1910_0201 ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page [1] ---------- LITERARY. ALICE FREEMAN PALMER. (By George Herbert Palmer.) So fares she forth with smiling Godward face; Nor should we grieve, but give eternal thanks— Save that we mortals are, and needs must mourn. Alice Elvira Freeman was born February 21, 1850, in Coles-ville, New York. She came to be one of the most remarkable wo­men in the United States. The influence of her childhood were the country life, narrow means, obscurity and her father's change of occupation. While she was still a child, her father spent two years at the Albany Medical College to become a doctor, and when he came back, the family moved to Windsor. There she entered a larger school, found new associations, and began to broaden her life. She was known in the school as one of the brightest and most intelligent of students. One boy in speaking of her at the time, said, "There's a girl in my class who knows everything, every­thing." During her school year at Windsor there was a young man teacher who was especially inspiring. It was he who taught her accuracy and enthusiasm. He made her see the necessity for a greater broadening and a higher education so that she might be better fitted to fill her place in the world. After much discussion she finally persuaded her parents to help her through school, and she started for Michigan, choosing Ann Arbor because it was the best co-educational college at the time. She was poorly equipped to enter, both as to financial mat­ters and education, but her indomitable courage that many after­wards remarked on, brought her through and she graduated with honor from every one of her classes. Her life at Ann Arbor was one long difficult strain to keep herself up, for she always carried more subjects than the regular course. She threw herself into the society of the school, brought the Young Women's Christian Association up to a better stand­ard, putting it on a surer footing and became a member of several clubs; and when one considers the poor health she was in during her whole college career it is remarkable that she was able to do all she did, with such courage, enthusiasm and enjoyment. President Angell often spoke of her "outgoing spirit" at this time, the wonderful sympathy she had which saw the needs of others and ministered to them regardless of her own. In her Junior year financial matters became so bad that she took a position as teacher in the high school at Ottawa, 111., taught there the rest of the year, and was able to send enough ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 2 ---------- 2 TEE MESSENGER money home to straighten out matters. By going to summer school, and taking extra subjects the next year she was able to graduate with her class. The following year, 1879, she accepted a position as teacher of History in Wellesly College. This College was founded by Henry Fowle Durant in honor of a son who had recently died. He made it a woman's college because he thought that they needed it more than men at the time. It has been said that Mr. Durant was the founder, but Alice Freeman was the builder. She threw herself into the work here in the same enthusiastic way, and was loved and honored by every girl in the institution. Each one who came under her influence was moved by her wo­manliness, her sympathy, her love. In 1880 Mr. Durant's health began to fail and in 1881 he died. A short time after, the president, Miss Howard, on account of ill health, had to resign, and Miss Freeman was made vice-president, but acting president for a year. Under the new presidency the college flourished and grew in size. Higher standards were brought in, and she inspired the stu­dents to honest effort. That indefinable quality called magnetism which she possessed, drew everyone to her. It was this same qual­ity that, when she was lecturing, people attributed to her fine command of English and the good appearance she made. Professor and Mrs. Horsford were old friends of Mr. Durant and it was through the latter that Miss Freeman met Mr. Palmer, a teacher of Philosophy in Harvard. The intimacy between them grew until on her 32nd birthday, 1887, she promised to become his wife. She expected to be married at once, but the trustees of "Wel-lesley College would not think of it, their reasons being that they would endanger the College by letting her go. She promised to remain for another year, by which time they were to have another person to fill her place. The career of Alice Freeman Palmer's life, beginning with her marriage has been called the period of self-expression. She gave continually of herself not from any sense of obligation, but from the delight she took in giving from her fine disciplined mind. In her new home she showed the same capacity for doing house work as in teaching school. One of her servants exclaimed, while seeing her make some bread, "That's what education means, —to be able to do what you've never done before." Not very long after her marriage, she was called upon by the University of Chicago to be Dean of Women. Here again she had an opportunity to use her creative powers, for the institution was just starting out as a great cp-educational school, ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 3 ---------- THE MESSENGER 3 In a short time the position of the women students was as­sured and she resigned, only to enter new fields of work. Often the continual round of lectures, visitors, committee meetings, etc., would become unbearable, and then she would go into hiding by visiting her little country home at Boxford, a small town about twenty-five miles from Boston, a place where the grass grew everywhere, where the birds sang, and hush and quiet reigned supreme. As she said, "Here is quiet for tired nerves that makes one able to meet anything smilingly afterward.'' At the funeral of a friend Mrs. Palmer said these words, "We had better make life here so rich and sweet and noble, that this will be our heaven. We need no other till He comes and calls us to a larger life and fresh opportunity.'' In these words she expressed her own life, for everyone who knew her loved her for her beautiful and triumphant life, and for her wide and generous sympathy. She was ill two weeks before she died, but to the end she re­tained that clear intelligence which had always aistinguished her. She died in a Roman Catholic hospital in Europe, very quiet­ly and without suffering. When Mr. Palmer returned to America, a service was held in Cambridge at Harvard College in memory of her. A chorus of Wellesly girls, and Harvard boys sang, and Presidents Angell, Tucker, Hazard and Eliot made addresses. In speaking of her character one has a very difficult task. She was very intense in everything she did, was easy to anger, although it was always tempered with judgment, and had strong likes and dislikes. But with all this she had a very optimistic na­ture. She had the peculiar ability of bringing forth the best qualities of all whom she came in contact with. President Eliot has said that her courage was remarkable in a woman, that it is a pleasing attribute in a man, but in a delicate, tender woman it is delightful. In the few years in which she lived she lavishly gave of her rich store of wisdom, peace, hardihood and merriment. She raised hundreds to higher ideals and better ways. Every­one who saw her loved her, and everyone who heard her was made better. E- v - s - PROFESSOR KINCAID—A SKETCH. On Friday morning, January 14th, the students and faculty of the Normal School were accorded a rare treat in the illustrated lecture given by Mr. Trevor Kincaid, professor of zoology in the University of Washington. He launched his address by harking back to the life of the earliest geological period, and with careful­ly selected lantern views sketched the crest lines in the advancing ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 4 ---------- 4 THE MESSENGER wave of evolving life forms from protozoon to man. His portray­al of man from the sub-human to the human plane was striking­ly suggestive to the thoughtful student. His theoretical picture, rather diagram, of the long struggle of the old stone-age, the new stone-age and the bronze-age man, preparatory to his­torical civilization impresses a lesson of profound moral values. It