1910_0301 ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page [1] ---------- / LITERARY. CELIA THAXTER. No child's life could have been better spent for the training of mental gifts and poetry, and the seeing of the beautiful in Na­ture than that of Celia Thaxter. She was born in Portsmouth, N. H., 1835. When only five years old her father separated himself from his fellow men, prob­ably because of some difficulties in business, and he declared he would never set foot on the mainland again. This vow he kept the rest of his life. He left Portsmouth with his family to take up his abode as keeper of a lighthouse on the dreary, desolate Isles of Shoals, ten miles from the New Hampshire coast. Here Celia Thaxter lived through her childhood, an unusual and fantas­tic childhood for anyone. With no other companions save her brothers, she turned to the natural things, from the big, black, spider which wove her web in the corner of the window, to the great flying eagle, scudding over the dark blue sea or soaring into the sky, and found more than enough to satisfy her. The children would climb into the deep window seats and watch the stormy-weather, gaze at the great waves dashing against the light­house, or the ships, like tiny white specks, passing slowly away over the foaming, roaring sea to the great world beyond that Celia had seen so little of and so constantly wondered and dream­ed of. The inability to cope with other minds save those in her own little world made her turn to the lives of those in books, and she read all she could get, enriching her knowledge of them and the lore of Nature. She knew of no schools, and her education was gotten from her father and mother, but if she received her knowl­edge from other sources than us, it was just as rich, and in many cases purer. When Celia Leighton was eleven years old the family moved to Appledore Island. Though still far removed from the greater maw of people on the mainland it was a broader life than that spent in the light house. Here, during the long winter months, when no one came near the island, the girl was played the good Samaritan, keeping up the failing spirits of all on the island. In 1851 when only sixteen years of age, she married Levi L. Thaxter, a young lawyer of Watertown, Mass, Though still a child in years, she had grown to be a woman inTnany ways. Mr. Thaxter was a quiet, scholarly man who wished to remove himself from the world, For many years after her marriage she was a ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 2 ---------- 2 THE MESSENGER loving, care-free girl, seeking pleasure and happiness, and con­stantly looking forward to the time when she should leave her lonely island, and mingle with the world of men. Her winters later were spent in Boston, and it was here that all the unknown joys opened themselves before her. She enjoyed them to the fullest extent, although music was loved best of all. Her true love and appreciation of everything beautiful soon found a response in others, and very quickly great artists sought her, to have her listen to their music, to look at their pictures, or to listen while they read some article. Her parlors thronged with men and women who sought this gentle, appreciative woman to know her. and to become her friends. In 1861 her first poem appeared. It was named "Land­locked," and was published in The Atlantic Magazine, by James Russell Lowell, and from then on her works became known to the public, always carrying with them the fragrance of summer flow­ers, and the beauties of Mother Nature. Celia Thaxter's writings have a beauty, a richness and an in­dividuality all of their own. They breathe the fragrance of the outer world, the birds, the sea, the flowers, and all growing, liv­ing things. Her pictures are all framed by the smiling, shining sea, or the raging, foaming one. In them are seen the "unfailing courage of a strong soul, and the hand of an artist." She her­self, set like a flower in the great expanse of water, unfolded and spread her fragrance afterwards in such writings as "Among The Isles of Shoals," and "An Island Garden." For all time to come her works will be read with pleasure and appreciation for those who are lovers of Nature, for she learned to create as well as ap­preciate. She died at Appledore, August 26, 1894. It was in the quiet loveliness of early Summer that she went to Appledore with a few friends to visit the old places and the remembered haunts of her youthful days. She wandered around to each old place, recalling each time an incident, either pleasant or bad, that had indelibly connected itself with the spot. One night, after passing the eve­ning with those she loved in a quiet talk, she retired. In the morning her soul had flitted quietly and peacefully away to that other world, and only memories were left to those who loved and mourned her. E. V. S. No rock so hard but that a little wave May beat admission in a thousand years. —Tennyson. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 3 ---------- THE MESSENGER 3 A GHOST. Ghosts have long been a favorite theme for story-tellers. Since time immemorial, the mere mention of a ghost has been enough to send the cold shivers up and down the back. I have only seen one ghost. I have no desire to see another. For my terror, while short-lived, was yet real enough and great enough to leave with me a wholesome, lasting fear of white-robed spirits. • '# I was only a child of eight or nine years on this eventful night. I had been visiting at the old farm house exactly six hours. In this time, however, I had made the acquaintance of May Griggs, a neighbor girl of several years my senior. She had told me weird and fearsome tales of a ghost that haunted the old house. Long before, it seems, a man, some relative of the family, had fallen from the attic window, while out on a sleep-walking expedition, and was killed. Even after death he was not content to sleep in peace and quiet but wandered about in the night, much to the fear of the living. He wore a white, flowing, unreal robe—I have since learned that white flowing robes seem to be the favorite garb of the wandering spirits. The story made quite an impression on me, you may be sure. I had heard of goblins, and ogres, and elfmen, but never of ghosts. So when the "shades of night began to fall," I stayed close to the grown folks. The evening was spent before the fireplace. The farmer's family told stories and played games. We ate apples and nuts and other good things from the pantry and cellar. Alto­gether, it was a most pleasant evening and bedtime came all too soon. I was about to start upstairs to bed when I remembered I had left my loved Salome Ann by the kitchen stove, where I had watched Hannah prepare supper and wash the dishes. Leave dear Salome Ann all alone in the dark, all night long! Never! I crept away to her rescue and had just clutched her when—I re­membered the ghost. A horrible fear seized me. My heart stood still, and my breath choked me. I looked around is if expecting something to happen, and—there in front of me was the GHOST! Very long and slender it was and, as I gazed in terror, I saw it move. It seemed as if a long arm was pointing at me, and I wanted to scream; but my tongue refused to work. I stood there, unable to move, my eyes on the ghost. Once more the long arm was raised toward me and—horror of horrors! The ghost approached me! I thought I could feel the cold, icy hand on my arm and, ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 4 ---------- 4 THE MESSENGER though my eyes were shut, I could see the dreadful figure bending over me. Somehow, I found my voice and gave one loud, piercing shriek. The farmer and his wife and the entire family rushed out to the kitchen; a light was procured, and Salome Ann and I were picked up from the floor. The ghost had vanished! I told my story to the family and to a man they listened and to a man they joined in the laugh that followed. "That Griggs girl has been reading some more of them pa­per novels," said the farmer's wife. "Wonder what she'll be im-again next? Last week she thought she was some great lady who had been kidnaped when she was a baby and given to Pa and Ma Griggs to raise. Once a year or two ago she stayed out all night to see the fairies dance around the old oak in the meadow. She frightened her pa and ma to death and caught a dreadful cold. Thought it 'ud a-cured her, but she's just gone from one thing to another and—now its ghosts. Well, we'll see that she don't worry Miss Margaret with any more of her nonsense." Hannah held me in her arms and carried me upstairs; put me to bed and tucked me in snugly and held my hands until I was off in the land of dreams. In the morning when I was eating breakfast, the farmer's oldest daughter came into the room and said to her mother: "Land sakes, mother; if I didn't go and leave my white dress hanging on the line outside the kitchen window all night. It's a wonder some tramp didn't steal it." I did some thinking later on. That window had been just in front of me when I looked up, the night before, and the wind was blowing. Two added to two makes four. So that was my ghost! C. Mrs. Bessie V. Williams, nee Wilder, was born in Otranto, Iowa, Feb. 9, 1874. She died in Bellingham, Washington, Feb. 3, 1910. Mrs. Williams was educated in the elementary schools of Iowa and Minnesota, in the High school in Austin, Minnesota, and in the State Normal School at Cedar Falls, Iowa, in which she completed the work of the Junior year. She taught in Iowa and in Boise, Idaho, and was always conscientiously devoted to her work. She was married in 1894 to Mr. Chas. Williams. Mrs. Williams came to our school last September, and was by our Cred­its Committee given Senior standing. Had she lived to complete the work upon which she was so earnestly determined, she would ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 5 ---------- THE MESSENGER b have been graduated with the June Class of 1910. She was an earnest and faithful student and kept up her work till the Christ­mas vacation, about which time she contracted a severe cold, which she was unable to shake off. Her modest, gentle manner