power to express subtle shades of meaning. As individuals we may rest assured that our culture will be measured by the same standard. In close connection with fluency of speech we find fluency of voice. How much may be expressed by one sound uttered in varying tones. Tone lends color, life, soul, to spoken words. Histrionic ability is sought for and encouraged in recitations, essays, etc. We all know that "music hath charms" and we seek them. Many of our members are familiar with the masters, and those of us who are not, attend Miss Moore's classes. Just a word as to the social side. It per­vades the entire work, making a unit of many minds working harmoniously towards the same end. As one, we enjoy our Friday sessions. Officers of the Sirius Literary Society: President Miss Nellie Thompson Vice-President Miss May Sloan Secretary Miss Helen Miller Treasurer Mr. Chas. Jones Sargeant-at-arms Miss Selma Glineburg The first meeting in the year 1905-06 of the Sirius Literary Society was held September 29. The program was short but very inter­esting. Miss Walda Wall recited in her usual interesting way; a piano solo by Miss Allen was well received. Miss Ellis and Miss Lewis rendered an instrumental duet with the skill we always expeet from them. An impromptu debate on the subject, Resolved: That co­education be abolished, was decided in favor ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 9 ---------- The Normal Messenger 9 of the negative, for which we girls aredevotly thankful, the opinions of the boys to the contrary not-with-standing. We really hope that we will not have a bad influence upon the young men of the institution. THE CLIONIAN SOCIETY The Clionian society this year numbers about one hundred and twenty-five members, of whom fifty-five are new students, whom we are glad to welcome. The society is plan­ning to do some strong work this winter, though as yet there have been no carefully prepared programs, owing to the lack of time and the election of a new program commit­tee. The officers of the society for the first quar­ter are as follows: President Miss Judith Hawes Vice-President Miss Lena Smith Secretary Miss Isabelle Holt Treasurer Mr. R. A. Moore Sargeant-at-Arms Miss Minnie Osberg Reporter Miss Mildred Wilson Pianist Miss Floy Sullivan Program Committee Miss Whitaker, Chairman, Miss Pearl Perine, Miss Frankie Sullivan, Miss Tressie Flesher, Miss Minnie LeSourd. THE YOUNG MEN'S DEBATING CLUB At a special meeting of a few members of last year's Debating Club, it was decided to carry on the work of the club. As only a few members had returned to school an invita­tion was extended to all the new young men to become members. A few accepted the in­vitation and signed the constitution. This increased the membership to sixteen of the most active young men in school. At the same special meeting the following officers were elected for a term of one month: Mr. Nichols, president; Mr. Cory, vice-president; ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 10 ---------- 10 The Normal Messenger Mr. Scanell, secretary; Messrs. Smith, Tibbies and Anderson, program committee, and Mr. Montgomery, sargeant-at-arms. The first regular meeting was held the following Thurs­day and a good program was rendered. As the purpose of the club is to cultivate ease and freedom in speaking, debates and impromptus are always given a prominent place on the program. To make the pro­grams more interesting and for the sake of variety, essays, descriptions, invectives, ora­tions, dialogues, declamations and songs are often given. Up to the present time all who have taken part in the program have shown a commendable spirit and if this spirit and activity is kept up we hope soon to be recog­nized as the third society of the school. Y. W. C. A. The Young Women's Christian Association is one of about six hundred student societies in this country affiliated with the national movement. It aims to unite all the young women of the school in mutual helpfulness as they strive to follow the teachings of the Master. By this Christian fellowship it aims to foster and promote the spiritual life of the student body. Through the training in Christian work which the association offers, through the summer conferences and through the help and inspiration received from the visits of the student secretaries and its weekly devotional meetings, it helps to send out of the school Christian women whose lives shall be a vital force working for all that is deepest and best in life. The Young Women's Christian Association is not a substitute for the obligation one owes to the church of her choice, but joins more closely one class of people of all sects or no sect who have the same interests and the same problems and the same temptations as they seek to put into practice the teachings of Christ. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 11 ---------- The Normal Messenger 11 The Y. W. C. A. desires to be of real service in the school in the way of helping new stud­ents and in being ready at all times to lend a hand. It is just because we students are so crowded with science and history, mathe­matics and language, methods, practice, phy­sical culture and society; because we are re­moved from the restraints of home and thrown upon our own resources; because we are strangers in the churches, that we need this closer bond to keep our spiritual life apace with the intellectual—to keep both well poised, to make them steady in purpose and to give beauty of character. Because the Y. W. C. A. has come to fill this place in college life, it has won the devotion of thous­ands of the best students in the land. The officers of the Y. W. C. A. this year are: President, Minnie Carver; Vice-President, Ethel Cook; Secretary, Walborg Olson; Treas­urer, Minnie LeSourd. ATHLETICS Rickety! Zippity! Rickety! Zap! The Athletic Season is on Now that the necessary red tape of organi­zation is over, work has begun in earnest. The Association officers for the season are: President, Sarah L. Van Reypen; vice-presi­dent, Ray Montgomery; secretary and treas­urer, Belle Holt; athletic editor, Nellie Ap­pleby. Interest at present is centered upon the winter sports of basket ball and foot ball, but until now little has been accomplished in either line. Foot ball seems to be hampered, as various other Normal affairs often are, by a scarcity of young men; but it is to be hoped the ability and faithful practice evidenced are not to be wasted through unlucky circumstances. On account of the heavy study program, the ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 12 ---------- 12 The Normal Messenger Seniors will not be able to take as active a part as usual in the basket ball of this semes­ter, but expect to enter the contest for the Kline cup. Miss Mildred Wilson has been chosen as manager of'06 team. The Junior class teams have been organized and are practicing regularly. Manager Frances Coburn expects to have a good team as there are strong players from several well known High School teams to re-iuforce last year's line-up. The present line-up is: Forwards—Miss Johnson, Miss Pillman, Miss Goldthwaite, Miss Crocker, Miss O'Farrel. Guards—Miss Perkins, Miss Coleman, Miss Appleby, Miss Moyer, Miss Corbet. Centers—Miss Stanley, Miss Sloan. With the two upper class teams and those being organized in the lower classes, an inter­esting contest for the "Kline Cup" is expected. Until the teams are selected and have had some practice no schedule can be arranged be­tween the various managers, but the degree of class spirit now in evidence foreshadows an eager contest. SENIORS The present Senior class will, without doubt, be the "banner" graduating class of the Bel-lingham Normal, for we already have a mem­bership of 47 and there are still others plan­ning to enter next semester, which will prob­ably swell our numbers to over half a hundred. Soon after school opened the class met and elected the following officers: President Jessie Scott Cowing Secretary Lena Smith Treasurer : Georgie Ellis Associate Editor Luella N. C. Whitaker Basket Ball Manager Mildred Wilson Our Senior class have caught the true Bel- ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 13 ---------- The Normal Messenger 13 linghara spirit and although they cannot do much toward the subsidy plan or the electric sign on Sehome hill, yet they can unite their efforts to advertise the town, and that is what they are planning to do. They have designed and will soon place on the market a fine lot of novel Bellingham hat pins. These pins will be just the thing to send to eastern friends for Christmas gifts, for they will repre­sent beauty, utility and best of all—your city. As soon as the order can be filled you will find them for sale by every enterprising, home-loving merchant of the city who carries that line of goods at all. First come, first served. THE CRY OF THE SENIORS Little we ask for our wants are few, Our one great want is now well known Just one very plain little boy will do— A boy we can call our own.