enforces conviction in the worth of the eternal struggle for betterment, of patience, yet sublime discontent in that present or­der of things that thwarts the advancing goal of a progressive civilization, and of the positive, dynamic individual of intellect as against the passive, instinctive creature of stale custom. Mr. Kin­caid's subject is of vast and vital compass, and yet by excellent and critical choice of material he condensed it into a symmetrical ensemble without sacrifice to essentials. Mr. Kincaid is a Canadian by birth. He was born near To­ronto, in 18—, but tut! tut! that is not fair, Mr. Kincaid is a bachelor and dates are such prosiac affairs. Mr. Kincaid is pri­marily a zoologist, yet he is a young man of many interests. He is a man of wide information. To him the cultural outranks the utilitarian values of life. He is a good critic of poetry and art. He has been heard to remark that he would rather write a great poem than classify all the insects extant. He is well versed in sociology. He knows intimately his brother zoologists over the country. He has traveled widely in the interests of his profession. In 1897, he accompanied an expedition headed by Dr. David Starr Jordon to the Pribloff islands. The business of this expe­dition was an investigation of the seal question, affecting in its final analysis the international trade rights of the United States and Great Britain. In 1899, upon invitation he accompanied a number of scientists to Alaskan waters and territory, with the famous Harriman Expedition. Mr. Harriman chartered a steamer at Seattle and with his family and this body of scientists spent ten weeks in Alaska regions exploring the country as to its geo­graphical, geological, faunal and floral aspects. In the publication of his results of this expedition, Mr. Kincaid was brought into intimate personal relations with the great railway king, who took a keen and lively interest in the young naturalist. He admired his zeal, industry and genius. In 1908, Mr. Kincaid was selected by the head of the United States Bureau of Entomology to go to Japan and hunt for insect parasites upon the Gypsy moth, which for two decades has been doing such alarming havoc to the forest trees of Massachusetts. Suffice to say, he found the parasites and shipped them to Ameri­ca, where they promise to keep down the ravages of the moth. But Mr. Kincaid 's strong human qualities did not allow him sim­ply to be content with merely hunting parasites. He was inter- ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 5 ---------- THE MESSENGER h ested in the Japanese. He sought out a Japanese hotel where he was the only foreign guest. He dressed in Japanese costume. He ate with chop sticks. As a result, the Japanese seeing his interest in them, gave him an insight into their life that many foreigners living years among them do not get. In 1909, in furtherance of his work in hunting parasites, the Entomologist-in-Chief of the United States sent Mr. Kincaid to Southern Russia and Asia Minor. He has been requested by the same authority to take charge of the work of parasite hunting in Southern France this year. But this invitation and honor he has been forced to decline be­cause of his interest and loyalty in advancing personally the work of the Biological Marine Station at Friday Harbor, of which in­stitution he was the founder, and has been a steadfast promoter. Mr. Kincaid is a veritable dynamo. He works incessantly. His very presence is contagion for work among those who are so fortunate as to be associated with him. He is.an amiable com­panion, a charming conversationalist and a happy and brilliant lecturer. He has a large fund of good common sense, and a hu­mor that is keen, subtle and scintillating. He has been a good and helpful Adam in classifying and giving names to Puget Sound's vast and interesting fauna. He will rank as the foremost pioneer in the animal lore of Puget Sound. A. P. R. A COLOR EPISODE. "Mrs. Perkins's Sally had on her green sun-bonnet, Tuesday." "Yes, indeed, and wasn't it a fright, Mary?" said Threse. "If I were her, I would not wear such an unbecoming color." Then the pretty young miss eyed with satisfaction her own fresh­ly starched pink gingham, while her hands nervously patted in place one of the pink bows on her large garden hat. "Well," grunted Mary, "seeing that you are her cousin, I think that you would advise her what colors to wear." "Oh!" was the airy answer, "It doesn't make much difference what Sally wears; one color is as unbecoming as another." When they approached Threse's destination, Mary uttered an abrupt good-bye and left her to talk with Mr. Noting, the new village teacher. Threse walked blithely up the shell road to her grandmother's little brown cottage. She opened the door and closed it with a bang that so startled the mild old lady that her spectacles almost fell from her nose. "Oh, it's Tessy," she quavered. "I am so cold. Please put some more coal in the fire and turn off the draft." Threse looked in dismay at her respect­ed relative and then heroically arose and by careful manipula­tion succeeded in obeying the commands without soiling her clothes. ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 6 ---------- 6 THE MESSENGER "Grandma," hesitatingly, "I've come after my birthday present. Aunt Perkins said that you had one for me." "Yes, so I have. Look in the west drawer in the cupboard. No, not that one—the one beneath it. Yes, that is the bundle. Bring it to me and I shall ojpen it for you.'' Threse gingerly carried the bundle to her grandmother and watched her untie the string with expectant eyes. The string was untied. Threse gave one eager glance. Then her hands went up in horror! The package contained a bright yellow calico dress. She laughed hysterically. "Is it for me, grandma?" "Oh, yes, in­deed. I guess it is more than you expected, but I have given Sally a beautiful green dress with sunbonnet to match, so I had to make things even. I could not slight you. You like it, dearie, don't you? I hope that you will wear it often, because I have not got many years more to see the young folks in their pretty colored frocks." She looked very wistful as she said it. Threse impulsively put her arms around her and said, "I like everything that you like, and I shall wear it continually." Then she seized the bun­dle and ran out of the house. "Imagine me in yellow," she thought. "Oh, won't Mary laugh, and the new professor—what will he think? But still grandma gives us so much that I will please her." On her way home she met Sally, resplendent in green, which rendered her complexion a vivid yellow. Sally smiled sympa­thetically when she saw the bundle. "Oh, Sally," said Therese, " I 'm coming to see you tomorrow." Sally beamed as she went on her way. She had suffered and understood. A MISTAKEN DESIRE. For the first three months on my claim, life went very much as life will go on claims. My brother had been with me all of the time. Late in December, however, having some business to attend to, Hugh left me for a few days. For a whole week now I had been alone. January had come, and with it snow, which was very deep at this time. I had great faith in my dog, my big old Eobin, and my gun, which I may as well say, had never been shot since it had come on the place, al­though I frequently cleaned it. One afternoon, just after the snow was gone, Woody Tucker brought me a quarter of beef. Neighbors were scarce and I gladly listened to the old man's talk for a few minutes. As a parting warning when he had clucked to the horses, he called back: "Better be keerful and not go too fur from the digging. Pretty heavy snow; li'ble to bring the animals down from the hills." Then, with a nod, he rode away. ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 7 ---------- I / THE MESSENGER \ I 7 I had been preparing to go to town the next day. After Woody's visit I almost decided not to go to town, for deep in my heart I was a coward, and I had two miles to walk through the woods before daylight, take the boat and ride thirty-five miles to town. But a favorite opera was to be played the next night and I did so want to hear it. The next morning I was up early. I fed the chickens, milked the cow, and prepared breakfast for myself and Eobin. The poor old dog followed me around all the while with such a wistful ex­pression that I could not resist putting my head down to his, and petting him. I prepared a lunch to carry with me, and was ready to start at ten minutes past six. A soft Chinook wind was blowing, that softest of soft winds, which makes one forget to be afraid and makes one feel in perfect harmony with all nature. The stars were twinkling softly, white and big, over the firs. Life seemed very sweet to me. ™~I was trudging along very happy, when suddenly right in front of me, appeared something gray. Another step must have sent me bumping into it. I made out in the dim light that it was some animal. Thinking it was a dog, I was rebuking my heart for the foolish little bump it had given, when I caught sight of the whole length of the animal, and with a weak, dizzy shudder, I realized that it was a cougar! I have heard, that to ruffle a skunk's temper is folly, that when one meets a bear, one should turn quietly and go about one's business in another direction; but—a cougar, no one ever told me what to do when one met a cougar. I stood' for a second! or two wondering whether to climb a tree or run. Under the present circumstances I could do neither, and it was quite plain I was neither going to faint, nor to be delivered. I tore open my lunch, thinking to stay my doom for a few minutes. I took out a piece of cake. It did not suit him. He smelled it, then looked at me. The shivers began running over me. I took out a pice of pie. I don't know whether it was the lard. He ate it. Thus I continued through the whole lunch, giving him daint­ies, such as he had never before tasted in all his savage life. At last I gave him two sandwiches and two pieces of sausage, these pleased him mightily. I was fast beginning to think of him as a great big hungry dog, when a sniff at one of my hands electrified me. I thought to prolong the feast a little. I pulled off one of my kid gloves. It went down his throat instantly, and I was tugging at the other, when there was a sniff and a growl, which made me move cautiously aside, and wonderful to tell! The gray and yellow king of the mountains shuffled past me, as if I had been no more than a stick or a stone. My heart gave one £lad thump ancl then stood still. My dog! ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 8 ---------- 8 THE MESSENGER My gun! That horrible creature was between us! I picked up the one lone glove, glanced at the remains of the feast, which I thanked heaven was not my bones. A moment later I thought my bones might be among them; for there, tearing down the road, came the cougar, and after it, Robin. Again I moved out of the cougar's way. When I caught my breath, there in a tree crouched the cougar, and there on the ground, howling and bark­ing, sat Eobin. Suddenly my legs were untied and I ran, ran as if all the cou­gars in Washington state were after me. It was the longest quarter of a mile I ever remember of traveling. Finally I did reach my shack and grab my gun and start back. When I reached the scene of the late feast, Robin was still yelping and howling, while far out on a branch was the cougar. Without boasting, I can shoot, but my hands trembled so I could not sight my gun, and when I had it sighted, I found that it was at Robin instead of at the cougar that I had pointed it. I fired at random at the cougar and must have hit him, for with a spring and a fall, he came out of the tree. I fired a second time and the shot went straight to the mark. Twice again I fired, and the cougar was dead. A dead cougar is a good cougar, just the same as a dead In­dian is good; so I sat down and laughed and cried by turns, for no special reason at all, unless at poor old Robin, shaking and pulling at the dead animal, until he decided that it was no use, and came to lay his head on my lap. The sun was just coming thru the trees as I made my way back to my shack. There, at first sight, I understood it all. Hanging high in the woodshed was the quarter of beef Woody had brought me the day before. That was what the cougar wanted, and I thought he wanted me! '10. THE WASHINGTON EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. The Twenty-third Annual Meeting of the W. E. A. was held in Tacoma, Dec. 28-30, 1909, and is commonly designated as the "biggest and best" ever held—due possibly to the magic number twenty-three. Nearly all the leading educators of the state were present. Our own faculty was represented by President Mathes, Misses George, Gray, Moore, Jensen. Drake and Sperry and Messrs. Deerwester and Phillipi. Miss Moore was chairman of the Music Section, Miss Gray was Secretary of the Normal School Section, and Mr. Deerwester read a paper before the Coun­cil on the "Preparation of the Teacher." One of the lively topics of discussion was the question of teachers' pensions, which was introduced by Supt. Toder, of Ta- ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 9 ---------- THE MESSENGER 9 coma. Great diversity of opinion existed in regard to the matter, and the gist of the expressions seems to be that a majority of the teachers will approve the pension idea if they do not have to contribute the money themsleves. Another interesting subject was the plan proposed by Supt. Bunker, of Berkely, Cal., for the reorganization of the twelve years of our ordinary course of study into three divisions—a pri­mary group of six grades, an intermediate group of three years and a high school course of three years. This is practically the same plan recently proposed by Supt. Cave, of Bellingham, and seemed to meet with much favor at Tacoma. Many other interesting and important topics were discussed in the general and department meetings. The proceedings are published in full each year and anyone who is interested enough to desire to read any of the papers can secure these printed pro­ceedings from those of our faculty who are members. The social features of the meeting were probably the most valuable ones. The banquet of the faculties of the three state normal schools was a delightful affair. The presence of many alumni of the Bellingham Normal at the association give num­erous opportunities for renewal of former acquaintances. Music cal events contributed by Tacoma people added to the pleasures of the meeting. All in all, it was good to be there. THE STORY OP THE PANSY. Once, a long, long time ago, there lived a very mischievous little fairy. This fairy was very small, so small, indeed, that she could flit in and out among the flowers and sometimes even hide between the petals. It was the fairy's delight to tease the different flowers in the garden, and sometimes she caused much trouble among the flower folk. She was never still, but was constantly watching for a chance to get into mischief at some one else's expense. She had a very beautiful face, with pretty dark eyes and golden hair, and she always wore a beautiful green dress. One day she came into the garden and at once began to make fun of a large poppy for being so stiff and straight. The poppy became so angry that it turned scarlet in the face, and to this day it's descendants have been red. Then the poppy said, "We have endured your nonsense long enough. I am going to call Mother Nature and ask her to settle the matter." So Mother Nature said: "Little fairy, I think you have played long enough, so from now on you shall keep your beautiful face, but your pretty green dress shall be changed into stems and leaves and your feet into roots. Instead of being gay and mis­chievous you shall dwell in cool, shady places and be modest and thoughtful," ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 10 ---------- 10 TEE MESSENGER So the flower garden lost the little fairy, but if you look in the shady places in the garden, you will see the little fairy's sad, thoughtful face in the pansy blossoms. J. J. '11. LIST OF NEW BOOKS. Brooks, W. K.—Foundations of Zoology. Barker, h. F.—Laboratory Manual of Invertebrate Zoology. Bailey, C. S.—For the Childrens' Hour. Brown, H. W.—Latin America. Bergquist, N. W.—Swedish Folk Dances. Burchenal, Elizabeth—Folk Dance Music. Comstock, J. H.—Insect Anatomy. Drew, G. A.—Laboratory Manual of Invertebrate Zoology. Dougall, C. S.—Burns' Country. Fernow, B. E.—Economics of Forestry. Harner, S. F.—Cambridge Natural History, V. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10. Hill, Leonard—Recent Advances in Physiology. Hunter, S. G.—Insect life. Jacobs, Joseph—Indian Fairy Tales. Kellogg, V. L.—American Insects. Lorimer, G. H.—Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to his Son. Lewis, C. T.—-Harper's Book of Facts. Lee, Sidney—Dictionary or Natural Biography. Lillie, Frank E.—Development of the Chick. Lankester, E. Kay—Treatise of Zoology. Morgan, T. H.—Evolution and Adaptation. Mann, Gustav—Physiological Histology. Morgan, E. T.—Development of Frog's Egg. Munsterberg, Hugo—Science and Idealism. Mayer, A. G.—Sea-shore Life. Osborn, Herbert—Economic Zoology. Patterson, H. L.—College and School Directory of U. S. and Canada. Peet, L. H.—Handy Book of American Authors. Reese, Albert Moore—Vertebrate Embryology. Riddell, N. R.—Child Culture. Schauffer, R. H.—Christmas. Schauffer, R. H.—Thanksgiving. Symons, Arthur—Romantic Movement in English Poetry. Sedgwick, Adam—Text Book of Zoology. Sanderson, E. Dwight—Insects Injurious to Staple Crops. Stohr, Dr. Philipp—Histology. Stenberg, G. M.—Infection and Immunity. Treat, Mary—Injurious Insects of Farm and Garden. Weisman, Dr. August—Evolution Theory. Walsh, W. S.—Curiosities of Popular Customs, ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page [11] ---------- THE MID-YEAR GRADUATING CLASS ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 12 ---------- 12 THE MESSENGER THE MESSENG ER SCHOOL PAPER OP THB BELLINGHAM STATE NORMAL SCHOOL BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON S. B. Irish Co., Printing n^Sgpgga 13H Railroad Avenue MESSENGER STAFF ADA B. CAMPBELL ANDREA NORD - MARIS REECE \ ALICE PEACOCK V - EDNA STAPLES ) MARY E. SEXTON MARGARET WALTON) MAUDE WESCOTT » ELIZABETH HEMPHILL EMMA WOODHOUSE HENRY ROGERS! BEATRICE BAIRi Editor Associate Literary Exchange Organization - Locals GRACE HINMAN ) _ AMELIA FISKE ' ' ROY KNUDSON N FLORENCE MCKEAN V • INA LANDON ) LUCY FOWLER - • VALE NIXON -I HARRY HEATH J- • JANET EVERETT ) Calendar Alumni Jokes Athletics W. T. MEYER Busines Manager TERMS—FIFTY CENTS A YEAR Entered December 21, 1903, at Bellingham, Washington, as second-class matter, under act of Congress of March 3,1879. Vol. IX. February, 1910 No. 5 Once more exams have come and gone—haggard cheeks, worried brows and sleepless nights heralded their approach; delirious joy, or abject despair mark their going. Like the dra­gon of the fairy tale, they come and no one can ward off their coming—they go and many sorrows and tears mark their going. Some few have passed, and are happy—others have not passed and—well, never mind; cheer up I Try again. At least let us begin the new semester with new hopes and new aspirations. Make each day better than the last and when exams come again perhaps they will find us better prepared for them. If you have not paid up your Messenger subscription, pay up immediately and so help the Messenger manager, Mr. Myer, and the progress of the Messenger staff. It takes money to run a good paper. Surely we are worth fifty cents a year to you. Have you noticed the two new pictures on the second floor— the one by the auditorium and the one in the science annex? Would it be possible for us to have a few more pictures to adorn some of the bare halls and rooms? The two in the auditorium were given to the school by the Clionean Society, their aim being ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 13 ---------- THE MESSENGER 13 to have something that would help to beautify the school. If all the organizations would bear this in mind, then in the course of a few years the results of your good work will be very evident, in- This would be a good suggestion for the Seniors. They us­ually present the school with some gift, then why not give us a beautiful picture instead of statuary or something of that kind. Think about it—It is well worth your while. 0, ye of little spirit, ye who are lacking in patriotism for your school; awake! arise! subscribe for the Messenger! Can you af. ford to let the opportunity pass? Everyone loves a bargain; then harken to this: To members of the Student Association the sub­scription price is only forty cents; to outsiders, fifty. Think of it, fellow-students. Nine issues, including the annual, for the small sum of forty or fifty cents. Do I not speak true? Is it not the bargain of a life-time? The Philomatheans met on Jan. 8th, for their first session after the Christmas vacation. The general theme of the program was reforms pertaining to juvenile courts. The work of Judge Lindsey and Maud Ballington Booth was discussed and the question, "Resolved; That the Jury System Should be Abol­ished," was ably debated. A very interesting business and par­liamentary drill followed the discussion. The work for the next semester is partly outlined and promises even more interesting meetings than we have enjoyed this semester. THE SOCIAL CULTURE CLUB. The Social Culture Club was organized in November, with fifteen members. The club is under the direction of Miss Hays and Miss Moore. The aim of the club is to give an hour once in two weeks to a paper on some feature of social etiquette, art, lit­erature. The paper is followed by informal discussion. A short talk by Miss Hays before the holidays and a magazine reading by Miss Moore at last meeting, were suggestive and helpful. Deep interest is shown and it is certain these meetings will prove of great benefit and pleasure. Visitors are always welcome. ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 14 ---------- 14 TEE MESSENGER HISTORY CLUB. The History Study Club was organized under Mr. Bever's direction, early in the first semester, and for a time worked very quietly and with only temporary officers, the idea being to have the society consist of only those who were really interested in history, and were willing to study. The society grew slowly and even now has not a large membership, but in interest and willing­ness it is holding it's place and some very good papers and talks have been given. Members choose their topics freely and volun­tarily and these may be written out and read or given from notes. Topics already discussed have been the explorations of Bering, Cook, Cabrillo, the Indians of the Northwest, the Whitman Mas­sacre, the Founding of Astoria. New topics to be taken up are Geographical Names in Washington, Indian Raids on Puget Sound, the Yakima War of 1855, First Territorial Officers, Roman Catholic Missions, Settlement of Seattle, etc. The society now has a constitution and elects regular officers each quarter. At present Miss Allen is president, Miss Hjort vice-president, and Miss Webber secretary. HISTORY CLASS. Meetings are held each Friday afternoon, beginning at two-thirty. Anyone interested in the history of the Northwest who is willing to take part in the study may become a member, whether a member of the school or not, and visitors are cordially welcome to attend any meeting and are invited to join in the discussion. Y. W. C. A. BIBLE INSTITUTE. The third annual Bible Institute of the Y. W. C. A. was held from January 13th to the 16th, in the Society Hall. The speakers were Mrs. Campbell and Miss Springer, of Seattle, and Rev. Naftz-ger of our own city, each one of whom gave practical and help­ful talks on subjects of interest. Special music was given which added to the enjoyment of the meetings and at the close of the series it was evident that the Association had passed a mile-stone in its growth and development and had brought strength to the girls of the school. Mrs. Campbell had as her different subjected -Jesus in the Midst," "A Woman and Her Word . * * * , -What is in Thine Hand?" "Elijah and Ehsha." Miss Springer spoke on "The New Sphere of Life-Romans," T h eN«w iU" nLphere of Life-Corinthians," and "The Complete Life Walk- Galatians," and Rev. Naftzger gave a talk on the Message of ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 15 ---------- THE MESSENGER 15 the Bible for Social Relations.'' These are some of the helpful thoughts they left with us: "The Old Testament is the enfolding of the New; the New Testament is the unfolding of the Old.'' Jedus emphasized three great laws of social relationship: Ser­vice, sacrifice, love. "The Son of Man came hot to be ministered unto, but to minister." He who