won for her the kindest regard of her classmates and instructors. Her remains were taken to Portland, Ore., the home of her mother. Mrs. Williams is survived by a dear old mother, two brothers in Minnesota and South Dakota, and a stout-hearted son, Harold, a lad of fourteen, to all of whom the sympathy and good-will of her many friends in the Normal are extended. As one result of the establishment of the High School depart­ment of our Training School, more advanced work is demanded of the departments. In order to insure good, strong teachers of Al­gebra and Geometry, the Mathematics Department is giving courses this year in College Algebra, Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry. Next year it will offer in addition to these a course in Differential Calculus making, in all, two years of work above the High School requirements. This makes it possible for Juniors and Seniors to elect Mathematics and specialize in the teaching of the subject in the High School department. There seems to be a growing demand on the part of the stu­dent body for more advanced Academic work in connection with the professional training. This spirit should be encouraged and provision made for its realization in all departments of our school. There was a young lady named Jensen, Who juggled with verbs and declension. She examined her class And they hardly could pass; But they did, after hours of suspension. HALLEY'S COMET. (By Dr. Ephriam Miller, Professor of Mathematics and Astron­omy, University of Kansas.) The comet which made its first appearance a few evenings ago in the western heavens took the astronomers as well as other mortals by surprise. It is being closely observed and there will doubtless be something interesting to say about it very soon. It has been called Derake's comet, in honor of its first observer. The most important astronomical event of the present century ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 6 ---------- 6 TEE MESSENGER is the finding of the celebrated Halley's comet. Professor Max Wolf, of Heidelberg, Germany, found it on a photographic plate that was taken September 11,1909. As soon as the discovery was made known a hundred telescopes were pointed in the direction of the illustrious visitor. Since its last appearance in 1835, Halley 's comet has traveled millions of miles beyond the orbit of Neptune in the icy cold of space. Now it is coming our way. It is impossible to see the comet at the present time with the naked eye. But with a good six-inch telescope, or even a three-inch glass its position can be traced from night to night. Those who are not fortunate enough to possess a telescope will have to wait until sometime in April, before getting a naked-eye view of this comet. It will then rise shortly before the sun and will rap­idly increase in brightness. At the present the comet is moving towards the west in a di­rection opposite the motions of all the planets around the sun. On April 19 it will be nearest the sun and will move with its greatest speed in its orbit. Five days later it will be headed in the direction of the earth, but we shall pass it by unharmed. At this time, April 24, its mo­tion will be towards the east, and so it will continue to move. On the evening of May 18, our visitor will be within 14,000,000 miles of the earth, after which for a few days, it will move among the stars at the rate of fifteen degrees per day, equal to one-sixth of the distance from the zenith to the horizon. On May 19 the comet may be seen as a magnificent object ap­pearing shortly after sunset. It will get higher and higher up in the western sky each succeeding day. It will probably travel across the face of the sun, but there is no danger of it striking either the earth or the sun. We shall probably pass through its tail, but the only serious consequence will be a meteoric shower, which in itself will be a glorious sight to behold. However, we cannot predict positively that the shower will occur. Halley's comet gives great promise of being a remarkable one. In May it will be a glorious spectacle in the sky, a brilliant object with a long flowing tail, 30 degrees in length, stretching one-third of the distance from the horizon to the zenith. In the summer of 1682, Halley's comet was very extensively observed by two Englishmen, Halley and Flamsteed, and by Cas-sini at Paris, and by many others. Some years after this, Halley undertook the labor of calculating the elements of all the comets which had been sufficiently observed to enable him to do so. A ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 7 ---------- THE MESSENGER 7 comparison of all the comets thus computed by Halley showed that those which appeared in the years 1531, 1607 and 1682, were moving in orbits very similar to each other. Hence he was led to conclude that they were successive appearancs of the same comet, revolving around the sun in a period of about 75 or 76 years; and he was more confirmed in this by the fact that a remarkable com­et was recorded to have appeared in the year 1457, which was seventy-five years before 1531. He concluded by confidently predicting that it would appear in the year 1758. It did so ap­pear, being first seen on Christmas Day, in that year, by a Saxon farmer, and by an amateur named Palitzsch near Dresden. Subse­quent calculations have been made to identify Halley's comet with comets seen at many intervals of seventy-six years before 1456, the first being so far back as 12 B. C, in the reign of the Emperor Augustus, and the second in A. D. 60. When Halley's prediction was fulfilled, (sixteen years after his death), by the reappearance of the comet of 1682 and 1758, it was called after his name, and has ever since born the designa­tion of Halley's Comet. It appeared again in 1835, and during this year of 1910, it will be visible to us. There was a young lady called Drake, The hearts of the students she'd break; When in teaching they'd fail She made their hearts quail For critics she, sure took the cake. Knowledge, so my daughter held, was all in all.—Tennyson. Better be not at all, than not be noble.—Tennyson. Let the past be past.—Tennyson. Sweet is it to have done the things one ought When fallen in darker ways. —Tennyson. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 8 ---------- THE MESSENGER THE MESSENGER SCHOOL PAPBR OP THE BELLINGHAM STATE NORMAL SCHOOL BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON S. B. Irish Co., Printingfl^^^^S)i3ii Railroad Avenue It may be proved, with much certainty, that God intends no man to live in this world without working; bui it seems to me no less evident that He intends every man to be happy in his work.—RUSKIN. _ _ „ __ MESSENGER STAFF ADA B. CAMPBELL ANDREA NORD - MARIE REESE •) ALICE PEACOCK V - EDNA STAPLES ' MARY E. SEXTON MAUDE WESCOTT ) MARGARET WALTON » ELIZABETH HEMPHILL EMMA WOODHOUSE Editor Associate Literary Exchanges Organizations • - - Locals HENRY ROGERS 1 BEATRICE BAIR gt; ESTHER PARKYN ROY KNUDSON INA LANDON OLIVE CLARK VALE NIXON HARRY HEATH JANET EVERETT W. T. MEYER Athletics • Calendar Art - Alumni Jokes Busines Manager TERMS—FIFTY CENTS A YEAR Entered December 21, 1902, at Bellingham, Washington, as second-class matter, under act of Congress of March 3,1879. Vol. IX. March, 1910 No. 6 WM^k ^ r Everyone thought it was a grand sight to see the snow lying so thick on the ground and the housetops. The campus seemed proud of its holiday dress; the students remarked that even the Athletic field looked quite respectable to the casual observer. Oh, well! the time is coming when our entire campus will make a beautiful picture, without this blanket of snow. The only thing that we hope for is, that the time may be soon forthcoming in order that some of us may see what the future surroundings will be. Normal School graduates are in a steady and increasing de­mand. Calls for teachers are being received at the office from time to time, but many of these vacancies cannot be filled. We, as a school, will have to grow much larger before we are able to meet the demands made upon it. There will be, if there are not already, some very sorry people about this Normal School. Here we give The Messenger to you for fifty cents a year and in June you are going to pay ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 9 ---------- THE MESSENGER * , fifty cents or more for the Senior Annual. Then you will be asking yourselves why you didn't support your School paper and have a little School spirit. A new feature of this month's Messenger is a page devoted entirely to the High School and written by High School students. The "chillens" are taking hold of the idea vith vim and we may expect a bright bit of reading from month to month. This past September they were mere infants; now they have risen to such heights. This is merely an illustration of the fact that it is merely " a short step from the cradle to fame." A noticeable feature of the game with Ellensburg was the generous applause given, not only to our own boys, but to the visiting team. The B. S. N. C. people are to be congratulated on the spirit displayed. How many of the students knew of the preliminary contest in declamation that took place in the auditorium the afternoon of February 10? The school was not especially well represented. This seems unfortunate to us for the contestants need your inter­est to encourage them. It is to be hoped more people will be present at the other contests that are to take place shortly. The various gym exhibits that have been given lately have been for the purpose of raising money for the new tennis court. The "athletic" folks are taking an unusual interest in the court. We hope it may materialize soon. As the old darky said: "The good Lawd knows we suttinly needs it bad." The Student Association through a committee has been in­vestigating the matter of hospital and medical service for its members. The committee reported a plan recently and left the matter in the hands of the students. In a short time they will be asked to pass upon the matter in some way—to adopt, reject, or refer for further investigation. Good reasons can be offered for each. It is to be hoped that our students will investigate the plan and vote their convictions. No one has any personal interest in the matter. Students, it is up to you. If you think the plan is wise, vote for it. The essentials of the plan are as follows: 1. A fee of fifty cents per month is to be collected from each member at the beginning of the semester—with no rebate. 2. Membership in the hospital association may or may not ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 10 ---------- 10 THE MESSENGER be required of each member of the Student Association—as may be decided. 3. A head physician is to be chosen by the Student Associa­tion with two associate physicians appointed by him under such restrictions as the Association may impose. 4. The Association is to provide hospital service, medical at­tendance and medicines up to a certain limit—to be determined before the plan goes into effect. i gt;. Hospitals and physicians to give a special rate to the Association. ALKISIAH NOTES. On Tuesday, Feb. 1, the Assembly period was given to the Alkisiah Society, which presented to the student body a debate on the subject, "Resolved, That the study of the sciences is of more benefit than that of the classics." The affirmative was taken by Miss Andrea Noed and the negative by Miss Abbie Johnson. Each side presented forcible arguments; well phrased and aptly put. When the affirmative had finished her defense of the sciences we almost felt regret for the weary hours spent digging out the meaning of a Latin sentence; but when the nega­tive appeared as champion of mooted subjects we soon began to be glad if we knew even one little word of Latin. The judges, Messrs. Bond, Philippi and Deerwester had a hard task but ren­dered a decision in favor of the negative. The debate showed careful thought and preparation by each participant and was well received by the audience. Each student needs the training in rapid thinking, command of words and self-control which comes from such work. The Alkisiah program on February 11 was strong and in­tensely interesting. A sketch of the most prominent characters in the study of the Grail was given by Pearle Stanton. Verona Prader read a paper on King Arthur and Guinevere. The story of Launcelot from the old version was given by Celia Cosgrove, ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 11 ---------- THE MESSENGER H and the same from Tennyson by Erminie Calder. Each report was greatly enjoyed by those present and the club members are anticipating with pleasure the programs on the Grail yet to come. The meetings are always open to visitors and those inter­ested are cordially invited to attend. Y. W. 0. A. With the opening of the new semester, when all the organi­zations began with new life, the Y. W. C. A. entered upon a most promising half year, with the prospect of making the second se­mester even more helpful and full of growth than the first. The first meeting of the new quarter was led by Hilda Musgrove, the subject being "Promises." After the meeting a social time was enjoyed when home-made candies were served. A social meeting once a month has become a regular feature in the Association, and has proved very helpful in the matter of getting better ac­quainted. The meeting on February 10 was led by Donna Griffith, who had as her subject, "The Little Things of Life." At this meeting a list of twenty-five new members was read, voted upon, .and re­ceived into the Association. From this may be seen the splendid growth of this organization. A new "wrinkle" has been added to the list of this school association. A number of magazines, including "The Student World," and " The Inter-Collegian,'' relating to association work have been subscribed for. These are placed in a rack, which was kindly donated by Miss Hogle, in the association room, and all the members are urged to take advantage of this oppor­tunity to become more familiar with the work, and to see what other schools and colleges are doing along this line. THESPIAN CLUB. The Thespian Dramatic Club, although not one of the largest organizations of the school is found by its members to be ex­tremely interesting. The work of the club is entirely along dra­matic lines. Their pleasing programs are made up of sketches and criticisms of plays and playwrights before the public eye. Short plays given by the members of the club are found to be very entertaining as well as helpful. A farce, "The Burglars," given a short time ago, was a de­cided success. '' The Court Comedy,'' given before a large audi­ence, was unusually well presented. With the addition of excellent musical selections, the Thes­pian programs are always looked forward to with great pleasure. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 12 ---------- 12 THE MESSENGER TREASURER'S REPORT. Prom Nov. 1, '09 to Feb. 9, '10. Receipts— General Fund I 392.83 Store Fund 824.69 Messenger Fund 320.37 Athletic Fund 131.17 Cash in Till 44.11 Total receipts $1713.17 Expenditures— From General Fund I 295.18 From Store Fund 527.90 From Mess fund 310.07 From Athletic Fund 129.97 Balance 450-05 Total Receipts 11713.17 Cash on hand * 450.05 General Fund * 393.83 Amount wuhdrawn • 295.18 % 97.65 Store Fund *824-69 Amount withdrawn 527.90 $269.79 Messenger rund $ 320.37 Amount withdrawn 310.07 $ 10.30 Athletic Fund $ 131.17 Amount withdrawn !29.97 $ 1.20 Cash In Till *4 4 -n Balance on hand *i05M YOUNG MEN'S DEBATING CLUB. The Young Men's Debating Club held its regular meeting on Thursday evening, February 10th. The boys held their semi­annual election of officers. Mr. McCoubrey, to whom is due much credit in bringing the club to its present state of efficiency, was re-elected president, and Mr. Hansen, secretary. After the election, a number of short talks of a very edifying nature, bearing principally on the events of the day, were given by different members. The talk by Mr. Bond on the "Budget," was especially interesting and much appreciated by all present. With a few exceptions every man of the Normal was present. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 13 ---------- THE MESSENGER 13 We want to urge every man to join our ranks and help make the club a success. STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION. On account of the fact that Mr. Stultz was obliged to leave school at the end of the first semester, a vacancy was left in the Board of Control of the Students' Association. An election was held and Mr. Whipple was chosen to fill the vacancy. The matter of a school pin has been once more brought be­fore the school by the Board of the Association. A number of pins have been selected by the committee from which the student body may choose one to be the school pin. Drawings of these pins are posted on the bulletin and every one should be interested enough to decide which pin he prefers so that when the matter is put before the students for a vote, they may have a perfectly clear idea of the matter in question. HIGH SCHOOL. President Vice-President OFFICERS: Relta Nichols Lew Greene Secretary '.'.' ' ' V.''''V.V.V.'.''V.. •. Charles Larrabee Treasurer • ' Lytton Swart. Sergeant-At-Arms Wrex Plummer Class Teachers W. H. Patchin, Rose Baxter The High School is growing. We have twenty new members from the Training School as a result of the mid-year promotions These recruits have not yet forgotten the childish ways they ac­quired in the Training School. (If you don't believe this, ask Mr Patchin) 'Besides these infants we have received several pupils from outside schools. They are: Franklin Sly, Reuben Gogg: Rosa Redda, Goldie. Baker and Marie Hedge. Yes, and there s Arthur Singleton. (Every little bit helps.) Agnes Thoren, who has been one of the strongest workers in our class, has left us to make her home in the East. A delightful initiation party was given the evening of Feb­ruary 19, to the new Freshman Class by the members of the old High School class. The great Delphic Oracle administered ad­vice to the candidates and suggested remedies for their numer­ous bad habits. They afterwards solemnly promised to be angels at all times- not to run in the Science department past Mr. Ep-ley's door, nor talk loud in the halls; to go up and down stairs ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 14 ---------- 14 THE MESSENGER one step at a time, and never, under any circumstances, to dis­turb "Father" when he is holding a private conversation with a favorite teacher. For full particulars ask Beauford Anderson. We now have a piano in our Assembly room. Two more rooms have been fitted up for the High School classes. Wanted—By Fred Horst; some stairs he can't fall up. Mr. Patchin (To Leonard Anstett)—Leonard, this is no plaee to waste your time looking at the girls; you may spend next Sun­day evening looking at Rosie. Rex Plummer (quoting from "Vision of Sir Launfal")— "What is so rare as a half-stewed prune?" M. H. (Who loves jewelry) to B. A.—I believe your ring would just fit my finger. Found!—A man without a heart. Arthur Singleton left two back East. Frankie Frescoln is teaching at Custer, in the Eighth and Ninth grades. Dell Pratt is teaching Primary in the same school. Miss Tressie Flesher is now the wife of the Rev. Ashby, of Se­attle. Mrs. Fred Hofstetter, of Tacoma, with her two little chil­dren, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Arnold of Garden Street. Mrs. Hofstetter expects to live in Olympia after March 1. Miss Francis Arnold, who was married in June to Mr. Alfred Black, Jr., lives on Bellingham Heights. Mr. Alfred Roos and Mr. Morris Schwartz visited our halls February 14—a Valentine's visit. Miss Maud Dickinson ,who attended school here during 1907- 8, is teaching in the city schools in Starbuck, Wash. Miss Ola Deakins, an elementary student here last year, is spending this year at her home in Rice, Wash. Miss Charlotte Stewart is now Mrs. F. W. Mosher, a happy mistress of a beautiful home in Spokane, Wash. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Plate [a] ---------- WHITMAN COLLEGE GLEE CLUB TO APPEAR HERE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, IK THE NORMAL AUDITORIUM ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 15 ---------- THE MESSENGER 15 Mrs. Margaret O'Keefe, '04, is now enjoying her fourth year of successful teaching in the city schools of Tacoma. Miss Greta Pattison, '09, is teaching in the city schools of Farmington, "Wash. Miss Ida Zobrist, who was injured last July, has almost fully recovered and is now at her home in Acme, Wash. Miss Elizabeth Shoemaker was recently called to Portland on account of her father's death. Miss Lillian Miller, '01, is resting this year on a leave of ab­sence from the Seattle High School. Miss Grace Huntoon, '02, who has been resting this year, supplied a substitute in the Lynden schools in January. Miss Minta Morgan, '06, is teaching in Pasadena, Calif. Byrd Anslow, '07, has recently accepted a clerical position in the United States navy yard, Bremerton. Nellie Ramsay, '05, is now Mrs. E. H. Harriger, of Rex, Ore. Jessie S. Cowing, '06, is teaching in the High School at New­port, Wash. Minnie Le Sourd, '07, is a Senior at the University of Wash­ington, this year. Miss Georgia Ellis is teaching a model rural school at Par­mer, Wash. Miss Ellis has been doing High School work for some time, but accepted the rural school for experience. Miss Minnie Osberg, '08, resigned her position at LaConner, February 1, to attend the University of Washington. Miss Gertrude Hoover, who attended here in '08, is teaching at Clearbrook. Miss Esther Moy and Miss Hannah Spedding, both of the class of '09, are teaching at the Roeder School, near Everson. Miss Kate M. Schutt, of the class of 1900, also a graduate of Cornell University, is secretary in the registrar's office at Cornell University, New York. Grace Purinton is now Mrs. J. D. Fletcher, of Tacoma. Mr. Fletcher is an attorney in that city. Miss Dubois, '09%, is teaching in the Primary department in the LaConner schools. Miss Connell, '09%, is teaching at the Eureka School, in this city- Miss Minnie Strauch, who attended school here the first of the year, has a school at Fulda, Wash., where she is enjoying all sorts of Winter sports. Miss Grace McLeran, '09%, is teaching at the Franklin School, in this city. Miss Dolly Jennings has a school at McMurray, Wash. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 16 ---------- 16 THE MESSENGER Miss Rose Thibert, W/z, has accepted a position in the Se­attle schools. Julia Kimball is at Marysville, and her sister, Mabel Kimball, is at Pleasant Valley. Viola VanCuren is teaching at Enterprise. We often see her in Bellingham over Saturday. Ruth Bliss is teaching at Visalia, Calif. Miss Margaret Bryant is at her home this year. Her mother died in August and she is keeping house for her father and brother. Miss Bryant's health is improving during her stay at home. Miss Selma Beckstrom is teaching near Everett. On February 18, the Gymnasium exhibit was again given. Everything went off as well as before. To play basketball that evening two school teams were picked from the regular class teams, two players being taken from each team. The floor was so slippery from the candle grease, that fell from the candles car­ried by those in the grand march, that the players could not do as good work as they would have done otherwise. The line-up was as follows: Miss Hemphill (Sen.) Center Miss Carpenter (3d yr.) Miss Pebley (4th yr.) Forward Miss Hoffman (Sr.) Miss Arnold (2nd yr.) Forward Miss Woodhouse (Jr.) Miss Simpson (Jr.) Guard Miss Staples (2d yr.) Miss Barrous (3d yr.) Guard Miss Stewart (2d yr.) Miss Christianson's side won by a score of 17 to 6. The Kline Cup games have been still going on this last month. The games, we hope, will be over at the end of March instead of February, as was first planned. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 17 ---------- TEE MESSENGER 17 The Juniors played the Fourth Years on January 22nd, which was the evening of the first exhibition. The Juniors won the game with very little opposition. The score was 28-7 in favor of the Juniors. Both teams had their regular line-ups. On the 29th of January the Seniors played against the Jun­iors. The game wasn't as interesting as was expected, but both teams played well. The Juniors won by a large score. On February 4th, the Seniors played the Fourth Year's. It was expected that the Seniors would win, but luck was against them and with the Fourth Year's. When time was called the Fourth Year's had 17 points and the Seniors 16. This was one of the prettiest games that has been played on the Normal floor this year. Five field baskets were shot by Pearl Hoffman and one field basket and four fouls shot by Hilda Lobe for the Seniors. Lois Pebley shot four field baskets and Beatrice Bair three field baskets and three fouls. Both teams had their regular line-ups. The Juniors in a game with the Second Year's won from them by a score of 18-2. The Second Year's put up a good fight but the Juniors were the larger and more experienced. Emma Wood-house shot seven field baskets and MissFeno shot two field bas­kets for the Juniors. The only field basket shot for the Second Year's was shot by Phoebe Reed. Emma Woodhouse did excellent work for the Juniors, in Miss Philippi's regular place, as forward. The game played on January 13th between the Third and Fourth Years' had to be played over, as the teams weren't straight class teams. So on the afternoon of the above game it was again played. This time the Fourth Year's won by a score of 13-12. It was a close game, as the teams were pretty evenly matched. Miss ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 18 ---------- 18 THE MESSENGER Pebley shot five field baskets, Miss Bair one field basket and one foul for the Fourth Year's. Miss Wright shot three field baskets, while Miss Allen shot five fouls for the Third Year's. Both teams played well. The game between the Juniors and Third Year's was forfeited to the Juniors. The Second Year's have yet to play the Third and Fourth Year's and then the Finals will be played. The number of points held by each class are as follows: Seniors—600 (lost 200 to the Fourth Year's and 200 to the Juniors. Juniors—1,000. Fourth Year's—800 (lost 200 to the Juniors.) Third Year's—400 (lost 200 to Senior's, Junior's and Fourth Year's.) Second Year's—600 (lost 200 to Seniors and Juniors.) First Year's—Dropped out. Who is going to win the Kline Cup? Ask the Juniors! On February 3rd our boys were defeated on their own floor by the Ellensburg team, by a score of 4-11. The game was a snappy one from start to finish. Good clean ball was played by both teams, and no fouls were called for rough play. Of the Ellensburg boys, Newton, the center, probably did the best work, making 15 of the 47 points. Henry and Chap­man did good work as forwards, making 24 points between them. Rader and McKinstry, as guards, collected 8 points. Heath made 9 points for the Bellingham boys, and Niles 2 points. The line-up was as follows: Eilensburg Bellingham Chapman, (Capt.) Forward Heath Menry Forward Krause Newton Center Odle Rader Guard Niles Copenhaven McKinstry Guard Rogers (Capt.) A luncheon was served in honor of the Ellensburg team after the game. The seventeenth we play a return game with the Blaine Athletic Association at that place. We were defeated by them 33 to 9 at the beginning of the season but have a much stronger team now than we had at that time. Two new men have come in this semester. Becker, who played guard on the Normal team last year, and Holcombe, a forward of four years' experience. Work Was begun last Saturday, the 12th, on the construction of two tennis courts on the campus between the Dormitory and ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 19 ---------- THE MESSENGER hi High Street. The work of leveling the ground is to be done by the boys and gentlemen members of the Faculty. Work was discon­tinued Saturday on account of the weather, but will be taken up again as soon as the weather will permit. The B. N. S. Boys' Basket Ball team went to Blaine on the night of February 17. They were royally entertained by the Maids and Matrons Basket Ball teams of Blaine, after the game. They were given a supper, followed by music, which lasted until late in the evening. Among other things reported by their trip, the boys are in raptures over the Blaine sunset, which they say is equal to the most beautiful ever seen from our own city. EXCHANGES. All our old friends and new ones, too, are enjoying the new ''Exchange rack" which Mr. Rendel has made for them. We look forward to receiving our exchanges as we do to receiving a friend, for such we feel every exchange that visits us to be. There are big papers, little papers and varieties as great as fifty editorial staffs can afford. We fully realize the great aid and value our exchanges are to us and realizing that "variety is the spice of life" we are glad to enjoy and criticise our visitors. Noticeable among the exchanges this month were two "Mid- Year Senior" Class issues. The Orange and Black from Spokane and Cardinal from Portland. Both papers possessed a high degree of excellence and any school might well be proud of a staff that put out a number like that. Only one thing was noted that might possibly detract from either paper: They seemed more devoted to Venus than Minerva. The Megaphone had some good short stories. , Capitalia from Bismark, N. D., has made a most excellent "maiden bow." Her paper is well organized and contains good material. Some good cuts would greatly improve the paper. The Butte has poor form of lettering for headings. Your Current Events Department is a good idea. Echo can you not get some more material? Vox Studentis use your vox and anything else you need to work up your Literary Department. Review has an unusually good number this issue. You arti­cles on "German School System" and "Knickerbocker History of New York," are excellent. Evergreen from W. S. A. C. is an excellent school "news­paper." ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 20 ---------- 20 TEE MESSENGER Tempe Normal Student has excellent material but the form of your issue might be improved. Exponent should entice the muses of story and poem. Kilikilik contains excellent editorials. This is always a most desirable feature of a paper because "By their editors shall ye know them." CALENDAR. January 21—Alta Shepherd not tardy for class. Alta admits she has made a mistake. Mr. McCoubrey's birthday. Lantern celebration at Bachelors' Hall. January 22—Open meeting of Thespian Club in which audi­ence is held spellbound by news of awful burglary. The Philomathean Society prepares extensive list of fines for absentees. January 24—Four girls remain at school so late that they are locked in and compelled to crawl out of basement window. Mr. Johnson's and Mr. Trimble's pictures appear in the pa­per. These boys are winning a national reputation in domestic sci­ence and far surpassing anything in the history of the department. January 25—Notice given in Assembly that students must leave building by 6:00 o 'clock. This will work a great hardship on those students who feel they cannot spare the time from their studies to go home. Alkisiah Club gives splendid debate in Assembly 10:30 P. M. Lusty male quartette lost on High Street. January 26—Mr. Niles and Miss Cohen '' make up.'' Mr. Laraway cleans house in lockers. Main hall, first floor. Pupils spend night in close intimacy with great minds of past ages. Students at Dormitory cover cracks in doors and windows to keep rays of light from disturbing Miss Gray. January 27—Student body writes extensively on what it does not know, and has not seen and has not heard. Another night of frantic cramming for next day's exams. January 28—Exams, continued, students writing more waste paper material. Commencement exercises, and reception given by Students' Association. January 29—Basket Ball between Juniors and Seniors. In­tense excitement, scores forgotten to be kept. Miss Ryan de­molished in game. First Year's have party; class enrollment according to party ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 21 ---------- THE MESSENGER 21 attendance, eight. Junior and Senior "remnants" from Basket ball game appear and give grand march. Miss Woodhouse and Miss Beass conduct class in "fancy steps." In payment for furn­ishing amusements, Seniors and Juniors accept generous supply of refreshments. Mr. Sidney Johnson takes a buggy ride. January 31—New boys complain that girls scrutinize them too closely. New semester begins. Boom 17 suddenly converted into a study room. The silence is so oppressive that Miss Gray is forced to come and solve the difficulty. February 1—Silence in Room 17 still unbroken. Saloon vs. Anti-Saloon campaign. '' The world will little note nor long remember what they said here, but it can never forget what they did here." February 2—Mr. Deerwester explains that it is too early in the semester to recognize students by their hands (held up to re­cite). Exciting basket ball game between Juniors and Second Year's —score 16 to 2 in favor of Juniors. Miss Abercrombie wins new laurels. Miss Ryan's black eye is improving. Miss Baker's dog forgets all his previous lessons in etiquette and gives an impromptu vocal entertainment in the hall. February 3—Mr. Niles in Sociology class admits he is not pre­pared to discuss marriage contract, but we shall expect to hear from him later. February 4—Mr. Elliott gives reading. Mr. Deerwester gives speech in Assembly. He may not be ready, but he is always prepared. He welcomes the boys in a manner second only in pleasing and warmth to that given them previously by the girls. He says that his eyes were not the only ones who were looking for Ellensburg boys. We quote him further: "If there is anything better for a boy than to have a .young lady near and interested in him, it is to have two young ladies near and interested in him." 8:00 P. M.—Ellensburg game, 47 to 11 in favor of Ellensburg boys. True hospitality demanded that we give Ellensburg the game. February 7—Senior class meeting in which new officers are chosen for the remainder of the year. Saloon parties at main entrance makes it difficult to pass through. February 8—Polls again open for votes. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 22 ---------- 22 THE MESSENGER Dr. Mathes gives talk on sign-board system of school. What it should be and what it should not be. Students' Association takes up matter of Hospital fund. Mr. Deerwester explains to Mr. Niles that it is to be an accident policy also. February 9—The importunity of the Saloon and Antisaloon parties makes a bodyguard necessary in getting past to recitation rooms. February 10—Supply store has housecleaning. Mr. Eply announces free note-books to be had in his room. Students will find these note-books in one corner of the room on the floor, dangerously near the waste-basket. February 11—Mr. Krause and Mr. Holcomb take Gym. with the Training School girls, Miss Ryan, teacher. The boys are eager in their praises of Miss Ryan's methods. Fourth Year's give party to underclassmen. Juniors stay at building until midnight, decorating for Junior party. No wonder it took them so long when there is only one boy in Junior Class to help. The Training School has a new critic-teacher. Never before was Miss Buell known to possess such dignity and poise. February 12—Junior reception. Splendid music by Mandolin Club. The decorations far surpass anything in the history of the school. February 14—Mr. Studebaker goes home alone. February 15—A happy thought comes to Mr. Deerwester in Philosophy of Ed. All tardy pupils henceforth to sit on platform. This will, without doubt, cure all tardiness. Miss Kanters desires to meet girls up in lower hall "in shoes." Later in the day she wishes to meet them "in suits." Miss Lawrence gives talk on menus and table manners The lantern slides are especially enjoyable and instructive. February 16—Mr. Bond gives list of harrowing problems to Arithmetic Class to work out next winter just for pleasure and recreation. February 17—Miss Gray (in Assembly)—"Sometimes things are funny but a smile will do." Snow! Snow! At least six inches of it. Students plan coast­ing parties. February 18—Gymnasium exhibit and sale of candy to get supplies for tennis court and other outdoor games. February 22—Vacation. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 23 ---------- ) THE MESSENGER 23 LOCALS. WHITMAN GLEE HERE. The Whitman Glee, on their twelfth annual tour, are touring the Sound cities, and will appear in the Normal Auditorium, Wednesday, March 30. The Whitman Glee is the oldest college glee club in the Northwest ,and is composed of twenty men, se­lected from a squad of over forty, who have been drilling under the direction of Mr. Elias Blum, who is a new man at Whitman. Mr. Blum is said to be an accomplished director. Prof. Odessa D. Sterling, who was heard in a recital here last January, has kindly consented, according to the report, to add aD additional number to his share of the program at the request of his many Bellingham friends. The club also carries B. Glen Morgan and Harold E. Craw­ford, violinist and 'cellist, who will play trios with Prof. Blum at the piano. Paul Dunbar Garrett is the reader of the club, while Virgil Bennington, Willie Hales, Lloyd R. Hawly, president of the club, and Clarence Olds Sappington, are some of the best "stunt" men in the West. Manager Crawford outlined a possible program with various heavy numbers, resplendent with the good -hearted, care-free col­lege spirited songs ,and after the address morethan 300 advance tickets were sold. The management of the club has consented to reduce the price from 50 and 25c to 25c straight, to Normal stu­dents and High School students. In an interview, Mr. Crawford desires to express his thanks to Dr. Mathes for his hearty co-operation, not only in the past years of the Club but in the present, and also stated that the fine showing made in the advance orders more than assured him of the success of the concert here. The Twentieth Century Club of the city had its regular monthly meeting at the Baker Hotel. After dinner tne company met in the parlors and listened to a very interesting paper on "Charles Lamb," by Miss M. B. Sperry, of our Normal School. Dr. Mathes left February 15 for a trip of ten days' duration. He attended the fiftieth anniversary of Whitman College, the 15th and 16th of February. At Cheney he attended a meeting of the Principals of the Normal Schools, February 18. At Spokane, February 21 and 22, he attended a meeting of State Board. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 24 ---------- 24 THE MESSENGER Ruth Pritchard, who was out of school the first semester be­cause of ill health has returned and is enrolled in the Third Year Class. Have you looked at the pins in the lower hall? Made your choice? Miss Lillian Butt has left school to be married to Mr. Boy Palmer, of Concrete. It is interesting to note that this year's enrollment of the Nor­mal School is 457 students. This number is within 13 of the total enrollment of last year. With the Summer school students the to­tal enrollment will be in the neighborhood of 600. In addition there are about 250 pupils in the Training Department. Forty-four pupils are registered in the Music Department. Miss Lena Naslind was called home at the end of the semester by the death of her mother. Miss Naslund will not return to school until next year. The Third Year Party. The "Sophs." spent a very delightful evening on January 7, when they were entertained by the Third Year's with a peanut party. The Society Hall was daintily decorated in the Class colors of the Third Year's—Purple and Gold. Peanut games and a pea­nut luncheon were the main features of the evening. The First Year Party. The most informal and one of the most enjoyable evenings was spent with Miss Jensen, Mr. Phillipi and the Freshman Class, January in Society Hall. Really it is hard to say who the party was intended for—but who for or what for, no one cares, least of all the basket ball crowd who enjoyed it. If you want to know about the fun we had or the "good eats" we had, you just ask any one of the "bunch" that was there. Mr. Epley was called to Burlington to speak before the High School. In his absence Dr. Mathes took charge of his Geography Methods Cla* gt;s and gave a very interesting talk on Africa, espe­cially England's present relation to that continent and the future possibilities of Africa. Things were "doing" in the Auditorium Thursday, Feb. 3, ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 25 ---------- THE MESSENGER 25 for the Ellensburg Basket Ball team. You should have heard those noisy Junior girls. They surely made a little life. Miss Mae Wilder has returned to her home in Blaine because of the illness of her mother. The Seniors are selling sets of pictures prepared by Mr. Hann, a local photographer. The set includes six very excellent views of the wild scenery of the Northwest. At the close of the first Semester of school, to take the place of the final examinations, each student in the Domestic Science Department was required to prepare one article. The different articles were placed on sale at a general exhibit, in the Cooking Department; refreshments being served in the diningroom. Baked beans, salads, brown bread, rolls, pudding, cakes and candies were sold with equal rapidity, and the proceeds went to the department. The Juniors have the right to feel proud over their decora­tions on the night of their reception. Dr. Mathes said that he never saw the halls look so pretty. There is a Miss Baxter named Rose, Who's the cause of a lot of our woes. She marks plans "see me"; Or, still worse—with " P , "— Which, unkindness, most certainly shows. The closing of the State Normal Schools in Oregon is getting us on more friendly terms with our southern neighbor. State Su­perintendent Ackerman delivered an address to our Mid-Year graduates; a number of Oregon students are enrolled here; sev­eral of the faculty have been called to Oregon for Institute work: Miss Montgomery has accepted an invitation to give a two weeks' course of lectures along educational lines at the State Agricultu­ral College at Corvallis, Oregon. " 'Tis an ill wind, etc." On February 14th the students and factulty of the Normal School were delightfully entertained by Edward Eliot, reader, in "The Man From Home." Mr. Eliot introduced his subject by say­ing that among the plays produced on the stage today, many are bad in character but others are good. He thinks it a pity that those plays of high moral tone must suffer neglect because they are, as one might say, "A grain of wheat in a bushel of chaff." ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 26 ---------- 26 THE MESSENGER Among the good plays is found, "The Man From Home," with which Mr. Eliot entertained us. It is the story of a simple American girl who aspires to marry­ing a titled Englishman. This has been brought about through the persuasion of the nobleman's aunt, who had become attached to the girl because of her money. The girl does not love the duke, but becomes enthusiastic at the idea of marrying a titled foreigner. It is only through the intervention of her guardian Who, by the way, was in love with the girl herself, that she sees the folly of her intended action. Mr. Eliot portrayed his characters faithfully with the excep­tion of the lady characters. "We agree with him that he does not act a very lady-like part. Perhaps the most interesting character is Mr. Pike, the girl's guardian. He is a shrewd, good-natured, country lawyer, with a keen sense of humor. His,'' And for pity's sake, don't mumble your words," will ring in our ears and bring a smile to our lips for some time to come. Student's Loan Fund. In the spring of ] 905 an entertainment was given by Normal School students, in Beck's Opera House, and the net financial re­turns were between three and four hundred dollars. The funds were devoted to meeting a want that had been long-felt, but which it had been impossible to meet up to that time. A Students' Loan Fund was established, from which students could borrow money at critical times to help them in completing a course and reaching a position where they could begin to teach and earn something. It is really amazing to look over the records and find that about a thou­sand dollars has been loaned to deserving students since the fund was established. Since the first of last September between $175.00 and $200.00 has been paid in by former students who borrowed from this fund and about the same amount has been loaned. The fund, too, has been as low as $1.23 and as high as $350.00 since its inception. No one of the numerous funds of the school is of more vital interest to the Board of Trustees than the Students' Loan fund. It is carefully conserved and even a small contribution, such as the Senior Class of 1909 made, is gladly welcomed. That class had a small surplus after paying all the expenses it assumed at the time of graduation and voted to add it to the Loan Fund. A student who must have financial assistance applies to the Principal or Registrar, who issues a form commending that stu­dent as worthy of aid. This form is referred to the Faculty Com­mittee on Students' Loans, composed of Principal Mathes and Pro­fessors Deerwester and Bond. After execution this application ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Plate [b] ---------- THE SWEDISH FOLK DANCE IN THE GYMNASIUM EXHIBIT, FEBRUARY L8, I9IO ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 27 ---------- THE MESSENGER 27 passes to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Edens. The applicant must sign a note as principal and have at least one name as surety. The note is generally for a sum varying between $20.00 and $50.00 and calls for 6% interest. On January 21st, Mr. Bond delivered a lecture at Machias. The subject was one which the people of the town are very much interested in, namely, "The Boy and His Environment." Friday ,the 18th of February, Mr. Bond gave another lecture at Point Roberts; the subject this:time being /'The Advantages of Higher Education." Junior Reception. The Junior reception to the members of the Faculty and the students was held on Saturday evening, February 12, in the Audi­torium which was effectively decorated for the occasion with pen­nants and with flags of the nations represented by~"tne Junior Class. By courtesy of Mr. Sidney Stark, Conductor of the Man­dolin and Guitar Club, assisted by Mesdames Deerwester and Mathes, a very delightful program was rendered. After the program the guests were received in the adjoining rooms by members of the Junior Class, Miss Hays and Mr. Eply. The rooms were beautifully decorated with garlands of Oregon grape and pink chrysanthemums, huge jars filled with foliage and the silvery pussy willow—the lights under their pink shades cast­ing over all a soft, warm glow. In the refreshment room; also in pink and green, were two serving tables, decked with pink can­dies in graceful wrought-iron candelabra, at which Miss Mae Mc­intosh, Miss Beatrice Clark and Miss Eose Winkleman poured. Chocolate and individual cakes were served, to the guests by the Misses Woodhouse, Barnes, Sharkey, Oertly, Carver, Benson and Sexton. Among the things adding to the pleasure of the evening was a most interesting picture gallery—the faculty row in "ye olden tyme." "Ah, verily is it true" that Father Time maketh many changes, and loud rose the laughing voices when a staid dispenser of learning was recognized as the eventual result of "that funny-looking fellow." There was a pleasant social hour enjoyed by all and the Junior reception passes in^o history as one of "the pretti­est affairs of the year." For our success we owe a deep debt of gratitude to our Class teachers for their kind assistance and valuable co-operation, which contributed largely to the success of the affair. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 28 ---------- 26 THE MESSENGER There is a fair lady named Sperry, Who causes the Seniors much worry. When she gives an exam All night long they cram And get in a terrible flurry. The morning before our team played Ellensburg in basket ball the visiting team attended our Assembly and most of the time was devoted to outbursts of basketball enthusiasm. Mr. Deerwester made an introductory talk expressing the pleasure of the school in having Ellensburg's representatives among us and guaranteeing them a good time since there were surely enough girls to go around. Then the Ellensburg manager, Mr. Potter, gave greetings for their school and in response to an insistent demand, had his team line up on the platform and introduced them to us. How much time did the Ellensburg boys spend practicing their bows? Our athletic manager had our team then line up and "The vaulted ceilings roared and rang" with plaudits for the two teams, each ready to do its best for the school it represented. Bonners Ferry, Idaho, Jan. 26, 1910. Mr. W. T. Meyer, Bellingham, Wn. Dear Sir: Enclosed please find 50 cents, my subscription to The Messenger. I enjoy reading it very much and hope that my neglect in sending my subscription will make no difference in re­gard to the January number. I am teaching in Idaho this Winter, but feel just as much interest in Bellingham Normal as ever. Yours truly, MARGARET MOORE. There is a lady named Gray, Who in Assembly holds sway. When she calls your name You're much to blame, If you have cut and gone away. For 10 Gents, 2,522,666,666 Germs. Probably 2,522,666,666 germs are taken into the body when one consumes a ten-cent dish of'ice cream. This is the number provided the ice cream is fresh. If the same amount of cream is eaten after it has been stored for three days, the number of the kicking germs will be 3,941,666,666. These figures are the result of tests made at the University of Kansas by Professor F. H. Bill­ings, of the department of bacteriology, who says that germs are ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 29 ---------- THE MESSENGER 29 the most resistant to extremes of temperatures of all known or­ganisms. The germ of tuberculosis has lived in a laboratory for forty-two days in a temperature of 345 degrees below freezing. Other germs have withstood equally severe tests without injury. Professor Billings says, however, that the winter is a bad time for the minute forms of life to get in their deadly work, and that the health of a community should be better in the winter than in the summer. The great Student Volunteer Convention in Rochester, N. Y.. December 29 to January 2, is still uppermost in the minds of many. When introduced to that vast audience of college men and .women as " a fellow-student and distinguished teacher, and as the ambas­sador of Great Britain and an ambassador of Jesus Christ," the Hon. James Bryce said, "it was a splendid thought to bring to­gether representatives of the universities and colleges of the Uni­ted States and Canada, united in their devotion to this great cause of missions." And he but voiced the conviction of many thinking people. There gathered at this convention nearly three thousand se­lected students from 722 colleges and schools and from 49 states and Canadian provinces. The Rochester Chamber of Commerce, which invited the convention, generously paid its expenses, some ten thousand dollars . Not many of us are privileged to attend such a convention, but there is to be one closer at hand, with the same dominating thought and for the same purpose. Word has come that in Tacoma, March 18-20, there will be a Student Volunteer Convention. It is not yet known how many will go from this school, but there will be a delegation to repre­sent us there and bring back intelligence and inspiration for our missionary work. The many friends of Mrs. Daisy D. Nettleton will be glad to hear that she has accepted a position as teacher in Columbia School of Oratory, Chicago, for the summer term. The Senior staff has been chosen, and the writers of special articles are busy at work. • It is the confident hope of those who have it in charge that the 1910 Senior Issue will be a really true Annual. The classes and societies will be asked to contribute their pictures and to fill a page with jokes, stories or anything that will add to the paper as a whole. It is desired that spontaneity, vari­ety and spirit should characterize every page of the paper. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 30 ---------- 30 THE MESSENGER Any one who remained on Wednesday evening from three to six, enjoyed a treat in the Preliminary Contest. Eleven students entered the contest. The selections were so well chosen and so well prepared that to one who enjoys "recitation work," it was a pleasure. The entire school would have enjoyed it as a Tuesday program. These young people were competing for a place in the Decla­mation contest, to be held in June, when a cash prize is given. In­cidentally they were also competing for a place in the tri-Normal contest—as the best speaker is to be sent to Cheney. The judges chose the speakers for the June contest, but were unable to decide the speaker who should represent us at Cheney. They will listen to the speakers again and decide that question later. The follow­ing students, with the name of the selection spoken were the win­ners in the contest: Vale Nixon—"If I Were King." Boyal Niles—Arena Scene From "Quo Vadis." Grace Barnes—"The Gentlemen, the King." Vida Welbon—'' Jean Valjean.'' On Saturday afternoon, February 12, a very enjoyable birth­day party was given to those members of the association whose birthdays came in the months from September to January inclu­sive. Needlework was the main diversion of the afternoon, and an amusing feature proved to be the stunts which the different guests performed, symbolic of the month in which their birthdays occurred. The refreshments were suggestive of a children's birth­day party, and aided in carrying out the idea of the entertain­ment, z Miss George, Superintendent of the Training School, left Se­attle Saturday evening, February 19, for an extended Eastern trip. Miss George expects to be gone about a month, during which time she expects to visit the following places: The Normal School at St. Cloud, Minnesota, from which place she will go to Minneapolis, where she will visit the Training School. From there she will go to St. Paul, where, also, she will visit the Training School. From St. Paul she will go to Indianapolis, where she will attend a meeting for the purpose of discussing a course of agricul­ture for rural schools. This meeting is on February 28. March 1 begins the regular meeting of Superintendents, continuing until March 4. Miss George plans to visit this convention. While in Indianapolis she intends to visit the Training School, which is one of the best in the country. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 31 ---------- THE MESSENGER ' 31 From Indianapolis she will go to the Terre Haute Normal, where particular attention is paid to the rural school. A rural school is connected with the. Terre Haute institution. After spend­ing two days here, she will go to Normal, 111., and from there to Macomb, which, like Terre Haute, makes a special of rural work. She expects to spend three days in Chicago, visiting the University and School of Education, and. also plans to meet Mrs. Ella Flagg- Young, Chicago's Superintendent of Schools. From Chicago, Miss George will go up into Wisconsin, visiting the Oshkosh Normal and the Stout Industrial School at Menomenee. This will complete her plans, and she will start home, arriving in Bellingham some time near the end of March. The best wishes of the school go with Miss George, and we all hope her trip may be most enjoyable. On the evening of January 29, the Misses Gamble and Hol-lingsworth entertained a number of the victorious Juniors and de­feated Seniors at their rooms on High Street. Rare confections were served during the evening, which added to the enjoyment of all. The evening closed with a grand old taffy-pull. Mr. Guy Young, of The Dalles, Ore., was the guest of Misa Georgia Phillippi, Saturday, Feb. 19. Miss Rose Winkleman spent the week-end, February 18-20, at her home in Tacoma. Miss Ann Bowie has re-entered the Normal and has enrolled with the Senior Class. Miss Elsie Boyd visited Normal friends, examination week. Miss Abbie Wilson, of Blaine, was the guest of Miss Phila Nicoll for a few days. Miss Pauline Paulson left for her home in Knappton, Wash, the end of the semester. Illness in the family was the cause of Miss Paulson leaving school. Miss V. Emma Van Cleave was the guest of honor at a delight­fully dainty breakfast, given at "Ensohhgnor" on High Street, on Saturday, February 5, at 10 A. M. The place cards,-appropriate to the season, was the work of one of the hostesses. Miss Olive Kale was obliged to leave school last week because of her mother's illness. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 32 ---------- 32 THE MESSENGER HUMORESQUES. There is a big fellow named Romine, Who on bugs and beetles did dine. He swallowed one day A crawfish, they say, And pronounced the dish wondrously fine. Miss Clifford—"Miss D , have you an educator?" Miss D ."I don't know what you mean. What is it? Miss Clifford—"Oh, one of those things you measure angles with." Miss George (calling roll)—"Miss Laube"? "Oh, Miss Laube has—Mr. McCoubrey." Ask Rogers which way the snow falls. Mary, Mary, quite contrary, Walked into the "liberary." Saw her chum across the table, Whispered loud as she was able— Then she caught Miss Wilson's eye, Grabbed her books and out did fly. Mr. Early (in Geog.-Math.)—"What is a coulee?" Miss X.—"A low-class Chinaman." In the Science Annex: Miss I.—"Is this the Bi-loll-ogy room?" ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 33 ---------- THE MESSENGER 33 Heard in Geology—"The end is several miles from the begin­ning. Who's a belle with thrilling glance From eyes as dark as eyes of France; Whose "dear, lovely friend held out" for the dance? Currier! Who's the German, eloquent, On Socialism, much intent; Who for the platform sure is bent? Hansen! Who's afraid at close of day, When darkness falls to wend his way Across the bridge ,and home to stay? Studebaker! Miss Nichols (in debate)—"I'm afraid Mr. Hogan has been keeping bad company." Senior Girl (entering room in which Miss Buell is seated)— "Dear me! I have been the longest time in finding an empty room to study in." What Is Love? Life is the flower of which love in the honey.—Hansen. To love is divine.—Coleman. Love is a tickling sensation around the heart that can't be scratched.—Richardson. To love and be loved is the happiest proposition in life.— Stinson. Never having experienced it, how can I judge.—Miss Buell. An inward inexpressibility of outward all overishness.— Betsy. Bright Junior (in Geog. Meth. Exam.)—"A lake is formed by a damned river." According to Mr. Ackerman's definition of "model" James Copenhaver must be a "model man." Mr. Krause and Mr. Holcomb, who started to take gymnastics with a Training School class, have been dismissed because of inat­tention. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 34 ---------- 34 THE MESSENGER Please remember that an ideal place for conversation has been discovered by Mr. Hogan—just outside of Room 17. Miss J. C.—"How do you like the heat plant of the Science annex? Miss A. C.—"It's fine, but when my feet are cold it's rather difficult to put them on the register." Little Girl—"Grandma; how did you like that gum-drop?" Grandma—"It was very nice, dear." Little Girl—"Towser didn't think so; he spit it out twice." Then Grandma did some thinking. The Schoolboys' Interpretaion of Irving—The class had just finished the story of Ichabod and were discussing the probable fate of that worthy wight. A youthful member of the class in­sisted that a dirty tramp ran out from under the bridge and caught Icabod by the ear. He cited as proof these exact words of Irving: "A plashy tramp caught the sensitive ear of Ichabod." Wanted:—Several "Handy Jacks "—Misses Currier and Nichols. First Normal Student—"Why is it that you talk so much of an aching void?" Second Normal Student—" Why, you see; I have a headache so often." Miss Jensen—"What is the indirect object?" Mr. Whipple—"I-er! I don't know much about it. It isn't the direct object, but it is the indirect object." Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen—The following is copied from an essay in the beginning composition class: "This semester will continue eighteen weeks and will close June 8th, at which time 'several' Seniors will graduate." Teacher (in Elem. Agr.)—Supposing Miss McDowell, that all the potash is exhausted from the ground— (pause) — or, sup­posing all your money is exhausted from your picketbook. What will you do to replenish it?" Miss B. McDowell—"W-e-1-1, return some a-ashes." ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 35 ---------- THE MESSENGER 35 Art As It Is Learned. ( 1) The four great laws of drawing are position, perspec-tion, table line and accentuation. ( 2) The three most important perspective principles are retreating lines, horizontal lines and parallel lines. ( 3) A circle above the eye is an "eclipse." ( 5) Hue is a weak effect of a color. ( 6 ) Combing two primaries makes a secondary. ( 7) The level of the eye goes up as you pass away. ( 8) Secondary colors are made by mixing the primaries on either side of them. ( 9) Accent is the darkening of a line in drawing any ob­ject that has the edge to be darkened nearest to the one drawing the cube as when the nearest edge is always the most predominant. (10) Accenting is the last thing you do. (11) Horizontal retiring lines vanish some point on the level of the eye. (12) Blue and yellow make green and yellow and blue make violet. :••'[•• '-n Teacher of Physiology Class—"What is a skeleton?" Tommy—"A skeleton is a man without any insides or out-sides." Teacher—"Describe the stomach." Johnny—"The stomach is a hole where the food goes in and out." Mr. Patchin (in teachers' meeting )—"I have taught a num­ber of years. If it were not that it would get into The Messenger, I would say many, many years." Heard In the Halis. "Don't mumble your words!" " I shall go to the dance if my dear, lovely friend holds out." "There goes IT!" "I came from Missouri." Mr. Hawkins (in Woodwork Class ) the circular square? gt;—Miss Dawson, where is ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 36 ---------- 36 THE MESSENGER Heard In Grammar. Miss Sperry—"What was that?" Junior—"A man." Miss Sperry—"I didn't catch it." Model Lesson Place. Preparation— The Man! What kind of a man should he be to go with me? Tall! What color should his hair be ? Violinist! What should his occupation be ? Dark! What should his name b e ? . . . . D 7 AIM-TO meet such a man: Presentation: Where does he live ? Bellingham! Does he ever pass the Sun Drug Store ? Yes, once a week! On What night? Saturday night! At What time? Between eight and twelve I SUMMARY— Therefore ,the way to meet such a man is to stand in front of the Sun Drug store on Saturday night, between the hours of eight and twelve. You hold on to them just yet, Everyone that you can get. Lest the teachers make some errors, Leaving credits, for the bearers Of the scraps of gorgeous paper Which we know as "credit slips." Study! Study! Study! Let your mind be clear or muddy, If this rule you'll just obey Paper slips, will pave your way, So go on and dig! dig!! dig!!! Composition In the Science Department—"Every person does not see things in just the same way that everyone else does, so each has a little different idea of the things that we come in con­tact with from the other." ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 37 ---------- THE MESSENGER 37 Between Garden and High, With no girls nigh, There batches a company of three. They are well content, With their time well spent, These studious M. E. and C. Heard At the Junior Reception. First Boy—"Say, what girl are you going to take home, to­night ?" Second Boy—'' Oh, wait till I see an entertaining and a good-looking one. There is Miss ; she is a trifle old, but she will do." First Boy—"Well, there is Miss B -." Second Boy—"H'm! She lives about six miles out of town; you will never get home tonight." First Boy—"We'll decide later." Did they? In quest On Examination Answers. Socrates taught of the immortality of the soul. DeLasso's father was condemned for coining money and his life was full of beauty and joy. A declarative sentence is a sentence that addresses itself to the mind for the purpose of giving it inflammation. The stoma regulates the imposition of water from the plant. Miss Montgomery, they say, Spoke at the Y. W. C. A. She stopped the clock Before her talk, So no one knew the time of day. There was a young man who loved flowers, Who dissected them long, weary hours; When a plant called a rose Put a thorn in his nose—• For screaming he used all his powers. There is a sweet singer named Moore, Perhaps you have heard this before. When the platform she's on, ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 38 ---------- 38 THE MESSENGER She waves her baton, The students reply with a roar. Who's the one we all revere, Who guides us all from year to year, Who is to every heart most dear? Mathes! There is a man, most fair to see, Whom boys call father in their glee; He does not get mad, Nor call the boys bad; But bears the title with "dignity." Mr. Epley (calling roll)— "Miss Gabbert?" Miss G.—"Present." Mr. B.—"The other one." Miss G.—"Present!" Did you hear anything about the "newlyweds" on the train going to Seattle before Christmas? Ask Hogan, he saw them. ("Studie" is standing in hall talking to Miss H. N.) Lydia B., seeing them, says: "I wish it was I, maybe I could get a good gradl in History." (Teaching Quaker Colony in Pennsylvania.) Teacher—"What was the plan of the government?" Pupil—"Every free man had the right to vote." Teacher—"What is a free man?" Pupil—"One this is not married." Prof. D.—How do you know how a baby's going to respond to a certain situation? Miss H. Clark—By remembering how we responded to it? Prof. D.—How far back can you remember, Mr. L. ? Mr. L.—I can remember distinctly when I lost my golden curls, and I was only two and one-half years old at the time. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 39 ---------- THE MESSENGER 39 Miss Montgomery's greeting to the teachers:—"How's your order?" These advertisements were taken from The Bellingham Her­ald, February 25, 1925 : A GREAT CLEARING-OUT SALE!! NOW! OF THE FAMOUS E. L .AEROPLANES. Use Our E. Z. Payment Plan! $10 Down and $1 Per Week. C. CLIFFORD CO. 2346 Commercial Street. N O T I C E ! FOR THE SUCCESSFUL AUTOMATIC PLAN-WRITER, SEE MISS A. GEORGE. Tr. School Dept. B. S. N. S. TRY THE NEW ELECTRIC HAIR-BRUSHES!! Saves Time and Energy! Just Attach Them to Your Electric Light and They Will Do the Rest. GRACE SILLIX, Agent. WHAT'S THE USE. Of buying new clothes when you can have your old ones made new by means of the Vacuum Cleaner. At the Vienna, Elk St. B. NICOLL, Prop. MARCH 1. Personally conducted Excursion to THE NORTH POLE. A two-weeks ' stay at COOK HOTEL included. Special Rates for Nor­mal Students. Phone, M. BOWIE, Red 26. THE BOHEMIAN RES-TAU-RANT! Serves the best meals and has the prettiest waitresses in the city. WE DO OUR OWN COOKING. So we know it is O. K. TRIMBLE JOHNSON, Props. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 40 ---------- 40 TEE MESSENGER OUR GRANDMOTHERS USED SOUP BONES. Do away with all this work and worry. SOUP TABLETS! ALWAYS FRESH! ALWAYS THE SAME! Sold by all grocers; or call up E. PARKYN, Agent. THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE! There are still a few lots on Mt. Chuckanut for sale. DON'T LOSE THIS OPPORTUNITY! Our airships make 24 round trips daily. Let us sell you a lot. F. WHIPPLE CO. Real Estate Agents. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME SLEEPING! When sleepy, take a dose of DR. WELBON'S WONDERFUL CURE-ALL And Get to Work Again. It has all the effects of sleep and doesn't make you waste time. For Sale By All Druggists. Chinese toast to the teacher : Teachee, teachee, alle dayee, Marke papers alle nightee; No one kissee, no one hugee, Poor tired teachee, no one lovee. Lives of flunkers all remind us We may flunk while We are here, And, departing, leave behind us, Goose-eggs on the register! —Ex. Other papers all remind us, We can make our own sublime; If our fellow-students send us Contributions all the time. Here a little, there a little Story, school note, song or jest— H you want a good school paper Each of you must do his best.—Ex. ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 41 ---------- THE MESSENGER 41 With Apologies to Browning. Go on along with me, The worst is yet to be, The last of the Quarter for which the first was made. Our times are in "George's" hand Who saith "A Tr. Sch. I planned." I show you half; go thru' it all nor be afraid. Poor vaunt of school, indeed. Were we but formed to feed On Methods, to seek and find and cram, Such cramming done, oh, creatures! As sure an end to teachers. Irks care the theorist? Frets doubt The plan—crammed man? Then welcome, each new youth That doubts you, speak the truth; Each child that will not sit nor stand nor go Be our teaching three halves pain Teach, and hold cheap the blame. ffiPractice nor mind the critic; Dare, never feel the blow. For thence—a paradox Which comforts, midst the knocks, Shall teachers pass in that they seem to fail? What I intended to be. And was not, will the critics see? A "79" I might have been but Would not sink 'i the scale- One Student—"I wonder if Prof. Eomine will be here today? He's absent frequently." Second Student—"Well, he's so delicate, he needs a frequent r e s t ." "Sammy, you are studying music, what is a f l a t ?" Sammy—"Two rooms and a bath, s i r ." Oh, mammy; here is a green snake." "Don't handle it, my dear; it may be almost as dangerous as a ripe one." ---------- Messenger - 1910 March - Page 42 ---------- 42 THE MESSENGER Notice! Any one desiring to see Mr. Clifford will find him in the en­trance to the Science Annex after 3:00 p. m., daily. For further information apply at the bookstore. In what siege did Georgia A . conquer \ In capturing a fiddler. Prof. D.—"What are some of the easy places in mathe­matics?" Miss Parkyn—"I don't know. It's all hard for me." Dr. Mathes in History Methods Class—"I've just gotten forty-six gallons of distilled liquor—(smiles) for Mr. Moodie and Mr. Romine—"It was five dollars cheaper than the barrel we got four or five years ago." Frenzied Finance in the Senior class: Miss Hoffman (secretary) reads a bill for $1.25. The president asks if the bill shall be allowed. Miss Hoffman—"I have 96 cents and I think Mr. Caubrey has eleven cents." Straightway the bill was allowed.PPPPP