—Snap. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH Old gold, old gold, old gold Or new gold if you will, Old gold, old gold, old gold Old gold is our color still.—Snip. Miss Fogg is developing the word rear in the primary department of the training school—used it in several sentences. Firmly believing that she had performed her duty, she said: "Johnnieyou may use the word rear in a sentence." Johnnie replied—"I have a rear." Oh this is the trial of the Juniors In mourning they wish to be, Are they mourning in black for the white Man Or in white for the heathen Chinee? Now this is a puzzel for teachers To find out what the Juniors be, Can weclass them in with the white Man Or in with the yellow Chinee.—Snip. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 14 ---------- 14 The Normal Messenger THE SENIOR RECEPTION One of the most pleasant and successful student affairs that has been given since the founding of the institution, was the reception given by the Senior class on Friday evening, October 6. The society hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and made a most attractive and home-like reception room. Two interesting corners were the Japanese corner and the Indian corner. A table full of curios brought by Miss Horner from the Hawaiian Islands and some photographs loaned by Dr. Mathes were of interest to all. The guests of the class, about two hundred and fifty in number, were received at the head of the stairs by the reception committee. Many students and friends of the school were present, but over half the faculty were conspicuous by their absence. Music, rendered by different members of the class, made a pleasant undercurrent to conversation throughout the evening. The program was unique and pleasing, consisting of the following numbers. Solo Miss Frankie Sullivan Pantomime..Miss Krausse, Miss Van Reypen Tableau A Modern Romeo Miss Flesher, Miss Graham, Miss Van Reypen Tableau The Three Stages Miss Glineburg and Miss Peek Miss Krausse and Miss Van Reypen made the hit of the evening in their Pantomime, The Modern Romeo was so true to life that it made the girls homesick. To appropriate music, selected, arranged, and played by Miss Geogie Ellis, Miss Glineburg moved through the three stages in a bachelor's life, "Single Blessedness" as he dreams over his paper, "Less Blessed" as he vainly attempts to sew on a button and "Blessed Indeed" when a little wife keeps him company in the evening. Fruit punch and wafers were served by ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 15 ---------- The Normal Messenger 15 members of the class in the Y. W. C. A. room. The punch table, strewn with ivy and nas­turtiums, stood under a canopy of old gold bunting twined with ivy. The Y. W. C. A. room was decorated in old gold bunting and golden maple leaves. THIRD YEARS Hi-ho-mine! Hi-ho-mine! Bellingham Normal 1909, Along the line They can't outshine The skookum class 1909. President Walter Nichols Vice-President Dorothy Jennings Secretary and Treasurer Ethel Cook Sargeant-at-arms Herman Smith ||: Brek-a-ke-kex, Quax! Quax! :|| Third Year. ALUMNI A member of our staff visited the Skagit County Teachers' Institute last week and recognized among the assembly the following ex-students and alumni: Julia Argus, Alice Kellogg, Evelyn Kirkpatrick, Loretta 0'- Laughlin, Elsie Ware, Helen and Edna Whit­ney, Gertrude Bigelow, Edith Austin, Myrl Hays, Edith Trafton, Grace Dickey, Josie Little, Lottie Graham, Burton Doran and Mabel Steen. It is the work of such teachers as the above that causes the superintendent and principals of Skagit county to look to our Normal school to supply them with assistants. Institute week brought many familiar faces back among us. Several alumni were seen wandering through the halls of their Alma Mater. Miss Mary McBride, '01, and Miss Hattie Pratt, '02, visited the primary department of the training school during institute week. Miss Statira Biggs, '03, is a senior at the U. of W. this year. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 16 ---------- 16 The Normal Messenger Miss Elsie E. Ware, one of our elementaries of '04, is teaching another 9 months term of school at LaConner. Miss Ware is one of Skagit county's most successful teachers and ranks high in her chosen field of labor. Miss Mary E. Patric of the class of '03 visited the Normal last week. Miss Patric is first primary teacher at Monroe this year, while other members of the same faculty are Alice Carmen, '03, Bessie J. Lloyd and Annie Noble. They have a fine basket ball team at Monroe composed wholly of teachers. Sometimes when we look over the names and recall the familiar faces of the Alumni we cannot keep the following little stanza from chasing through and through our mind: All are scatted now and fled, Some are married, some are dead, And when we ask with throbs of pain Oh, when shall we all meet again ? The ancient timepiece makes reply, "never." Although first half of the second line seems almost an "ad absurdum" when thought of in connection with normal girls, yet injustice we must say that it sometimes does happen, for example Miss Ida Pillman, '03, became Mrs. W. E. Townsend last June and is now living at South Bend, Indiana; and Miss Anna Risley, an elementary of '04, gave up a promising career as a pedagog to unite her interests and fortune with that of Dr. Geo. Boyd, a brilliant young physician of Palouse. Others have "scattered and fled" to the fol­lowing places: Jessie Jamieson, '05, teaching at East Sound; Florence Sears, '04, teacher at Snohomish; Jessie Lawrence, '02, german and mathematics in Snohomish high school; Lucy Vestal, '03, and Eva Comegy, '02, grade work in Snohomish; Ethel Hunt, '03, teach­ing in high school at Colfax, Wash.; Gert­rude Streator, '02, student atU.of W.; Lillian Burke, '05, teaching at Snohomish; Emma Gruber, '03, is at her home in Winlock—not ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 17 ---------- The Normal Messenger 17 teaching; Emma Dubuque, elementary of '02, wielding the birch and chalk at Snohomish; Edith York, fourth and fifth grades at Wal­lace; Effie Rear, '03, Granite Falls; Helen Collins, fifth grade a t Kirkland; Bess Darland, '04, Custer; Mrs. Anna Temple, '03, first primary at Chehalis; Gertrude Smith, '03, Everett; Myrtle Alexander, teaching near Snohomish; Ruby Smith at Downs, Lincoln county; Cassie Gifford, '05, a t Robe; Ethel Everett, '04, Custer; and Myrl Hays, '05, is guiding the intellectual development of the seventh grade at Sedro-Woolley. JUNIORS PRAYER Give us of your poise, O Seniors ! Give us of your knowledge, also, Of your power of penetration,— Of your power to see through us. We, as little lambs, will follow Up the path if you will guide us, To the summit of the mountain Known to men as "Hill of Knowledge." We are young, our footsteps shakey, We are weak, our hearts are quakey. You are like the sun above us,— Like the shining orb of heaven To point out and light our pathway Up the Mount of Understanding, To the goal of Normal Wisdom, By your loving grace, O guide us ! JOKES 1. Frequently heard in Junior roll call— "Miss McClure, er-rather, Mr. McClure?" Because there are no boys in the Senior class is no reason to doubt that the Juniors have three. 2. Oh! Where's the Senior's bunting? The Seniors are a hunting To find their colors and a pin To wrap their baby Senior in, Oh! Where's the Senior's bunting? (Where?) 3. Junior girl, waiting for a car to pass— "Speaking of our class colors I—say, wasn't that the funeral car ? " (A subject for discus­sion in psychology—Does one thought intro­duce another?) ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 18 ---------- 18 The Normal Messenger THE NORMAL MESSENGER Published Monthly by the Students of THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON EDITORIAL STAFF SARAH L. VAN REYPEN, '06 Editor-in-Chief PEARL PEIME, '06 Locals LUELLA WHITTAKER, '06 . . . Senior and Alumni ROSALIE ROURKE, '06 Sirius MILDRED WILSON, 06 Clionean EVA MYERS, '07 Y. W. C. A. WALDA WALL, '08 Dramatic NELLIE APPLEBY, '07 Athletics ANDREW ANDERSON, '07 - - - Boy's Debating Club and Business Manager TERMS—FIFTY CENTS A YEAR Address all communications to the Editor-in-chief, Bellingham, Wn. Issued the 15th of every month. All copy must be in the hands of the editor-in-chief on or before the 9th of the month. Entered December 21, 1902, at Bellingham, Washington, as second-class matter, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Vol. V. NOVEMBER, 1905 No. 1 EDITORIAL With this issue the NORMAL MESSENGER appears before the public for the 6th year in its career. We are justly proud of our paper, not for itself alone, but because it stands as a representatives of one of the fore­most Normal schools in the northwest. We extend congratulations to every one who has been instrumental in raising and maintaining the standard now prevailing in both school and paper. It is our intention this year to publish eight numbers of