serves most, ranks highest. Our ambition should be to render more acceptable service to Christ and our associates. Selfish society is lost society. Romans, with its message of faith, Corinthians, of love and Galatians, of freedom, give the three strands of the carpet o/n Which we walk to the Complete life. Faith is the avenue down which every good thing comes into 6}ur lives. A moment holds the germ of all the year. See that you have the right attitude for each moment. ALKISIAH. The Alkisiah Society is having very interesting meetings this year under the general head of "Gratters, Ancient and Modern." The origin of the grail, the Arthurian legends, and Tennyson's version of the same, have proved not only entertaining, but in­structive as well. A digression from this theme was the meeting given over to a debate on the subject, "Resolved, that the study of the sciences is of more benefit than the study of the classics." Miss Andrea Nord defended the sciences and Miss Abbie Johnson the classics. The judges decided in favor of the affirmative. It is hoped that more interest may be awakene'd in debating and that we may have inter-so;ciety debates. YOttNtt 3M£ft' DEBAWKG OLtJfc. The Debating Club held its regular meeting Thursday even­ing. The meeting was well attended and after the, regular busi­ness a very interesting program was rendered. The officers for the coming semester were nominated by the direct primary sys­tem. This is the first time, in the history of the school, any club or society has nominated its officers in this way. The program was interesting from start to finish, and Was pronounced by all present as the best of the year. It included a toast by Mir. Bond : "The College Graduate." and the hearty round of applause given him was ample evidence it was appreciated. President Mc- Cbiibrey also proved himself an interesting story-teller. The question, "Resolved, that every mftn should marry and have a place in society before twenty-five," was debated. The debate ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 16 ---------- 16 THE MESSENGER was an impromptu one and the affirmative and negative sides were headed by Hansen and Stinson, respectively, who chose sides from among the members. After an hour of interesting de­bate, in which both sides made many strong and interesting points, the decision was awarded to the affirmative. The meet­ing then adjourned. EXCHANGES. "Variety is the spice of life," and surely the spice of Ex­changes. We are very glad to see so many new arrivals among our old frinds. Emerson College Magazine is a source of great pleasure and instruction as well. The reports of Dr. Vincent's lectures on famous writers, both English and American, are gems for con­ciseness, and the blessing of brevity. Loyal Sons' Clarion, Sacramento, Cal., has in its Xmas num­ber a very high class paper from an artistic, as well as a literary standpoint. Tahoma, always a top-notcher and welcome. A few more articles like, "What Road Shall I Take," would greatly add to the lasting merit of your paper. Why not improve your excellent little paper with a separate "Literary Department?" Normal Advance, Oshkosh, one of our very best Nqrmal ex­changes. Variety in your headings would improve. Adjutant has an all round excellent number beginning with an artistic cover and including a football squad that inclines one to fear you have a corner on Adonis. Review. An introductory heading would improve your paper; however, your Locals and Sponges tax one's risible muscles to the utmost. Wankctonion. A decided improvement on your previous is­sue. Try some original stories, they would furnish variety. Kodak has excellent stories, if it is "cramped for space." Cynosure, Fargo, N. D., has its current issue dedicated to the football team. It is an original idea and very well done. Orange and Black, one of the very best high school papers published. The apple poem typifies Spokane Spirit and is very clever. School Mirror. Look into yourself and see of you don't think your cover would be more attractive without your subscrip­tion rates. We extend a hearty welcome to* the Nugget. Your progres­sive story of The Captain speaks well, for two of the great re­quisites of a successful school paper are originality and co-opera­tion, ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 17 ---------- THE MESSENGER 17 Iris, from N. H., is a veritable "Puritan Proseosyphe,"— quality, simplicity, but no variety. You need same good attrac­tive headings and a cut or two. Vox Studentis. "Laugh and the world laughs with you." Why don't you give us a chance? Where are your smiles, etc! Eh, Ka, Norn. You shouldn't spoil an attractive paper by using business cards for fillers. The Misses Chabot, who attended Normal last year, started for a two years' European trip, Dec. 30. Miss Sarah Cochran and Miss Minnie Dow are teaching at Centralia. Grace Ross is teaching at Port Angeles. Miss Clara E. Edmunds, a former student of B. S. N. S., is teaching at Sequim, Clallam Co., Wash. Herman Smith, of Seattle, was in Bellingham Jan. 15th. Harry Raymond left for New York City during January, to resume his musical studies. Friends in Bellingham received cards announcing the mar­riage of Celestine, of Seattle, to J. Broderick, of Bellingham, Wednesday, Jan. 12. Miss Nora Calvin, an elementary student of the year 1909. was married to J. Ainsworth Clark, of Wisconsin. Miss Myrtle Wright is teaching at Sumner. Miss Lulu Simmons is teaching in Bellingham. Miss Minerva Tower is teaching at Everett. Miss Lucy Crocker is teaching at Olympia. Miss Abigail Aurnston and Miss Mary Copeland are teaching at Aberdeen. , Miss Florence Chapin, '07, is teaching at The Dalles, Oregon. Miss Myrtle Brown, '09V2, will teach at Lynden. Mrs. Ethel Luce Yuill is now living at Vancouver, B. C. Miss Clara Junk, '09y2, is expecting to teach near Olympia. Miss Bertha Ross, of Lowell, has returned from an extended European trip. Miss Helen Linden is teaching at Prosser this winter. ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 18 ---------- 18 THE MESSENGER Miss Minnie Carver is teaching at Sterling. Miss Kathleen Casey is teaching at Hamilton. Mr. Noah Davenport is spending this winter at Fort Yukon, Alaska. Miss Clara Tarte is teaching at Beach, Wash. Miss Belle Parrdt has a school at Nooksack. Miss Artie Thrall is teaching at Lawrence. Miss Mildred Marston is teaching at Avon, and her sister, Miss Ruby, at Burlington. Miss Hazel Horn, '09, who is supervisor of the primary de­partment at Roslyn, spent the Christmas holidays with her par­ents and friends in this city. Miss Tillie Jacobson is teaching at Wickersham. Miss Elizabeth Schumacker is teaching at Vancouver, "Wash. Miss Clara Collins, who attended school here last year, is teaching in Olympia. Miss Mary Piltz is teaching at Everett. Miss Lottie Crawford is at Paulsbo. Mrs. Kate Davis Graham is living at Bremerton. Miss Annie Hall is teaching at Oak Harbor. Miss Martha McGlaughlin has a school at Bryant,. Wash. Mr. Chas. Becker will return to this school in February. May Sloane is teaching in the Seattle schools. Fan—Did he really say I was dove-like? Nan—No, not—er—exactly. He said you were pigeon-toed. If you save your money you're a grouch. If you spend it you're a loafer. If you " g e t " it you're a grafter. If you don't get it you're a bum. What's the use? "Did you ever hear the story of Algy and the Bear?" asked a boy of his father? "It is very short." Algy met a bear. The bear was bulgy. The bulge was Algy. Question of a Japanese schoolboy: "Are trousers ever po­litely proper at half-mast?" ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page [19] ---------- FOREST HOME ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 20 ---------- 20 THE MESSENGER During the past month our new Athletic field has been slashed and feneed, and we are looking forward to the comple­tion of the work in time for the baseball season. Friday, January twenty-first, the Blaine team played the Normals here. Blaine has a good aggregation this season, and the game was an exciting one. This game was the first game of the season for the Normal and had staunch support from the students and faculty. This is the one thing the boys need to make the season a success. They are giving their time, and turn­ing out two teams regularly three times a week for practice. Kline Gup Games. Seniors vs. Second Years. On January 13th the Seniors played the Second Years. The first half ended with the score 11-10 in favor of the Seniors. The second half ended with the score 19-13 in favor of the Seniors. Pearl Hoffman and Elizabeth Hamphill did excellent work for ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 21 ---------- THE MESSENGER 21 the Seniors. Every member of the Second Year's team played exceedingly well. An enthusiastic crowd witnessed the game and both teams had good support. The lineup was as follows: Seniors. Second Year's. Hilda Lobe Forward Elizabeth Arnold Pearl Hoffman Forward Phebe Reed Ethel Nichols Guard Gertrude Kendle Bessie Nichol Guard Mary Reese Elizabeth Hemphill Center Gretchen Stewart The Seniors still hold 1000 points, while the Second Year's only have 800 now. Each team starts out with 1000 points, but on every game lost 200 points are lost. Third Year's vs. Fourth Year's. On the same evening that the Seniors played the Second Year's, the Third Year's met the Fourth Year's. The game wasn't as interesting as was expected. The Third Year's did the better work. The game ended with the score 11-8 in the favor of the Third Year's. The line-up was as follows: Fourth Year's. Third Year's. Eva Rooker Guard Vera Weber Violet Parker Guard Jeanette Barrows LoisPebbley Forward Georgia Allen Lucy Fowler Forward Pearl Wright Bergiot Everson Center Hilda Christianson The Third Year's still hold their 1000 points, while the Fourth Year's have only 800 points. Seniors vs. Third Year's. The Seniors played the Third Year's Friday afternoon, Jan. 21st. It was a well played game. On the Senior team Miss Hoff­man shot five field baskets and two fouls out of six, while Miss Lobe shot two fouls out of three, while of the Second Year's Miss Allen shot three field baskets and lost four fouls. Miss Wright shot two field baskets. The Seniors excelled in their good team work. Line-up was as follows: Seniors. T h i r d Year'f: Lobe Forward -Allen Hoffman Forward Wright Nichol Guard -Weber Nichols Guard •• Barrows Hemphill Center Chanson The Seniors still hold their 1000 points, but the Third Year s now hold only 800. Exhibit of Gymnastic Work of Physical Culture Department of Bellingham State Normal School, Jan. 22,1910: ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 22 ---------- 22 TEE MESSENGER •1. First half of basket ball game—Juniors vs. Fourth Year's. -2. Grand March—All physical culture pupils. 3. Indian Club Drill. 4. Fancy Step—Majeste School Schottische. 5. Dumb-bell Drill. 6. Fancy Step—Shadow Polka. 7. "Fox and Chickens"—(The runner tried to tag each girl at end of line one at a time—the first girl tries to protect the line.) 8. Folk Dances— (a) French—Varsovienne. (b) Swedish—Klappdans. (c) Bohemian—Rovenacka. (d) American—Wild West Polka. 9. Second half basket ball game. CHRISTINE RANTERS. CALENDAR. January 4—Two bo,ys wandering down High Street, looking friendless and homeless. Hope springs eternal in the feminine human breast that they are Normal students. School opens— "Isn't it hard to get to work again? Honestly, I'd rather not have a vacation." Mr. Niles returns to place where the sunlight turns the hair to gleaming gold. Mr. Moodie, accompanied by Mrs. Moodie, returns. January 5.—Mr. Deerwester (assigning lessons to enthus­iastic Psychology class) I do no.t want you to take more than Chap. IX. Put up a sign, "Keep off the Grass." January 6. Mr. Odessa Sterling ate six dinners in honor of himself. For proof see American-Reveille and Herald for this date. Mr. Patchin takes dinner with Mrs. Moodie and her husband. January 7—Mr. Sterling gives piano recital. Mr. Stude-baker attends and the secret of his perfect discipline in Ancient History Class is solved. No wonder that the boys in the training department have less trouble keeping order than the girls! January 10—Mr. Patchin, in teachers' meeting, discussing pros and cons, desirability and undesirability, of nicknames. Senior Class meeting, in which financial condition of class is weighed in the balance and found wanting. January 11.—Miss Kanters meets girls in gymnasium for drill practice. Girls tell her all they can about costumes they cannot get for the drill. Mr. Trimble and Mr. Hansen dine at the Dormitory at b:6U, and at 7:00 have a turkey dinner at the Unitarian Church. ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 23 ---------- TEE MESSENGER 23 Seen on the bulletin board: Mr. Hogan and Miss Nichols, office. Lost—A black beau in Gym. Return to Kanters. January 12—Mr. Trimble and Mr. Hansen ill. Miss Nord, in fit of destruction, empties bottle of ink on science laboratory books. January 13—Unlucky day for basket ball game. Superiority of numbers and ancient barbarism holds sway. Peanut sale by Seniors. Junior girls grow impatient at not finding all in readiness for them in drawing and cut class. Eye witnesses testify that girls were seen running madly through hall to avoid Miss Hogle. Miss Sperry orders a twelve o'clock dinner for a one o'clock guest. Bible institute opens with splendid, inspiring talk by Mrs. Campbell, of Seattle. January 14—Lecture in Assembly, in which students and teachers are introduced to immediate and remote ancestors. Mr. Studebaker, hero of feminine eyes in Assembly. Other boys green with envy. Peanut sale by Seniors, a sequel to sale of January 13. Bible Institute in the afternoon and also in the evening. January 17—Botany class attempt to cross Normal glacier. Girls all fall down and coast to bottom. Mr. Moodie also loses his balance in his heroic attempt to rescue them. For official ac­counts of hardy expedition consult Mrs. Moodie. January 17—The debaters for preliminary contest met in Mr. Bond's room and decided upon the subject: Resolved, that the Senate should be abolished. Three boys and one girl were present. A high, light-timbered unclassified boy was seen around the Science Annex. January 18—Ancient History class complains that teacher lacks enthusiasm. For cause consult absence reports of Jan. IS. Mr. Trimble espied peeping at grand march drill. January 19—Assessed valuation of Seniors per capita far, far below par. January 20—Examinations posted. Training teachers vie with training pupils in being first to read posted programme. January 21—The graduating class, '09y2, entertained at the Dormitory. Miss Kanters gives a unique gymnasium drill in Gymnasium. Pending examinations make students have a "hopelessly lost" expression. January 20—Basket ball game, Lynden vs. B. S. N. S. boys. January 22—Class party to Seniors given by Mrs. and Mr. Deerwester and Miss Sperry. ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 24 ---------- 24 THE MESSENGER LOCALS. The third mid-year commencement exercises of the Normal School were held in the Normal auditorium, January 28, 1910. The following was the program of the evening: Class March Pianist, Mrs. Mathes (a) Since First I Met Thee Shelley (b) They Thought ^orch Normal Choral Club. Invocation. Vocal Solo Miss Mable M. Moore Address, J. H. Ackerman, State Superintendent of Public In­struction, Salem, Oregon. Trio from Elijah Mendelsshon Normal Choral Club. Presentation of Diplomas Principal E. T. Mathes Benediction. The mid-year Seniors are: Myrtle Brown, Florence Connell, Mary DuBois, Rose Thibert, Flora Junk, Grace MacLeran. Our Normal may well feel proud of the interest shown by former students in educational matters. This was demonstrated at the State Teachers' Association at Tacoma, which many Bel-lingham Normalites attended. Those present received not only the benefit of the association, but also, had the pleasure of meet­ing former classmates and friends. As we noted the joy with which these students and teachers greeted each other, we felt that a Normal reunion each year during the Association might, be made one of the mo^t enjoyable social events of the Associa­tion for the Bellingham Normal people. Among those present were Ethel Revelle, Abigail Arnston, A. D. Foster, Sarah Cochran, Myrtle Wright, Bessie Prickman, Carl Storley, Miss Ross, Lulu Simmons, Clara Collins, Minerva Tower, Lucy Crocker, Miss Tegland, Miss Haycox, Lottie Craw­ford, Mr. Doolittle, Mr. Evans, Mrs. Cochran, Grace Barrett. Several students who are attending the Normal this year were present. Among these were: Rose Thibert, Ida Felt, Pauline Paulson, Lucy Bunker, Bessie McDowell. Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Goldie Wres-ton Brown, of Blaine, to Mr. George L. Conley, of "Williston, N. D., the wedding having taken place at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Blaine. Only relatives and a few friends witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Conley left immediately for an extended wedding trip, and after February 1 will be at ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 25 ---------- THE MESSENGER 25 ho^me at "Williston. Miss Brown was a former student at the Normal school in this city and is recognized as a talented young writer, having published a book of poems last year. We are glad to announce that Mr. Bever, who has been ill with appendicitis since the holidays, will be out shortly. He will be in school at the beginning of the new semester. His classes are being cared for by Senior students. Mr. Elmer Beal visited the Normal the first week after vaca­tion. He teaches in the Maple Falls schools. The Seniors elected Miss Ada Campbell editor, and Miss Maude Westcott associate editor of the Senior Messenger to come out in June. A fine issue is promised. Three big cheers for Miss Gray and Mrs. Powell, was the comment of the students who were unable to spend their holidays at home. And the cause of all this? Why, the Xmas dinner. Xmas afternoon a body of nineteen merry and hungry students gathered in the parlor of Edens Hall. At the joyous summons of the dinner bell they trooped eagerly into the dining hall, which was fittingly decorated with Winter's green and trailing vines. In the center of the students' table was a large bouquet of beauti­ful pink and white carnations, sent as an Xmas gift by one of Eden's thoughtful girls. After a short Xmas grace by Rev. Mr. Sterling Barner, the students sat down to a delicious four-course banquet. Was the turkey good? Well, I should say! Just like mother used to cook it. And the generous mold of cranberry jelly! Could they eat all those large pieces of plum pudding? No, never! After that came oranges, cake, nuts and raisins. They nibbled these and told stories, until each one protested he just couldn't hold another mouthful. When they returned to the parlor Miss Clarke entertained with two beautiful piano solos. The rest of the afternoon was spent in progressive games, Miss Freda Montgomery carrying off the prize, which was a charming little picture in a burnt wood frame. In the early evening they departed to, their respective homes, declaring that that day would be one of the happiest memories of their Normal life. During Christmas vacation Prof Epley, assisted by some of the students, installed a telephone system connecting the main office with the different departments. A new clock, which has a second pendulum, was also installed in the Chemistry department. ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 26 ---------- 26 THE MESSENGER It operates four secondary clocks in various parts of the build­ing, moving the hands forward one minute at a time by means of electro magnet. It also runs a separate program machine, which in turn rings the bells, both for the Normal department and for the training school. It is able to ring bells at intervals of one minute during the day. Automatically it cuts off the program bells at night and on Saturday and Sunday. The electricity is supplied by storage batteries, which are charged by means of an electrolitic rectifier. Eagle Harbor, Alaska, Dec. 5, 1909. Editor Messenger: July eighth we left Seattle on the steamer Santa Clara for the "Golden North." Most of the passegers were excursionists going only as far Skagway, and perhaps a few hours ride to the summit on the White Pass Yukon railroad. Southeastern Alaska will doubtless continue to grow in popularity with the tourist class. For surely nowhere is there such a combination of sea, forest, and mountain scenery. The towering mountains, whose bases are covered with evergreen timber, rise abruptly from the water's edge; and the towns all have the appearance of hanging on for dear life, for fear of slid­ing into the sea. The labyrinth of islands resembles Puget Sound, and yet differs in that these islands are high and mountainous. There was hardly a time in the whole trip when one could noit seen a stream of water tumbling down a mountain side, fed by the melting snows above. Enchanting as this part of Alaska is, it is not the real Alaska of ice and gold, and isolation. The coldest temperature ever recorded at Sitka is four degrees below zero. Regular steamers give a close connection with the outside world, and living there would not be very different from living in Bellingham. The one hundred and twelve miles over the White Pass Yukon railroad is the connecting link between the real Alaska and the outside. The tourist pays five dollars for a round trip from Skagway to the summit, and certainly gets his money's worth in the grand­est mountain scenery. We spent two days in Dawson. As a friend and I strolled through the town we marveled at the fine looking cabbages, turnips, potatoes and even tomatoes, which we saw in the gar­dens. Our remarks of surprise attracted the attention of a lady in one of these gardens and she said. "You fellows are 'checha-cos,' aren't you?" Then it was that we found out that there are two classes of people in Alaska, "chechacos," or tenderfeet, as we would say in Washington, and "sour doughs," or old timers. One is compelled to remain a member of the first class until he has witnessed the break-up of the ice in the Yukon. ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 27 ---------- THE MESSENGER 27 The following facts may be of interest: Average tempera­ture at this point for three summer months, fifty-eight degrees; average for three winter months, fifteen degrees below zero; highest temperature ever reached here, ninety degrees, Seattle, ninety-six; lowest temperature ever recorded here, sixty-six de­grees below zero, although there are places where seventy-six below has been recorded, annual precipitation here, a fraction over twelve inches. Wishing the Messenger and the B. S. N. S. a prosperous year, I am, Yours very truly, W. R. NICHOLS. Olive Watson entered school the second semester. Friends of Miss Lou B. Dobler received announcement cards of her marriage to Edward J. Doherty at Douglas, Alaska, No­vember 8, 1909. Her future home will be at Skagway, Alaska. During vacation the store was moved from room 29 on the second floor to the former bench room in the Manual Training department in the basement. The room is very large and will serve its purpose very well. Mr. Johnson reports no apparent falling off in his trade because of the change, so the location may prove to be an advantageous one. The room that was vacated by the store is to be used by the High School department introduced this year. The following is a week's menu served in the Y. W. C. A. cafeteria: Monday Tomato soup; Tuesday, coffee, milk, dough­nuts; Wednesday, potato soup; Thursday, cacoa, milk, apple pie; Friday, oyster soup. Sandwiches and fruit are served every day. The Students' Association gave the reception to the mid-year graduating class. Miss Alma Barsness has entered the Normal. Her parents have moved here from Minnesota, where Miss Barsness attended the public schols. Miss Barsness has also attended the Glenwood academy in Minnesota. Miss Sadie H. Bourne has entered from Anacortes. She has attended the University of Washington for a year and a half. Mrs. Bernice E. Belden comes to us from Spokane. She has ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 28 ---------- 26 THE MESSENGER attended the Columbia College of expression and the Washington State College. One of the most delightful events of the new year at Normal was the piano recital Friday evening, January 7th, by Mr. Odessa D. Sterling ,of Whitman Conservatory. The program was particularly well chosen, the first part consisting of a rhap­sody in B minor, and an intermezzo in E flat major, by Brahms, and three German dances by Beethoven. The Brahms' selec­tions were very interesting, tho on account of the long phrases is a little difficult to understand. He is sometimes called the Browning of music, on account of this obtuseness. The German Dances, full of successive and running chord passages, and hav­ing short and simple themes were nevertheless not quite what we usually think of when Beethoven is mentioned. The second part of the program consisted of an Impromptu in F sharp major by Liszt, a delightful sparkling rippling melody by Staub, which was so generously applauded that it was repeat­ed, and three Chopin numbers, the beautiful Polonaise, the Noc­turne, G major, and a"n Etude. The Liszt Impromptu was a pleasing variation from the rhapsodies, which are usually given when his name appears on a program. Mr. Stirling played with fine feeling, sympathetic touch, full and melodious tone. In the Chopin numbers the singing melodies were beautifully brought out. On Tuesday morning, January 4, Mr. Sterling played at As­sembly, first the "Erlking," and then the popular "Serenade." Dr. Mathes gave a lecture at Quincy, January 13, under the auspices of the High School at that place, of which Mr. A. D. Fos­ter is principal. Dr. Mathes also delivered a lecture at Wenatchee before coming home. The committee from the Students' Association, of which Miss V. Johnson was chairman, to select a permanent school pin, have chosen five * pins, which will be presented to the faculty for choice. One evening during vacation a merry crowd gathered at Bachelor's Hall on Twenty-first street. Those who were at the party given there a year ago knew that a good time was in store for them when they received an invitation to this one. They were not disappointed, judging from the amount of laughter that accompanied the different games. One of the exciting events of the evening was a contest in which a prize was offered for the one who could eat two crackers and whistle first. Mr. ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 29 ---------- THE MESSENGER 29 Clifford came out ahead, with Mr. Krause a close second, and they were each presented with a toy that we know will amuse them for many hours. The boys certainly proved themselves capable hosts and when the crowd left it was with a hearty: Rah! rah! rail; Rah! rah! rail; Bachelors', Bachelors', Bachelors' Hall! Prof, and Mrs. Deerwester and Miss Sperry gave a reception to the Seniors on Saturday evening, Jan. 22. The class was out in full force and every one reports a splendid time. A recital will be given by the Normal Mandolin and Guitar Club and Quartet, assisted by Mrs. Deerwester and Mrs. Math.es, in the Normal auditorium February 4th. The program is as fol­lows : 1. (a) The Palms Faure (b) Promise Me Siegel 2. Magic Strings Pomeroy 3. (a) Italian Waltz Corbett (b) Host Greeting (Serenade) Weber 4. (a) Selected. (b) Selected Mrs. Deerwester 5. (a) Overture Eaton op. 90 (b) Boston Ideal March Siegel 6. (a) Love's Old Sweet Song Malloy (b) Bridal Chorus (From Lohengrin) Wagner A violin recital will be given at a future date. Superintendent Elmer Cave spoke to the student teachers Friday morning, Jan. 20, on the subject of "Retardations in the Grades." On January 21, the girls of Edens Hall entertained the Sen­iors of the mid-year graduating class. The party was a masque­rade, and everybody reported a most delightful evening. The students who remained in Bellingham during the holi­days did not regret it, as there was much fun going on. One of most enjoyable features was a trip up Chuckanut mountain. The party left the Dormitory about eleven o'clock accompanied by Mr. Mellish, of Montana, with a Montana chicken, and chaper­oned by Mr. Patchin. Mr. Meyer, a famous pathfinder of the Cascades, led the way and gained further renown as an explorer. Trusting their guide, the party followed where he led, climbed perpendicular walls, ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 30 ---------- 30 THE MESSENGER waded streams and penetrated dark jungles. Mr. Meyer is to be congratulated that he never once hit the path. About two-thirds of the way up the party stopped for breath and lunch. A fire was made and coffee and weenies cooked. The chaperon carved the chicken, aided by many suggestions from the girls. From the camping grounds the crowd went on to the top of Chuckanut, stopping often to look at the beautiful scenery, Mount Baker, Lake Padden, green valleys and steep moss-covered walls—all could be seen from this point of vantage. No student should miss taking the trip some time and enjoying the grand scenery. On the way home the redoubtable leader again lost his way and did not reach Edens Hall until some time after the rest of the party had arrived. HUMORESQUES. From Kalama comes a new definition for a volcano: "A vol­cano is when the creator gets hot and throws stones." A few days before Christmas a King county teacher told her pupils the story of the birth of Christ. On the last day before vacation, she asked them where Christ was born. " I n Bellingham," replied one bright boy. During the trip to Chuckanut Mountain, Miss E. P. pointed f apparently at Mr. Stults) and said, "Isn't that beautiful?" Mr. Bond (in Physics, demonstrating Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation)—"Even little pieces of cork will pair off." ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 31 ---------- THE MESSENGER 31 Miss Sperry (reading Browning)—" 'The prior truth at last discovered none which now the second suffers detriment'. Who will put that into English?" Mr. Clark (meeting Miss C. on the stairs)—Are you looking for trouble? Illr^^SI Miss C—0, I'm so glad I've found you! In Eoom 31, between the hours of 1:30 and 2:15. the air is laden with algebra, but the students need not have any fear as it is not contagious. Mr. Sogers (in staff meeting)—"I think Miss Merchant, who attended here last year is married." Miss Crimbs (eagerly)—"That's Miss Edna Merchant, who was in my grammar class?" Mr. R—"Yes." Miss Cribbs—"What! Did I teach her all that grammar for nothing?" Mr. Patchin (in teachers' meeting)—"The training school boys call me 'father,' but I think I can bear the dignity of be­ing called 'father.' " Mr. Studebaker, to his Ancient History class before Christ­mas: "Don't stand under the mistletoe." Why is it not necessary to go down town to get small change f Because Mr. Hogan has nickles (Nichols.) Miss Moore must have taught a new name for the upper clef, for one of her History of Music girls was heard to call it the Trimble clef. On Jan. 20, the Young Men's Debating Club debated on: Re­solved ; that a man should be married and have a position in so­ciety at the age of twenty-five. The affirmative won and the next night a number of the members did not get in until twelve o 'clock. Mr. Hansen (at Debating Club)—"Mr. Tiddell has a tremen­dous reserve force behind him." Mr. Stinson—"Yes, Mr. Hansen is sitting behind him." Mr. Moodie has an improved method of tobogganing. All who desire to know how it is done, ask Mr. Moodie. Special ex­hibitions are given on certain occasions. ---------- Messenger - 1910 February - Page 32 ---------- 32 THE MESSENGER Who says Studie's afraid to go home in the dark? The Senior girls. Mr. H. (giving classification of horses)—"The draft breeds are the Percheron, the French Draft, the Aberdeen-Angus." Are Stella and Martha Brown? Is Frances a Park? Isn 't Miss Allason a Daisy ? Florence may be Bras, but she's good as gold. Can Edna Cook? Is Janet Everett? (Ever it?) Has Clara Junk? Is Pearl a Hightower? Is Olive Kale? Is Niles Royal? What has Rose Dunn? Can Phoebe Read? What is Opal Spinning? Whose door is Lillian Tapping? Is Jeanette always Wright? In Arithmetic. Miss —"Oh, Mr. Bond, which problem are you doing?" Mr. B.—"Why, the first one." Miss —"Oh, but you said a gentleman and my book says a person." Miss R. (to Mr. Bond)—"You've been arguing that we use simple problems with some sense to them, and there isn't a bit of sense to this." During the Christmas vacation Mr. Patchin was the recipient of the following message: "Coeur d'Alene—Will start back Tuesday, accompanied by my fair lady—Moodie." Historians tell us that Mr. Patchin was very much shocked at the news and very much worried as to who would be his com­panion. Mr. Moodie arrived but—where was the lady fair? What have you done with her, Mr. Moodie? Lost—Somewhere between Oak Street and the Normal school, Prof. Deerwester's grip(pe). Has anyone found it?PPPPP