the NORMAL MESSENGER, begin­ning with this—our first issue. We gratefully appreciate the support given us, through our advertisers — for them we bespeak your patronage—without their sup­port we could not publish a monthly paper. Some great mind has put into words a motto, strictly followed by all normal boys— "There is safety in numbers"— Elementaries (1-2-4 years) put your books on the shelf ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page 19 ---------- The Normal Messenger 19 and just for one brief moment "come out," and show yourself. Oh, poet grand, well hast thou said, J s "rush in where angels fear to tread." When reading these pages keep in mind the fact that we are but amateurs and offer your criticisms as you would if you were in the other fellow's place. LOCALS In the early part of July Miss Rose Wilson, who did substitute work in the English de­partment last year, was married to Mr. Clarence Heuson, vice-principal of a New Orleans school. The jroung couple toured the southern states and are now at home in New Orleans. Let the watch word of each old and each new student be,—Do your best. During the teachers' institute week many old faces were welcomed to our school. Miss Van Reypen went to Seattle to see Ben Hur; while there she paid a visit to the University. The old students who know one of our former teachers, Mrs. C. N. Chaplin, nee Miss M. U. Myers, will be pleased to know that a baby boy came to gladden their home in September. The hearty congratulation of the students are extended, and best wishes for the health, wealth and happiness to the heir. Ben Phelps and Gordon March, Normal boys of the last year, students of the Univer­sity at present, came up to attend the Senior reception. Miss Ada Hogle and Miss Lena Dodd took a pedimotor trip to Lake Padden one Sunday. The "fierce Kabibonokka issued his lodge of snow-drifts" and made us an unbidden visit one day last week. Everyone but the Cherry Seniors seemed chilled by his icy presence, but nothing short of a "midnight minstrel" can phase a Senior. Miss Edna France went to Seattle to see Ben Hur. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page [vi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS MORSE HDW. 60. 1025-1039 ELK ST. The Great Hardware Store Office Phone Main 25. Store Phone Main 24 ENGBERG'S PHARMACY Corner Mlk and Holly HEADQUARTERS EASTMAN'S KODAKS lt; PHOTO SUPPLIES PACIFIC BINDERY J. E. IMPEY, Proprietor Magazines and Books Bound and Rebound Call and see our new and up-to-date Bindery WHITEHOUSE B'L'6, W. HOLLY ST. Phone Main 164 BELUNQHAM. WASH. WE HAVE A FINE SUPPLY OP PYROGRAPHY GOODS ON HAND FOR CHRISTMAS HEGG'S STUDIO uswkst. THE GAGE-DODSON CO. Sell Standard Goods Hart, SchafFuer Marx Fine Clothing, Monarch Shirts, Perrin Dent's Gloves, and High Grades of Men's Furnishings. Fischer Building Cor. Dock and Holly Sts. Dont' forget the place to buy your choice meats. rAJe VAN ZANDT MEAT CO. TURKEYS, GEESE CHICKENS For Thanksgiving and the Holidays Phone Main 64 108 W. Holly Street ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page [vii] ---------- AD VERTISEMENTS PACIFIC STEAM LAUNDRY ESTABLISHED 1889 BUSIEST, BIGGEST, BEST UDNESS ERHOLM 'Phone Main 126 MARZ FRANK MEAT, POULTRY AND FISH QUICK DELIVERY Phone Main 2221 1047 Elk St., near Morse, BELLINGHAM ST. JOSEPHS HOSPITAL BELLINGHAM HEIGHTS RED CROSS PHARMACY DUDLEY GREEN, Proprietor PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST PHONE MAIN 179 FREE DELIVERY A. G. WICKMAN ...The Tailor... Phone Red 1871 210 E. Holly Street BELLINQHAH, WASH. ---------- Normal Messenger - 1905 November - Page [viii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS COLLINS SL CO. DRUGGISTS We recommend PHOSPHATIC EMULSION for COUGHS, COLDS and LA GRIP. Also the best Tonic and Tissue Builder. Kodaks and Photographic Supplies 206 East Holly St. Phone Black 1881 LARSON'S LIVERY TRANSFER WOOD AND COAL 1328-30 Elk St. Phone Main 70 H. L. Munro E. N. Haskell MUNRO HASKELL HARDWARE, TINNING PLUMBING, HEATING IIC3 ELK ST. TELEPHONE MAIN is BellingHam, WasH. H. C. HENRY, Pres. R. R. SPENCER, Vice-Pres. BANK OF BELLINGHAM (SUCCESSOR TO BANK OF WHATCOM) Interest Paid On Term Deposits H. L. MERRITT, Mgr. S. A. POST, Cashier E. W. Purdy, Prat. E. 0. 6r»»e«, Vici-Pm. C. K. McMillin, Cishiir THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BELLINGHAM, WASH. Capital $100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, Is0,009 INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITSPPPPP